Alien Revolt
Page 19
Her sex filled with warmth, as if it had awakened at the thought. The image of being in the same position the Dramok had enjoyed, except with her sucking Lokmi’s dicks while taking the Kila’s expertly handled crop, made her guts lurch agreeably.
Oh boy, do I ever have some wild urges.
However, Piras needed her attention before Hope indulged in anymore of her own desires. She gave him a little nudge on the shoulder with her bare foot. “On your back.”
He obeyed, though he winced as he stretched out on the floor. Kila had worn his pretty ass out, and Hope had no doubt her handprints were buried beneath the stripes left by the crop. Yet not one word of complaint came from Piras. Indeed, his eyes were shining, and his lips curled with contentment.
Hope got down on the floor, straddling Piras’s hips. It occurred to her that she’d been naked in front of Kila for the first time with hardly a qualm. Now she was readying to have sex in front of the man who was still more stranger than not. Yet it didn’t trouble her, not the way she’d thought it should. Was it because he, like Lokmi and Piras, had shown nothing but aroused interest? If Kila didn’t enjoy what he saw, he hid it well.
The thrill of unfettered sexual indulgence, the freedom to investigate all her fantasies, gave Hope unbridled courage and openness. Everything was exciting. She reveled in her freedom to discover vistas of uninhibited pleasure.
“I don’t suppose we can participate as well?” Lokmi asked as she hovered over Piras’s cocks.
She snorted as she looked over her shoulder at him. “Piras said you don’t take orders well. He also told me Nobeks insist on fighting for dominance. I hardly think I can take the two of you on.”
Kila upped the offer. “We can dominate Piras with you. If we see an opening to enhance the pleasure you take from him, perhaps you won’t mind us being forward enough to provide it?”
Lokmi added, “After all, you did say you wanted to experience more of both giving and receiving.”
Hope thought about it for all of a second. “All right. We can try.” She narrowed her gaze at Piras. “My pace. My pleasure.”
He nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Matara.”
She lowered herself on him, feeling first his primary cock, then his smaller one parting her open. Hope was aware of Lokmi and Kila watching her take their Dramok, claiming him for herself. She shivered at the delicious sensation of absorbing Piras’s iron into her accepting body, of clutching him tight within herself. He was her prisoner, caged by her strength and lust.
Kila sounded as if he found it hard to catch his breath. “Piras, you know what a lucky boy you are. Getting to be fucked by a beautiful woman like her. You damned sure better appreciate it.”
Lokmi bent down to snarl in Piras’s euphoric but tense face. “Don’t you dare come without her leave. If she allows you such a privilege. If you climax without her say-so, you’ll spend the next month in a cock-cage, along with the biggest dildo I can find shoved up your ass.”
“Which I’ll keep too sore for you to sit upon,” Kila added.
Hope was fascinated with the interplay. Lokmi and Kila set the parameters for Piras, letting him know what they expected and the repercussions for not following their rules. He had a clear idea of what he needed to do in order to please them. She filed the knowledge away, hoping she’d get to use it with the submissive Dramok in the future.
She sheathed Piras’s twitching lengths inside herself slowly, giving herself plenty of time to adjust to the girth he possessed. Enjoying her mastery. At last, Hope had the gorgeous man inside her, his iron contained within. Like Lokmi’s cocks within her pussy, the feeling was incredible. But this time, it was up to her as to the pace and strength of the taking.
She rose and fell over her lover, enthralled by each minute sensation of being leisurely forged together. Hope shifted her position, finding where the pressure felt the most exquisite. Discovering what made Piras bite his lower lip or draw a ragged breath. Finding rhythm and movements that delighted them both.
As the now-familiar feeling of growing desire filled her, making its exciting climb towards the delectable destruction, Hope turned her gaze to the two men watching them. “I want you to touch me too. The way you said, the way you’d think I’d enjoy.”
Piras dared to speak. His fists clenched and opened as he eagerly asked, “And me?”
Hope fixed him with a stare. “You lay there and be glad I’m giving you any attention.”
Kila and Lokmi’s grins told her she wasn’t doing half bad for a newly-fledged boss of gentle Dramoks. They closed in on either side. Hope thrilled to the feeling of rough hands and demanding mouths kissing and fondling her. They were as demanding in their attentions as she was with Piras. When they pinched her nipples, she repeated the action on Piras. He reacted as ardently as she did, moaning and whimpering and squirming under the erotic assault. Receiving the occasional spank to her buttocks was as thrilling as smacking Piras’s thigh or chest when he tried to get away with moving beneath her to further his own desires. Sometimes she swatted him simply to see him take it, as Lokmi and Kila occasionally did. The admiral basked in all attention, whether gentle or harsh. Hope did as well.
She rode Piras with growing abandon, ramming herself down to claim the incredible quakes of rapture which jolted through her body. Those thunderbolts joined with the smaller but enthralling shocks from the other two men’s kisses, nips, gropes, and pinches. Kila’s fingers, abrasive with callouses, stroked her clit as she bounced with fervent energy over the steel posts of Piras’s cocks. The trimmed beard and mustache surrounding the Nobek’s lips punished her soft flesh as he devoured one breast. Lokmi’s lips held hers open so he drank in her cries while he pinched and pulled at the other breast.
There was still no determining whether being in charge or surrendering was the better of the two options. To Hope, the mix of control and surrender was the best possible way to make love. She didn’t want to choose, and they didn’t make her do so. With these three men, she had all she could want.
Piras was moaning steadily, a deeper echo of Hope’s vocalizations. Lokmi kissed his way from her mouth to her shoulder and bit gently. Kila swatted her ass and rubbed his delightfully raspy thumb over her clit. The trickle of spasms convulsing her pussy stopped as her insides tightened, drawing in one last time for the momentous release.
Hope gasped as the first bright spear pierced deep within. She braced her hands against Piras’s shoulders, hammering her hips up and down like a piston. She stared in the Dramok’s working face, the expression telling her he was right there with her, ready to explode.
“When I say, Piras. Wait…wait…” Nova light came at her from a pinpoint, growing like the oncoming headlamp of an express train. Then it was on her, flaring to blind her. Hope strangle-screamed, “Now!”
Piras shouted, his groin lunging upward almost hard enough to toss her off. His cocks jerked within her, adding to the shattering blasts of pleasure. They tossed against each other helplessly, neither able to command or obey, but only to claim the precious gift which poured through their bodies.
Hope’s pussy was still spasming when Lokmi and Kila pulled her off Piras. They sandwiched her between their massive bodies and cured the emptiness with their primary cocks. Trapped between the walls of muscled flesh, Hope was shaken by renewed tremors as they slid in and out.
“That’s it, little girl,” Kila growled, nipping at the side of her neck. “Come for us all. Squeeze my cock with your pretty pussy. Show us you like giving as much as you like taking.”
She did like it. Lokmi and Kila were in control, and there was nothing to do but offer herself to their mercy. With responsibility taken out of her hands, Hope was free of all decisions.
As Lokmi slid outward, Kila shoved in. Then the Imdiko filled her ass, and the Nobek pulled back. Hope rode them as if on tumultuous waves of an ocean, and sharp convulsions of bliss continued to make her cry out. She wasn’t sure if it were one continuous orgasm or a series o
f them. All she knew was the constant rapture of surrender, of giving herself to the demands as they fucked her harder and faster with each passing second.
“Wrap those gorgeous legs around me,” Kila growled, pounding against her. “Pull me in tight. That’s it. That’s what I want.”
Lokmi thrust as urgently, panting in her ear as he neared his end. “So fucking tight and hot around my cock. I’m going to fill you with my cum, my beauty.”
Moments later, both men strained hard against Hope. She felt them jolt inside her, claiming their prize. Once more, her body responded, rejoicing in their release. Then they went still. At long last, she eased into requited passion, glowing and glad.
Lokmi rose and settled her on his lap, cuddling her. A smiling Piras found bottles of water for them all to help their recovery. Hope drank hers, startled at how parched she was. It had been quite the workout.
Kila sprawled on the floor, his ever-present grin more smug than ever. Hope thought he looked like the mouse that ate the cheese. A very big mouse. With scars and muscles. A sexy-scary mouse.
The ludicrous idea she would liken the massive Nobek to a tiny furry creature struck Hope as funny. She laughed at herself. She decided she must be suffering from some sort of post-sex lunacy.
Kila arched a brow at her. “Did you figure out whether you like top better than bottom?”
The question made Piras seem pensive. Hope grinned at him, ready to ease his concerns. “I think more research is called for. Much, much more research. It could turn out to be my life’s work.”
* * * *
Piras wasn’t quite sure how he and Hope managed to settle back to coding after the other two men left. Somehow, they did. Though he could have hardly spared the time on the mission they’d lost to lovemaking, he refused to regret a single second of it. Hope might have been inexperienced, but she had all the makings of a demanding lover. The potential for future liaisons excited him, but he had to admit there was little reason to expect them.
Still, it made his heart beat a little faster when their gazes met, and she smiled a knowing, wicked leer. She was still smiling when Kila and Lokmi returned at the end of their workday.
“Time for me to take you home,” the Nobek said, his voice regretful. “Or would your father notice if you decided to spend the night?”
Hope snickered at his joke. “You know he would. I damn sure wouldn’t want to have to explain myself in that scenario.”
“That makes two of us,” Kila laughed.
“Kila, is the big, bad warrior afraid of a middle-aged Earther man?”
He winked at her. “I’m no fool. I know better than to mess with any man when it comes to his daughter. I’d like to keep my cocks attached to the rest of me, thanks.”
Hope was still chortling over the idea as she and Kila left the office.
Since Piras continued to work, Lokmi sat in her recently-vacated hover chair. He sighed, and Piras glanced at him. His clanmate wore a sappy expression, looking far more Imdiko than Dramok at the moment.
Seeing he’d gotten Piras’s attention, Lokmi said, “She’s amazing.”
“Indeed she is.” Piras hesitated for a moment before adding, “She seemed to have enjoyed everything about us. Even the extreme differences.”
“You’re still astonished to find people who don’t mind a sexually submissive Dramok.”
“I didn’t think any woman could want a man who is the way I am. I thought the only kind of men they would find attractive would be those who are strong in every part of life.”
“Hope is strong herself. I think she enjoyed having someone she could exercise her need to be in control over. As I do.”
Piras nodded, feeling a rush of affection for his Imdiko. He had been fortunate in his clanmates and their acceptance of his needs.
Today, he’d been more fortunate still. He’d had the pleasure of sharing himself with a woman who enjoyed being in command. She’d been perfectly ready to take over for him.
Piras thought of how she’d clutched at his head when he’d pleasured her orally, how she’d rode his face with demand until she came. He believed it might have been the single most sexually exciting moment of his life. His groin woke with an eager throb, agreeing with the assessment. “She’s a treasure,” he said, his voice rougher than usual.
“I agree. She makes me wish we weren’t in the middle of a war. It would be nice to formally court such a woman as she deserves.”
Piras started. “Court so soon? Lokmi, you are a mess. You dragged your feet at joining my clan, but you’re ready to court a Matara after knowing her a couple of days?”
Lokmi regarded him with a mocking smirk. “So says the man who was so quick to ask me to clan. We barely knew each other before you sprang that little surprise, or have you forgotten?”
“I had a few weeks as opposed to a few days.” He admitted to himself that Lokmi did have a point, however.
“Fine, I’m rushing things. Especially since there’s a year-long waiting period once all the males are clanned before they can add a Matara. But you have to admit Hope is amazing, Piras. She seems to fit with us, at least where the sex is concerned. So far, I haven’t noticed anything else that would be a deal-breaker.”
“I have no problem agreeing she matches up to us. She’s smart, courageous, knows how to work within a clandestine operation--and yes, the sex is a big plus. But who knows what the days ahead will bring? Or after the war is finished?”
“That’s assuming we survive the attempt to save Haven and Rokan.” Lokmi said. “Which reminds me; as far as our mission here is concerned, what is going to happen after this is over? I’m assuming if we don’t tip our hand or get ourselves captured or killed, we’ll try to get close to Maf next?”
Piras grinned. “Oh, we’ll get close to him, all right. Not the way Fleet Command originally planned for us to though. Thanks to you, Chief.”
“Thanks to—oh.” Lokmi’s eyes lit with understanding. “You devious Dramok. I wonder if such a ruse means we could maybe keep Hope near?”
“I’m sure her father wouldn’t hear of it. Neither would any self-respecting Nobek. Kila would have a fit. You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”
Lokmi stretched with a snicker, enjoying himself. “Hope’s got a mind of her own. I get the idea she prefers to make her own decisions, even if they run counter to what General Nath wants.”
Piras thought about it and nodded. Hope was her own woman, all right. Strong. Secure. His groin warmed, but he warned Lokmi, “You need to take a cold shower, my Imdiko. Lust is addling your good sense.”
“I like the taste of Earther woman I’ve had. I want more, especially since Hope’s a woman I can talk to. Work with. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t take much for me to fall in love. What more can I say?” Lokmi stuck out his lower lip and pouted at Piras. “You can get her for me, my Dramok. Please? If you convince her to promise herself to our clan, I’ll tie you up and do dirty things that will make you scream.”
Piras laughed at the silly display and shook his head. Yet he thought of all Hope Nath had to offer. It did seem as if she’d be easy to fall in love with. He was infatuated with her now.
He looked forward to discovering what other wonders she might have in store for them.
* * * *
“You’re very quiet,” Kila said as he piloted the phased shuttle to the Sword of Truth.
Hope shifted in the co-pilot’s seat. She curled her legs on its surface so she faced him. Kila hoped he was a better sight than the window-vid which displayed the destroyers and battlecruisers crowding the inky backdrop of space.
He was worried about her silence. She had barely spoken since their departure. He wondered if he had somehow offended her. The strained expression she wore as she gazed at him didn’t do much to soothe his concerns.
She said, “I’ve been thinking how little I know about you. I don’t really know much about Lokmi and Piras either, but I’ve at least had the chance to talk in dep
th with them. You, though—not counting the plotting we’ve done against Copeland, we’ve just had a bit of small talk.”
“We can talk now.”
“But we’ve already had sex. I had sex with a man I’ve hardly said half a dozen words to.”
It seemed to bother her. Kila knew Earthers as a rule had major issues with sexual relations. After the encounter in his ready room, he’d thought perhaps it wasn’t such a big deal to Hope. Apparently, he’d thought wrong.
Damn it, I hate dealing with emotional shit. Too many fucking landmines.
Kila knew he was inept when it came to coping with other people’s feelings. He was a Nobek after all. His job was to keep others safe and bust in the heads of those who threatened that safety. He’d been unequal to the task of helping Piras and Lokmi with their emotional baggage during their courtship. He was pretty sure he had no business trying to help Hope navigate whatever storms had blown her way in the wake of having sex with his clan.
Yet she sat there, her brown eyes pleading with him to say something to erase her misgivings. Kila had to try, even while knowing the attempt would be clumsy.
The safest course he could think to steer was one of non-judgment. Camaraderie of shared experience, perhaps. Hoping for the best, he took a shot. “Sex with a near-stranger. I’ve done that. Hell, I’ve had sex with people whose names I didn’t know. Paid for it too.”
“But you’re a man.”
It was his failure to make her feel better more than her rebuttal which irked Kila. His tone came out sharper than he’d intended. “By the ancestors, what difference does that make?”
Hope’s brows rose, as if he’d said something particularly stupid. “Men…well, men can do things like have sex, and no one thinks much about it.”
He got a glimmer of understanding. Making sure he spoke in a milder, more agreeable tone, Kila responded, “That’s a uniquely Earther perspective. And it’s wrong.”