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Scandal of the Season

Page 21

by Christie Kelley

  He looked over at Victoria who was gazing out the window. “Victoria, we will have to stop for the night.”

  She nodded. “I assumed we would.” Looking over at him with worry clouding her eyes, she asked, “Do you think anyone followed us?”

  While he didn’t wish to frighten her, she would want the truth. “I would be completely surprised if they didn’t.”

  She bit down on her lip and nodded. “Will I be safe when I get to London?”

  “Yes. Hardy and whoever else is involved will assume I took the note, not you.” He prayed that was true. The only way to ensure her safety was to get the note to Ainsworth as quickly as possible.

  “Thank you for your honesty.”

  They arrived in St. Albans by three. As they walked into the King’s Mistress Inn, he noted Nicholas climbing down from his carriage and strolling into the Black Swan Inn across the road. Their original plan had been for Nicholas to go north but the weather made that impossible. Instead, they decided to take separate inns and see if anyone from the party joined them.

  Anthony looked at the bed longingly. He needed just a little more sleep so he could manage to stay awake tonight.

  “Victoria, have you ever fired a pistol?”

  She turned away from the blazing fire, pale with fear. “No,” she whispered. “Do I need to?”

  “Hopefully not. But for me to stay awake tonight, I need to sleep for an hour or two.”

  She nodded her head slowly. “So I need to stay on watch while you sleep.”

  “Exactly. If anyone comes through that door without knocking, you must shoot them.” Anthony hated asking this of her. He knew of very few women who could manage such a thing. But if any woman could, it was Victoria.

  “I can do it.”

  He brought the loaded pistol to the table by the fireplace. “Sit in this seat so you’re facing the door.”

  She gave him a shaky smile. “Go sleep. I shall be fine and protect us both.”

  “Do not let me sleep more than two hours.”

  “Very well.”

  Anthony blew out a breath. He’d never trusted a woman with his life before today, and wasn’t certain he would even be able to sleep. Walking slowly to the bed, he tossed off his jacket, waistcoat, and cravat. After pulling off his boots, he glanced over at her once more. She sat straight in the chair with her hand inches away from the pistol.

  Her concentration almost made him smile. He doubted anyone would attempt something in the middle of the day at a crowded inn. Sinking down into the bed, he closed his eyes.

  Victoria only took her eyes off the door to glance at Somerton’s sleeping form. The poor man looked completely exhausted from watching over them last night. As the first hour passed with only the occasional sound of footsteps walking by their room, she let her tense muscles relax slightly.

  She struggled not to let her thoughts focus on what tomorrow would bring. But no matter how hard she tried, every time she glanced over at him, the thoughts returned. Her emotions swelled knowing tonight was their last night together.

  A part of her wanted to tell him how she felt. But the sensible side of her understood that it would not matter. Somerton was not the type of man who fell in love. After the lies and secrets he’d been subjected to from his mother and father, she doubted he even knew how to love.

  If only she had more time with him. Perhaps she could help him understand how love heals deep wounds. The love of the children in her care helped her so much. He deserved love, too.

  But it would never be her love that would help him.

  She could only hope that maybe someday he would find a wife who could give him enough love. Although, she understood he wanted respectability and wondered if a woman who married just to please her father could ever come to love her husband. And appreciate his good and bad points.

  A low groan from the bed made her smile. She had planned to give him five more minutes before waking him. Obviously, he did not need a clock.

  “I thought I said two hours,” he grumbled.

  “You have five more minutes,” she replied.

  He rubbed his face with his hands and slowly sat up. “I take it there were no problems.”


  He tossed the covers off him and walked toward her. “Then why do you look as if you’ve been crying?”

  She wiped her face. How could she not have realized that tears had been streaming down her cheeks as she thought about him? “I guess I was a little frightened.”

  He pulled her up out of the chair and into his strong arms. “You could have wakened me.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “No. You needed your sleep.”

  “Everything will be all right, Victoria.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her softly. “I will protect you.”

  But he couldn’t protect her from the heartache that would hurt her so desperately tomorrow. No one could prevent that from happening.

  “Put the pistol in your reticule,” he said. “That way if we need a weapon during dinner, we have one.”

  Victoria did as he ordered and they left for the dining room. They ate a quick meal of cider and meat pies. She noticed the way Somerton constantly scanned the room. From what she could see, there was no one here from the party. He finished dinner and rose.

  “Stay here for a moment. I need to speak with the innkeeper.”

  Victoria finished her meat pie and cider. Somerton returned and sat back down.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “Only three other people have arrived to stay the night. Now that it’s dark, it’s highly unlikely many other people will come. The innkeeper pointed out the newer people. None of them were at the party.”

  Victoria breathed a small sigh of relief but knew Ancroft was across the street and someone might be there.

  A soft knock finally rapped on their door at ten that evening. Anthony walked to the door, opened it barely a crack and then let Nicholas inside.

  “What did you discover?” Anthony asked as soon as Nicholas had taken a seat by the fire.

  “That it’s damned cold outside.” Nicholas looked abashed when Victoria cleared her throat. “I apologize, Miss Seaton.”

  “Was Hardy there?” she asked and then joined the men closer to the fire.


  “Did you see anyone you recognized?” Anthony pressed.

  “Only Lady Farleigh.”

  “Lady Farleigh? Why the devil was she at the inn when there were still two more days to her party?” Anthony stood and paced by the fire.

  “She received a note this morning that her sister, Mrs. Hatfield, is very ill. They don’t expect her to last the week. Lady Farleigh was distraught when she entered the inn with her maid.”

  Anthony nodded. He’d met Mrs. Hatfield several times and she had never been in the best of health. “Poor Hannah. I know she loves her sister.”

  “So what do we do now?” Victoria asked.

  “We go back to town and let Ainsworth handle this,” Anthony said with a shrug.

  “Good night, then,” Nicholas said and left the room.

  While Victoria slept, Anthony paced the room again. Something felt wrong. Not just the slight twinge Anthony usually had when something wasn’t right. He had missed something on this case. Of course, he had no one but himself to blame. He had let Victoria preoccupy his brain and other parts of him during the entire mission.

  Once he returned her to her home on Maddox Street, he could get her out of his mind. He sank into the chair by the fireplace and raked his fingers through his hair. Just bringing her home would never get her out of his mind. He had to figure out what to do.

  Marriage was out of the question. With her background, he would only sink lower in the eyes of Society if her secret became public. A part of him did not care. But another part knew he had an obligation to marry an upstanding woman who could give him heirs.

  He stared over at her asleep on the bed. He knew she still held secrets from him just as
he did with her. Perhaps that alone was telling. If they couldn’t be perfectly honest with each other then perhaps they were not meant to be anything but lovers. Not that he would ever be able to tell even his wife the truth about his mother.

  That scandal could never get out.

  His mother was right. He needed a respectable woman. Perhaps Victoria would agree to become his mistress until he married. He’d made the decision long ago that he would never keep a mistress once he married. After seeing what that situation did to his mother, he couldn’t do the same thing to his wife.

  Looking over at Victoria, he knew she would never agree to become his mistress. She had the responsibilities of the orphans she cared for. Once they arrived in London, their time together would be done.

  Knowing tonight might be his last night with her, he slowly stripped off his clothing. He wanted to make love to her, watch her face as she reached her passion. Love her one last time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Victoria awoke to a strong hand on her breast and warm lips on her neck. His thumb stroked her nipple until it rose up for him. She moaned softly as he moved his lips to her ear and gently pulled her lobe into his mouth.

  She rolled over on her back and gazed at Anthony’s intense face. The look on his face made her quiver with desire. His gaze followed her neck down to her breasts and lower still.


  He cut off her question with a kiss that stole her breath. His tongue slashed hers with passion and heat. Rolling on top of her, he moved his mouth to cover her nipple with moist heat. She arched and moaned as he suckled her deeply.

  She never wanted this to end. The sensation of him being on top of her, his mouth on her. He slid his tongue down her belly until he reached her folds. When his mouth touched her there, she was lost. Her desire doubled as he slipped a finger into her wetness.

  She gripped the sheets when she felt the passionate sensations building deeper inside her. He wasn’t going to stop, and she could no longer control the feelings. Closing her eyes, she shattered from the upheaval he caused in her.

  Lying back on the bed, her breathing shallow and fast, she opened her eyes to see him smiling down at her. But before he could enter her, she wrestled him over on his back. He arched an eyebrow at her but said nothing.

  Kissing him, she tasted herself on his tongue. Tonight she wanted to taste him and give him as much pleasure as he had given her. She slid her hand up his erection as she brought his nipple into her mouth. Hearing the groan from him, she grew bolder, letting her fingers caress him from top to bottom. She continued her downward path with her mouth, across his chest and to the muscles of his stomach. He clenched his muscles when her mouth found its intended target.

  Bringing her mouth down on him excited her even more. She slid him in and out, loving the sensation of his hard shaft against her tongue. His moan of pleasure sent moist heat to her folds.

  With a groan, he moved her off him and rolled her onto her back. He filled her completely. He thrust into her over and over until the waves of pleasure washed over her again. He stilled his actions and followed her over the peak of desire.

  Victoria rolled off him and turned away from him. Her breath caught in her throat when she realized why their lovemaking felt more intense. It wasn’t just that she loved him.

  It was their last time together.

  Tomorrow, she would return home and back to the routine of caring for the children. He would return to his home and probably start his search for a wife.

  A respectable woman.

  Something she would never be.

  But she was strong and no matter what, she would not cry in front of him. She’d had no expectation of marriage. The simple reality was she was not the type of woman a peer married. She was the type of woman a peer kept as a mistress.

  He turned on his side and pulled her close to him. Wrapping his arm around her, he said nothing. They both knew this was their last night. They both knew nothing more would ever come of their relationship.

  After an unbearable ride back to London, Anthony watched as Victoria stepped down from the carriage. He fisted his hands in frustration. She looked back at him when she reached the door to her home. She gave him a forced smile then walked inside.

  He moved to chase after her, but restrained himself. Tomorrow he would return with the money he owed her for the job and to pick up his sister’s necklace.

  “Where would you like to go, sir?” the driver asked.


  “Yes, sir.”

  He would send a note to Ainsworth to meet him there. Then after his meeting, he planned to get completely and utterly drunk. There had to be a way to numb his heartache. Somehow, he had to forget her.

  He walked into White’s a few minutes later and found a quiet table in a corner. After sending the note to Ainsworth, he glanced around the room glad to see no one he cared to speak with today.

  Ainsworth arrived in his typical fashion, quietly slipping into the seat across from him. And getting straight to the point. “Did you find the missive?”

  “Yes.” He slid it across the table and watched Ainsworth’s white brows furrow.

  Ainsworth looked up. “Did you see who gave him the note?”

  “A footman in service for the Farleigh’s. I don’t believe he had anything to do with it. There is a woman involved but I am not sure how. Personally, I believe the note may have come from Lord Brentwood.”

  Ainsworth took a long draught of whisky. “Brentwood? Why?”

  “None of this makes any sense to me, Ainsworth. The only person at the party high enough for a succession possibility was Lord Ancroft. I can personally vouch for Ancroft.”

  “Are you certain about Ancroft?”

  “I have known him since Eton and would bet my life on it.”

  “So was he assisting you at the party?”

  Anthony knew Ainsworth wouldn’t like the answer. “Yes. He helped me keep an eye on Hardy.”

  Ainsworth leaned forward and whispered harshly, “You let a possible suspect assist you?”

  “I trust him with my life.” Anthony picked up the whisky bottle and poured a large glass for himself.

  “You are getting sloppy, boy. Do you think I don’t know that you brought a woman with you, too?”

  Damn. He should have known Ainsworth would have another man there. “There was no other way I could attend that party. Lord Farleigh has always been jealous of Hannah and I. So I brought a woman who pretended to be my mistress.”

  “Pretended, my arse.” Ainsworth chortled.

  “Who was your other man?”



  “And as you say, I trust Brentwood with my life.” Ainsworth picked up his glass and sipped. “He arrived in London an hour ago after following Hardy from the party.”

  That at least explained all the conversations Brentwood was attempting to have with Hardy. Conversations that Anthony should have been having if he hadn’t been so obsessed with Victoria.

  Anthony shook his head. None of this made any sense. “Now what?”

  “Hardy will be arrested. This would have gone much better if we knew who gave him the note. Now we shall have to coerce the information out of Hardy.”

  “Do you want me to continue?” Anthony felt responsible for not doing as thorough of a job as he usually did for Ainsworth.

  “I might need to call on you again.” Ainsworth put up his hand to stop Anthony from interrupting him. “Only to complete this job. Then I know you are finished.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I kept you longer than most of my peers because you have been one of the best. But I understand you have responsibilities to your family. A wife to find. And children to have. You’re not my first peer, Somerton. I know how long I usually have with them, and I should never have kept you this long.”

  Anthony nodded. Until Brentwood’s name was mentioned, Anthony had no idea that Ainsworth had se
veral peers working for him. It made sense. A titled gentleman could go places many others could not. Ainsworth patted him on the shoulder and left.

  One drink had not even started to numb Anthony’s heart so he poured another glass and sipped it slowly. When he reached for the bottle to refill his glass a fourth time, Lord Selby sat down across from him.

  “You look like hell, Somerton.”

  Bloody hell. Now he had Selby here to once again tell him how wonderful married life was. “Go away, Selby.”

  Selby only laughed. “I’ve known you for years. And yet, I don’t ever remember seeing you look so miserable. Nor have I ever seen you foxed.”

  “I am not foxed.” He knew it would take much more alcohol to get him there.

  “Perhaps not yet.” Selby picked up the bottle and poured a glass for himself. “But you are at least halfway there.”

  “Go home to your wife.”

  “I would love to but she is visiting with her Spinster Club friends at my sister’s house.”

  Anthony closed his eyes against the pain of knowing exactly where Victoria was then. “Since three of the five women are married, perhaps it is time to rename the club.”

  Selby laughed. “I suppose since I named them the Spinster Club, I should be the one to rename them. Hmm, perhaps ‘The Ladies of Scandal’ or ‘The Scandalous Ladies’ Club’.”

  “I don’t believe all five have had a scandal,” Anthony reasoned.

  “Well, there is my wife. Yes, she qualifies. My sister, there is another one. Lady Elizabeth is the newest member of the group. That leaves the Misses Seaton and Reynard. Miss Reynard reads peoples futures and is the illegitimate daughter of an unnamed earl. So she just makes the qualifications for the club. The only person who doesn’t seem to fit in with these scandalous ladies is Miss Seaton. But if she continues to associate with the other ladies, it’s bound to happen.”

  If he only knew, thought Anthony. Between being a pickpocket and going away with him as his mistress, Victoria would be the president of the club.


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