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Best Kase Scenario (Hyde Series Book 2)

Page 26

by Layla Frost

  Before he could grab it, I darted to the side and wrapped my arms around my mom from behind.

  Her own arms covered mine, pulling them tighter. “Love you, sweet girl.”

  “Love you, too.” Releasing her, I stepped back and leaned into Kase’s side.

  “Hey, Hadley,” he called out, pointing to the corner. “You didn’t show me those ones.”

  Lifting a big stuffed alpaca out of the way, she picked up a still boxed toy. “These aren’t mine,” she said, lifting them to show Mom. “There’s more!” Carefully setting the box down, she looked behind the row of toy bins. “There’s a lot more! Where did these all come from?”

  Mom held her hands up. “Don’t look at me.”

  “I just moved all the stuff into the room. Maybe you forgot you had them,” Kase said with a shrug. Reaching out, he squeezed Mom’s shoulder and lowered his voice. “Let me know if anything changes for Saturday.”

  “It won’t,” she said. “See you both then.” A stuffed animal started blasting a loud and annoying song. “And, for the love of my sanity, no more toys.”

  “Can’t make that promise.”

  After giving my mom one last hug, I took my opening and started sneaking away.

  “What’re you doing?” Kase asked, his tone amused.

  “Being a ninja.”

  “Pretty sure that’s unnecessary. She’s got enough in there to distract her for a while.”

  “Yeah, ‘cause you bought the entire toy store.”

  “Told you I wasn’t above bribery. Speaking of…” Stopping at the top of the stairs, he pulled me close where we were out of view. “How about we get you into the cloud bed with a salted rim margarita while I unload the truck?”

  “Hmm, that does sound good.” I licked my bottom lip, pretending to be deep in thought. “Or we could strip naked and you can fuck me wherever you want in our house.”

  With a growl, Kase put his shoulder to my stomach. Lifting me up, he hooked an arm around my waist. His other hand spanned my ass, his thumb rubbing between my legs. He took the stairs two at a time. “Time to go home.”


  Leaving my mom’s house, I drove my car while Kase took the moving truck. Taking advantage of the alone time, I cranked some music and prepared for the onslaught of doubt and panic.

  They never came.

  I didn’t know why I was surprised.

  My happiness wasn’t centered around Kase. My mom was healthier than I’d seen her in years. Piper and Ray were kickass friends. Even the other guys from Hyde had made themselves comfortable in my expanding social circle.

  I was happy because life was awesome.

  That didn’t, however, negate the fact that Kase made my life that much better. He was patient, showing he knew me well enough to give me time. And then he showed he really knew me by giving me the push I needed to move in with him.

  Plus, though I was sure it would’ve taken all his self-restraint, I had no doubt he really would’ve backed off if I’d said I wasn’t ready.

  But I was.

  Driving along with nothing but music and my own thoughts, I wasn’t obsessing and worrying. My anxiety wasn’t pushing in, making it hard to breathe.

  Instead, I was decorating in my head.

  I spent the ride thinking about throw pillows, new coffee tables, and whether Piper would part with one of her bread scented candles.

  Mostly, I was focused on the kitchen. There were about ten appliances I wanted, four I needed. My number one priority was a coffee maker.

  If I have a machine, though, Kase won’t have any reason to surprise me with hot and iced coffee.

  Okay, maybe scratch that off the list for now.

  I wasn’t a gourmet chef by any stretch of the imagination, but I liked to cook. I especially liked the idea of really making use of his kitchen.

  Our kitchen.

  My stomach flipped with anticipation as I pulled into the driveway.

  Grabbing my electronics bag, I got out of the car. Before I could stand fully, Kase took the bag and pushed in tight against my body.

  His arms went to either side of me as he dropped his head. Lightly, he brushed his lips against mine. “Welcome home, ipo.”

  Before I could convince him to fuck me against the car, he took my hand and started for the house.

  Unlocking the door, he walked into the dining room. “You hungry?”

  “Not really.” I kicked my shoes off.

  He kept his back to me as he set my bags on the controlled chaos he called a table and shuffled through the mail. “I think you’ve got enough tequila for a small batch of celebratory margaritas.”

  “Maybe later.” I yanked my shirt over my head and threw it at him.

  Reaching up, he grabbed it off his shoulder as he turned around. The beginning of a playful smile left his face as he realized what I’d tossed.

  I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down while he watched each movement like I’d be testing him on them later. Stepping out carefully so as not to face plant, I kicked them to the side. I reached for my bra, but he stopped me.

  “Don’t.” With a sharp shake of his head, he stalked toward me, tugging his shirt off as he went. Gripping my hips, he twisted me so the mirrored coat closet door was in front of us.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” I breathed as he kissed up my neck. Reaching back, I fisted his jeans to steady myself.



  He bit down on my shoulder before licking across the spot. “Shh.” His large hand palmed my breast, his thumb stroking along the edge of my bra cup.

  I stared, mesmerized by his other hand inching down my stomach. His fingers were fanned out, a splash of color against my pale skin.

  It was erotically beautiful.

  Reaching my panties, his middle finger stroked me over the fabric barrier. When he groaned against my neck, I knew my growing wetness had soaked through. Shoving the cup of my bra down, he tugged my nipple, rolling it.

  Fighting to keep my eyes open, I watched as he hooked a thumb into the side of my panties and pulled them down to the middle of my thighs. Slowly, he skimmed his rough fingertips up.

  Goosebumps broke out across my skin. Like electricity ran through my veins, a shiver travelled down my body.

  His hand pushed between my legs, blocking my view as he cupped me. His palm pushed against my clit, his middle finger gliding through my wetness.

  I tried to spread my legs to give him more access, but my panties around my thighs were pulled taut.

  Looking up, I met his heated gaze in our reflection. He maintained the eye contact as he pushed his finger hard into me, taking me up onto my toes before easing back down. Curving his finger to stroke in and out, he put more pressure on my clit.

  My orgasm built quickly, my body tensing. I tightened my hold on his jeans.

  When I was just at the edge, pulsing and ready to belly flop into an orgasmic abyss, he pulled away.

  I’m gonna kill him. We’ve lived together for five minutes, and I’m already planning his demise.

  A tight ache settled low in my belly, my loathing for him growing even as my hips shifted, seeking him.

  Releasing his pants, I started to turn. “What—”

  My words were interrupted as his belt clattered to the ground. His pants and boxers were shoved down after it, leaving him impressively hard and naked. Before I could get my fill of the view, not that we had a million years, he knelt and yanked my panties the rest of the way down.

  “On your knees, ipo,” Kase ordered through gritted teeth.

  Lowering myself to the ground, I barely had my knees under me before he slammed into me. My palms slid across the cold tile, his firm hold on my hips keeping me from falling.

  Slowing his movements, one of his hands followed up my spine. He unhooked my bra, pushing the straps off my shoulders so they fell around my wrists on the floor.

  Before I could remove it fully, Kase reached around to cu
p my breast. Using his hold, he lifted me upright so my back was to his front.

  I was surrounded by him. Overwhelmed. His large frame eclipsed mine. His scent, an arousing mix of his soap, hard work, and him, was all I could smell. Panting breaths and deep, guttural groans were all I could hear.

  And with our mirrored reflections staring back, we were all I could see.

  Colorfully inked, golden skin against pale, like art against a canvas.

  Sitting back on his feet, Kase positioned his knees between mine. Spreading his legs, he forced mine apart, too.

  Exposing all of me.

  All of us.

  It was too much. Too exposed, too raw.

  Too real.

  My eyes shot up, unable to watch anymore. Instead, I looked at Kase in the reflection, watching him watch us. His eyes were glued to our connection. Predatory possession burned in his gaze.

  His thrusts quickened again, hitting deeper as he used his hold to slam me down.

  “Watch, Harlow,” he ordered, his whispered voice harsh in my ear.

  I shook my head, my eyes closing as my orgasm built. “Too much,” I forced out on a moan.

  Leaning back and lifting me up, he pulled almost all the way out. “Watch or I stop.”

  I opened my eyes.


  Inch by inch, his glistening cock eased into me, disappearing from view. I was suddenly unable to tear my attention away.

  It was exposed, raw.

  It was real.

  And it was mine.

  Releasing my hip, Kase rubbed my clit as I rode him, my movements erratic and frenzied.

  My knees fought to close, but his held them in place. Overheated and tingling, my head shot back as I clenched, pulsing around him. I came hard, my orgasm ripping through my body like the electrical current in my veins had been set on fire.

  With a low, harsh groan Kase raised his hips and slammed mine down a few more times before holding me tight as he came.

  When he loosened his grip, I fell forward, my palms slapping the ground. My head hung as I fought to catch my breath and calm my racing heart.

  Kase shifted, though he stayed hard inside me. His cock jerked and twitched with each movement I made.

  Lifting my head, I barely recognized the reflection staring back at me. My hair was a mess of craziness. Eyes hooded, my liner was smudged just enough to still be sexy and wild without crossing into pirate territory.

  I looked well fucked and seriously flippin’ happy.

  Turning to peer over my shoulder, I saw Kase leaning back on his arms. His ab muscles were tightly ridged. The cut definition in his arms looked like it was chiseled. But it was his smile that melted my heart and soaked my panties.

  Well, it would’ve had I been wearing any.

  He looked well fucked and seriously flippin’ happy.

  “You okay?” he asked, his breathing still heavy.

  I grinned. “It’s good to be home.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Taunted by the Imaginary Needle


  “Holy shit, you showed,” Ray said by way of greeting, glancing up from behind a design desk. Looking back down, her hand moved at lightning speed as she drew. At least fifteen colored pencils were stuck into her messy bun of blue hair.

  “I told you I would.”

  “And I thank you for it. I’ve been itching to get my hands on your virgin skin. Give me a second to finish this up.”

  Picking up a photobook, I sat down and thumbed through it for a second before slamming it shut. The artistry of the work was beautiful, but all I could see was the giant imaginary needle that’d been following me.

  After spending all day Sunday unloading the moving truck and getting some things unpacked, I’d almost forgotten about my appointment with Ray. But the needle was always there, lurking and taunting me, making my palms sweat and my head swim.

  My foot bounced, my fingers drumming on the arm of the chair. Grabbing a different album, I opened it to a picture of a pierced dick. I squirmed and grimaced even as I tilted the book to get a better look.

  For scientific research purposes, of course.

  “Thinking Kase needs some hardware?” Ray asked from the front counter as she put a paper in the scanner and tapped a few keys on the laptop next to it.

  “No, definitely not. It does look… interesting, though.”

  “It is.” She grinned and winked.

  Before I could decide whether to grill her further, the door swung open and a frazzled looking Piper stepped in. Looking down, she almost tripped as her thumbs swiped across her phone so quickly they were almost a blur.

  Ray took a quick look at her. “Work or Jake?”

  “Work. I had to let go of the cashier because she had zero clue what she was doing and she was always late. Not once or twice, but daily. Now I’m back to being way, way short-staffed instead of just one way.”

  “I’m on break from school. How about I help out for a while?” I suggested. I knew bakery meant early mornings, but I’d deal with it for Piper.

  And her crazy ass coffee machine.

  “I might take you up on that. Right now a rotation of Hyde boys are on loan from Jake, but they keep ‘sampling’ everything.” She used her fingers to make air quotes, huffing out a sigh. “I make extra, so it wouldn’t normally be an issue. But business has picked up a lot this week. Which I’m sure is strictly coincidental and has nothing to do with the badass hottie helpers.”

  “You’re slammed, so don’t feel like you have to stay for this.”

  “Dude, it’s your first tattoo. And since Kase was still working when I checked, I took a shot in the dark and guessed you didn’t tell him.”

  “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Figured. But, so you know, I said something to Jake and I think Xavier overheard. And with them, gossip flies like it’s TMZ.”

  “Balls,” I muttered, checking my phone to make sure there were no messages.

  Lily, the angelic blond who worked for Ray, entered the room, followed quickly by a burly man.

  Mountain sized, with a full beard and close clipped brown hair, he was attractive in a scary kinda way. Though he looked like he could bend the metal cabinetry with a single glare, he watched Lily with a soft expression.

  Lily seemed oblivious, hitting buttons on a register before giving him a warm but very professional smile. “Four hundred for today’s work.” She flipped through the calendar hanging next to her.

  He handed her a wad of cash. “I was hoping—”

  “And I’ve got next Wednesday free to finish it up.”

  “That works.” Inhaling deeply like he was working up his nerve, he tried again, stumbling over the words. “Before then, though—”

  “You know my rules, dude.” She grinned, softening the blow. “See you Wednesday, Sutton.” Plucking a pencil from Ray’s hair, she jotted down something on the calendar.

  With one last look of longing, mountain man left.

  “Hey babes,” Lily greeted us.

  “He wants you,” Ray said, stating the obvious.

  “I hadn’t picked up on that.” Her tone was loaded with sarcasm. “I’ve told him no already, but he’s a persistent sort. If he keeps coming in to try to get a date, he’s gonna run outta places for me to ink.”

  “He’s cute. I know appearances aren’t everything, but…” I shrugged. Mostly, I just liked the way he looked at her. It was sweet.

  “He is. And he’s a great guy. Just not my type.”

  Grabbing some papers from the printer, Ray pointed her finger at me. “You’re up.”

  Panic flared deep in my chest, churning my stomach. “Maybe we should wait. You know, talk to Lily more. Make sure she’s okay.”

  “You’re such a giver,” Lily said with a snort. “But I’m good.”

  Standing, I stiffened my spine and walked into the back sandwiched between Ray and Piper. I deep breathed, giving myself an internal pep talk.

p; I got this. It’ll all be worth it when I see the gorgeous art that will be a part of me.

  Put there by a needle.

  That stabs repeatedly into my skin.

  Okay, not helping at all.

  Ray opened a door and stepped aside for me to enter.

  The strong smell of antiseptic and cleaner filled the small room. A black leather chair similar to one in a dentist’s office was in the center of the room. Extra pieces and padding were stacked behind it. A small couch lined one wall.

  I took the seat of honor while Piper plopped down on the couch. A TV on a rotating hinge hung from the wall in front of me.

  Distractedly, I watched Ray line up little cups, filling them with ink from her immense collection of color bottles.

  See? I can do this. It’s just like paint. Yup, big squeeze bottle of finger paint.

  My heartbeat kicked up again as she started sorting and lining up sterilized wrapped pieces.

  “Put something on,” Ray said, handing me the remote.

  Flicking through the stations, I tried to listen to Piper talk as she joined in on the distraction attempts.

  It wasn’t working, but it was sweet.

  Ray handed me a paper. “This look good?”

  Looking down at the very small cartoon Tardis, my stomach flipped in excitement. “Yes! Oh, I love it.” I turned it so Piper could see. “Perfect, right?”


  Some of the fear left my body, taken over by anticipation. It was a small and silly design, but one I loved. It meant more to me than just a fandom.

  It was memories of my dad.

  We’d snack on homemade popcorn and ice cream while we geeked out over Doctor Who, watching and rewatching the old episodes. It was our thing.

  It took a few years after he died before I could sit through them again.

  “You ready?” Ray asked, pulling me from my thoughts as a cold, wet paper towel wiped across my inner wrist.

  I sucked a breath in but nodded my head.

  Carefully positioning a scrap of paper, she pressed it on my skin for a few seconds before peeling it off like a temporary tattoo. A tilted Tardis outline was left behind.


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