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Angel Blackwood

Page 37

by Sophie Summers

  It felt as if I had been in their shoes. I got to see the way they see me, I got to feel what they feel for me. It only cemented my complete and utter love for them. In turn when I had to mark their necks, they too got inside my head and were able to see my every memory of them. I know that any doubt they may have had in their minds about my love and complete devotion to only them is no more.

  They are my soul mates after all…


  Later that night after the festivities died down, the twins came back to my room.

  I guess they could feel my nerves because Talon pulled me into his arms

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, babe,” he whispered, running his hand gently over the bite mark he left on my neck.

  I look over to Tyler and see the sadness etched on his face. I call him closer and he sits next to his brother. I lean over and kiss the spot where I made my mark earlier. I know he’s blaming himself for me feeling this way right now.

  “I’m just not ready right now,” I say. They both know I’m taking about sex; sex with either of them.

  Tyler looks distraught as he chokes out, “I’m so sorry…”

  “No. Stop.” I place a finger over his lips as Talon holds me a little tighter around my waist.

  “You haven’t ruined me, Tyler. I want both of you just as much as you want me. Just… Just not tonight.” I look back and forth between the two of them.

  “We’ll wait forever if we have to. As long as you’re ready, Angel,” Talon says, gently reassuring me.

  I look to Tyler then back at Talon, “Can we just lay together tonight? Can you hold me like you held me last night?” I look to Tyler, a smile finally forming as he pulls me from his brothers arms, earning him a small growl from Talon.

  “Of course, baby,” is all he says as he nestles me over his chest and holds me close. Moments later I feel Talon climb in bed behind me, holding me tight.


  My parents have never given me a reason for the current war between a rival pack and ours. The twins confessed that they knew that it had something to do with me. Somehow word got out about me being the first half human, half werewolf born. Some people aren’t too happy about that. However, our pack is tight and the twins and I are closer than ever. I know my pack and my mates will always have my back. Even though I know Drake is still on the loose, I feel safer now than I ever have before.

  There has never been an previous occasion where twins were made joint Alpha’s of a pack. This case is rare in all its entirety, but there’s also never been a half-witch, half-wolf Luna either. Each step we take is a learning experience for all of us. The pack are worried that once the news travels about our pack being run by two Alpha’s, that it will cause an uproar among other leaders; especially as two Alphas are stronger than one. My father doesn’t seem too worried though, he knows the twins will be strong leaders… Well, he did teach them all the tricks of the trade.

  Now that the twins have taken over the position as Alpha, they’ve been really busy. I’m still learning how to be as good a Luna as my mother was. She and my father are visiting friends in another pack at the moment, I think that was mom’s idea though. My father tends to forget that he no longer is Alpha, that he’s got to trust that the twins will take what he taught them and act accordingly. I think they’ve been doing a great job so far. They were born for this. Many of the pack members would agree.

  My cellphone ringing breaks my thoughts. I look to my side, seeing the light flashing and Phoenix’s name lighting up the screen.

  I look over at the beautiful moon lit lake as I answer.

  “Hey, Phee.”

  “Angel, where are you? I’m at the pack house and you’re not here? We have to talk!” She sounds panicked.

  I pull my feet from the water and pick up my shoes as I start running towards her. “Wait there, I’m on my way”

  I run all the way through the bushes and into the clearing. I spot Noelle’s car as Phoenix comes rushing out of the house and towards me.

  “What’s going on? Are the rogues attacking? What’s happening?” She doesn’t say anything, instead grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house towards the office.

  The twins are already standing at the doorway, each coming to my side and taking a hand.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, my voice trembling with worry.

  Noelle turns around, her face all teary eyed. “We found him, Angel… We found him,” Noelle says.

  “Drake. You found Drake?” I look back between the people that stand in the room. Why are they crying if they’ve found him? I don’t understand.

  “No, not Drake… James. We found James. He’s not dead!” Noelle blurts out and starts smiling.

  To be continued…

  About Sophie Summers

  I kept my writing a secret for so long, not wanting anyone to know about this passion of mine but eventually all those stories needed to be put on paper (or online in my case), I wanted others to enjoy these carefully crafted characters and to possibly get a glimpse into my imagination.

  The first book I released was Alexia Eden and I hope all of you young adult fans of fantasy or supernatural go out and have a read.

  When I'm not working? I'm studying, writing or reading.

  I write supernatural as well as young adult based books. You can find me on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram as well as keep up to date with news of my books on my blog.

  Although my life is busy as ever, I will never complain or regret the path I've taken that directed me to where I am today. The lessons I've learnt and the people I've met along the way are my reasons for this. I work hard and write harder. Look me up sometime, even if it's just for a chat.

  I love receiving emails and reviews of my books so please email me and send me links of your reviews. I may not have responded to your emails but please note that I really do appreciate all of you who have taken the time to email me with words of encouragement and advice. Since I'm new to the Indie writing scene I still have a lot to learn.

  You can find me on Goodreads and my blog

  Please feel free to comment, I'm always available to chat.

  You can also follow me on twitter and even friend me on Facebook to keep up to date with release dates and upcoming works.

  If you just want to chat? Email me on

  Please note if you're looking for some sappy FairyTale Romance, my books are not for you.

  You can follow me on Goodreads too - and Twitter @A_SophieSummers




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