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Spoil Me, Daddy (The Virgin Pact Book 2)

Page 6

by Jessa James

  I nodded my head.

  “See, then that means we have to be open with one another. There can’t be any secrets between us if we want this to work out…you know,” he continued, taking a pause and then, “Forever’s a long time to be hiding stuff from one another.”

  He didn’t need to prod me. With Gabe, I felt safe. Even better, I knew he was going to help me through my problems. That night he told me he was never letting me go, I heard and felt the sincerity in his words and actions. He wasn’t just spouting off bullshit. He was a real man, he’d never do that. That night, for the entire time we were asleep, he held me tightly in his arms and against his chest.

  With all these thoughts, I couldn’t control my feelings anymore. The waterworks began, and they became worse when he hugged me even tighter and began stroking my hair.

  “It’s j-just…” Fuck this. I wasn’t the prettiest when I was crying. I’d have bloodshot eyes, snot dripping from my nose, and some hair strands wet and sticky from the tears. But my feelings…I fucking couldn’t control them any longer…it didn’t help that Gabe held me with such love and care, as if he was prying the tears out of me. “This week’s…j-just been so, so s-stressful…I-I had a huge fight with my mom.” I wiped my nose with the back of my hand. “I-I don’t want to stay…i-in t-that place anymore, so my friend, Sally, a-and I began looking…f-for apartments t-to move into.”

  “Shhh…” he said, still playing with my hair. He sat straighter on the couch, so I could rest my head on his chest, and I loved the feeling. When I told him I didn’t want to get snot on his shirt, he told me to quiet down and that he didn’t care. What was important to him was that I get my feelings out, so that I could feel better.

  All I could think about was how lucky I was to have met him. He’d given me a job when I needed one and had taken on me at my sluttiest and most brazen, wanting to lose my virginity, but he’d given me so much more.

  Here he was promising the world to me and taking on a huge responsibility. I knew I was a burden to him, but he treated me like he was the luckiest man in the world by having me. I felt like I was the lucky one too when he said, “Stop searching for apartments. I can help your friend, Sally, look for her own, but you’re staying here with me.”

  My crying stopped for a moment as I tipped my head up to look at him. He was dead serious. He wanted me to move in with him? Wasn’t that a huge step?

  “Mary…I’ve told you again and again that you’re mine,” he began, tipping his lips up into a smile. “When are you going to start believing me?”

  It took a while for me to answer. I already knew what I was going to say. It was just…I couldn’t believe this was happening. I’d been so bothered with looking for a new place, and here was Gabe solving my problem in less than a minute. The waterworks began again. I just couldn’t help it. I couldn’t believe he’d do this for me. I couldn’t deny it now. He truly did care for me.

  I responded to him by closing the distance between our lips. When he opened his mouth, I sucked in his breath before I darted my tongue out to play with his. His arms tightened around me, and my fingers began to play with his hair. He started to push me backwards to lie down on the couch when the doorbell rang. He ignored it, letting it ring, as we continued to make out, but when the sound came again, he pushed himself off me with the most irritated look on his face, like he was going to murder someone. I sat up from the couch and waited for him to come back.

  Instead, I felt a cold shiver run up my spine at the familiar voice. Before I knew it, I was looking into the eyes of my mother.

  Chapter Nine


  Fuck this.

  I wasn’t going to wait any longer. It’d been three days, and I still hadn’t heard a thing from Mary. The night her mother came to my house, I saw the dynamic between the two, and I honestly had nothing good to say. From the way she moved and talked, I just couldn’t respect Mary’s mom. How such a beautiful, caring, and understanding person like Mary came from her womb I had no idea. They were just so different from each other, except for the green eyes maybe, but even those left room for discussion. Mary’s eyes were a bright emerald, while her mother’s were a murky green. I shook my head and cut my train of thought short. Hating Mary’s mother wasn’t going to do anything to help her. After waiting for three days and not a single phone call, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

  I talked to Greg, who talked to Jane, who knew where Mary lived, and I was able to get her address. Why the fuck I hadn’t known where she lived, I had no idea. Jane had been hesitant at first. She warned me that if I came unannounced while Mary’s mother was there that she’d take it out on Mary. I asked Jane to be specific and explain what she’d just said. Did she beat her? I’d seen and touched every inch of Mary and hadn’t seen one blemish or bruise. Verbal abuse? Jane said she didn’t, just warned me not to do anything stupid. To ease her nerves, I told her to coordinate with Mary for her to sleep over when Mary’s mother wasn’t there. Then I’d go get my girl.

  That was today.

  And I was going to finally see her again.

  It’d only been three fucking days, but it felt much longer. With her absence, I wanted her more and more. There was no warm body to hug me, no one to watch movies and cuddle with on the couch. No hot pussy, no pink nipples. No pert ass. I went home every night to an empty house since Ashley was still with my mother. I felt lonely in no time, and I wasn’t going to hide it. I missed Mary.

  I pulled my car into her driveway, and honestly, I hadn’t thought about what I was going to do or say yet. The only thing I’d planned was I that needed to make sure she was all right. I wanted to see her, kiss her, speak to her, and have sex with her in no particular order. Well, I wanted to do all of those things while I was having sex with her. I missed her and I was worried. I didn’t like not being able to reach her and make sure she was taken care of. She called me Daddy and I took that seriously.

  Taking care of her filled a need in me that I hadn’t realized was missing. My niece, Ashley, was different. Yes, I took care of her, but being a little girl’s uncle and being Mary’s Daddy were two very, very different things.

  My last serious girlfriend had never let me take care of her. She’d pushed and fought me every step of the way and I’d loved her enough to take a step back and only give her what she needed. Perhaps that was why it hadn’t worked. I needed more. I needed to be in control and feel like I was making a difference in her life. But my ex hadn’t wanted me hovering or interfering in her life or her decisions. I’d been on the sidelines and realized, after a few short months that I wasn’t important to her other than as a sex toy. Someone to talk to. A buddy, not a man.

  I’d put my needs second, only rediscovering them now, with someone new.


  She needed me. She let me take care of her. When I held her in my arms I felt invincible, like a real life superhero and I wasn’t willing to give that up. Not when I knew she needed me as much as I needed her. Sure, there was a difference in our ages, but fuck that. She was mine. Mine to pamper and spank and make smile. Mine to hold on my lap and soothe. Mine to fuck until she was a sweaty, quivering mess.

  Just…mine. And I wanted her back. I wanted her forever.

  I got out of my car and walked toward the front door. I stretched my arm out to ring the bell, but before I could, the door swung open and Mary jumped into my arms. Skin against skin, I felt her cheek on the crook of my neck. It was slightly damp as she’d suddenly begun to cry when she saw me.

  “Baby…” I said, stroking her hair. Her legs wrapped around my waist, and I carried her into her house. “Don’t cry. I’m here now. Daddy’s here.”

  “H-how…?” she stuttered. She’d quieted down with the crying but was still tearing up. “Y-you’ve never b-been…”

  “Jane…I asked her to give me your address, and I made sure to come over when your mom isn’t home. She’s not here, is she?”

  Mary shook her head quickl
y and buried her head again against my neck again. I felt her warm breath against my skin, and at the tingling sensation, I couldn’t control my dick starting to get harder. She had that effect on me, and it probably didn’t help that her breasts were squished against my chest.

  “Let’s go to my room,” she said, and I made a move toward the staircase. Mary pointed to her bedroom. I placed her on the bed and she crawled backwards to rest against the headboard. I did the same and wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me.

  “You haven’t been answering my calls and messages…Jane said your mother would confiscate your phone, but she’d let you have it for one hour each day…” At that, I couldn’t help but tilt my lips downwards into a frown. I wanted to break something every time I called and messaged Mary and she didn’t respond.

  “W-what…?” I watched as Mary’s eyes widened in shock. “I never received anything from you…” She looked away for a moment, in deep thought, before she met my eyes again. “Unless my mother erased everything. I wouldn’t put it past her. She kept telling me how you were just using me. I’m young and inexperienced while you’re so mature and worldly. My mom has been with a lot of guys, so I trusted her when it came to relationship advice…she told me successful guys like you never go for girls like me. That you probably fucked me for the fun of it and were going to move on. You go for successful, independent, badass women who know how to…”

  She choked on the last and in that moment I really didn’t like her mother very much for playing on Mary’s insecurities like that.

  My hands balled into fists, and I exhaled deeply to control my temper. Good thing her mother wasn’t home or else I would’ve done something that could make Mary hate me.

  “Bullshit,” I said quickly. “You’re perfect, Mary. You’re smart and fun and beautiful. Your laugh makes me happy and you’re kind. Caring.”

  She cried harder and when I asked what was wrong, she didn’t answer me, but the blush on her cheeks did.

  My innocent young woman needed another kind of reassurance. I buried my hand in her hair and lifted her lips to mine so I could talk against them. As I did so, I worked my hand down the front of her sweats, right under the hot, wet folds of her pussy lips so I could rub her clit. “You’re perfect in bed. So hot,” I dipped my fingers inside her hot core and rubbed her juices onto her clit. “So wet. You’re always so wet for me. I love fucking you and your sweet, tight pussy.” I rubbed harder and she lifted her hips off the bed, pressing into my hand as I kissed her neck and pushed her down on the bed. I was not going to fuck her in her room, not when her mother could come home any moment. But I was going to make sure she knew how I felt about her, how fucking beautiful and perfect she was.

  I increased the speed of my hand and worked her body until she bucked beneath me, her orgasm rocking through her as she arched her neck back on a silent scream.

  Just to prove my point, I didn’t let her rest, but worked her with my fingers again, pushing two blunt tips deep inside to rub the base of her womb. She whimpered and I took her nipple into my mouth through her clothes, biting gently as my thumb worked her clit.

  “Gabe! Daddy, please…” The breathless whisper made me shudder and I was so close, so damn close to blowing my cum all over the inside of my boxers that it took an epic force of will to hold back. My cum was for her, only for her. And I wanted it deep in her body so she’d know who she belonged to, who had claimed her. Who wanted her and no one else, ever.

  “Come again for me, baby. Come all over my fingers.”

  That was all she needed, permission, an order from her Daddy, a safe place to be.

  Her orgasm rolled through her and she’d never looked so beautiful, so fucking perfect as she did while she was losing it all over my fingers on her frilly pink bedspread.

  When it was over, I pulled my hand from her and licked my fingers, holding her gaze as I did so she’d know I loved everything about her, including the hot taste of her cum on my hand. “No one has ever made me hotter than you do, baby.”

  I moved back up to the head of the bed and lifted her into arms, hugging her tighter. She was my little stress ball. Wrapping my arms tightly around her did release some of the stress and anger I was feeling. “Your mother doesn’t know me. You know me, Mary.”

  She nodded. “It’s just, well... I’m…I don’t have a lot of experience. And you’re so much older and more experienced. You have a house and a job and a life and I’m nothing, you know. A worthless kid barely out of high school.”

  “That’s your mother talking.” Another point in the negative mother column. “You’re sweet and kind and loving. You’re beautiful, intelligent, fun. After everything I’ve told you, you still don’t trust and believe me when I say I want to be with you?”

  She shook her head at me once again. “I believe you…it’s just…” A pause and then, “I know I shouldn’t let my mother have power over me. I’m grown enough to be able to live my own life without her telling me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

  I nodded my head, letting her continue.

  “I’m sorry, Gabe. I let my mother get the best of me. That won’t ever happen again.”

  “Shhh…” I said, taking her hand and intertwining our fingers together. “Don’t apologize or you’ll be in the corner again.” Then, I hooked a finger under her chin to get her to look at me. I began to part my lips. It felt like the perfect time to say it, surrounded by her old life as I made the decision to offer her a new one.

  “I love you, Mary. I really do.”

  Her smile was answer enough, but Mary always gave me far more than what I asked. “I love you, too. Daddy.”



  “It’s great to finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard so many great things about you!” Bethany began, standing proud in her military uniform. She hadn’t been home long, and already I missed my days with Ashley. But now that I was in the teaching program and working at the pre-school, I had to admit that I didn’t have time to watch Ashley much any more.

  “And please, looking after my child when I specifically told my brother to do so? I love you forever!”

  I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Ashley is a little angel. We got along great, didn’t we, squirt?” I spoke the last to the little girl playing on the floor. Gabe’s sister was a character on her own, and with the way she spoke and acted, I could see the similarities she had with her brother. They both loved to banter, with no topic off limits, and it was all the more amusing when they were doing it to each other. Ten minutes in, and the two of them already managed to make me snort with laughter—quite unladylike. Which just made me laugh more.

  By the time the party ended two hours later, tears streamed down my face and my cheeks actually ached from all the laughing.

  “The only tears you’ll be crying from now on are tears of joy, alright?” she said, as she came over to me after she’d managed to say “goodbye” to the friends and relatives she invited over. We were standing in the living room, the now empty space eerily empty with just family members here, like we were all in shocked silence. But Bethany smiled and gave me a quick hug. “I swear, if my brother hurts you, he’ll be answering to me!”

  “Wait, what?” Gabe exclaimed. “Shouldn’t you be protecting me? I’m your brother.”

  We all shared a round of laughter at that before Ashley came running towards us, begging Bethany to pick her up. In one quick swoop, Ashley was in Bethany’s arms and then on her shoulders. When I turned my head to find Gabe, he was down on one knee before me.

  We were in the very center of the room with his family surrounding us in a loose circle. I turned to look at Bethany – this was supposed to be her ‘Welcome Back’ party, but she had a knowing smile on her face, a smile that made me begin to shake as I turned back to look down at the man I loved kneeling before me.

  “Mary, I love you. You are the light in my life and you make me happier than I ever thought I
could be. Will you marry me, baby?” he asked, and I could only stare at his face. He had his hand stretched out with a ring in a box, but I was too blinded by him and his proposal to even take a glance at the ring. I knew what my answer was going to be. We’d talked about this and started to plan our future together. This was the obvious next step but I’d never dreamed I’d get this. Gabe on one knee in front of the world asking me to be his.

  Heat rushed to my face and I felt lightheaded, giddy with happiness as I tried to remember how to talk. My response came out jumbled and a little strained as I forced words past the lump in my throat.

  “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  And with that, his family around us broke into applause as Gabe slid the ring onto my finger, stood up, and then pulled me away from everyone. The moment we were alone in his dining room with the sliding doors shut, he pushed me up against a wall and buried his nose in my hair, my neck, his hot, heavy breaths against my skin sending goose bumps all over me. I was instantly turned on, the muscles inside my pussy clenching and desperately wanting him inside me.

  “You’re going to be my wife.”

  I could only nod at that.

  “You’re going to have my baby.”

  I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear, then nod again.

  “And we’re going to start now.”

  I gasped when he lifted me up, pushed me against the wall, undid the front of his pants and filled me up with his hard dick. I’d been teasing him the whole day that I wasn’t wearing any underwear and I was shocked and thrilled, so hot and wet his hard length slid inside me like we were made to be together.

  “Yes, Daddy! Yes.” I whispered the words I knew would make him hard and hot and out of control. I felt wild, and totally loved, and I wanted him to be just as wild, just as needy.

  My eagerness for him, for letting him take control was one of the things he loved about me. I was up for anything, and he never failed to mention that. Being in a relationship with him was effortless, like how it was supposed to be. We never argued because we knew how to communicate. When we had problems, it was us against the problem instead of me against him. We were a partnership, an exciting one at that. We made each other’s lives easier and more fun, and even though I was young, I knew this kind of love was rare.


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