Vision of Hope

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Vision of Hope Page 4

by S. Moose

  "Fine, but please don't overwork yourself." I'm trying to think of something to ease the tension between us. "If you ever get too tired please let me know. I want to help you and don't want you to feel alone."

  "Yes, sir," she smirks at me and I can't help but laugh.

  The conversation goes well and soon we put in our order. I keep looking at Fallyn, trying to figure out her story. Her stubborn glare catches my attention. Her body is tense, making me curious.

  Stephen: Why are you staring?

  Me: I'm not.

  Stephen: Dude, I'm right here. What's up?

  Me: Why does she seem uncomfortable?

  Stephen: I've been trying to figure her out since she's been here. She's too closed up. Isaac doesn't say much either.

  Stephen's phone rings and interrupts our conversation. "Hey, sorry. I gotta take this call." Fallyn moves out of the booth and lets Stephen walk out. When she slides back in, I tilt my head to the side and try to read her a little more now that Stephen isn't around.

  "I can feel you staring at me, you know."

  "I'm sorry," I falter. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. Just trying to figure you out. You've been here for a while, but hardly come out and hang. I know that you're working a lot, but you can't use that as an excuse, so what's going on?"

  "Really, nothing. I work a lot, like you said, and I'm tired. Being a nurse is hard. You should know what it's like to be working countless hours with little sleep. It gets to you."

  "I do know what it's like, but I also know when someone is holding back a story." I'm not sure what possessed me to say that to her. Now I am definitely staring at her. She's holding back something and curiosity is getting to me.

  There's a pause between us while we're waiting for Stephen, giving me plenty of time to study her before my girlfriend's brother comes back.

  "So what else do you like to do besides work?'

  "I signed up for Zumba classes with Karly and Lexi. In the mornings, or whenever I have time, I run about five to seven miles a day."

  "I run a lot too. Where do you run?"

  "Just down a few trails by my house, but running on the beach is my favorite. Living in Montana, I never saw the beach, and we didn't go on vacations, so living here is a plus."

  "Yeah, I know what you mean. Since I've lived here, it's been incredible."

  "The people are so nice and I really like Karly, Lexi, and you guys, of course. It's so different from Montana. I can't explain it, but it's a nice feeling. You know how you just feel like this is the place you need to be? Well, I feel that way. And the little shops around town and the little odds and ends around here are fun to explore." Her face turns pink and she blinks her eyes a few times. Her hair flutters to her face and she uses her index finger to curl the strand behind her ear. "I just rambled, didn't I?"

  Her gaze meets mine again. "Yeah, you did, but I didn't mind. It was nice hearing you talk. You're always quiet. You should change that. You're fun to be around."

  "This is the first time we're really hanging out."

  "And I'd like to hang out with you more often. We work together, so we should get together for lunch."

  "Okay. Sounds fun."

  Stephen comes back when Fallyn agrees to hang out with me. The three of us eat our dinner and she stays quiet for the rest of the night.

  Heading back home after dinner, I feel restless and need to tire myself out. Changing out of my clothes, I put on sweats and a white tee and head out to my car. The drive to the gym is quick. When I walk inside, I put my things in the locker in the men's room and walk back out. Hopping on the treadmill, I put on my ear buds and set the speed to start running.

  Finishing six miles without a problem, I wipe down the treadmill and head to the weights. It's been a week since I've been in the gym. Grabbing some weights, I take a seat on the bench and work on my arms. Looking at myself in the mirror for form and focusing on my breathing, I finish the last set and realize Fallyn's over in the corner, doing squats. My eyes shouldn't be on her ass and I shouldn't care that we're both working out together. So why am I getting up and walking over to her?


  She looks up. "Hey, Jensen. Late-night workout?"

  "Yeah, couldn't sleep and wanted to tire myself out. I don't think I've seen you here before."

  "I work out at weird times," she answers me and turns back to finish her squats. Her form is near perfect and I go into trainer mode.

  "You have really good form. How many sets are you doing?"

  "Five," she says. "Are you a trainer or something?"

  "Back in college, I use to work at the gym in college. I like training and working out."

  "Oh, wow, I didn't know that about you. You're in really good shape. I thought it was genetics." She laughs, and I like the sound of her laughing.

  "We should come and workout together sometimes."

  "I'd like that. I gotta get going, though. I'll talk to you later."

  I nod. "See you tomorrow morning."

  Fallyn walks away and I'm looking forward to our workout session. Usually, I go with Stephen, but he's been busy with work and Lexi and Karly stick to cardio and Zumba. It'll be nice to lift with someone else.

  The next morning I get up early and head out for a run. For the first time in a while I slept pretty well and didn't have the weight of the world on my shoulders. With the music blasting in my ears I focus on running, feeling the blood circulating through my body, and the burning in my legs. Turning a corner, I see Fallyn coming my way. She looks focused and doesn't see me. She's getting closer and I'm not sure why, but I'm staring at her body. Damn.

  "Jensen!" I look up and hope she didn't notice me staring. "Hey."

  We both stop and take off our ear buds. "Good morning."

  "You're up really early."

  "Yeah," I answer, turning off the music on my iPhone. "I slept pretty well last night and woke up energized. Not sure why," we both laugh, "Are you almost done?"

  "Not really. I'm in the same boat. Last night I slept so well and now I have all this energy. Mind if I join you?"

  "Yeah," I smile, "Sure come on."

  We carry a light conversation about work and our day. In the corner of my eye I notice Fallyn and how focused she is while running. This girl has an amazing body and she works out like crazy. Her curves are sexy and that ass.

  Shit! What the fuck. Stop staring at her. You have a fucking girlfriend.

  After our run, I tell Fallyn I'll see her at work and head home. She doesn't live too far from me, but I have to hurry or else I'll miss my eight a.m., meeting. Rushing my shower, I quickly get ready, grab my things and am out the door.

  I make it to the conference room with a few minutes to spare and sit down, taking out notes and my phone.

  "Morning." I look up and see a smiling Fallyn. She's holding two cups of coffee. "I figured you wouldn't have time to get a cup so I brought you one." She hands me the cup along with a small paper bag with cream and sugar.

  "I like my coffee black," I tell her, "But thank you for doing this. You're a lifesaver."

  "I try."

  The meeting goes by quickly. I check my schedule on my iPhone and prepare for my next one.

  "If you're not busy for lunch do you want to get sushi?"

  Fallyn and I walk out of the conference room together and walk to the elevator. "Sure. I should be ready at around 12:30? Does that sound good?"

  "Sure does." The elevator dings and we both get on. "Floor?"


  "Do you have a meeting now?" I nod, "Me too. Looks like our day is going to be fun."

  I can't help to laugh. She hums a song, swaying from side to side. She's beautiful and so carefree. I know I'm watching from the corner of my eye.

  "You'll have to tell me your story."

  "I kinda did," she laughs, playing with the files in her hands. "There's not much to tell. I mean I think it's lame to sit there and tell someone about themselves. Get to know me by hangin
g out with me."

  "Ahhh if this is your way to tell me you want to hang out more without actually telling me then game on, Phillips."

  We both laugh, shaking our heads, and I realize how easy it is to be around her. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, especially when I haven't thought about Lisa since this morning with Fallyn.

  Chapter 7


  "So are you gonna get that dress?" Lexi asks, pushing through the dresses on the rack. "I mean, it looks amazing on you. You have an ass and boobs that you need to flaunt."

  I thumb through the dresses on the rack and keep looking at the one I have over my arm. It's nice, but I'm not sure how it's going to look on me. I haven't gotten dressed up like this in so long. Part of me is nervous. "Why are we going out tonight?"

  "Because, for the hundredth time, we all have babysitters tonight—well, I mean Nicholas' parents are watching all the kids—and it's time we go out and have fun. We're more than just mommies and daddies, and you need to get out too! You have off tomorrow!"

  I'm not in the mood to hang out at the bar tonight. Sitting down on the couch with my Kindle and some wine and chocolates sounds so much better than getting ready and going out. Many things go through my head like Am I going to dance? What do I do if someone comes up and dances with me? Am I going to have fun? Would Brody want me to go out and have fun?

  "Stephen's driving y'all. Right?" I nod. "Oh, I think Jensen's coming tonight too. He was supposed to go up to see Lisa this weekend, but they're fighting yet again." She rolls her eyes. At that moment, I close my eyes and think about the get-togethers we've been having. It's been innocent and fun. We meet for lunch at different places like for sushi, subs, or grabbing a hot dog and walking around the town. He talks about Lisa sometimes and I listen. There's usually sadness when he talks about her, but he didn't mention their fight.

  He's been helping me work out and it's been really helpful. I already see a difference with my energy level and I look forward to going to the gym.

  "Earth to Fallyn! What's with your dreamy look? Oh my God! Did you meet someone?"

  Instantly, I feel my body tense. "What? Who? NO!"

  "Then what's going on?"

  I roll my eyes. "Nothing. I was just thinking about tonight. Why are you asking?"

  "Hmmm, defensive." She shakes her head. "Well, I think you met someone, and whoever this person is, don't let them go. You're smiling a lot more."

  I close my eyes and wish for her to stop talking about how I'm feeling or how I look. I don't see a difference. I'm the same old Fallyn Nicole Phillips. Nothing new, nothing old. Just me. But there's a small part of me that is wondering what she's talking about. I didn't meet anyone new. Sure, Jensen and I are friends, but that's how I see him. This dreamy look she's talking about is stupid. I need to stop letting her words get to me. I'm over thinking.

  "Are you gonna get the dress?"

  "I guess I don't see anything else I like."

  "Perfect! Come on!"

  We pay for our clothes and head out of the store. Lexi looks at her watch and instantly freezes. "Shit! I gotta go and get ready!"

  "It's only seven, though."

  "Exactly! Listen, me and Larry haven't had a night alone in a while, so I need to make sure I'm all fresh and clean because I need sex and hot sucking, licking, and fucking tonight."

  "I really didn't need to hear all of that." I grimace.

  "Just because my vagina is in commission and yours isn't because you're so closed off on men for whatever reason doesn't mean I can't tell my best friend about my night." She winks, blows me a kiss, and walks away.

  If only she knew why I'm so closed off on men. I'm dreading tonight and hope that it's at least fun. But who am I kidding? I know tonight's going to be fun and that scares me. Living again, to me, means I'm okay without Brody and I'm not. I wish he were here with me. He'd like my new friends.

  Getting in my car, I drive home. My mind keeps going to tonight. "So I'm going out tonight." I say to no one. "I have no idea what to expect, but it should be fun, right?"

  I know no one's going to answer. It's nice to talk as if he's next to me. "Well, wish me luck tonight and let's pray I don't make a fool of myself."

  When I get home, I immediately go to the bathroom and hop into the shower. I take my time shampooing and conditioning and shaving. Even though I have no interest with hooking up with anyone, at least I can look and feel pretty.

  Drying off, I plug in my hairdryer and style my hair. When I get out my makeup, I try something different. Pulling up YouTube and searching for smoky eye tutorial, I watch the short clip and repeat it so I can follow along.

  Over an hour getting ready and pretty; I snap a few selfies and send them to the girls.

  Karly: Holy shit! You look so hot!

  Lexi: I think I just came! Wow, Fallyn!

  I look in the mirror and groan. Closing my eyes, I tip my head back. "Brody, I hope you're having fun watching me get ready. You know I never take this long. But do I look pretty?" There is a knock on the door and it opens. Isaac stands in front of me and smiles from ear to ear.

  "Not gonna lie, but you look damn hot tonight. This is the Fallyn I miss." He touches my arm, making his way down to my hand. "I know it won't be easy tonight, but we're gonna have fun."

  I smile and nod my head. Fun. Right. We're going to have fun. When Stephen gets to the house, he opens a bottle of Patron and pours us shots. I look at the shot of death and cringe. I haven't drunk in so long, let alone getting wasted off of hard liquor. Where's my wine?

  "To a good night, friends," he smirks and winks at me. We take the shot at once and I swear I feel my insides burning. Stephen pours more, but I don't protest. I take each one just like the guys.

  * * * * *

  Pravda Nightclub is packed tonight. The music is blasting and the drinks are endless. The guys got a VIP booth with bottle service. I guess when they party, they really party. Pitbull and Ne Yo "Time of Our Lives" plays, bringing me, Lexi, and Karly to the dance floor. The three of us are wearing dresses; short, but classy. About midway through, Nicholas, Stephen, and Larry join us. I look to the booth and see Isaac and Jensen drinking and laughing. My eyes stay on Jensen's as I dance. I feel Stephen coming behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist, and we move together. He's a really good dancer. Good Lord!

  "I like that dress on you," he whispers in my ear. "You sure you don't want some of this?"

  I laugh, shaking my head, and continue dancing with him.

  "Shots!" Lexi yells, passing us all glasses of clear liquid. We raise our shot glasses in the air and take it together. "Wooooo," she yells, grabbing my hand and bringing me in front of her as Karly dances behind her.

  I'm letting go.

  I'm having fun.

  See, Brody? I can have fun and I'm living.

  The night is turning out better than I thought. We're up in the VIP lounge, talking and having fun. Isaac's by my side and won't leave me alone.

  "I'll be fine. Go have fun." He puts his arm around me. "Honestly, I am. I'm glad we decided to come out." He hands me another drink, and we clink glasses and drink.

  Karly squeezes between us and looks at Isaac then me. "So you two are..." she pauses, "what?"

  I shake my head and laugh. Seeing Karly drunk is too much. "She's my best friend," Isaac fills her in, "We grew up together in Montana and now here I am."

  "Oh my gosh so you followed her. Oh my gosh do you like her?" She turns to me, "Do you like him?"

  "No," we both answer in unison.

  "Just friends, Karly," I tell her, "Plus I already told you about Isaac."

  "Ohhhh," she tilts her head back, rubbing her chin. "Yep okay. Got it."

  Isaac leans over and mouths to me Is she okay? I shrug and laugh. Tonight is definitely what I needed.

  The music gets louder, which causes us to get up and dance. Joining Lexi and Karly by the railing, we dance to the music, and laugh with one another. The guys are behi
nd us, enjoying the little show of us being silly and trying to be sexy. When I nearly fall on my ass – thank you, vodka – Jensen quickly hurries to me and helps me before I fall.

  "Thanks." I smile, holding on to his arm. "I think I had too much to drink."

  He laughs, agreeing with me. "Sit down and I'll get you water."


  Jensen hands me a bottle of water and sits down next to me. I look at everyone else and see that they're doing shots and talking. Putting my feet on the couch, I stretch out my legs and think about falling asleep. This couch is so comfortable.

  "No sleeping!" Jensen laughs. "Come on and dance with me." He takes my hand and leads the way. Everyone else follows and soon we're on the dance floor again. I ignore the pain shouting from my feet and let the music take control.

  We dance together in a group, laughing and throwing our arms in the air. Jensen's close to me and I can feel the heat radiating from his body. He takes my hand and twirls me around, making me laugh from how silly we all look. Everyone around us is grinding and pretty much having sex on the dance floor while we're doing the most ridiculous dances.

  "Are you having fun?" He shouts.

  I nod, "So much fun! Glad I came out tonight!"

  "Me too!"

  The songs keep us moving through the night along with the alcohol. By the time the club closes we're all stumbling out of the club and decide that taking a cab back home is the best thing.

  Karly, Nicholas, Lexi and Larry take one cab home while me, Jensen, Stephen and Isaac take another.

  "Call me tomorrow!" Karly says, "I love you bitch! Glad you came out tonight."

  I smile and wave, getting in the backseat of the cab. When Stephen rattles off our address I lean my head to the right and loop my arm through Isaac's arm.

  "Thanks for making me go out tonight, Isaac. I had fun," I mutter.

  "I'm glad. Shhh go to sleep."

  That isn't Isaac.

  Chapter 8


  Me: Good morning, sleepy head. Are we meeting up for a run?


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