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Angel Blackwood

Page 18

by Sophie Summers

  “Did you not hear me?” Talon’s eyes grow darker and he bares his teeth as he looks at my body lustfully. I listen to my wolf and bolt for the bedroom passing him in the process. I lock the door behind me and sit in the middle of the bed staring at the door.

  I can hear every word Talon says as he orders Axel and Nixon to stay somewhere in town until he gives them word to come back.

  When I hear their car leave and the heavy footsteps head my way, my body tenses. I watch as the door handle turns.

  “Open up. Now,” he simply says.

  I can feel him trying to get into my head, but I don’t let him. The door flies open and I watch as his shoulders move with his heavy breathing. His fists clenched at his sides. He storms up to me, grabbing my ankle as I move away on the bed, and pulling me closer to him. When my face is close enough, he grabs it with both hands and holds me tightly as he bends down to look into my eyes. I’m trembling I’m so scared, but I still don’t let him get into my head. Even though his touch is harsh it still alleviates the heat radiating from my body.

  “Stop closing your mind off from me, from us.” He speaks on behalf of his brother who is unsurprisingly absent.

  We’re inches apart as he looks my face over.

  “Where’s Tyler?” I ask the question that’s been bugging me since I realised that it was only Talon who had come to my so-called rescue.

  He releases my face and I move away from him waiting for an answer. He moves to sit on the chair next to the bed, I can’t help but notice the distance between us increases my heat. I sit as close as possible to him on the bed.

  “He’s busy,” he says, running his hands through the stubble on his jaw.

  “With Kate, right?” I roll my eyes, not caring about the jealousy lacing my words.

  “Jesus, Angel. Grow up will you? We can’t all stop our lives to look after your every need,” Talon spits out harshly. I wince, not bothering to argue, it’s a lost cause trying to defend myself. I don’t care how hot it is, I roll over to the other side of the bed, far from where he’s seated on the chair and turn around so I don’t have to face him. I let the tears soak into the pillow, already feeling dehydrated as it is.

  “Shit!” He lets out a deep breath. “Listen, I’m sorry. Neither of us want to be here so let’s just try get along until you ride this thing out. Apparently having your mate here will help ease your pain or something,” he says, matter of factly.

  Problem with that sentence is that I do want him here, I want him with me and near me. He’s the one that doesn’t feel the same.

  I don’t respond, I just close my eyes and force myself to sleep. I don’t have to try hard because my body is officially finished and I fall asleep quickly.

  I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and rather cold. The heat is gone and by the looks of things, so is Talon. The bed beside me is still warm, I wasn’t even aware that he’d slept beside me. That’s probably why I had a good night’s rest; well, better than any other night these past seven days.

  The cabin is quiet, so Nixon and Axel must still be away. I shower and change into the clothes I arrived here in. I don’t have much to take with me, and I don’t know when or if the boys are coming back to fetch me, I don’t even have a phone to call them with.

  I search through the cabinets looking for food, but come up with nothing. I climb down the ladder, sitting on the trunk of a fallen down tree below the cabin. I think about changing and running my way home in my wolf form, but I still don’t have the energy to shift. An hour passes by and eventually I hear the sound of a car in the distance. Nixon looks concerned when his eyes meet mine, I know he’s about to ask questions, but I’m really not in the mood.

  “I just want to go home. We can talk about it later.” I open the car door and climb into the back seat.

  “Go lock up, I’ll wait down here with her,” Axel says.

  I close my eyes and rest my head back on the headrest. I hear my door being opened, then feel the icy air from outside wafting in. Opening one eye, I find Axel hunched over the door looking at me, his eyes filled with worry.

  “Do I have to hunt him down and hurt him?” he says flatly. I can’t help but smile at his protectiveness. I know what he’s implying.

  “No. He didn’t hurt me.” I look away. “Well… not in the way you’re thinking.”

  Chapter 15

  It’s been three days since my heat ended and three days since I last saw Talon. I haven’t seen Tyler around since I got back either. It hurts just thinking how the beautiful relationship we once had has come down to this. Avoidance.

  I avoid them, they avoid me, and if we’re not avoiding each other we’re trying to hurt the other instead; well… that’s what it feels like anyway.

  Although Noelle has yet to teach me how to work this so called magic, I have been keeping busy with Phoenix. I’ve been teaching her some self-defence techniques and although she’s a really avid student, I think using her magic will do a better job if she needs any defending one day. Nixon has gone back to teaching. He’s been a stand in for my mom’s class, since she’s still stuck with my father in another territory dealing with rogues.

  Nixon makes sure that I fill him in on every detail regarding what happens when I’m amongst the witches, but I think he’s more interested in every detail relating to Phoenix. Phoenix and I get along really well, apart from Nixon and Axel she’s the only other person I’ve been able to open up to recently; it feels really great to have another girl to talk to. I’ve sent Daisy messages and even tried calling her a couple times, but every single time the call goes directly to voice mail and I’m guessing that budding friendship is a dud.

  I sit at the end of the dock, one foot in the cold water, the other bent up to my chest with my arms wrapped around it tight. Resting my cheek onto my knee, I look out over the beautiful lake. The starry night glistens as it reflects across the water, but it’s not as peaceful tonight. I can hear the sounds of pack members laughing and chatting in the distance. I try to zone out, focusing instead on the sound the ripples make across the water, but eventually the sound of my own thoughts take over all other sounds.

  I don’t know what I was thinking. Why the hell would Tyler come to my rescue and be by my side during my heat? I’m actually surprised Talon showed up. He didn’t want to be near me and he sure as hell made that known, but his presence still eased my pain. Tyler didn’t even bother to make the effort, and now I fear for the rage I might inflict on him when I lay my eyes on his beautiful blue ones. I worry that once I’m in the twins company, I’ll hurt them by blurting out all the horrible things I’ve been thinking. I’m afraid that in a moment of pure fury I’ll say things I don’t mean and end the mate bond that is already only hanging by a thread, a thread I’m holding onto for dear life. Of all my fears and doubts, losing them is still the biggest one of all. Even after all that they have put me through, the bond that we have now, and my wolf’s infatuated need for them keeps me from rejecting them.

  I lift my head up from where it rests and look up at the stars praying for someone to give me the answers for all my questions. I let out a deep breath and close my eyes.

  I hear the sound of creaking wood, I open my eyes quickly and look to my left to find Tyler in the darkness walking towards me from the other end of the dock. He has a green hoodie on and its pulled over his head, but the way he walks and the perfect nose and jawline peeking out of the hood tells me it’s him. I lift my foot up out of the water and try to stand, just as I’m about to reach for my shoes Tyler speaks.

  “Angel, wait,” he says in a soft but firm tone.

  I stand up straight leaving my shoes on the floor. I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my head to the side waiting for him to speak.

  He walks straight up to me, his face filled with concern as he looks my body over.

  “How are you doing?” He asks. Keeping his eyes fixed on my face, but avoiding my eyes. Faith is almost purring with content at his closeness. We
haven’t had our mate this close to us in a while and I can feel her glee within me.

  “How do you think I’m doing, Tyler?” I glare at him. “I’ve been in hell-”

  “I’m not here to argue with you, Angel. I’m really not in the mood to argue right now,” he says, his voice getting louder and harsher.

  I look down at the wooden dock beneath my feet as I rub my palm across my face. “Not in the mood?” I mumble, ever so softly.

  I look up at him scowling. “I don’t want to argue with you, Tyler.” He crosses his arms over his chest as he stands firmly. I swallow and force myself to look at his sparkling eyes.

  “I hate arguing with you. I hate everything that has gone on between us. I hate what our relationship has come down to.” I wave my hands in the air gesturing towards the two of us. I watch as the tension in his body disappears slowly, the hard glare he had on me moments before evaporating.

  “I get what I did to you and Talon while I was with Drake…” He growls and I watch his jaw flex. “…was wrong. I get that, I really do. If I could go back and change everything I would. I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to apologise to you or him.” I nod my head in Talon’s direction when I see him walking out of the woods and towards us. I know he can hear everything I say, so I don’t wait for him to get to us as I continue to let it all out.

  “I’ve done all I can do and I’ve said all that was left to say, but you continue to treat me like I’m a piece of shit. I know what I did hurt you and I know I pushed you away, but not once did I ever mean to hurt you.” My voice rises with emotion as I swallow the lump in my throat. When Talon reaches us he extends his hand out to me, but I take a step back and lift my hands up shaking my head. I can feel the pity radiating from them.

  I gesture my hands to the Pack house. “This is the first place that made me feel like I had a home and a family again, but it doesn’t feel that way anymore. My parents aren’t even around anymore, they’re always busy with pack stuff. Thank God for Nixon.” I shake my head when I hear the low growls coming from their throats.

  “I don’t know what I would have done without him,” I say, looking from the one to the other.

  “You would have been fine without him,” Tyler scoffs.

  I shake my head.

  “You did fine without him before,” Talon says.

  “I had you two then. Even after the attack and the way I distanced myself from both, I still knew you were there for me. The moment I came back and you two found out I was your mate, you both totally shut me out. The roles are diffrent now, yet I still crave your acceptance.”

  Tyler takes a step forward, but Talon pulls him back and away from me.

  “You never talked to us! You kept so much from us and you’re still keeping shit from us now! Did you think you could just walk back in? That everything would be sunshine and roses?” Tyler’s voice echoes over the lake, but I refuse to cower away.

  “Not once did I ever expect sunshine and roses, Tyler. I told you why I did what I did back then, why I kept my distance from you after the “attack”, but you have it drummed into your stubborn head that everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie. As for the secrets I’ve got now, they’re none of your damn business, you don’t need to know shit!” I glare at him as my anger rises, but Talon’s angry tone interrupts.

  “Everything that concerns you is our business. I know you don’t think that, but you need to start. We are always here for you, whether you believe it or not. Even after everything that’s happened, Angel”

  My eyes go wide as I try my best to contain the energy that is circulating and seeking release. I can feel the tingling start to build, and I blink away hoping my eyes don’t shine. I know I’m seconds away from loosing my cool.

  “Here for me?” I look at Talon then Tyler. “Here for me? Where were you when I started to turn for the first time, Huh?” I look at Talon and watch him gulp, then again at Tyler. “Where were you when my bones were breaking as I lay on the muddy forest floor scared out of my mind not knowing if I was going to survive?”

  Looking back at Talon I say, “You weren’t there when I had to learn what heat was…” I look back to Tyler. “…and you certainly weren’t there when I thought I was going to burn from the inside out. I thought it was gonna kill me. Either that or I was gonna jump Nixon, with or without his permission. Thank-you, Talon for at least being there for the short time that you were. I know you couldn’t give a shit, but your presence did help a little and for that I’m grateful. Even though you felt it necessary to tell me every fucking minute that you didn’t want to be there.” Talon’s eyes are now glassy, he doesn’t look like the big tough guy he usually portrays. I want to hold him and tell him not to be sad, but that’s our bond talking, so I restrain myself from jumping into his arms. Tyler stands firm, and even though I can feel his sadness, he continues to portray that stoic, perfect and unfazed appearance that he has down pat; his attitude only increasing the anger i am feeling.

  I let out a deep growl as I reach to pick up my shoes.

  I move to run fast them but Talon grabs my arm.


  I can feel the wind in my hair and know it’s time to leave; if only for their safety. I look up to meet Talon’s eyes. When he see’s mine his jaw drops and so does his hand.

  “What?” I growl, feeling my eyes shining at their brightest.

  I shake my head and lift my head up to look at Tyler. “I’m done with this.” I turn and run my hardest into the woods, clutching my shoes in my hand.

  “Wait!” Tyler’s roar doesn’t stop my hurried steps as I run. I can feel them running after me, but it only fuels my desire to pick up the pace and run as fast as I can in the direction of Noelle.

  I may be a physically weak she-wolf when I’m up against other wolves, but I know I’m one of the fastest runners in this pack, both in my human and wolf form.

  I’m aware of the moment I lose the twins when I hear Talon and Tyler’s howls in the distance. I know they won’t come near the witch’s camp, so this is my safest bet. Taking my usual route, I climb over the wall and make my way towards Noelle’s. Her door is always open and I walk right in to find her waiting with a cup of sweet ice tea.

  “You knew I was coming?” I ask, breathlessly but smiling as I try to catch my breath from the long run.

  “I had a hunch,” she shrugs, with a small smile on her face as she sips her own ice tea. I quickly put on my shoes, not wanting to track dirt into her house with my now dirty feet. Once I’m done, she guides me along to sit by the kitchen counter.

  “You’re eyes are still glowing.” She pats my cheek with a frown on her face.

  “They are?” I frown. “I can’t even feel it. I usually feel it.”

  “Well it’s a good thing you haven’t tried to kill me yet, because usually when those eyes are shining it means you’re about to do some damage.” She refills my glass just as I hear the sound of voices heading our way.

  “I am done tutoring your little sleaze ball hang-around! You should hear the things she says to me when you’re not looking, Fabian. She’s hideous!”

  I smile to myself and my mood is immediately calmer and at ease when I hear Phoenix’s whining.

  “Phee, just a few more days I swear. After I get it in, you won’t have to put up with her.” Fabian’s remark has Noelle instantly turning around and frowning at her son with disapproval.

  “Get what in?” Noelle asks with a raised eyebrow.

  My loud outburst of laughter has Fabian’s humiliated face now looking at me. His red cheeks instantly disappear and disgust takes over.

  “What’s she doing here again?” He says to his mother, taking the bottle of ice tea from her hand and pouring himself a glass. Phoenix waves at me with a big smile on her face.

  Fabian sits on the chair opposite to me and glares. “Don’t you have a home? Or should I say doghouse?” He smirks .

  Rolling my eyes at him I say, “I think you
r mother asked you a question, Fabian.” I rub my fingers across my jaw dramatically. “You were talking about getting something in?” I smile at him knowing my back is to Noelle.

  His glare deepens and I spot movement at the corner of his lip. It’s the closest thing to a smile I’ve got from Fabian since we met, so I’ll take it.

  “Angel, Noelle doesn’t need to know the details of her son’s man-whorish ways.” Phoenix’s sweet voice filters through the awkwardness in the room as she skips past me and takes a sip from Fabian’s glass.

  “Do we need to have another talk, my boy?” Noelle says seriously, as she stands with her hands on her hips.

  Fabian breaks the tension as he starts laughing, followed quickly by me and Phoenix. Noelle walks out of the kitchen shaking her head in amusement. I think she knows she won’t be getting an answer from Fabian anytime soon.

  “So what are you doing here? Couldn’t stay away from me?” Fabian asks, once our laughter has died down.

  “I came to visit your mother actually. I uh… was also kinda using your magic-scare-away-wolf charm that is surrounding this place.” Phoenix frowns. I know she’s probably gonna want to hear all about it later, she knows everything that has gone down between the twins and I. Fabian doesn’t know that Phoenix and I have been hanging out, she doesn’t want him to know and I can understand why. The dude hates wolves, he doesn’t care that I’m only a half-blood.

  “A wolf using our magic that warns away other wolves? Who would have thought?” Fabian says sarcastically.

  “Anyways, I’m out. Got shit to do and people to see.” He pulls Phoenix in for a hug and kisses her forehead.

  “Don’t stay up to long, Phee. We leave early in the morning,” he says, glaring at me.

  In other words, he’s telling her he doesn’t want her to be alone with me. She gives me a sad smile then leaves the kitchen.

  “How about I walk you out?” he says over enthusiastically.


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