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Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Layla Frost

  I could tell from the outside that the house was large. High ceilings and an open floor plan meant the house was huge.

  Flippin’ hell, it’s bigger on the inside.

  Glancing to the side, I saw what I guessed was a coat closet. The door was covered in a mirror, and my worn out reflection stared back at me. Still, tired or not, I couldn’t help but like the way Kase and I looked next to each other. We were opposites, but it was a captivating combination.

  Yeah, his bright and gorgeous eyes go real well with the bags under yours.

  Shaking off my thoughts, I stepped further in until I could see the living room area. A super plush, gray sectional couch was aimed at a massive flatscreen TV. Looking in the other direction, there was a tall, black wooden table with matching chairs. It obviously didn’t get much use since there were car parts on it.

  There were multiple awards and framed articles hanging on the walls, in addition to pictures.

  I wonder what the awards are for. My money’s on ‘Most Confidence, Wink Wink’ and ‘Bluest Eyes’.

  The size of the house was ridiculous for one person. It was also tidy and nicely decorated, albeit dude style. The whole atmosphere was comfortable, welcoming, and just so much like a… home.

  It was unexpected, and another example of how little I actually knew about him.

  “Do you have roommates?” I asked.

  “You could say that.” Kase tossed his keys onto a table with a clatter. When there was a rumble from upstairs in response, he winked and jerked his head toward the living room.

  I looked over just in time to see a tiny dog round the corner from the stairwell, its paws sliding across the floor as its legs tried to keep up with its body.

  “Oh my God.” I crouched down, the dog bouncing between Kase and me. “What’s his name? Or her?”

  “He. Boba.”

  “Like Fett?”

  “No. Like Pett.”

  Throwing my head back to laugh, I fell on my ass. Boba took it as an invitation, jumping on me in an effort to get his head scratched. “Your dog’s name is Boba Pett? That’s awesome! What kind of dog is he? His black and white coloring is so pretty.”

  “Blue Pomeranian. And he’s a dude, so his coloring is handsome.”

  “Oh, of course.” My laughter died when I caught sight of something else.

  A big something else.

  A beast.

  Jumping up, I moved behind Kase, clutching his shirt.

  “Chill, ipo.” He wrapped an arm around me. “It’s just my other dog, Chewy.”

  “Chewy and Boba?” I smiled for a second. “Wait, that’s a dog? I thought it was a polar bear!”

  “Good to know if there was a bear, you’re letting it eat me first.”

  “I have no doubt you can take care of yourself.”

  “And how exactly would a polar bear get to Massachusetts?”

  “Uh, it swam? Or, I dunno, broke out of the zoo? How was I supposed to know you owned a giant bear dog?”

  Kase pried my hand from his shirt and brought it to the dog. After sniffing my palm, and slobbering on it, the beast dipped his head so I could pet him. His white fur was silky soft.

  “What kind of dog is he?”

  “A Great Pyrenees. They’re big boys,” he said, scratching behind Chewy’s ear, “but super chill.”

  “I can tell. The tiny one sounds like a herd of elephants, and the giant one has stealth ninja skills.” I looked up and grinned at Kase, his expression warming.

  “You’re about two seconds from falling asleep. C’mon.” Grabbing my hand, he brought me through the living room. “Up the stairs, last door on the left. I’ve gotta take the boys out.”

  “Okay.” I headed up, stopping to use the bathroom and wash off the pound of makeup.

  It’d suck to leave a copy of my face on Kase’s pillow.

  Entering his room, I desperately wanted to snoop around. There were a few books on a side table and some clothes that were kicked in the general vicinity of his hamper. When I caught sight of his bed, though, nothing else mattered.

  Quickly stepping out of my shoes and pulling off my hoodie, I collapsed on the bed in my jeans and tank top.

  It felt glorious.

  I was asleep within seconds.


  The next morning I jolted awake, completely disoriented and in a panic. My heart was pounding as I shifted to leap out of bed.

  Strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me down.

  “Go back to sleep,” Kase rumbled, his beard coarse and scratchy against my shoulder.

  “What time is it?”

  “Still early.” I started to relax until he continued. “Only like eight.”

  Bolting up again, I rolled from the bed. My legs tangled in the blanket, tripping me as I tried to stand. Instead, I tumbled to the floor, landing with a curse.

  “Someone’s not a morning person,” Kase muttered, going up on his elbow. The blanket dropped to his waist, exposing his bare chest.

  What are the chances the window will magically open and a strong gust of wind will blow in at the exact angle to blow that blanket off?

  Remembering my hurry, I stood and tried to pull on my hoodie and slip on my shoe at the same time. Hopping around with the sweater covering my face, I lost my balance. Hands held my hips, preventing my fall.


  “I got you.” His grip on me stayed strong as I tugged my hoodie the rest of the way on.

  “You always seem to grab me at the right time.” I rolled my eyes at his smile. “You know what I mean.”

  His smile faded as his face softened with concern. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”

  “I can’t. I’ve already missed two classes.”

  “It’s barely eight.”

  “Like I said, two classes. No way can I get to school to make the third.”

  “So just blow off the rest of the day.”

  I shook my head and pulled away. The comfortable cloud of a bed was already tempting me from across the room. I couldn’t say no to the bed and the golden skinned nap partner.

  I walked out of his room and headed for the stairs, Kase following me. “I have classes, homework, and then work, with about a million other things to take care of in between. I really have to go.” I threw open the front door and stepped out onto the porch. “I’ll see you around.”

  When I got to the grass, it felt cool and dewy on my foot.

  Just the one.

  I looked down before turning back to the house.

  Kase leaned in the doorway, wearing only a pair of well-worn track pants that hung way low on his hips. Reluctantly dragging my eyes up from the deep indent of his pelvic muscles, I saw he was also holding my other canvas slip-on shoe.

  “Yeah, I guess I kinda need that, huh?” I walked up and grabbed it, bouncing around as I pulled it on. “Phew. Okay. Well, yeah. Uh, bye. Again.”

  Heading back down, I was almost to the driveway when I stopped. “I didn’t drive, did I?” I called out without turning around.


  I closed my eyes and dropped my head. “Balls.”

  “Wanna ride?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Kase went back into the house, coming out a minute later with a shirt and shoes on. “Let’s go, Tiny Dancer.”

  “There’s really no way I’m getting you to stop calling me that, is there?”

  “I could switch to Sparkle Tits.”

  I shook my head as I climbed into his car. “Nope. No, Tiny Dancer is fine.”

  “Want me to drop you at Wicked so you can grab your ride or just take you to school?” he asked when he got in.

  I can only imagine the riot and mass chaos Kase would cause at school.

  “At my car,” I answered quickly.

  Kase gave me a chin lift and started driving, staying silent for a while.

  If he thinks we’re going back to that nonsense, he’s crazy.

  “So what kind of car i
s this?” I asked.

  His brows went up slightly. “Challenger.”

  “What year?”


  The black exterior was angular, with a classic muscle car look. I didn’t know enough about cars to even guess how much of the spotless interior was his own work, but it had an interesting blend of modern and old school.

  “It’s pretty,” I said, running my hand across the dashboard.

  “No, it’s badass.”

  I looked out the window as we pulled up to a red light. “Yeah, in a pretty way.” I burst out in a startled laugh when Kase reached over and tickled me. “Cut it out!” I gasped.

  “Say it’s not pretty.”

  “Fine, fine, it’s badass!”

  He stopped tickling me as the light turned green. “That’s more like it.”

  As we pulled into Wicked’s parking lot, his smile faded. “I still don’t get why someone like you is working in a place like this.”

  I sighed as I got out of the car. “We’ve been through this.”

  Reaching into the center console, Kase grabbed my keys and cell before getting out. Coming around the car, he handed them back to me. “You dropped them when you started snoring.” The small hint of humor left his face as he scowled. “I don’t hang around with people that do drugs. Smoking a little weed is one thing. But pills, hard shit?” He shook his head, his voice firm with a sharp edge. “I won’t be around it, and I won’t let that shit seep into my circle.”

  “I’m not stripping to support a habit. I don’t know if it was a weird reaction or what.” I opened my door, waiting for him to give me the rest of my stuff so I could make my escape.

  Kase studied me for a second before nodding. “Then why here? And don’t just say money. Piper already said how much you work. No one busts their ass with school, an internship, and a night job unless they’re desperate.”

  As Kase pushed the seat up to grab my bag from the back, I looked at my phone in an effort to not blurt it all out.

  There were a few missed calls and voicemails, plus a text. Opening the message, my heart began to race and my chest tightened. Guilt and the ever-present weight made my gut clench.

  I had a morning where I could almost, just almost forget. And this is my punishment.

  “I’ve gotta go,” I murmured before getting into my car. Without a second thought, I hauled ass out of the parking out, my tires screeching as I went.



  At the sound of a piece of shit car peeling out, I lifted my head in time to see Harlow drive off. Standing up, I looked down at her insanely heavy bag. “The fuck?”

  That she was a runner wasn’t news to me.

  A kick to the ego? Maybe.

  But not a giant newsflash.

  I knew she was into me, which was good, ‘cause I was sure as fuck into her. Still, I’d never in my life seen a chick so insistent on getting away from me.

  If she were anyone else, I’d think she was playing games. And since I had no interest in living life like a game of chess, all strategies and manipulations, I’d have been done.

  But my gut was telling me she wasn’t playing at anything, and there was more to her and her life.

  Tossing her bag on the passenger’s side, I got in and started my car.

  Fuck it. She wants to run, then I’m gonna chase.

  Chapter Four

  Secrets and the Gatekeeper


  “Hey Tiny Dancer.”

  I sighed as I carefully went down the school stairs, Hadley in my arms.

  Kase was leaning against my car, his legs crossed at his ankles. My abandoned backpack was slung over his shoulder. He looked almost menacing, but strangely all I felt was comfort.

  Yup, I’m officially so stressed and sleep deprived that I’ve lost my mind.

  “Who’s that?” Hadley asked, lifting her head to study Kase.

  “Hey, I’m Kase,” he said, his voice a soft rumble. He reached out his hand.

  Hadley put her chubby hand out to meet his. His long, tattooed fingers wrapped around hers gently before he let go.

  Flippin’ hell, my ovaries just exploded.

  “My name is Hadley. I’m five and I like toads. How old are you? Do you have a toad?”

  Kase chuckled. “I’m thirty. And I do have toads but they aren’t mine to keep. I live near the water and they visit sometimes.”

  “Can I see them?” she asked, her face getting some color back.


  “Maybe,” I said, glaring at him.

  My evil look did nothing, and he just grinned at Hadley.

  I moved to the other side of my car. “Well, we really have to get home.”

  Hadley wrapped her arms around my neck. “I don’t wanna. I wanna go see the toads.”

  “You’re sick, baby. You have to rest.”

  “But David is there for a meeting and they always get so loud.”

  “David?” Kase asked, his tone sharp.

  I ignored him, trying to focus on one thing at a time. “Hadley, we’ll snuggle upstairs and watch movies the whole day.”

  “Who’s David?” Kase asked again.

  “Not now,” I whispered. “I’ve gotta get her home, she was running a wicked fever.”

  Hadley shook her head, clutching me. “I wanna go with Kase and see Ted.”

  “Ted?” he asked, obviously not in the mood to be helpful.

  After scanning the area, she lowered her voice. “Ted is a secret agent toad.”

  I popped the trunk of my ancient car. Hiking her further up my hip, I reached in to grab Hadley’s booster. Before I had to juggle to tug it out, Kase plucked her from my arms.

  Surprisingly, she went with no hesitation as she continued to fill him in on undercover amphibians.

  I got her seat in and turned around to grab her. “Come on, babe. We’ve gotta go.”

  “I’m going with Kase.”

  “Hadley Freckle Face Cooper, we need to get you home and in bed.”

  “That’s not my name.”

  I reached for her, but Kase dipped down and softly placed her in the booster. Reaching across, he buckled her, making sure the belt was positioned correctly.

  You should be ashamed of yourself for getting aroused at this.

  I should, yes. But I’m not.

  Standing slightly, Kase said, “I’m gonna talk to your mama real quick, okay?”

  “My mama is at home,” Hadley said, her tone confused. “That’s why Low Low came to get me.”

  “I’m gonna talk to Low Low then.”

  Uh oh. Ogling time is over, now I’m in trouble.

  Getting out of the car, Kase closed the door. He crossed his arms and shook his head, his dreads swaying with the movement. “Don’t even know where start.”

  “Start later. Please. She’s gotta rest.”

  “Why don’t you bring her to my place? Dunno who the fuck David is, or what other fuckin’ secrets you’re keeping.” I opened my mouth to speak, but he talked over me. “And right now isn’t the time, I get that. So come hang at my place.”

  “I can’t.” When he looked ready to argue, I rushed on. “If I didn’t have to work tonight, I would. But I need to get her home, email people to find out what I missed today, get caught up on homework, and then work tonight.” I was exhausted just thinking about it all.

  He jerked his head toward the car. “You gonna be able to do all that with her running around?”

  “Mom is home, and I’m gonna call her nanny in early.”

  Kase’s brows shot up. “She’s got a nanny?”

  I nodded. “I’ve really gotta go, Kase. Thanks for your concern.”

  Kase’s eyes narrowed before he lifted his chin. Opening the backdoor, he ducked his head in again, setting my bag down. “It was nice to meet you, Hadley. I’m gonna see you real soon, okay?”

  She gave him a small smile, her face paling. “Can we see the toads, too?”

sp; “Definitely. And I’ve got two dogs. One is so big that Low Low thought it was a bear.”

  Hadley giggled, but her eyes were beginning to get heavy. “Can I come see them now?”

  Kase shook his head. “No can do. I’ve gotta get to work and you’ve gotta feel better. Then you can come over.”

  He didn’t make me the bad guy.

  I could kiss him for that alone.

  “Okay,” she said, her disappointment clear.

  He stood back up. “Feel better, gorgeous.”

  She waved. “Bye-bye.”

  Touching her nose, Kase stood and turned to face me, closing the door behind him. “We’re talking. Soon.”

  “Okay,” I agreed, reaching for my door handle.

  Grabbing my outstretched hand, he pulled me to him. I crashed against his body, my hand pushing his chest in an effort to keep some distance.

  A futile one.

  “You’re a lousy liar, Low Low.” Bringing his hand up, he brushed my hair from my face. His fingers trailed tenderly down my neck.

  I locked my knees, fighting the urge to lean into his touch, and whispered, “I’ve gotta go.”

  Always going. Always running. Always escaping.

  Kase kissed my head, pulling me tight against him. “Call me, day or night.”

  Stepping away, I opened my door. I smiled, rolling my eyes and forcing myself to sound flippant. “Sheesh, you’re making it sound like we’re saying goodbye forever. I’m sure I’ll see you when I get together with Piper.”

  Without giving him the chance to respond, I got in and started the engine.

  “I like Kase,” Hadley said.

  “So do I.”



  “Mama, you’re awake!” Hadley screamed, running through the house.

  Mom crouched down to catch her right as she launched herself. “Hi baby. Why aren’t you at school?”

  “I got sick. All over. The jamitor had to dust it.”

  “Janitor,” I corrected, emphasizing the n.

  “Are you okay?” Mom asked Hadley, feeling her forehead and looking her over. Concern took over her features, mixing with the usual tiredness. Her lips turned down as she glanced up at me. “Why didn’t they call me? Shouldn’t you be in class? Oh no, did you have to leave school?” As the familiar guilt settled on my mom’s face, the weight pushed in on me.


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