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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World)

Page 19

by Brandy Nacole

  “I’m not sure. I think so. But I thought he would wake up.” Danika can barely speak and I know she’s drained.

  I start to walk over to Coy for comfort but stop myself. I was still uneasy about what happened earlier between us. As much as I wanted his comfort, I had to stay strong. Instead, I collapse in a chair. I hate admitting this but I am completely drained too. It’s even worse than it was before. After a moment of pause, I push my own problems away. I need to get everyone settled for the night, so I could go rest myself.

  I look up at Coy. “Can you go get Danika a cup of tea and something to eat?” Coy nods and leaves the room.

  Danika quietly protests as she sits by Ethan’s side looking defeated. “I don’t want anything.”

  I use her motherly attitude, the one she’s been using on me, as I stalk across the room. “You need to eat something. You’ve used a lot of energy tonight that needs to be restored.” I turn around to face Jared. “Jared why don’t you go get some rest in Danika’s room tonight.”

  Jared walks over to Danika, placing his hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. Do you want me to stay with you?”

  She doesn’t say anything. She just shakes her head and goes back to Ethan. Jared straightens and walks to the door. “What room?” His voice sounds tight, like he’s trying to hide something.

  “Room 15.” Jared walks out the door, quietly shutting it behind him.

  Coy finally comes back to the room with a sandwich and tea. After he gives the food/drink, I ask him to give me and Danika a moment. He lets Danika know that he’s just down the hall if she needs anything, then slips out the door.

  I pick up the discarded sandwich sitting on a table. “Here, you need to eat this.”

  “I don’t want it.” She doesn’t even look at the food, her gaze stays fixed on Ethan.

  “You’re going to have to eat this. If you want to help him, you’re going to have to get your strength back. So eat this and then get some sleep.”

  That seems to get through to her. After a few moments she picks up the sandwich, taking small bites. “There’s no way I’m leaving his side.”

  She gives in to the eating but I’m not sure what I’m going to do about getting her to sleep. Once she’s done eating, I try to convince her to go to my room and get some sleep but she isn’t budging. Finally, I call the front desk to see if they might have a roll-away bed. The clerk brings one to the room and I set it up beside Ethan’s bed.

  The exhaustion starts taking its toll on me. I start feeling the drain and know I need to get some sleep or I am going to have to go find that blood bank again. I check on Ethan one last time, making sure his pulse is strong and his breathing is steady before heading off to my room.

  I’m almost to my room when Coy steps out into the hall.

  “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute.”

  I want to say no, knowing my hunger and weakness makes me dangerous to be around him right now. Plus, I’m still supposed to be mad at him. But I also want some company. I feel so scared and shaken up by everything that happened tonight.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  I start to open my door and look back over at Coy. I really don’t think he expects me to just invite him in my room. He probably figured I would push him away. He hesitates a moment but he follows me in. As soon as we’re alone, all I can see and sense was his warm blood pulsing through his veins and I know we are in dangerous territory again.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I catch myself staring at Coy’s neck and turn away. I gesture to the only option for seating, the bed. “Make yourself comfortable.”

  I walk into the bathroom, my breathing harsh and ragged. I wash my face hoping to wash away the thought of blood and hunger. When I walk out of the bathroom my senses are overtaken with Coy’s scent. Obviously my impromptu bathroom trip did little good. Instead of lounging on the bed, Coy’s leaning up against the wall next to the door. His eyes are narrowed into slits and a scowl is on his face.

  He obviously notices my moment of distress. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. I silently chant, ‘I’m in control,’ as I make a neutral face. I’m hoping to make Coy think he is imagining things. “So, what do want to talk about?”

  Coy doesn’t answer. He doesn’t move from the wall. His gaze just stays fixed on me, unfaltering. I, on the other hand, falter. Not from his intense stare but from the weakness overtaking my body. I stumble forward and quickly grab hold of the wall.

  Coy is across the room in seconds, placing his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye. His gaze roams all over my body and returns to my eyes.

  I can feel my body shaking and my vision blurring. I’m overtaken by the scent of Coy and the sound of his blood coursing through his veins. I know that if I don’t get away from him, temptation and survival will overtake my morals and better judgment.

  I shove Coy’s away and turn my back on him. I try walking to the bed but my body feels like it weighs a ton. I slide down the wall, my shoulder catches on a nail ripping my shirt and nicking my skin. I close my eyes and try to regain control.

  I feel myself being lifted into the air. At first, I’m thinking I have fallen asleep and I’m just floating off into a deep sleep. But when my head lolls onto a warm shoulder, I know Coy is carrying me to the bed. I nuzzle closer to him. My cheek resting on his collarbone as my nose and mouth graze his neck.

  Somehow I gain enough sense and awareness to know what I’m about to do. I jerk my head back and try shoving Coy away. “Put me down, NOW!”

  Instead of tossing me down and letting me go like I demanded, Coy gently places me down on the bed, and then sits beside me. “Racquel listen to me. I want you to drink from me. I know it’s something you feel strongly against but you must.”

  He’s leaning over me, looking into my eyes. His gaze is so serene and caring, impacting my judgment. I want to give in, trust him as much as he trusts me. I can see his pulse. Hear his heart racing. Pounding. I can almost taste his blood in my mouth.

  But the small part of me that is still holding on to the real me is refusing. I don’t want to ruin everything I’ve worked so hard to maintain, my dignity and morality. I just can’t go down this road.

  I turn from Coy, rolling on my side and burying my head with the pillows. I can feel Coy stand, his weight leaving the bed, but I still hear his steps close to the bed. His heart beat fades for a minute and then comes closer. His weight returns to the bed as he lies beside me. His face is now only a mere inch from mine.

  I try turning over again so my back will be to him once again. I don’t have the energy or will power to fight with him anymore. Ignoring him is my only option.

  As I start to roll over Coy grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me close to him. He wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back. Never in my life have I ever felt like this. Safe. Yet at the same time I feel scared. Scared of what I’m feeling for Coy, scared of losing it and killing him.

  “Racquel listen to me,” Coy tightens his arms around me, “you’ve lost a lot of energy today. From what I have seen, your body stores energy and that’s why you didn’t need so much before. But when you use that energy, your body needs you to restore what it has lost.”

  Coy places his finger under my chin, tilting my head to look up at him. In a very low whisper Coy says, “Bite me.” I shake my head unable to speak. Afraid if I utter a word, I will lose control. He isn’t deterred though. “If not me then who? As weak as you are, do you honestly think you could make it out of the hotel without attacking someone, some stranger?”

  He then runs his thumb over my cheek, pushing my hair behind my ear. His gaze deepening as he says, “Bite me Racquel.”

  My heart starts racing and I can feel tears start to form in my eyes. I know I’m losing the battle. Everything he said is true, and I know if I don’t take this opportunity now, I could kill some innocent soul at random.

  I trace the vein down his arm, stopping at his wrist. His arm is still wr
apped around my waist resting on the small of my back. I lace my fingers with his pulling his arm from around my waist but he stops me.

  His gaze is still deep when he says, “Bite me, Racquel.”

  Well that’s what I was trying to do. He pulls away to lie on his back. He pulls me onto his chest as he arches his head back to reveal his neck. I run my hand over his chest and rest it on his shoulder. I lean in close taking a deep breathe. My senses come to life as my gums start to throb. A small part of me is still screaming to stop, to not go down this path.

  I hover there, my teeth so close to Coy’s skin a hair couldn’t pass between. While I’m hesitating, Coy runs his hand up my back and rests it at the base of my neck. Giving me a little squeeze, he urges me forward.

  I give in, letting his encouragement and my need wash away all the doubt and worry. My teeth sink into his skin allowing his blood to explode into my mouth. My body goes into a frenzy trying to soak it up.

  I’ve had plenty of human blood before, but none like this. This blood, his blood, is so full of life. The blood bags are cold with no life left within it. This blood is warm and vibrating with living energy. I start noticing other feelings that aren’t mine. Are those Coys feelings? Worry. Care. Fear. Admiration.

  That’s not the only thing I notice. I become very aware of Coy. The way his muscle flex as he caresses my back, the warmth radiating off his warm skin as he moans softly in my ear. I get lost in his touch, his caress.

  Coy moans a little louder, snapping me out of my fogged state. I know I haven’t taken too much blood so maybe I’m doing something else wrong. I start worrying about the bite stinging or maybe I’m not biting him right. Maybe I’m ripping his skin too much.

  I’ve been bit by other Vampires before and I can tell you it stings. When a Vampire bites another Vampire, it stings and sends a fiery burning through your veins. The only time a Vampire bites another Vampire is to show dominance. Vampire lovers can bite one another as long as they do a blood commitment ceremony to one another. It’s like marriage but with a deeper bond. Once the two Vampires have bonded, they can bite each other. Then the bite doesn’t sting, instead it intensifies the pleasure and passion. I’m pretty sure Coy isn’t feeling pleasure or passion.

  I pull back, licking over the wounds. Most Vampire wounds will heal up in a few hours. I, however, can heal any small wound with a slight lick. I learned this when I was younger. I had cut my finger and stuck it in my mouth. It instantly healed. I’m guessing that it has something to do with the Vampire saliva and the Witches’ essence within me. That’s the only explanation I can piece together.

  Coy’s wounds heal over instantly. He just lays there a moment not saying a word or even looking at me. He just stares at the ceiling. He’s probably disgusted with me now. But I need to know that he’s okay.

  I sit up just a bit more, “Hey you okay?”

  He finally turns his head and looks at me. Instead of disgust, I see sadness mixed in with astonishment. He places his hand on his neck for a minute and then pulling it away sees no blood. Finally he sits up some never breaking his eyes from mine.

  “That was….amazing.” He sits there a minute finally looking away but still in wonder. He shakes his head as if in a daze. Looking back at me he says, “I’ve been bitten a lot in my life but never ever has that happened to me before.”

  Worried that it was something bad instead of something good I tense. “What? What happened?”

  He reaches over running his hand over my cheek. “You. I felt you. I could feel everything. That’s never happened before. Usually we can sense a Vampire’s hunger and rage but never anything like this.” He scoots closer to me cupping my face in his hands, forcing me to look back at him. “You are so amazing, yet so sad and lonely.”

  “Coy, I-” I try pulling away but he won’t let me. Instead he’s pulling me closer.

  “You’re so beautiful, Racquel.” He searches my eyes, looking for what I don’t know. “And you’re wrong about one thing.”

  Although my throat’s as tight as can be, I manage to squeak out, “What’s that?”

  He moves in closer and whispers, “You’re not alone.” Then he leans in and kisses me.

  I tense up, my body stiff with nerves. Never having let anyone in before, it’s hard for me to open up. His touch relaxes me and I find myself kissing him back. Our lips caress together in a gentle search.

  Coy starts moving his hands, running one through my hair and the other down my shoulder, over my arm, and around my waist. He pulls me closer to him. My body pressed so tightly to his that I can feel his pulse pounding along with mine. He moves both hands down to my hips pulling me onto his lap. Our bodies twining together even more.

  As the kiss intensifies, a little voice invades this perfect moment, that little voice that I have always listened to and followed. The one of reason and logic. I remember his words about my pain and sadness, about me being alone. I remember his face when he was looking at me. It was full of pity and sadness.

  Was this a pity kiss? Was all this because he felt sorry for me? He hadn’t made a move to kiss me before. But now that he had seen my sorrow and fear, seen my loneliness and pain, he was suddenly kissing me. The conversation between Jobe and Coy comes to mind, he didn’t want this earlier, so what changed?

  I pull away, shoving him back against the bed.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Coy’s reaches for me again but I pull back. I’m not getting sucked in out of pity.

  I stand, walking back away from the bed as I’m pointing to the door. “Get out.”

  He looks at me in disbelief. “What? Why?”

  “I said get out.” My angry stare never falters, not even when a single tear falls down my cheek. I want him to know that I’m serious, that I want him out of my room.

  He steps toward me but I hold up my left hand, stopping him. “Stop! I said get out.”

  “Racquel, I don’t know what happened but-”

  “I said GET OUT!!!!” My emotions are out of control, geared now in anger.

  I turn my back on him knowing if I continued to look at him, I would break. The pain that was so clear on his face was also the kind of pain I was experiencing deep inside, unseen.

  I can hear his footsteps retreating to the door. I hear the turn of the knob, the door creaking opening. I hear Coy mutter that he was sorry before shutting the door behind him.

  As soon as the door shuts, I collapse on the bed. Clutching my knees to my chest, I cry until my body gives in to exhaustion.


  When I wake up, I’m back in the park. There’s no moon and all the streetlamps are out, so it’s extremely dark. I try remembering how I got here. Closing my eyes, I try thinking back. But I just draw a blank.

  My eyes finally adjust to the blinding dark. Not too far from me is a picnic table. I soon recognize this is the spot we were at earlier. I look around for the others but it’s completely quiet and deserted.

  I start to move forward but I’m grabbed from behind. Strong arms are around my waist and arms, pulling me back. I start to fight back when the cloaked man steps out in front of me. My body stiffens as I look at him. Did he bring me back to kill me? A sharp pain explodes in my neck. I strike my head back as hard as I can, hoping to knock out or kill my assailant.

  I connect with the creature that has me in his grasp but he isn’t fazed. I only manage to knock the syringe out of his hand that he had jabbed into my neck. I notice as it hits the ground that it’s empty.

  Whatever was in the syringe starts working fast. My body starts getting heavy. My mind starts going numb. I can feel myself slipping from consciousness. Right before total darkness takes me under, the cloaked man steps really close to me.

  “I told you to leave it alone, Racquel.” His voice sounds raspy and far off. But I hear his words ring through my head over and over as the darkness takes me under.

  When I wake up, I’m not in the park anymore. Instead I’m in the dungeon I was in befo
re. Chained to the wall are Danika, Coy, and Ethan. They’re all unconscious but I can see them starting to come around. I furiously start pulling on my chains trying to break free.

  I hear the familiar footsteps approaching the door and I know my time is running out. I really start yanking and yelling at the others to do the same but they’re too groggy to understand what I’m saying. Then I hear the key rattling in the lock and watch as the door opens.

  Déjà vu hits me hard as the cloaked man walks in with his minions tailing behind. The creatures walk over to Danika, Ethan, and Coy, while the cloak man comes closer to me. He pulls out his sword bringing it down on me as he says his normal banter.

  Instead of waking up, I feel the pain. I feel as he pushes the blade up under my rib cage and through my heart. Blood starts gurgling up my throat as pain shoots through my chest. An indescribable pain that makes you wish for death.

  Mystery man leans in close, “This alone will not kill you. But I imagine the pain is great enough that soon you will be begging me to truly kill you.” His voice sounds sad as it fades from my ears. The pain in my body overtakes all my senses. I do make out, “…hoping it wouldn’t come to this,” during his tirade.

  Mystery man pulls out another sword, this one has a wide thin blade like a machete. He touches my neck with the blade, slicing through the skin. He then pulls back and I know my death is near.

  I can hear and feel myself screaming and thrashing around as I’m held down. I hear my name being yelled as I sling my body side to side. I have to break this grasp on me. If I don’t, I’m dead.

  “Racquel! Racquel calm down. It’s alright.” Danika’s voice breaks through my panic. I open my eyes to find her standing over me with tears in her eyes. I can feel my own tears slipping down my face.

  I realize then that it was a dream. The needle, the chains, the sword through my heart, the pain, fixing to get beheaded, all of it was nothing but a dream. But it felt so real. I could feel the pain as the blade of the sword went through my chest. How could that be just a dream?


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