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Cake: A Love Story

Page 35

by J. Bengtsson

  “The names may change depending on whether they are male or female.”

  “You don’t know that yet?” Jake asked.

  “Son, it’s a little hard to see wieners at this stage of the game.”

  Jake shook his head. “God, dad, you’ve got to get a hobby or something.”

  Scott burst out laughing.

  We left the kittens behind and Michelle led us out into the backyard. A gorgeous covered patio with beautiful outdoor furniture circling a large firepit was the centerpiece. It was so fancy that with just the push of a button; the entire patio could be enclosed in glass. Just beyond the outdoor room was a giant beach-entry pool with a swim up bar, two slides and four waterfalls, grotto caves and two hot tubs. Beyond the pool was a guesthouse and a full size basketball court. Wow. Nice gift Jake.

  Mark, a shepherd mix, came running up to Jake and started jumping all over him.

  “Hey buddy, where were you?” Jake asked, kissing his dog’s face.

  “With me,” Kyle said as he walked in. He came right up to me and gave me a hug. “How are you doing Casey?”

  “I’m good. What about you?”

  “Yep. Good. Hey thanks for taking care of Jake while I was away.”

  “No problem. How was the show?”

  “What show?”

  I looked at him confused.

  “He can’t talk about it until after it airs,” Scott explained. “If he does they can take his first born child…it’s in the contract.”

  “Oh geez…okay,” I laughed. “Forget I asked.”

  Kyle smirked.

  “I’m going to go get the drinks and snacks,” Michelle said to me. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Can I help?”

  Michelle paused like she was surprised by my offer. “I would love that. Thank you.”

  I got up and followed her into the kitchen.

  “Jake looks good,” Michelle expressed. “He seems happy.”

  “Yeah, he does. I think he’s relieved that the tour is over. It was taking a toll on him physically.”

  Michelle nodded. “It always does. I think he will need another knee replacement at some point.”

  I didn’t say anything. Jake planned to tell his parents about the surgery today.

  “So Casey, were you a fan of Jake’s before you met him?”

  “I mean I thought he was a good singer but I’d never been to a concert of his or anything. To be honest, when I met him at the wedding, I didn’t expect him to even talk to me.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “He’s way too cool for me,” I laughed.

  Michelle looked at me in surprise then laughed too.

  “I’d be the last girl you’d expect to date a rockstar.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I’m just not that exciting,” I joked.

  Michelle grinned. “Jake obviously thinks you are. You’re the first girl he has ever brought home to meet us.”

  “He told me.”

  “I’m not sure if it was because he was embarrassed by us or because he knew the relationship wasn’t going to last so why bother.”

  “Definitely the later. How can you possibly be embarrassed by a family who names their kitten Chuck?”

  Michelle laughed out loud. “You have a good sense of humor, Casey.”

  “That’s how I snagged your son.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, when I first was introduced to him Jake was not really paying attention and that annoyed me so I pranked him.”

  Michelle put down her pitcher of Iced Tea. She smiled then said, “Okay I need to hear this.”

  “Remember he didn’t make it to the rehearsal?”

  Michelle nodded.

  “Kate asked me to fill him in on what he missed so I told him we were going to dance down the aisles after the ceremony.”

  “You did not,” she gasped, laughing. “I can only imagine how that went over with Jake.”

  “He was sufficiently horrified.”

  “Oh I bet he was.”

  “Anyway, once I told him I was only kidding, he was so relieved. And he was paying better attention after that.”

  Michele eyes flickered with amusement, much like her son’s. “Huh. I have to say Casey. You aren’t at all what I was expecting.”

  “That’s what my parents said about your son,” I replied.

  Michelle seemed surprised. “I didn’t know Jake had met your parents.”

  I nodded. “We went there last weekend.”

  “They liked him?”

  “They loved him.”

  Michelle smiled. “He must have felt comfortable with them if they were able to see him for who he really is.”

  “Oh yeah. Two days was all it took for them to like him more than me,” I joked. “Sunday morning I woke up to find Jake and my mom making omelets together.”

  Michelle laughed.

  Jake walked into the kitchen. “Hey. Everything okay in here?”

  “Of course,” Michelle replied. “I was just getting to know Casey. Were you checking up on me, Jake? Making sure I wasn’t scaring her off?”

  Jake grinned.

  “You give me no credit,” she shook her head. “We’ll be out in a minute. You can take the pitchers.”

  Jake glanced over at me. He gave me a look like he was asking if I was okay. I nodded and smiled. He seemed to relax then grabbed the drinks and left.

  “You told me on the phone that you were a college student. What do you study?” Michelle asked.


  “When will you graduate?”

  “This is my last year.”

  “Good for you. And then what do you plan on doing?”

  “Well,” I hesitated. “I guess it depends on Jake. We are just kind of figuring everything out. It would be tough to make things work with him on the road and me in an office.”

  “You’d be willing to give up your career for Jake?”

  “I would do anything for him,” I replied honestly. “I promise you Michelle, I have no ulterior motives. I just really love your son.”

  Michelle stared at me for a moment, her eyes misted over, and then she quickly looked away. She cleared her throat then said, “Are you ready?”

  I nodded. I wasn’t sure if I’d just blown it. Michelle was harder to read than her son.

  We carried the snacks outside to the patio. Michelle explained why some of her kids would not be joining us. Keith was out of town. Emma was working. And Quinn had already made plans before Jake called. So it was just Grace, Kyle and Jake. Grace was taking full advantage of her time with Jake. She was nestled up next to him on the couch. He’d bought her some stuff on his travels and it was obvious by her expression, that she loved her gifts. I took the seat beside Jake’s dad. And I was glad I did. Scott was a riot. He was so easy going.

  Jake’s parents told me all kinds of funny stories about him and Kyle growing up. I laughed so hard when Scott said that he and Michelle had ‘indoor kids’ and ‘outdoor kids.’ Jake and Kyle were clearly their ‘outdoor kids’. In the summer, when they were really little, Scott would throw the two boys outside in the backyard, like dogs, his words, not mine. Scott said he even had to go around the yard and board up any holes in the fence to keep them from slipping through. The boys would happily stay out there all day skateboarding on the ramps Scott built for them and then at night they were allowed inside to eat, shower, and sleep.

  Scott talked about taking the boys surfing every morning when they got a little older and how the three of them would have to sneak out before Michelle woke up because she didn’t approve of them going out before school. It was funny. People just assumed that Jake had a horrible upbringing because of what happened to him but, like he told me before, he’d had a ‘kick-ass’ childhood. It explained a lot about Jake as a person. That fun-loving, flirty, easy-going side of him was a product of how his parents raised him and the reserved, sad, self-doubting side of him was a product of Ray’
s cruelty. Both people lived inside Jake, each fighting for control. I decided right then and there that I would make it my mission in life to make sure Ray would not win. I would fill Jake’s life up with so much love and happiness that there would be no place for that monster to hide. Jake may have killed Ray but I was going to destroy him!

  The visit with Jake’s family went well. Scott seemed to love me. The jury was still out on Michelle. She was friendly and interested but not overly so. I didn’t force a relationship. I was just myself and hoped she would come to appreciate that.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Jake spent the next few weeks in the studio laying tracks for his next album. He had a deadline of sorts. He wanted to have a finished album before the surgery and time was running out. I barely saw him. He worked long into the night. I mostly stayed at my apartment during this time, not only because he was so busy, but also because I had midterms.

  The week after coming back from my parents, I was having lunch in the cafeteria with a few friends when a guy I knew from class named Brandon came up, out of the blue, and loudly asked, “Are you Jake McKallister’s girlfriend?”

  My friends laughed like it was a silly question. Surely I would have shared something that note-worthy with them had it been true. But I was so stunned by the question that I just sat there in silence. All the sudden their laughter faded and they stared at me in astonishment. Students from the several tables closest to us turned around in interest too, having heard the question and being surprised by my lack of reply as well. Brandon stood there waiting for my response.

  “Well, are you?” He demanded.

  “Where did you hear that?” I asked, glancing over at my confused tablemates.

  “A friend of a friend works in the admissions office. He told me that he’d heard that Jake McKallister’s girlfriend had transferred here and that she was an accounting major. He was wondering if I knew who she was. Anyway you’re the only transfer student I know…plus the only one hot enough to date a rock star,” Brandon declared.

  My friends’ mouths had dropped open in response. Now it seemed the entire cafeteria was staring at me. I didn’t really know what to say. Brandon took my silence as an admission.

  “Oh my God, you’re his girlfriend! I knew it!”

  “Shhh!” I said in irritation.

  “Wait,” my friend Dani said, “Hold on! You’re Jake McKallister’s girlfriend?” Her last word dripped with disbelief.

  I looked around at all the shocked faces and replied, “Yes.”

  “The same Jake McKallister who is a rockstar?”

  I grinned. Was there any other? “Yes.”

  There was a collective gasp from the cafeteria followed by stunned stares thrown in my direction.

  “Wait. You’re dating Jake McKallister?” Julianne asked in shock, still not quite believing my admission.

  I nodded.

  “You’re flipping dating Jake McKallister?” Julianne’s voice was higher-pitched this time.

  “Yes, Julianne, I don’t think the people in the next building heard you.”

  “You’re with Jake McKallister?” She said quietly this time.

  “How many times are you going to ask me that?”

  “As many times as it takes to believe you.”

  I shrugged.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Dani asked.

  “I told you I had a boyfriend named Jake,” I answered feebly.

  “Yeah but that isn’t the same thing as saying you have a boyfriend named Jake McKallister. Totally different story, sister,” Dani grinned.

  “I know…I wasn’t trying to deceive anyone. I wanted to say something but it just never seemed like the right time. I’m sorry.”

  Dani shook her head, amused, “Damn girl, you’ve been holding back on us!”

  “What else have you not told us?” Hope asked, not seeming as amused.

  “As far as big, shocking revelations? That’s it.”

  “I mean that’s just…I can’t even believe it,” Julianna said, shaking her head. “He’s like my favorite artist of all time. I’ve even told you that and…and you were dating him and you never said anything.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t say anything in the beginning because I didn’t really know you guys. Then once we became friends it just seemed awkward to bring it up, like, “Oh and, by the way, I’m dating a rockstar. It seemed like I was bragging.”

  “Well Jesus Christ Casey, you have reason to brag,” Dani teased. “But I get it. There really is no good way to reveal to your girlfriends that you’re dating a hot rockstar. No matter what, we are going to hate you.”

  I laughed. “Oh great.”

  Dani hugged me. “I’m just kidding. You’re awesome, Casey. In fact, it makes me like Jake even more knowing that he chose a girl like you. He has good taste.”

  “Well I don’t know about that but thanks,” I smiled.

  “How did you meet him? At a concert?” Hope asked.

  “No I meet him at a wedding for my friend and his brother. We were paired together. I was a bridesmaid. He was a groomsman.”

  “And you just hit it off?”

  “Yep. Instantly. And we have been together ever since.”

  “And you moved to LA to be closer to him?”


  “Do you two live together?” Dani asked.

  “No. I have my own apartment. You’ve been there, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I never saw a picture of Jake in there. Not once.”

  “What were you expecting a signed poster or something?” I joked.

  “Something like that, yeah!” Dani laughed.

  “Where does Jake live?” Julianna asked.

  “He has a place in Santa Monica.”

  “So after you leave class you go and hang out with Jake McKallister?” Julianne asked. She still seemed to be having trouble grasping all this.

  “Yep. That’s usually how a relationship works.”

  Julianne giggled. “Sorry…I’m still totally shocked.”

  “I can tell. You have this weird look on your face,” I laughed.

  “So I mean…are we going to get to meet him?”

  “Eventually, yeah. But you’re going to have to get in line. I barely get to see him anymore.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Jake’s super busy right now. He just got back from tour and is recording his new album. He rarely leaves the studio, now-a-days.”

  “Oh…that’s too bad,” Dani whined. “Nope sorry, I can’t conjure up any sympathy for you.”

  I laughed.

  “You met during the summer when he was on tour, then?”

  “Yes. After the wedding he flew back to Europe. Then not long after that he invited to come for a visit and I stayed. Poor guy couldn’t get rid of me.”

  My friends laughed.

  “You even went on tour with him?” Julianne pouted.

  “I did. It was so cool. We travelled on a tour bus in this long caravan with all the other band members and crew. It was like a big, dysfunctional rock n’ roll family,” I reminisced.

  “I really, really kind of hate you right now,” Juliana said smiling. “You’re living my dream.”

  “Sorry,” I said. “I can’t even believe it happened sometimes.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way but is he like…normal?” A guy with glasses and long sideburns asked from the next table over. I didn’t know him but now I hated him. I gave him a dirty look. “I mean, come on. He spent a lot of time with a serial killer.”

  “Don’t be a douche, Rawlings,” the guy sitting with him said.

  “I’m just saying,” the asshole shrugged and smiled like he was proud of himself.

  “If by normal you mean that he knows how to conduct himself in public and treat other people with respect, then yes…he’s perfectly normal. Maybe he needs to give you some lessons.”

  Everyone chortled at my burn.

; The asshole shook his head, looking annoyed.

  “Do you have a picture of the two of you together?” Hope asked.

  “Yeah,” I said and pulled out my phone. I picked out a picture and said, “This one was taken after one of his concerts.”

  After everyone at my table, and a few from other tables who had come over to take a look too, had seen the picture, my phone ended up in Dani’s hands. Just as she was about to pass it back, it buzzed.

  Dani looked down at the screen and squealed. “Oh my God, he just text us Casey!”

  “Us?” I laughed. “Give me my phone back.”

  “He wrote, ‘kickin’ us out at 4:00’. Want me to come by and get you?”

  “Dani! I can’t believe you read it.“

  “It just popped up. I didn’t mean to. Can I text him back? Please…please.”


  “You’re so selfish,” Dani said laughing. “You get him all the time. I’m just asking for one little text.”

  “Fine. One text,” I consented, rolling my eyes.

  “Yah!” Dani cheered as she bent over the phone and started texting something. She snickered as she sent the text.

  “What did you write?” Julianna asked.

  “I put, ‘Well, hi there handsome!’”

  “No you didn’t,” I laughed.

  “Casey?” Jake texted back, almost immediately.

  Dani read it out loud.

  “He knew right away it wasn’t you,” Julianna giggled.

  “Because I would never say that to him and he knows it,” I laughed.

  “No, I’m Dani, Casey’s friend. I jacked her phone so I could say Hi.”

  A couple seconds pass before Jake texts back, “Oh she finally told you about me, huh?”

  “She did…and we are sufficiently impressed.”

  “That means a lot.” Dani read, then laughed.

  “He’s joking,” I added.

  “I got that Casey.”

  “So I hear you’re working on a new album. You got any songs on there about Casey.”

  Jake didn’t respond for about a minute.

  “Where did he go?” Dani complained to me.

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged.

  “Are you still there?” Dani asked.

  No response.

  “I told you he’s been busy,” I tried to explain.


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