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Feros and the Underworld Prince

Page 17

by A. L. Bridges

  “Just an old friend.” I reply. The food ends up being terrific; it’s by far the best Panini I’ve ever had.

  “Are you interested in dessert? Our gelato is really good!” the waitress says.

  “No thanks, I’ve been trying to cut back on my sweets.” I say, when in actuality, I just want to leave the site of that awkward misunderstanding from before. At least now I know to order 7-UP… I suppose I could order Sierra Mist as well.

  “I understand; the never-ending battle against calories…” the waitress nods solemnly.

  “Yeah, you know how it is; it starts off with a cup of gelato and later on I’m roaming the countryside, killing hookers, don’t even remember what happened!” I exclaim. The waitress looks at me warily while Travis just starts cracking up.

  “I’ll just bring the check…” the waitress says while backing away slowly.

  The waitress brings our check a few minutes later and I reach for it to see how much it is.

  “Relax, I got it.” Travis says while holding up the hundred he won.

  “Alright, thanks… I hope you’re not expecting me to put out.” I reply. Travis laughs, pays, and we head out.

  We wander around town for a little bit before I mention that us wandering aimlessly around the high school part of town makes it seem like we are trying to pick up high school girls. We head back to the dorm, so we don’t get arrested for suspicious behavior or something, and arrive at dusk. I head to my room and boot-up my laptop. I look on Skype and see that Natasha is on so I give her a call.

  “Hey Cole, what’s up?” Natasha asks.

  “Decided I should probably report in. By the way, how do phones and the internet work in Fogquartz? We’re on a separate plane aren’t we?” I ask.

  “Nope, Fogquartz is actually a small backwater town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. You won’t find it on any maps, but it’s still on earth. They wouldn’t be able to have a pantheon-unaffiliated town of this size in another world because they wouldn’t be able to get supplies.” Natasha replies.

  “How can they have a town here without anybody noticing?” I inquire.

  “Connections with The Agency keep the government or media from getting wind of it and regular humans don’t come anywhere near here; the magic setup at the lighthouse is a weaker version of the same setup that borders the entire area to keep humans away, which is why all supplies are brought in by supernatural delivery men. There are thrill-seekers that ignore the gut-wrenching panic and try to continue, but they are quickly caught by the local police force, flashed with lights, knocked out, and dumped outside of the barrier.” Natasha explains.

  “Giving way for alien abduction theories, I imagine… Anyway, I wandered around the commons today, looking for clues. None of the sports or club members had the red auras of the enhanced, but a werewolf that was at an arm-wrestling table did.” I inform her.

  “It sounds like that might have been the fight club; they’ve always been rather unorthodox in their recruitment of new members and they only offer bids to the strongest people they can find.” Natasha explains.

  “What’s the fight club?” I ask.

  “Exactly what it sounds like: a club where the members train with and fight each other. They hold matches that people can bet on, which fund their club activities and training. They fight against the other combat-based clubs to decide who is going to represent Fogquartz in the annual tournament between the four supernatural schools.” Natasha explains.

  “Well, I think I caught their attention. I got an invite to some party that they are throwing tomorrow night, after I lost my match. My friend Travis was able to win though, so he is definitely on their radar.” I tell her.

  “Wait, he was able to win in a competition of strength with an enhanced werewolf? What in the hell is he!?” Natasha incredulously asks.

  “He’s apparently the son of a Hecatonchires and a witch.” I answer.

  “Huh… perhaps we should hurry up and recruit him.” Natasha says.

  “He mentioned that he has intentions of joining The Agency after he graduates.” I inform her.

  “Hmm… well I think that attending this party tomorrow would be a good step forward. Just watch what you say; consider this to be something of an interview. If you caught their attention, then they most likely took a picture of you and looked up your information. Don’t be surprised if club members come up to you to try and get a feel for you to see if you have a place as a fighter; that shouldn’t be too difficult, eh?” Natasha rhetorically asks with a sly smile.

  “Ryuji and I are going out for drinks with the rest of the faculty in a little bit so we’ll try to get any information that we can. So has anything else happened?” Natasha inquires.

  “Well I saw Lila…” I reply.

  “You what!? Did she blow your cover!?” Natasha frantically asks with concern.

  “No, she didn’t. Travis was with me, but I was able to stop Lila before she asked how I was still alive. Travis was curious as to whom she was, but his curiosity seemed sated by saying that she’s an old friend.” I answer.

  “Well that’s good. How is she? I haven’t seen her since your funeral and I remember her being in pretty rough shape…” Natasha replies.

  “She’s pretty sexy now…” I say.

  “What!?” Natasha exclaims.

  “Oh, ‘basket full of kittens’ sexy.” I explain.

  “Oh okay… wait, that one doesn’t even make sense!” Natasha replies.

  “Vexingly sexy…” I say absentmindedly.

  “Anyway, she has grown up quite a bit… as well as filled out…” I tell her.

  “Cole!” Natasha scolds.

  “What!? I’m just sayin’!” I defend.

  “Hey Natasha, are you ready to go?” Ryuji asks off screen before walking up behind Natasha.

  “Oh, hey Feros!” Ryuji waves.

  “Have you gotten any leads?” he asks.

  “I’ll fill you in on our way.” Natasha tells Ryuji.

  “Anyway, go to that party and see what you can find out. I’ll check in later, on Monday at the latest. See ya!” Natasha says.

  “Okay; have fun you guys!” I reply and end the video call. I notice that Sara is online so I give her a call next.

  “Hey Cole, Adelaide is already asleep; the move kind of took a lot out of her.” Sara answers.

  “Alright. How’s the new place?” I ask.

  “It’s pretty nice. Let me show you around.” Sara says and picks up the laptop.

  Sara takes me on a tour of the new place. It appears to be a four bedroom two bathroom townhouse with modern furnishing in the living room and kitchen.

  “It might not have my clinic and workshop or Tia’s armory, but it is close to the local elementary school. I was able to get Adelaide into the preschool so she starts on Monday.” Sara informs me.

  “Aw, I wish I could be there…” I quietly say.

  I’m a little curious about what sort of disguise that Sara has cooked up for Addie’s tail and ears, but it doesn’t really matter. I know Sara wouldn’t have enrolled Addie in the first place had there been any risk.

  “Don’t worry, Cole. You will be here for other important moments in her life.” Sara tells me with her motherly tone and a gentle smile.

  “Yeah… so what is Katie doing now that you’ve moved? Wasn’t she supposed to be assisting you?” I ask.

  “I sent Katie a few vials of Adelaide’s blood to have her run tests using the facility that The Agency’s Phoenix office uses, which is conveniently located in quite close to university, in Tempe.” Sara replies.

  “Good. Well, I’ll call again tomorrow. Goodnight Sara.” I say and end the call.

  I change into basketball shorts and a t-shirt before heading to the communal restroom. I see the same group of girls from the previous night, but they look slightly disappointed when they see me. I brush my teeth and head off to bed.


  Chapter 25: Snake Women and Non-Violen
t Parties

  I wake up in my dorm room’s bed with Kita floating over me, glowing eyes illuminating the otherwise pitch-black room around me.

  “It’s actually quite funny, watching you make friends.” Bullet-hole Kita says. “Everyone knows that it is going to end horribly, yet you continue to bring people into your life and put them in danger. Join us, Cole… or they will.”


  [September 20th]

  I jerk awake to heavy breathing and clothes soaked in sweat. I look over at my clock and see that it is 6:30am. I decide to go for a run around campus to try and clear my head. The campus is nice and quiet this early in the morning. I make a fast-paced lap around the campus and head back into the dorm at about 7am.

  I jog up the six flights of stairs and into my room. I grab my toiletry bag, and towel before I head for the showers. I finish my shower before I realize that I forgot clean clothes; it’s a good thing that I’m awake so early. I wrap my arm in my old bandages so I’m not being careless, and then I exit the bathroom at a brisk walk while holding my dirty clothes, toiletry bag, and towel.

  It only occurs to me after the fact, after I hear the female voice behind me, that I should have wrapped my towel around my waist like a normal person.

  “You know, we were a little disappointed with your lack of performance last night, but this more than makes up for it!” a very slender Indian girl from the group of girls that I’ve seen a few times, says with a surreptitious grin. She’s about 5’9” with long black hair, brown eyes, and a breast size on par with Tia’s, all wrapped in pajamas. The word lithe comes to mind when I see her, for some strange reason.

  “Well I’m glad I don’t disappoint. Excuse me.” I say monotonously and retreat to my room.

  Okay, phase one is complete; now I just have to figure out some way to avoid her and her friends for a few days when we live on the same floor… I get dressed and read for a while because I have nothing else to do until tonight. I consider calling Lila until I realize that I don’t have her number, even though she has mine. I hear a knock on my door at eleven.

  “Hey, do you want to go get something to eat at the food court?” Travis asks.

  “Sure.” I reply and we begin the stupidly long walk from Graythorn to the food court on the north side of campus. We both decide on pizza when we get there and find the nearest table.

  “So, have you done anything interesting today?” Travis asks.

  “I slept like shit and a girl saw me naked.” I reply after swallowing my bite of pizza.

  “Sweet! Was it that hot little chick from the café!?” Travis asks excitedly.

  “What!? Dude, she’s like my little sister!” I exclaim.

  “Wait, you had sex with your little sister? Dude…” Travis says with a slightly disapproving tone.

  “No, the chick from the café is like my little sister; the chick that saw me naked lives on our floor.” I clarify.

  “So the chick you hooked up with lives on our floor… you’ll have to point her out sometime!” Travis exclaims. I don’t bother correcting his misconception that I had sex with anyone last night.

  “Are you going to that party tonight?” I ask as we finish our pizza.

  “Yeah, are you coming with?” Travis asks.

  “Yeah, but I think I’ll probably take a nap before we go.” I reply.

  “Man… I wish I needed to take a nap…” Travis says while staring off.

  I look behind me to see what Travis is staring at, only to discover that the Indian girl from this morning is staring at me with a sly grin. The rest of her friends from the dorm are also at the table, but they aren’t looking at me so I think it may be safe to assume that she didn’t tell them about this morning… yet.

  “Anyway, I’m going to head back for that nap!” I rush to say before quickly standing and heading for the door.

  I reach the door as I hear the sound of plastic chair feet sliding against the linoleum of the food court, coming from the same direction that Travis had been staring in. I don’t dare to look back as I pass through the door and make a beeline for the dorm.

  “You can’t outrun me, you know!” the Indian girl calls out to me as we near the forest.

  I turn into the forest because I’ll be able to go full speed without blowing my identity, and a woman’s logic dictates that it would be stupid to follow some strange guy into a deserted forest. I duck into the trees and quickly outpace her. When I’ve put some distance between us, I hide behind a tree and listen for her. I can’t hear her anywhere near me, so I start to walk towards Graythorn Hall.

  “Yep, there’s no mistaking it; you’re definitely him. You’ve got a lower body temperature than a human, despite smelling like one, and you move much faster.” The girl says behind me, causing me to jump.

  “What the hell are you!? A ninja!?” I yell as I prepare myself for a fight.

  “No need to be rude! I’m Nagi.” Nagi replies, avoiding my question. I open up my sight and scan her; her aura looks like a coiled cobra. An Indian snake-girl…

  “You’re a nagi, not Nagi.” I say, recalling that a naga is a snake person in Indian mythology and female nagas are nagis or naginis.

  “No, my name is Nagi, but you aren’t wrong about me being a nagini. Now would you calm yourself? I have a present for you, but I don’t feel like getting punched to give it to you.” Nagi replies.

  “What present?” I ask as I relax slightly. Nagi moves lightning fast as she jumps and wraps herself around me.

  “This one.” Nagi whispers as she sticks her forked-tongue in my mouth.

  I consider biting her tongue off, but then I realize that an assassin wouldn’t put herself in the position where her prey would be able to bite her tongue off. I find myself kissing her back before she bites down and I feel a fang pierce my tongue.

  (An assassin requires twice the ass and a little bit of sin)

  “That was a gift from your brother to keep you from killing yourself.” Nagi says as a pain sears my tongue while I find that I’m unable to move.

  “He told me to tell you, ‘don’t go getting yourself killed because mom and dad don’t have the resources to bring you back a second time.’ Oh, and don’t worry; I’ll make sure to bring you back to your room… once I’m finished.” Nagi says.

  The last thing I see is Nagi slipping her panties off from underneath her skirt.


  I wake up in my bed with Nagi reading a book to my left… aaaaand she’s naked… aaaaand so am I.

  “Oh, look who’s awake!” Nagi exclaims as she closes her book.

  “I just want to make it perfectly clear that we didn’t have sex. We. Did. Not. Have. Sex.” Nagi repeats in a fashion that leads me to believe that I was sleep raped.

  “Then why am I naked?” I ask.

  “Oh, that’s just because I wanted a front to match the back view that I caught earlier.” Nagi explains with a surreptitious smile. I look over at the clock and see that it’s already 8:30pm.

  “Shit! I have to leave; has Travis come by yet?” I ask as I scramble to put on some clothes.

  “No, no one has come by… oh, but there was this one pretty silver haired girl a couple hours ago.” Nagi says. I immediately halt the progress of denudifying myself.

  “Please… tell me that you’re joking… and that you were at least wearing clothes if you aren’t.” I beg.

  “Okay… but I’d be lying on both counts. She said something about her coming here being a mistake if you were just going to sleep with every whore from here to Baltimore. I’m pretty sure I should take offense at being called a whore, but I have no clue what a Baltimore is.” Nagi says as I feel my last chance with Cheza slipping away.

  “It’s a city in… Cincinnati…” I reply as my love life corrodes around me. I hear a knock at my door so I trundle over to answer it.

  “Hey man, are you ready to g—oh, sorry if I’m interrupting.” Travis says when he notices Nagi as I finish putting on my pants.

/>   “You’re not; let’s go… I really need a drink.” I reply, downtrodden as I shut the door behind me.

  We leave Graythorn Hall and start walking to town.

  “Is that the girl you were talking about earlier?” Travis asks.

  “Yeah…” I reply simply.

  “So… do you want to talk about what’s bothering you?” Travis asks as we walk into the forested path that leads into town.

  “Nah, I think I’m just going to try and drink this problem away.” I reply.

  I do want to talk about it, but I can’t without explaining my situation, which would blow my cover. We head into the subway tunnel and wait for a train for about five minutes. Travis pulls a folded flyer from his pocket and checks it for directions before we get off at the second counter-clockwise stop. This part of town seems pretty upscale with large houses and expensive looking restaurants. I follow Travis for about five blocks until we reach a large club.

  “This is the place?” I ask incredulously. We walk up to the door where a bouncer stops us.

  “Who sent you?” the bouncer asks.

  “What was her name again… Jenny! No wait, Penny!” Travis says.

  “Whenever I picture her, for some reason Latin cruise ships come to mind… Cruz ships… Penelope!” I exclaim and the bouncer waves us in.

  The place isn’t packed, but it is a bit crowded. Travis and I head to the bar and yell our drink orders over the music. The bartender hands us our drinks and leaves without seeing identification or money.

  “Hey, aren’t you the guy that won the arm-wrestling competition yesterday?” An Indian guy asks Travis. I scan his aura and see orange with black streaks… or is it black with orange streaks? My guess is that he’s a weretiger, but he isn’t enhanced.

  “Yeah, that was me.” Travis replies.

  “That was impressive, man. So do you do any martial arts?” the guy asks as I see a pair of feathery white wings fluttering through the crowd.

  “Excuse me for a moment.” I say and make a beeline towards those wings.

  “Lila, what are you doing here?” I ask as I turn her around.

  “Cole? Lookie Aimee, its Cole! Hi Cole!” Lila drunkenly exclaims.


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