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Uniquely Unwelcome (The Shadow World)

Page 32

by Brandy Nacole

  I scream out as my arm is encircled with a burn. I don’t let it distract me, I fight through it. I grab Edwin by his cloak, throwing him to the ground.

  His fangs are out, his eyes glowing. I place my foot on his arm, trying to pry his grip off my arm. In doing so, he grabs my leg with his other hand, dragging me to the ground with him. I hit my head and my vision blacks for a moment but I regain my grasp quickly. He’s up before I am, dragging me to my feet, pinning me against his body, his other arm encircling my chest.

  “Enough. You will come with me or your friends will die.”

  Coy starts to run forward but Addie stops him, probably sensing he’s human. Coy looks from me to Micah then back again. I can see the torture in his eyes. He wants to help me but he needs to get Micah out of here.

  The Elders advance on Cerelia, their power radiates throughout the room. I can hear them chanting but can’t make out the words. They’re completely focused, arms out stretched in front of them. They move in unison, never faltering, never taking a step without the other.

  Cerelia has her hands outstretched as well. “Why Hanalei, how you have changed. Your willingness to fight me after helping me astonishes me.” She had been saying something in hushed tones as well. Now she has taken a moment to try and throw doubt into the other Elders minds.

  It doesn’t work though. They keep advancing on her. Eldrida and Laveda never stop to question Hanalei. They know what’s at stake if they take a moment to pause. It will give Cerelia the opportunity to over throw them.

  I focus back on my situation, needing to get out of Edwin’s grasp. I try pushing his arms away, getting a few inches before he locks my arms back.

  “You’re not the only one with special blood, Racquel. Cerelia has done a lot for me, including enhancing my own powers.”

  He starts dragging me toward where Cerelia and Micah stand. I push him back as hard as I can, and we smash against the wall.

  The thin plaster wall and dirt fall around us. I press the advantage, even head-butting him a few times. His grip finally breaks; my arms are released. I get a good grip on him, and without hesitation, I throw him across the room. He lands on the other side of the laboratory, knocking more plaster off the wall, revealing the earth underneath.

  Before he can react, I’m there. I do a round-house kick, connecting with his face. He stumbles to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth. I grab hold of him again, and toss him across the room once more.

  He lands next to Cerelia, the steps cracking as he lands. I try running up to them but I’m shoved back by an invisible force. I land on my back, my wrist caught underneath me. I feel the bone snap; the pain shoots through my arm.

  I push myself up with my other arm. Before I reach the invisible barrier a gunshot rings through the air. I look over to see Coy holding the gun Eldrida had given him. He’s hand is shaking so badly he loses his grip and it falls to the floor. I look back at where my grandfather is lying to see if Coy was successful. Unfortunately he wasn’t. The bullet is laying on the ground outside the barrier. I try taking another run at them but I’m still met with resistance.

  Over the hum of power coursing all around us, Addie yells at me. “Racquel stop! You’re not going to get through.”

  I back up, and following my instinct, take a stand next to Laveda. She drops one hand, grabbing hold of mine. I don’t know what they’re saying but I lend them my power.

  I focus on Cerelia, envisioning her falling to her knees, our power overtaking her, causing her to surrender. We continue our slow walk up to the steps. We’re almost there when I hear a ruckus from the stairwell. I hear Ethan shout from the top of the stairs. I can hear multiple sets of feet descending down the stairwell.

  Relief washes over me. Now I know we can overpower them. All this will finally come to an end. The Elders retain their focus but Cerelia looks toward the stairwell. Anger flashes over her features, her face becoming distorted with hate. “This is not over.” She moves her hands in a sweeping motion, pulling all the energy in the room, even ours, into her.

  Edwin has been laying on the ground moaning, but is now slowly moving to a standing position. Micah makes a move to break free and join his brother across the room. Edwin pulls Micah to him with one arm, and places his other hand on Cerelia.

  Eldrida screams out as Cerelia throws her hands out. Energy is released from her hands, a bright purple blaze, burning my eyes so I can’t see. The room explodes as her energy courses through the room and we’re all thrown back.

  My body slams into the wall. Pain explodes throughout my body. I can feel blood coursing down my face. The last thing I hear is Micah and Coy screaming out for one another before my world goes black.


  Laying on my bed, starring out the window, I silently weep for Eldrida.

  When Cerelia drew in all the energy in the room, she had drained Eldrida. So much so that the impact of the blast had caused too much trauma for Eldrida’s old frame to withstand. When I first regained consciousness, Addie had been sitting beside me, rocking back and forth, crying. My ears were still ringing but I had heard the other Elders and Witches in the room mourning Eldrida.

  Addie had looked down at me, tears streaking her face. “Oh thank god.” Was all I’d heard before I fell back into the darkness.

  When I came around a second time, I realized I was back in our trashy room in Nuuk. The room was full of faces I didn’t recognize. Addie had rushed over, checking to make sure I was okay.

  She explained everything that had happened: Eldrida’s death, the injuries the others sustained. How Ethan and Coy had carried me down the mountain onto a boat.

  She also told us what everyone had gone through while imprisoned. They weren’t allowed to talk to one another yet they could hear the screams of the ones taken into the laboratory. The Chimera would taunt them, only bringing them muddy water and stale bread to live on.

  Danika added to the story, explaining what had happened when they went down to the cells. Danika told me that she had tried to break through the spell holding them back, but that it wasn’t until Cerelia became weak that she was able to break the spell.

  A few days after our battle, we made arrangements to get everyone home safely. I went with the Shape-shifters, returning three of the missing five. Ethan went with the wolves, escorting their missing, including a very thankful Damara who had been frantic to find out what had happened to her husband Garrett. Jared escorted the two surviving Vampires. Unfortunately, his sister wasn’t one of them. She had died while being injected, unable to handle the pain associated with the binding. This had caused him great grief and he had vowed his vengeance in front of us all before shutting down into a sorrow filled silence.

  The fairy queen had showed up at the hotel, taking her Fae with her. Of the two captured, only one had survived. The Leprechaun, who had been sacrificed in one of the fatal attempts to add more mixture to the blend, didn’t survive. Once we told Queen Kaya what happened, she released the Witch she had imprisoned. I have learned never to underestimate the fairy Queen. She sticks to her word. Now her efforts are being focused on Edwin and Cerelia.

  The one Witch, beside Addie, returned with the Elders and Danika. Danika and Laveda had to make the sad arrangements to transport Eldrida’s body back home.

  Addie also told us more about the Chimera. They were human subjects who Cerelia had used during her experiments. At first she had cut their tongues out to silence them, but then got the idea to try her experiment on them. Their bodies hadn’t rejected the binding completely, but it did morph them into unrecognizable creatures who could then be used as fighters.

  Everyone was grateful to us for saving those kidnapped. They mourned those they lost but were happy to get some back alive. We never did hear from Jared or how Aldrick reacted. I wonder how he took the news of my grandfather being the one behind all this. I’m sure he’s more worried about the threat to his throne than the safety of his people.

  Addie and Coy
had flown back home on their own. Once I arrived home, Addie told me how much Coy blamed himself. How he believed with all his heart, he could have saved Micah. Addie tried explaining to him that was impossible but he wouldn’t listen. I tried talking to him too, but instead of listening to us, he locked himself in my grandparents’ old room.

  Since then, we’ve only seen him when he comes down to the kitchen to make a sandwich or to get something to drink. The bedroom has a bathroom attached, so we don’t see him unless he needs to eat.

  Addie is down in the kitchen talking with Ethan and Danika. I don’t want to intrude, but am curious to hear what they’re going to say as everyone goes their separate ways.

  “So how is Racquel and Coy doing?” Danika asks.

  “They’re doing okay. Racquel’s mostly quiet and Coy never leaves his room. He still blames himself for not being able to save his brother.” There’s a pause, I hear dishes clattering, I’m sure she’s getting them some tea. Addie’s always been one that couldn’t sit still for long.

  “So how are things with the Covenant?” I hear Addie ask.

  “Things are still a little crazy. Once Laveda and Witten found out about Hanalei’s betrayal, they put a block on her powers. I’m still not sure what they are going to do if it comes down to exiling her. I still haven’t heard what she did exactly.” I knew something was off with Hanalei but never would I have thought she was helping Cerelia. I’m not sure how she did, it’s something I’m going to have to check out.

  “How is everyone coping with Eldrida’s passing?”

  “Everyone’s sad of course, remembering everything she taught them and how much of a grandmother she was to all of us. Her burial service was very beautiful and touching.” I can sense Danika’s sadness from here.

  “What about you Ethan, how are things at home?” Addie asks.

  “Same as always. The old man is still pissed at me for leaving without telling him.”

  I didn’t know at the time, but when Ethan had left that day with me, he had only left a note saying he was going to look for Evan. Luckily, Evan was one of the shifters who made it out alive. He had flown home with us to Virginia. All the way back he kept apologizing to me for all the torment he put me through when we were kids. He was very grateful to me and kept telling me that he was totally in my debt for life.

  “I heard from some of the others that there are many who want revenge. They’re talking about a rebellion against the Council if the proper action isn’t taken.”

  “That could cause a riot throughout the Shadow world.” Danika says with concern.

  “I know. I’m hoping everything will cool off now that so many have returned home.”

  Neither one of them says anything for the longest time, I’m about to pull away from the intruding, when Danika says, “Well I hate to leave in a hurry but I have a long trip ahead of me.”

  “I understand. Thank you for stopping by and checking on us.” Addie says.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Ethan says, as I hear his chair scraping against the floor.

  I hear them walk out the front door and stop once on the porch. I start to pull away but I’m still feeling nosy. “Thank you for everything you did for me while we were away.” Danika’s voice sounds shaky.

  “It’s you I should be thanking. You know I should have died in London but you didn’t give up on me.” I can hear his feet shuffle. “You saved me, Danika.”

  “Don’t.” The pain in Danika’s voice is strong.

  “Don’t what?” Ethan tries masking the hurt but I can still hear it.

  “We can’t do this anymore. You saw what happened. You know what Racquel has been through. She shouldn’t even exist. How can we put ourselves through that, let alone a young child?” Her voice cracks.

  “There has to be a way. I care too much for you to just let you go.” I lay my hand over my heart at Ethan’s declaration to Danika. This conversation shouldn’t even be happening. They should be able to love one another. If the stupid shame hadn’t been set in centuries ago I wouldn’t be an anomaly. Ethan and Danika could openly be together, just like it shouldn’t matter that Coy’s human. I had let the fear of him being human stop me the last time we kissed. We had been emotionally wrapped up with one another, and then I pulled away. I shouldn’t be afraid. If I can accept Ethan and Danika, why can’t I find peace with my own relationship?

  Can I even call it a relationship? My emotions toward Coy have been all over the place. When we were alone and talking I felt happy but not elated. Then when I bit him I became super aware of him. There was nothing I wanted more in the world than Coy. Yet when we were around the others I felt nonchalant. I didn’t watch him or get lost in his brown eyes. I’m not an expert on love but I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to feel elated at the sight of him. Right?

  Then I remember Micah. My stomach instantly tightens at the thought of him. Ignoring my butterflies, I focus back in on Danika and Ethan.

  “You have to let me go. I’m so sorry Ethan but this will never work.” I can hear Danika’s footsteps as she runs off. I go to my window and watch her peel out of the driveway, wiping tears from her face.

  Ethan screams her name over and over as the car disappears around the block. Now Ethan’s walking down the street with his hand shoved deep in his jacket pockets.

  I think about Danika’s words. I should have never happened. I shouldn’t even exist. But I do. My unique existence has brought mayhem to the world because of a mad-man and woman who want to rein in my power. I think about all they have done, all the lives they sacrificed. But just because the wicked Witch of the world created me, doesn’t mean she can use me as she pleases. I will show her and Edwin what their creation can truly do.

  Micah comes to mind again. This time instead of thinking about his green eyes or the smile he gave me in Brazil, I think about his expression in Greenland. Micah was in pain. The experiments that Cerelia had done to him were forced on him. When our eyes met for the briefest of moments in that dirt-packed laboratory he was screaming for me to help him.

  I shake that horrifying memory from my head. Before heading downstairs, I peek out the window again. I don’t see Ethan anywhere. I wonder where he went. I hope he doesn’t do something that will lead Danika to hate him. Something like breaking through wards to proclaim his love in front of the Covenant.

  I walk across the hall to check on Coy but stop before I tap on the door. I really don’t want to go in his room. I would rather wait until he surfaced on his own. But I feel obligated. With a heavy sigh I place my hand on the door and send a silent comfort to him before walking away.

  I walk downstairs and make a bee line for the kitchen. Addie’s at the counter making sandwiches.

  “Is that for me?” I ask.

  She turns around smiling. “One of them, yes. The other one is for Coy.” She looks up at the ceiling, as if she can see him. “Poor guy, I hope we can help him.”

  “He just needs some time,” I answer. “He’ll come around and then we can plan on what we’re doing next.”

  Addie whips around giving me a hard stare. “We aren’t doing anything. The council can take care of this now. They know who it is, let them deal with it.”

  I sit down at the table with a flop, letting out a sigh. “I can’t.”

  “And why not?” Addie crosses her arms over her chest, leaning against the fridge.

  “Addie, I have to find them myself. This is all happening because of me,” Addie tries to protest but I stop her. “Don’t say I’m being foolish like Coy. You know good and well if I didn’t exist, this wouldn’t be happening.” I pause, gathering my thoughts, keeping my emotions in check. “I still can’t get over the fact that our grandfather is behind all this. How could he?”

  “I don’t know. When I saw him in New York, I was so relieved. We hadn’t seen him for so long. I was so worried about you; it was comforting to see his face.” Addie glances down at the floor. “That’s when he turned on me. When I went to give h
im a hug, he turned all cryptic. Then Cerelia showed up and it was lights out. I woke up in my cell confused and alone.”

  “I’m sorry for what he put you through. He will pay for what he did.” I look out the window, the fall leaves all but gone. The yard is filled with color from the leaves on the ground. The world looks so peaceful from here, like nothing is wrong, like everyone’s happy and enjoying their lives.

  If only that was the case. If only we lived in a world where everyone got along; no human wars, no Shadow world power struggles, no kidnapping, no starving children, just a world that spun happily in the sunshine.

  Of course that will never happen. Too many people, in the human world and shadow world, want power and control. But I will bring an end to the terror going on around me. I will find my grandfather, bring Micah home, and destroy Cerelia once and for all. Even if I have to do it all alone, it will happen. I sit at the table with that set determination for what seems like hours. I keep trying to devise a plan, wanting the answers to unravel in seconds. Instead, I come up empty just like before.

  I come out of my reverie and notice Addie’s gone to the store. She didn’t spare herself anytime recovering from being kidnapped. She’s spent the time since then taking care of us like a mother bear.

  I stretch out my stiff muscles and spare a glance at the clock. It’s almost seven. I decide to turn in early. Sleep hasn’t been my best friend lately. I’m afraid of the dreams that might come. I don’t know what’s worse, having nightmares or having nightmares about nightmares.

  I fall back on my bed with a blissful sigh. My body already feels relieved just from stretching out on the bed. It doesn’t take long before I’m consumed by the numbing sensation of sleep. But something’s wrong. I know I’m asleep but I’m aware of that fact. Instantly my body tenses. The more Cerelia attacked me in my dreams, the more I became aware of it. Is the same thing happening now?


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