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Angel Blackwood

Page 10

by Sophie Summers

  “No! Stop that! Promise me that you won’t try to get in my head anymore and I’ll tell you everything.” I point my pinkie at him.

  “Pinkie promise? Really, Angel?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Pinkie promises are the shit. No one fucks with a pinkie promise. Come here and give me your pinkie dammit,” I growl. He rolls his eyes but does as he’s told.

  “Same goes for you; no trying to get into your head and no trying to get into mine.” I nod and kiss the skin between my thumb and index finger, making him do the same to his hand as we seal the deal.

  “Okay.” I let out a deep breath. “So that night he tied me to the headboard of my bed with his belt.” I show him the little pink scarring around each of my wrists and he grimaces.

  “He found one of my thin leather belts, ripped my clothes off and whipped me. Then he continued to tell me that if I left him, he’d find everyone I loved and kill them. I felt like I had no other option but to stick with him, distancing myself from everyone. That night I saw the monster he really was, and tonight? I think I saw a little of that monster lurking in Talon too.” He doesn’t say anything but brings my hand to both of his and holds it.

  “Can I see?” He whispers wearily.

  I nod then turn and pull my hair to rest over my one shoulder. He gently lifts my shirt, and with feather light fingers he gently touches over a few of the pink scars. “I promise you, if I ever find this Drake,” he spits. “I will make him suffer for all the pain he’s put you through.”

  “You and me both,” Nixon snarls from the other end of the dock.

  I place my hand on my chest as I try to catch my breath. “Nixon, you scared the living shit outta me!”

  He walks up and kneels down next to me cupping my jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I should have. I’m sorry. You two are the only ones that know about what happened that night. Well, you know some of it,” I stammer.

  “No, I saw the images too… I saw everything. I felt your sorrow all the way from the clearing of the woods.” Nixon grumbles.

  “Yeah, I saw it too.” Axel lifts his palms up. “It was before the pinkie promise okay?”

  “Well, I don’t want anyone else to know, so let’s just keep it between us.” I look back at the lake as Nixon gets comfortable to my left, leaning his feet over the edge too.

  “I know our healing is pretty good and usually scars remain only lightly on the skin but…your scars are deep and they still have that pinkish tone? Judging by that bandage around your wrist, I’m assuming the Alpha’s bite hasn’t healed either, has it?” Axel asks sceptically.

  I look at Nixon and he shakes his head and his eyes widen a little.

  “What aren’t you two telling me?” Axel asks again.

  “Don’t tell him, it’s risky. It will put him in danger too, remember that.” Nixon’s voice rings in my head.

  “Don’t tell me what?” Axel says.

  “I thought you weren’t going to try and get in my head!” I smack his arm.

  “I wasn’t in yours! I was in his!” He nods to Nixon.

  “Tell me, you know after the whole life threating rejection you saved me from, you’re stuck with me. We’re going to be besties for life. I swear it,” he says dramatically. I start laughing shaking my head. Such an idiot.

  I feel Nixon’s silent laughter next to me as his shoulders move against mine.

  “Just tell the fool. It’s his life at risk anyway,” Nixon says, through louder laughter as Axel’s deep chuckles join in.

  “I’m a hybrid... sorta,” I say softly, waiting to see his expression.

  His laughter stops and Nixon’s laughter becomes louder. Axel starts coughing then stutters, “W… what do you m…mean h… hybrid?”

  “I’m half human, half wolf, Axel.”

  “W… What? H…How? That’s not even possible.”

  He looks back and forth between Nixon and I. “Are you two fucking with me?”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh as I raise my pinkie to him.

  “You’re serious?” He asks wide eyed. I nod.

  “Damn, that’s some crazy shit,” he says, running his hand through his hair.

  “You can’t mention this to anyone, man. She could be in danger if this is leaked to the wrong person,” Nixon says, leaning forward to look at him.

  “Yeah of course. No one will know. Promise.” He points his pinkie at me and I tangle it with mine then cross my other pinkie with Nixon’s then we kiss each hand, fixing the promise.

  The guys walk me up to my room, and luckily enough the house is silent again. The twins’ door is shut and I can’t hear anything coming from inside. I shut my door and immediately climb into bed, turning onto my side facing the window. I put a pillow behind me and cuddle the one in front of me. I sigh in contentment as I’m finally able to get comfortable and fall into a blissful sleep.


  The hair covering my face is being removed and tucked behind my ear. I make sure to keep the wall that keeps my connection open locked up tight. The blanket is slowly pulled from over my body, the cool air causing goosebumps over my skin. I keep as calm as possible when I feel rough hands lifting my shirt. He raises it just so that my breasts stay covered, but my hips, waist and lower stomach are displayed. I hear the bed creak and the mattress sink as he leans over me. I don’t dare open my eyes, afraid it’s a dream, that if I open them he’ll be gone. His hand gently touches the bruised area a few times then I feel his lips on the sensitive skin. He kisses me three more times all over the bruises he gave me, intensifying the goose bumps down my spine and arms. He gentle tugs my shirt down and pulls the blanket up till its tucked under my chin. He leans over me again, softly rubbing his thumb down the middle of my forehead to the tip of my nose; he does this a few times before brushing his thumb against my left cheek bone. His scent is intoxicating, the need to pull him into me and nuzzle his neck is strong. I don’t want the dream to end or for that to scare him away so I continue to lay there motionless. I feel his nose as he rubs it against mine lightly and then he rubs his cheek against mine. Something light and wet touches the crease of my lips; I taste salty liquid seeping through my lips and onto my tongue.

  He’s crying.

  He gently touches the cut on my bottom lip then I feel his soft lips on mine. A few more tear drops land on the apples of my cheeks and I immediately feel the loss when he removes his lips from mine. This is too real to be a dream, but I fear that if I wake up it’ll scare him and he’ll spit words of regret and mistake; so I keep my eyes closed and take everything he’s willing to give me. He rests his cheek against mine, rubbing it a few times again. I hear him as he takes a deep breath, taking in my scent.

  “I’m so sorry,” Talon whispers, and then he’s gone.


  I wake up midday as Nixon jumps onto my bed. I pull the blanket over my head and groan.

  “Go away!”

  “Get up, sleepyhead,” he says, pulling the blanket off me.

  I groan again as I glare at him, but something catches my eye behind him. Sitting on my dressing table is a bouquet of black roses. They weren’t there when I went to bed last night.

  I look at Nixon and he shrugs. “Those aren’t from me.” I pull the blankets aside and walk up to them. I pick up the little purple card that sticks out from the rest of the beautiful flowers and turn it over to read.

  I always win…

  “What the hell does that mean?” Nixon rests his chin on the top of my head as he snatches the card out of my hand.

  I turn and look up at him. “It’s from Caspian. He told me last night that, “he doesn’t play games, he gets what he wants and he always wins…always”.” I say it in a deep tone, mimicking the Alpha’s rough voice.

  Nixon looks down at me then ruffles the top of my hair with his heavy hand and chuckles. “You’re a tool.” His shoulders shake with laughter as he makes his way to my bedroom door.

  “Get dressed, pack a bag,
we’re going out,” he says, before leaving and closing the door behind him.


  We drive in the direction of the Crystal Bay Pack and I look to Nixon confused. “We’re meeting up with Axel,” is all he says.

  I message Daisy and let her know I’m coming into town in the hope that maybe we can meet up, but I don’t get a response.

  Nixon stops the car in a beach parking lot. Looking down the bank we see a group of people sitting around on the sand. I immediately spot Axel, since he’s not wearing a shirt and he’s the only one in the crowd covered in tattoos.

  As if he can feel my eyes on him, he turns to look up at me and smiles. He jogs up to the base of the stairs to meet me. I laugh when he lifts me up and spins me around dramatically. The bruises that Talon left on my side last night are still there, but at least they’re not unbearable.

  Axel introduces us to a couple of his friends, but we don’t stay at the beach for very long. People continue to stare at me shamelessly in this town; I think they’re trying to figure me out. Some still have a look of fear in their eyes.

  The three of us end up at a drive-thru, parking our car in the parking lot where we stuff our faces. I must say, my appetite has spiked since I’ve turned.

  I excuse myself and quickly head into the restaurant to use their bathroom. As I’m walking out of the restroom and back out through the crowded diner, I hear a soft voice in my head saying my name.

  “Angel,” the voice whispers.

  I look around the room and my eyes immediately find her. Daisy sits amongst a rowdy group of people whom all seem a lot older than her. They speak over her, laughing with each other as if she doesn’t exist. She sits quietly in the corner trying to blend in, but her bright blond hair and the beauty that radiates from her makes it very hard not to notice her.

  I smile at her and she instantly returns it.

  I watch the transformation in her face as she realises I’m heading in her direction. She looks at the people that surround her at the table then back at me; she’s visibly anxious.

  As her friends begin to sense me, some of them turn and look my way. The stares are followed by whispers that fade as I get closer. I look up at Daisy and smile. This time she gets up turning to hug me.

  I can hear the blatant remarks at the table as we hug, but I refuse to pay them any notice.

  “Hi Angel. How are you doing?” She says softly, as she looks up at me.

  I smile widely. “I’m doing okay. How are you?” She quickly looks down at the people that are seated at the table.

  Her demeanor instantly changes, so I try to lighten the mood as I say happily, “Daisy, the dress was amazing! Thank you so much.”

  I hear sniggers from the girls at the table followed by a couple of childish giggles. This seems to make Daisy cower away into her shell even more and in turn only makes me angrier. I turn my gaze to the people around her table as I speak and look them over. “Are these your friends, Daisy?”

  “Friends?” A boy scoffs. I pin him with my livid gaze and he’s quick to shut up before looking down at the table.

  “They’re my friends, not hers,” a deep voice to my right says. I didn’t miss the way he spat out the last two words and I’m not fond of it either. I look to find what you would call the typical male juice-head. He’s average looking and stocky. Can’t tell if he has a neck hidden under all that muscle.

  “And who might you be?” I ask.

  “Tony,” he smirks, looking me up and down. While he does this I can feel the sadness flowing from Daisy. I’m not sure if she’s allowing others to feel this or just me so I look at her.

  “He’s my mate,” I hear her quiet growl in my head. I smile and rub her arm gently. This seems to reassure her that I’m not about to steal her mate. I look over to Tony again. I would never have pictured Daisy’s mate to be him, he’s the total opposite of her. He looks back to the few that are still sitting at the table and dismisses them.

  “Nice to finally meet you, Tony.” I smile. The cocky smirk falls from his face and he glares at Daisy who stands close to me.

  “You tell her about me?” He spits.

  “That you’re her mate?” I don’t give Daisy enough time to answer him. This man sounds hostile and I just want to protect her. I stand a little more in front of her recoiling frame.

  “She knows to keep that shit to herself.” He lets out a deep breath, then downs his soda before speaking again.

  “What’s a girl like you hanging out with a girl like her?” He scoffs, as he throws a couple of fries into his mouth.

  I’m pretty sure Daisy can feel my irritation pulsating because she gently plays with the braid down my back, as if that could calm me.

  I praise her for the effort though.

  I spit out, “What you actually meant to say was, how did we meet, right? Well, we met when I was looking for an outfit for my pack ceremony and your incredible mate designed a gorgeous dress that fit perfectly.”

  I smile then turn to look down at Daisy as I say, “Even Alpha Caspian thought it looked beautiful, I received a lot of compliments because of that dress Daisy. I’m sure you’ll be getting a lot of eager customers coming your way.” I look back to Tony whose mouth hangs open.

  “You should be really proud of her. She did good.” If I’m not mistaken, a look of pure adoration crosses his face and he smiles.

  “Really?” He asks in a softer tone, looking from her then back to me. I nod.

  He looks to Daisy and smiles at her; her face reveals pure longing as she looks at her mate in return. He opens his arms and she steps into them immediately cuddling into his side. Tony rubs his hands down the back of her hair as if he’s stroking a kitten, and Daisy clasps him tighter as if he’s the air she breathes.

  Chapter 9

  “Hasn’t Caspian found his mate yet?” Nixon asks Axel later that night. We’re sitting on the balcony of Axel’s apartment, looking down at the people in the street below us. Axel, being the little devil on my shoulder, convinced me to take a shot of tequila; much to Nixon’s dismay. After five shots, the alcohol was already working its way through my body and my throat was feeling raw. I was currently in the feel-good state of drunkenness, where nothing in the world could bother me, and the twins not even a blip on my radar.

  I was in total bliss.

  “No wonder Georgina drank so much,” I mumble. The boys look to me and Nixon gives me a worried look. I wave them away then plant my ass down on the little plastic chair and stare at the star filled sky.

  “Axel, answer Nixon’s question,” I say.

  “Oh yeah, he already found his mate…second chance mate too,” Axel says, before downing the rest of his whisky filled glass.

  Both Nixon and my heads’ turn in his direction.

  “What happened to them? Where are they?” Nixon asks.

  “The first one was killed during a rogue attack and the second one he got rid of because she was leaking information to a rival pack,” he says casually.

  My eyes widen as I sit up straight in my chair. “Got rid of?” I gulp.

  “Yeah, bitch was keeping in touch with her old pack, giving away pack plans. So Alpha got rid of her as well as all the people from the pack she told,” he replies nonchalantly.

  “What the f-” I mumble just as Nixon says, “You stay away from him, Angel. After that little note he left, I’m not sure what his next move might be.”

  “What note?” Axel tone turns serious.

  “He sent me a vase of black roses with a note in it saying, “I always win”, like what the hell is that supposed to mean? He can’t just snap his fingers and expect me to come running. I’ve learnt my lesson with douches like him. I know exactly the kind of monster that lurks beneath the surface, I’m staying away from the arrogant bastard,” I ramble, leaning back in my chair.

  Axel bends down and takes my hand in his as he looks me dead in the eye, “Alpha Caspian would never cause harm to you if you didn’t deserve it. He trea
ts his woman with respect and gives them everything they need. But like any wolf, he has a dark side. That said, his may be darker than usual, and if you’re not on his “good side” he can be a very dangerous man. Be careful, Angel. I think Nixon is right about keeping your distance from him. I just don’t know how easy that will be. Alpha always gets what he wants, no matter the consequences.” This makes me tremble and reach out for Nixon’s beer before he gets a chance to sip it. I down the ice cold beer, then do a little squeamish dance not liking the taste of it…at all.

  Axel chuckles and Nixon snatches the empty bottle from my hands with a scowl.

  “I really need a pee.” I stand abruptly and rest my hand on Axel’s shoulders when I lose my balance. I let out a giggle and cover my hand with my mouth as I continue to put one foot in front of the other.

  “This really is harder than it looks,” I mumble, as I focus on my steps toward the bathroom. I can hear Nixon lecturing Axel about giving me alcohol, but Axel just tells him to relax a little and enjoy life.

  After nearly falling asleep sitting on the toilet, I learn a valuable lesson. Never close your eyes while peeing, especially if you’re really tired. I giggle to myself looking at the little shiner I have above my left eyebrow where my head hit the wall near the toilet. Luckily enough my ass was planted on that toilet seat and never left. I woke up as soon as my head hit the wall and the surprise was nearly enough to sober me up.


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