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The Mobster and the Soccer Mom

Page 2

by Lynda Chance

  "Where am I? Where are you, Jen? First Amy's car breaks down and she can't make it and now you aren't here either? Is your screwy sense of direction going to ruin my night totally? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm being bitchy, but I've been sitting here alone and Jenny you are just not going to believe this but my boss is here tonight and I swear to God that he's hitting on me. I'm having to hide out in the ladies room to get away from him for a few minutes. I mean, you know that I think he is the most beautiful man alive and I wish to God that he was mine, but his being married is a little something that even I won't allow myself to forget. "

  As Jenny listened to Renee blabbering, the full extent of her mistake began to dawn on her. She was in the wrong place. "Renee, listen to me. You're right. You can't sleep with a married man, and I swear to God that I am going to get a G.P.S., okay? I've got to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow. "

  After Jenny slipped the phone into her bag, she backed up a couple of steps. Richard was staring at her with one eyebrow raised. How the hell did men do that? It was the sexiest thing and she had to get out of there now. "Okay. So you were right. So sue me. I got lost. Again. What is this place, anyway? "

  "This place is my bar. Simple as that. People come here to drink, and they usually don't leave by themselves. " He was still leaning back against the desk. He appeared relaxed, but something in the way he held himself made her think of an animal about to attack. The realization that he thought she was his next meal shocked her.

  "Okay. Some kind of a meat market, then? Well, I've got to go. Nice meeting you. " Jenny took a deep breath and turned to go. This was it. She wasn't ever going to see him again. That was good, right?

  Richard watched her as she moved away from him. Damn, he wasn't going to let her go that easily. Did she think he would?

  "So, some married guy is hitting up on your friend tonight? " She stopped and listened. "I'm not married, sweetheart. Are you married? " He moved up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. She went completely still. He leaned into her ear. "Are you? Married? "

  Desire slammed into her.

  She shook her head. He felt the small negative movement as he inhaled her scent. He let his lips move against her ear as he slowly slid her purse from her shoulder. "Then there's no reason for you to leave so soon, is there? " He dropped her purse to the floor. It made a small thud when it hit the carpet. He stood behind her, dominating her space. He slid one hand over her shoulder to cup her breast. Holy Jesus, she felt sweet. So little. So fine. So incredibly fuckable. He dropped his other hand to her pussy. She jumped and tried to pull away. Son of a bitch. He adjusted his target and moved his hand to cup her other breast. She calmed down and stood still again. He played with her nipples. He kissed her ear again. He held her in his arms and soothed her with small sounds that weren't really words, but seemed to keep her calm and still. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and thumbs and felt her moan and wiggle against him. As her unconscious undulations continued, he slid one hand down to cup her liquid heat. She stiffened and tried to pull away again.

  He sighed and moved his arms to wrap around her waist. He held her tightly. He rocked her gently in his arms.

  "Okay, sweetheart. So, I think we've established a couple of things here. Neither one of us is married. And you're not going to let me do you right here, right now. "

  Richard felt her gasp and sway at his words. Hell, he thought he had cleaned that up a bit. But he could tell he had excited her. "So, I'm asking myself, what does a lost, little good girl want? " He paused and moved her hair away from one ear. He grabbed the lobe with his teeth and tugged gently. She let out a tiny little sexy moan. "No answer? Well, I think our little good girl wants me to buy her dinner, don't you? Good girls always want dinner first. Let's go before you make me come in my pants. "

  Jenny watched in a daze as he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door. She stopped and pulled on her hand. "I'm not sleeping with you just because you buy me dinner. "

  He smiled. "We'll see. "

  Chapter Two

  Jenny found herself sitting in the same booth that had been the source of her earlier agitation. The waiter came to take their order. Richard paused long enough to ask if steak was okay with her, and then just ordered for them both. That was fine with her. She didn't think she could cope with a menu or even the smallest of decisions right now.

  She looked around the bar while he was talking to the waiter. They were discussing business at the club and an order that had been placed for the weekend. She tuned them out and really studied the room. Now that she wasn't in immediate danger of having her clothes removed from her body, she could breathe easier and notice things.

  Her distrust heightened. There were definitely several men scattered around the room that were either bouncers or bodyguards. She couldn't tell which. There was an unobtrusive, black door to the left of the bar. A bouncer stood near it. She watched as an older man walked through. Other than that, nobody left or went through the door again that she could tell.

  She looked down at the table. The leather portfolio was closed and pushed to his side. The two phones sat on top.

  A half glass of wine was on the table in front of her. She thought she remembered taking a few sips.

  The waiter left and he turned his attention back to her. She watched from across the table as he took one of her hands in his. He played with her fingers. "So, Jennifer Babin, how's the wine? "

  Trepidation coursed through her.

  "I didn't tell you my name is Jennifer Babin. How do you know that? " He continued playing with her hand. He rubbed her palm with his middle finger and stared straight into her eyes.

  "I have your debit card, Jennifer. " Jenny sat stunned and panicky as she remembered handing over her card to the bartender to start her tab. She suddenly felt very vulnerable. He smiled diabolically. "And I also have your purse in my office. Don't make the mistake of giving me some kind of moral credit that I don't deserve. I promise you, sweetheart, I am not above holding your things hostage. "

  "Well, my name is Jenny. Are you deliberately trying to scare me? Because, to be perfectly honest, it's working. "

  He looked dismayed. "I'm not trying to scare you. That would be counter-productive, don't you think? "

  "Why do you have two cell phones? " That slipped out. She hadn't meant to ask that.

  "What does that have to do with anything? "

  "It just seems odd. I don't know anyone with two phones. " She looked away from his penetrating stare and tried to act casual.

  "One's personal. One's business. " His tone was harsh. She could tell he hadn't liked the question. "How does two phones scare you, Jenny? "

  "It's not just that. Why would you say that? About holding my stuff hostage? "

  "I'm just teasing you, sweetheart. Calm down. You're perfectly safe. " He paused. Stroked her hand. "You're as safe as you want to be. "

  She took a deep breath. His words and manner enticed her to relax her guard. "Well, you're bound to know you're intimidating. " She looked from her hand captured in his, up to his eyes. "You're so handsome, but those scars- " She felt him jerk. Like she had hurt him. "Don't misunderstand me, please. The scars are handsome, sexy even. But they are scary. They make you look dangerous. And I'm not really good with danger. "

  Need pulsed through him. He had to calm her before she bolted. "Nothing's going to hurt you, babe. I haven't been trying to mislead you with anything. You know exactly what my intentions are. I know I'm bigger and stronger than you. But I'll be careful. You're going to like it. "

  Pleasure flowed through her at his words. She felt hypnotized, enticed by his pursuit. She tried to break the spell he had on her, and lighten the atmosphere. "Well, since you have my debit-card, does this mean that I am buying you dinner, Richard? " She deliberately used his name to try to get on an even playing field. It didn't seem to work.

  He laughed.

  "Not in this lifetime, Angel-face. " He paused. He continued to loo
k at her. "You know, you really do look like an angel. I've been so busy trying to get in your pants that I hadn't really noticed. "

  "That's really it then? You're just trying to screw me tonight? " She could feel a blush crawl up her face as she asked him that question. "Just like the rest of the people in this place tonight? Trying to find someone to go home with? "

  Richard sat stunned as he watched her face turn red. Jesus Christ! She was blushing. He felt something in his chest constrict and he blew out a deep breath. "I don't want to just screw you tonight, sweetheart. I'm going to need to screw you tomorrow night, and the night after that at the very least. "

  Jenny felt the excitement and adrenalin rush through her veins at his dirty words. She had absolutely, never in her entire life met anyone like him. She listened as he kept talking. "So, just so we're on the same page here, you need to cancel any plans you might have tomorrow night, because you'll be spending it with me. " He looked up from cutting his steak the waiter had delivered. "Got that, angel? "She couldn't believe it when she found herself nodding her head in the affirmative.

  He studied her for a moment. "How old are you, Jenny? "

  "I'm forty-three. How old are you? " She felt like a teenager asking that question, but damn, he asked first.

  "I'm fifty. Shit. That sounds old when I say it out loud. "

  "You don't look old. You look-- "Jenny stopped. She looked down at the plate she had been picking at.

  "I look what, Jenny? "

  "You look handsome. And scary. " He barely heard that. She whispered it. Her voice got stronger. "You look good, Richard. "

  Holy Shit. Was that the little babe's idea of flirting? It was working. He looked down at the food in front of her. She was moving it around on her plate. He stood up and took her hand. "You about done there, Angel? Because you've about done me in, that's for sure. Let's go. " He started dragging her in the direction of his office.

  "Where are we going? " Jenny was disconcerted and alarmed by his abrupt movement.

  "You've got to get home. " He opened the door to his office. He pushed her inside. The door slammed behind him. He grabbed her purse off the floor and pushed it in her direction. "You've got a couple of choices here. We can have sex, or you can leave. Either way, you're going to be with me tomorrow night. I want you bad, babe. " Jenny reached blindly for the purse strap. She took a deep breath and tried to smile. He reached out and ran a single finger down the dimple in her cheek. For the first time, she reached up her hand and touched his cheek back.

  At her tentative movement, all hell seemed to break loose. She let out a gasp as he grabbed her head in both hands and lifted her face for his kiss. She opened willingly. He devoured her with his tongue, teeth, and lips. Jenny had never been kissed that way before. Never before her marriage, and certainly not during. He walked her backward until the back of her legs hit the couch. He pushed her down. She landed in a sitting position with him kneeling in front of her. He took a knee in both hands and pushed her legs apart. He maneuvered his torso between her thighs and shoved up her shirt.

  "Okay. Here's the deal. I know you think it's too soon to have sex. " His big hand palmed her breast through her black push up bra. He gazed at her breasts as if in pain. "I know you've got this good girl thing going on, and I respect that. I'm trying to respect that. But babe, I've got to at least touch you now. I can't wait to touch you. " He didn't wait for an answer. He grabbed the front snap between her breasts and twisted the mechanism. It fell open immediately. He glued his eyes to her chest. "Oh fuck. Jesus Christ, babe. I'm in heaven. "

  Richard felt the blood pound through his body, his brain, his cock. Holy Hell, she was hot! Her boobs were absolutely perfect. Small and round and pink. Luscious. He wanted to suck them. He wanted to eat them. He wanted to fuck them. He wanted to come on her chest. He could feel the aggression and urgency swirling through his guts. His stomach clenched in need. He had to find some control. He couldn't scare her. He had to slow things down.

  Jenny squirmed on the couch and felt the wetness come between her thighs. She lifted herself onto her elbows and reached for his lips with hers. He gave her what she wanted. He slammed his mouth down on hers and sucked in her tongue, her breath, her oxygen. He reached up and took both breasts in his hands and pushed them together. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't get in enough air. She ripped her face away from his to take a deep breath and he latched down with his mouth onto her nipple. He sucked, then licked. He moved his mouth to her other breast like he was starving and she was his feast. Oh, God, she wanted him to touch her. Just touch her between her legs like he had tried to earlier. She struggled to stay still. She couldn't. She moved beneath him.

  She was immediately rewarded. He slid his hand down and pushed up her skirt. He palmed her between her thighs and started rubbing her, hard. Her panties were wet. She knew he could feel that but wasn't embarrassed.

  Somehow, she felt safe. He had said he knew she didn't want to have sex. He knew that. She didn't have to think about that threat. They were just making out. It was okay. She needed to touch him, too. She reached between them and put her hand on his erection. It was huge and straining to get out. She really, really, really wanted to feel it naked in her hand.

  Richard was about to explode. He picked her up and turned her until they were lying on the couch facing each other like two teenagers. Their mouths sealed together and he put his hand between her legs again. He forced her panties to one side and started rubbing between her folds. She was slick and wet. He manipulated her clit until she was gasping and reaching for him. She rubbed and pushed on his erection through his clothes. He reached down and quickly released his belt and fly. He pushed her hand into his boxers and she took hold of him.

  Her hand was small and warm and Richard didn't think he'd felt anything that good in his life. He reached between her legs to the wetness waiting for him and shoved his big, blunt, middle finger up her. He felt her moan and adjust her position. She lifted her leg over his and gave him better access. He took immediate advantage and put another finger in her. She felt so good. Tight and warm and silky. He wasn't going to be able to stop without coming. He wanted to flip her on her back and shove it in so bad he thought for a second he couldn't control it.

  His hand pushed at her harder and deeper. He felt her start to shake and constrict around his fingers. She squeezed his cock harder and went off like a rocket in his arms. He felt her groan into his kiss as her orgasm took control of her body. He was totally out of control as he pushed at her harder with his tongue, his fingers, and his dick.

  His mind exploded first and then his body followed. He felt himself spew into her hand. He felt her tighten her grip and take his come into her palm.

  He slowly came back to focus. He continued to hold her between her thighs. He couldn't release her yet. She felt so good. She smelled so good. Her scent was musky, hot. The aroma of sex between them intensified his urge to possess her. He was momentarily satisfied, but wanted everything she had to give.

  Jenny came back to reality with a start. His hand was huge and he wasn't releasing her. Her hand was still on him and it was sticky wet. He was still big. Didn't all men deflate immediately? Her experience with different lovers was very limited.

  "Did I do something wrong? " Jenny questioned him quietly. She knew she sounded apprehensive.

  "How so, Angel-face? " His lips moved to her forehead and he gave her such a chaste kiss that it felt like a benediction. "I think you've got the mess to prove that I just had a great time. " He grinned at her.

  "Oh, Okay. " There was still confusion on her face.

  "What's the problem? I know you came. I felt it. You liked it, too. What could you have done wrong? " She had an expression on her face like she was trying to solve a problem.

  "Why are you still hard? " Jenny felt herself flush as she asked that question. Her embarrassment grew when he burst out laughing.

  He squeezed her once and then carefully withdrew his hand from
her body. He stood and pulled her to her feet. "Come into the bathroom and let me get you cleaned up, Angel. " He led her through another door at the back of the room. He shut the lid on the commode and sat her down. He put his hand under her chin and raised her face to his. "How long were you married? " Jenny felt his fingers caressing her jaw.

  "Almost twenty years. " She tried to keep her voice light. "I have twin boys in their first year at college. I've missed them since they moved to school. "

  "Yeah. I pegged you as a soccer mom the minute I saw you. " Wow. Jenny had pegged him as a mobster when she saw him. She looked at the scars on his face. The confidence and power emanating from him. He was calmly waiting for her to speak. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay. Yes, they played soccer for years. I never missed a game. So, what does that prove about me? " Her tone was a tad harsh and belligerent. She had nothing to apologize for. Being a good mother had been like a career to her.

  "Nothing wrong with that. I just think that you didn't get out all that much. " His voice was flat, as if he was stating a fact.

  Jenny bristled. "That's not true. "

  "Really? So how many men have you been with besides your ex-husband? " Jenny felt a little quiver of joy when he put such an emphasis on 'ex.' She also didn't want to answer that question.

  "Oh, you know. I haven't really counted but probably, like, none. " There. She told the truth and did it nonchalantly. She could act like what they had just shared was no big deal. She absolutely would not die of embarrassment.

  Richard watched her sitting there so awkward and shy. He didn't know why but he wanted to ease her discomfort. He turned away and began to run the warm water and reached for a washcloth. "Okay. Well, now you've got a little more experience, don't you? But to answer your question, some men stay hard for awhile. Some don't. It's no big deal. Just a difference. "


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