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The Sheikh's Desert Captive (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11)

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by Cara Albany


  Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 11




  "Are you seriously telling me I can't go home to Qazhar city?" Nicole Summers demanded for the third time since she'd been asked to remain inside the tent. She could hear the sounds of the men outside in the encampment. The entrance flap of the tent was open. Late afternoon sunlight spilled into the comfortable interior of the tent. Maybe she could make a run for it, she thought.

  Nicole turned back to the man who stood in front of her; the dark-haired, handsome sheikh who had brought her to this isolated desert encampment.

  Correction. The man Nicole had persuaded to bring her out to this god-forsaken place in search of adventure.

  Well, it looked as if she certainly had succeeded in finding adventure. Just not the kind she had been hoping for.

  Hakim Al Farooq looked down at her. His gaze was even, but the smile, which had previously been kind and alluring, now seemed vaguely menacing. "It's more complicated than that, Nicole," he replied.

  Nicole planted a hand on her hip and scowled at him. "How complicated can it be?" she asked. "You brought me here. Now you can take me back."

  Hakim ran a hand through his dark hair. "There is some important business to attend to before I can give you an answer to that question."

  He wasn't being straight with her. She could see it in his eyes. Those same eyes she had thought were so sexy, so attractive. Not anymore.

  When she'd met him she'd thought he was the sexiest sheikh she'd ever met. Well, at least since the last one she'd dated a few weeks before Hakim. Way to go, Nicole, she told herself. You really know how to pick them.

  Right now she wanted to grab Hakim by those loose fitting white robes and demand he take her right back home.

  "It's not possible for you to return," he said.

  Nicole thought that sounded ominous and glared at him. "You do mean today, right?"

  Hakim's eyes darkened and he remained tight-lipped for a few moments

  Nicole glanced over his shoulder. "And why aren't you letting me see what's going on outside? I've been hearing a whole load of strange noises since you put me in here."

  Hakim shrugged. "Things are being prepared," he said in a flat voice.

  Once again she felt a hard nervous twist in her middle. She didn't like it when he looked at her like that. He'd done that a few times since they'd arrived in the encampment on horseback a few hours before.

  "What things?" she demanded.

  "You will see," he replied and smiled.

  Hakim came to her and took her gently by the shoulders. Unlike before, when they had been out on the town in Qazhar city, and back at his apartment a few evenings before, his touch made her shiver. She stiffened involuntarily and peered up at him.

  "What's going on, Hakim?" she asked softly. She made her gaze as alluring as possible. Maybe the less direct approach would be more persuasive.

  His eyes took on a curiously blank expression, obviously unaffected by her pleading gaze. "You told me you wanted to see the real Qazhar, didn't you?"

  "Not if it means being cooped up in a tent in the middle of nowhere, and wondering what's going on," she blasted him back, abandoning any attempt at a gentle attitude.

  She saw his jaw tighten. He swallowed as if trying to maintain his composure. "Back in Qazhar city, you asked me about our customs."

  He was right. But that had been days before, when things had been different between them. She'd asked him what it was like to live the truly wild life in the depths of the desert and, at first he had teased her with vague descriptions. They had only piqued her curiosity even more. When she had insisted he tell her more, he'd finally suggested she come out here with him. Nicole had quickly agreed. The promise of an exotic desert experience had been too much to resist. She hadn't felt suspicious at all.

  She should have known better than to trust him. In retrospect, there had been an uneasy quality to his demeanor.

  "I'd like to go home, Hakim," she stated firmly. It wasn't the first time she'd demanded he take her back to Qazhar city. To the safety of the embassy where she lived with her mother, the US ambassador, her father and her younger sister, Belle. Nicole felt her heart sink as she realized how worried they would all be about her sudden, unannounced absence.

  Hakim shook his head. "That's not possible."

  Nicole scowled at him. This didn't make sense, she told herself again. What was Hakim up to? "You're making me feel worried, Hakim."

  He came to her and reached out a hand but she pulled away from him. "There's no need to be concerned, Nicole."

  She scowled at him, sensing his sheer strength now that he was so close to her. "Really? Why don't I believe you?"

  Hakim sighed and said nothing. His gaze was steady and even.

  Nicole pulled herself away from him and groaned in frustration. Normally Nicole had good instincts about men. But, perhaps this time her instincts had led her astray.

  Hakim was a sheikh. She understood what that meant. Ever since her sister Erin had married a sheikh a few weeks before, Nicole understood exactly what it meant to have a relationship with a sheikh. It could be exciting and frustrating all at the same time. With excitement usually winning the upper hand.

  Sheikhs were dominant men, thrilling men to be with. And there was only so much of the daily grind of life in the American Embassy in Qazhar that Nicole could stand. She craved the thrill of something new, something completely unique.

  So, when Hakim had suggested to Nicole that he could show her some of the more exciting, wild parts of his country, she had been enthusiastic. There had never been any hint of any problem, not even when they had left the car behind at an encampment many miles away, and ridden on horseback to the north of the country, close to the mountainous border. It hadn't even bothered her that he wouldn't tell her where they were going. Maybe it was going to be a surprise, she had kept on telling herself.

  But, as they'd made their way into the depths of the desert, farther and farther after two nights stopping in isolated encampments, finally Nicole had demanded Hakim tell her where he was taking her.

  When she had made her final demand that he take her home, Hakim had refused. And that was when Nicole had began to think there was more to this trip than she'd believed.

  This camp seemed to be the final destination. They'd arrived earlier that afternoon on horseback. The first thing Nicole had noticed was the warmth of the welcome which Hakim had received from the tribesmen in the encampment.

  And then she'd realized, despite not understanding the language, that there was much more to it than that.

  Hakim wasn't just a welcome newcomer. He was the leader of this tribe. This was his territory. He was the owner of this entire domain.

  It was then that she'd started to have a bad feeling about the whole situation. She had been tricked. That was the thought which kept running around her mind. Hakim had lied to her. But why would he have done that? Back in Qazhar city, Hakim had seemed so kind, so thoughtful, so trustworthy. But, then again, hadn't he refused her invitation to visit her at the embassy? At the time, she'd wondered why he would have done that. Now, maybe, she was beginning to understand. He'd wanted to keep his identity away from the scrutiny of any unwelcome security checks.

  Nicole shook her head. She'd been too trusting; too eager to experience something new.

  From outside the encampment, Nicole could hear the voices of many men. Once again, she wondered what was going on out there.

  Hakim had been watching her silen
tly. His gaze was emotionless now, a stark contrast to his tempting gaze days before.

  Nicole folded her arms and peered at Hakim."Are you telling me that you are not going to take me home?" She moved closer and squinted at him. "Or are you saying you refuse take me home?" Nicole demanded.

  The sound of that last question hung in the air between them.

  The corner of Hakim's mouth creased with the hint of a cruel smile. "I knew the moment I met you that you had a sharp mind," he said. "An independent spirit."

  Nicole snorted. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

  Hakim shrugged. "You can take it anyway you like. You are here now. For the foreseeable future."

  Not for the first time since she'd arrived Nicole felt a chill race up her spine. "You're making me feel frightened, Hakim," she stated trying desperately to control the emotion in her voice

  Hakim shook his head and tried to look sympathetic but she could see that he didn't really mean it. "You have nothing to fear," Nicole he told her. "Once it is over you will understand. You will come to realize it is for the best."

  Now she really felt fear. She pushed her face up in front of his. "What you talking about?"

  Hakim's gaze met hers, a hint of defeat in his eyes. He shrugged. "I can see that I'm not going to be able to keep this from you much longer," he replied.

  "Keep what from me?" she demanded.

  Hakim turned away from Nicole and started to walk towards the entrance to the tent. Nicole raced after him and grabbed him by the arm. He whirled around and stared at her. He looked affronted that she had touched him like that. Nevertheless, she tightened her hold on him. "You're going to tell me why I'm here," she ordered.

  "Or else, what?" Hakim asked dismissively.

  As he spoke, he seemed to rise above her becoming larger and more intimidating. He was no longer the man who had been so charming in Qazhar city.

  No longer did she see the tempting warmth in his eyes which she had found so compelling.

  No longer did she feel the slightest attraction to this man.

  "I can see that you will not drop this charade until I tell you the truth," he said.

  "There's going to be a lot of trouble," Nicole said, panic rising inside her. "You know that don't you Hakim?"

  He tilted his head and smiled down at her sardonically. "How could I forget? You are the daughter of the American ambassador." He waved a hand casually. "Such an important person," he said sarcastically.

  Nicole peered up at him. He didn't seem worried that there would be searches for Nicole once it was realized she was missing.

  "It makes no difference," he said casually.

  "Why not?"

  "Once it is done, it matters not who you are." His eyes narrowed. "Nor does it matter who you once were," he added ominously.

  Nicole felt coldness tighten around her heart. What on earth was he talking about? Who did he think he was? Had he forgotten who she was? Or was the fact that she was the daughter of the American ambassador the real reason why she had been brought out here in the first place.

  "What are you talking about, who I once was?"

  Hakim sighed. "When we have done what must be done, you will no longer be who you once were. That is as it should be."

  Nicole squinted at Hakim. She could see serious purpose in his eyes. He was no longer joking with her. In fact, he had changed beyond recognition. Nicole gritted her teeth. He mustn't see how she was feeling. If he got the slightest hint that she was terrified, then she knew her troubles would only get worse.

  There was the sound of laughter from outside. Men's laughter.

  "Are you going to tell me what they're doing out there?"

  He ran his tongue along his lower lip and for a moment he seemed lost in thought. Finally, he nodded. "I suppose it won't do any harm to show you the preparations which are being made."

  "Preparations for what?" she demanded, but he ignored her.

  Hakim took her hand and started to walk towards the entrance of the tent. He glanced back at her. "Are you sure you want to see this?"

  Nicole glared at Hakim, saying nothing in response. Hakim smiled and pulled the flap open.

  Nicole squinted her eyes in the bright sunshine. She followed Hakim out and looked around. Over to the left, near the palm trees and the oasis, there was some kind of makeshift platform which had been constructed out of wooden planks. In front of it stood a group of around twenty men all dressed in traditional white robes.

  Nicole looked at Hakim. "What is that for?" she asked pointing toward the makeshift platform.

  Hakim smiled. "That is where the wedding will take place," he said almost matter-of-factly.

  Nicole felt herself freeze. "The what?"

  Hakim leaned closer to her. "The wedding, my dear."

  Nicole's heart started beating furiously. She peered into Hakim's eyes. Surely he must be joking.

  Nicole swallowed. This was becoming unreal.

  "Is there going to be some kind of tribal wedding?" she asked. Somewhere at the back of her mind a small, desperate voice told her that she already knew the answer to that question. It confirmed every bad feeling she'd had since arriving in the encampment. And now, with Hakim looking at her like that, she knew that she had probably made one of the biggest mistakes of her life in deciding to come here with him.

  "It is not just anyone's wedding, my dear Nicole," Hakim announced quietly. "It is the reason why I brought you out here."

  It all suddenly seemed like some kind of grotesque nightmare. He couldn't be serious about this. Could he?

  She looked up into his eyes and saw the grim expression on his features. Darkness and menace. That was all she could think when she looked at him.

  Nicole shook her head, as if in a dream.

  No. A nightmare.

  Hakim nodded slowly and tried to reach out to her to take hold of her arm but she swatted it away. Panic gripped her as she started to become aware of just what this all been about. She had been so naive. How could she have fallen for something as stupid and crazy as this? This was like some kind of strange, desert dream or nightmare from which she was sure she was about to awaken, sweating and screaming in her own bed.

  She turned around and started to move toward the tent, anything to get away from that horrendous scene over there near the oasis. She sensed him behind her.

  She turned to him, her jaw tightening, her eyes filled with ferocity and fury. "This is ridiculous you know that don't you?" she accused him

  "You did say you wanted to see some of our more ancient traditions in practice," he said menacingly. "Well, now you'll get to experience what it is like to be married in the desert."

  He pointed toward the makeshift platform. She saw some of the men looking at her and Hakim. There was no concern on any of the men's faces. They knew why they were here. They knew why she had been brought here.

  They were to be witnesses.

  To the forced marriage of an unwilling bride to a sheikh.

  Panic welled up inside her.

  And it was Nicole who was to be the bride.


  The thought of forced marriage made her gasp. Hakim watched her approvingly. It was as if he was simply observing her growing understanding. He was watching the growing horror as it was etched on her face.

  She'd heard about things like this.

  Women being abducted while exploring out of the way places. Then being forced to marry. To Nicole it had always seemed ludicrous that something like that could have survived into the twenty-first century.

  But, here she was, facing the reality of it right in front of her face. With herself being the unwilling victim.

  She leaned her face up close to his. She could smell his scent. Any other time it made have been stimulating but now it was repulsive to her. "Are you seriously trying to tell me that a wedding is going to take place here, and I'm going to be forced to marry someone?"

  She could hardly believe she was saying the words.
But the reality of it all was beginning to sink in.

  At first he didn't reply. He looked into her eyes as if he was trying to communicate something profound to her. Something simple. Something elemental. "This is an ancient tradition," he said.

  "What are you talking about?" she snapped.

  "Some traditions are timeless," he replied.

  "Kidnapping a woman and forcing her to marry someone else? " she demanded almost unable to believe what she was asking him. "What century are you living in?"

  Hakim shook his head slowly. "Not someone else," he said almost casually.

  She narrowed her eyes and once again there was terrible certainty in his gaze. A chill raced throughout her body.

  "You mean..?" she started to say but he cut her off.

  "That is exactly what I mean, my dear, sweet American bride."

  Hakim smiled at her. There was victory in that smile and it made her blood boil.

  Nicole felt a roaring in her ears. Suddenly, the ground seemed to shift beneath her. Her legs felt weak and her throat tightened. She felt a genuine, unstoppable sense of panic.

  The desire to run anywhere seized hold of her. But she knew there was nowhere to run. She was in the middle of the wilderness, miles from the nearest settlement. She was utterly alone, isolated and about to be forced into something more terrible than she could ever have imagined.

  "I won't do it!" she barked at him.

  Nicole's voice echoed around the confines of the encampment. She saw heads turn in their direction. This time the men looked concerned.

  Hakim leaned forward and wrapped his fingers around her arm. "You have no choice, Nicole. You are here, now. You have nowhere to go." Hakim's nostrils flared and she saw a sudden fierceness in his penetrating gaze. "This will happen," he growled.

  His face took on the aspect of some kind of feral animal, dark eyed and dangerous. She saw his lips tighten into a hungry grin.

  Nicole tried to pull her arm away from him, but he held onto her tightly. She glared at him. "You cannot do this. You cannot force me to marry you."


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