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Art of Loyalty

Page 21

by Monique Orgeron

  He waits till I’m finished and then he starts asking questions about me in the war. Things I was trying to avoid. But he makes me feel comfortable enough to tell him.

  “I went into the military as an escape from my life. I didn’t have an easy childhood to say the least, and when I became a teenager I dabbled in drugs as a means of escape. It never did the job. Things got so bad at one point that I tried to take my life. My mother saved me and put me into a rehab program. I got clean, but I refused to go back home. I wasn’t quite 18 yet, so I begged her to sign me up to go in the military. At that time, I didn’t know what I wanted or what my next step was going to be. I just knew I couldn’t go back home. I figured the war would put enough distance between me and my past, but I was wrong, it only followed me. If the distance wasn’t going to help, I thought that once I was sent out to fight that some higher power would end my suffering. The problem was, I’m good at what I do and the need to survive kicked in until that day. The day I met the boy standing there scared. I wanted it to all end, the nightmares, everything. But Troy interfered, you know the rest of the story. He thinks he saved my life and maybe he did, I don’t know. All I know is I saved him too. But I never told him. Now he thinks he has the upper hand on me.”

  “Your mother wouldn’t work with him, will she?”


  “So, why not bring her in?”

  “Because I put her through a lot back in those days. I don’t want to drag more of my shit to her. She’s put up with enough from me.”

  “You still having the nightmares, Vin?”

  I look up at him and answer honestly. “Yeah, old man, every time I close my fucking eyes, I relive everything. All of it from my childhood and the war. Except for when I am with…”

  I stop myself, there are some things maybe I shouldn’t talk to him about. His granddaughter might be one.

  “Except for when Vin?”

  “Shit old man, maybe we shouldn’t talk about certain things?”

  He passes the joint back and says, “You mean my Brittany, don’t you boy?”

  “Yeah except when I’m with Brittany. She, shit I don’t know, she has this ability to help me. When I am with her it’s like she’s…”

  He interrupts when I can’t find the words. “Home, she’s like your home. She makes you comfortable and warm. She soothes you.”

  I look at him and chuckle. “She’s like my home.”

  “You my boy have it bad. When a woman makes you feel like you are home, you grab hold and never let go.”

  “I don’t have that option. I never thought of involving a woman into my life, and even if I did, things are too dangerous right now. Besides, she doesn’t want me anyway.”

  “She doesn’t know what she wants, and you just keep making excuses. You don’t think I haven’t made them? I came back from the war fucked up. I gave up on the only woman I ever loved and became estranged from her and my son because I thought I was no good for either of them. I wasn’t at the time, but I refused to let her help me. I moved down the bayou to get away from everyone. I was wrong, and you are too.”

  He looks around and starts yelling at some of his friends. Three of them start making their way towards us.

  “What are you doing, old man?”

  “Helping you, boy. If I would’ve had someone to force me to talk my shit out, I would have been able to save myself a lot of heartbreak.”

  “I’ve already talked to therapist and shit. I don’t need to talk to anyone else.”

  “Shut up, boy! You ever talked to other men who were in the war?”

  “Once, I went to a group meeting.”

  “Did you open up or were you guarded?”

  I don’t say anything, so he answers for me. “No, you didn’t because you were worried about judgment or someone that could use your shit against you like this Troy asshole. These men all served their country and they all suffered, but they are proud of it. The best part is, they’re all old and practically forgotten about, so who they going to tell that could hurt you? They don’t give a shit about hurting you, but they, like most of us old people, want to feel needed. Open up to us Vin and let us help you. In return, you’ll give them all something to look forward to.”

  I snicker at him as the men finally make there way to us and sit down. It hits me, he’s right. I never opened up to anyone, not even the other military men I met in therapy. I was too scared to let them too close to my secrets. I don’t know if I will be able to open up to these men either but what could it hurt to stay and listen to them.

  One of the old guys asks Willy what that smell is and then he sniffs again, and all hell breaks loose. Willy winds up having to share one of his joints with the other guys. After that, they all start acting like Willy is the big man on campus and he is eating that shit up.

  Willy starts introducing me to all of them. He introduces them by their names, ranks, and what war they were in, either Korea or Vietnam. One of the men, Clovis, even served in both. Once introductions were done, they all start spilling about the different things they all went through. The more stoned they became, the more they talk. Some of the shit was horrible and some of it was funny as hell. I found myself enjoying their stories and their company.

  I don’t open up to them, but I did tell them a brief history about my time in the war. But then Willy surprises me by telling them about my military brothers wanting to sell the weapons and trying to use me for help. My first reaction is to get pissed, he had no right to tell them anything.

  But then Clovis asks, “So, who’s the boss?”

  I’m about to answer when Willy jumps in. “Clovis man, you heard me say his name is Troy. Don’t tell me you’re slipping already.”

  The old man looks at him, fuming. “I heard you say Troy was his spotter, you jackass.”

  “Yeah so, he’s the boss.” Willy argues back.

  Clovis stands up and says, “No he’s not!”

  I stand too. “What do you mean, Clovis?”

  “I mean, I have been in enough wars to know, no damn spotter has the ability or power to get those kinds of weapons.”

  Clovis sits back down and the other men all start talking. I start listening intently. Willy looks at me and says, “Clovis might be an asshole, but he’s right. Think about it Vin, would you or Troy have been able to get your hands on those kinds of weapons? Especially the amount you’re talking about.”

  I sit back down, thinking about it. There is no way. We would never have had the ranking to even get ahold of one of those weapons without it being assigned to us.

  “No, I wouldn’t have.”

  Clovis says, “Exactly! So then, who is the boss?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Willy says, “Then you need to find out. Because you are playing with the low man on the totem pole, boy. You kill him and someone else will pop up. But, cut the head off the snake and you kill them all.”

  The other men start nodding their heads. Well I’ll be damned! Not only did they give me solid information, they didn’t even blink an eye when talking about killing the snake. I think I might like these men.

  “I need to find out, but Troy has been very careful. I’m not sure if he will fuck up enough for me to catch him.”

  Willy looks at me and says, “I think you need Catherine, boy. This is a very big operation. Someone way above my and your pay grade in the war. This could get a lot more dangerous than you thought.”

  I nod my head and then excuse myself. I need to figure out who the hell the boss is and then kill him and the rest because Troy’s not running this shit. I’m sure he was sent to me because of what he told them, so if I kill Troy someone else will come in his place threatening me.



  It’s been almost two weeks since I have seen Vin, but I hear he has been a busy boy. Paw-Paw showed off his new walker to me and said that Vin has been by a few times to see him. He says he really likes him. Great, just what I need, Vin tr
ying to get closer to my family.

  Tonight, I have a date with a new man in town. Alexa called me saying that she and Meghan had dates with some new gentlemen and they needed one more girl for their friend. I usually don’t take last minute dates, but I have no other plans tonight and they said they were desperate. Candice was supposed to be the one going on the date, but she’s been sick and isn’t well enough to go. So, I tell them I’ll be there. Then she tells me the date is going to be at Murphy’s casino. I’m not ready to take a chance of running into Vin again but with no other option, I get dressed and meet the girls out.

  I meet them at the front entrance. We agree that we’ll allow the men to select which one they would like to continue the date with. We also give each other our safe word. Multiple dates can be a good thing because we’re not alone meeting new clients, but it can also get sticky because they might want extras, regarding some multiple participation. Once we have everything covered we continue to walk into the casino. Alexa says they want us to meet them in Murphy’s new restaurant.

  We enter and Alexa spots them first. As we make our way to them, they stand and introduce themselves to us as Steve, Troy, and Terry. Immediately, we can tell who’s the alpha in the bunch. Troy takes the lead and selects first. He selects me, Steve pairs up with Alexa and Terry pairs with Meghan.

  Sitting together, we enjoy a nice dinner. They tell us they’re businessmen starting a new venture here in New Orleans. They also tell us that they were all in Iraq together. Troy starts showing me more affection as we get more comfortable with each other. I have a feeling it’s all for show though. He’s trying overly hard to make sure the men notice how friendly he is with me. Half way through our meal, Murphy makes an appearance in the restaurant. Troy pays close attention and I watch as he gives the other men a heads up. Suddenly they turn and take notice of her too.

  She sees me and starts walking around our table, but I don’t get worried, she knows like the other women, unless I reach out to them, not to interfere with my dates. She throws our table a smile, which Troy takes as an invitation. He stands, stopping her in her path and introduces himself.

  “Mrs. Stern.”

  She stops and looks at him then looks down at me. I give her a tiny head shake letting her know not to announce our connection. I have a feeling something is not quite right. They targeted in on her.


  Troy holds out his hand to shake hers. “My name is Troy Jacobs. I just wanted to introduce myself.”

  He kisses her hand and continues, “My associates and I are new to the area. We’re here to investigate a new business venture. I must say, we are enjoying your establishment very much.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Jacobs, I’m happy to hear that. If you need anything, please, don’t hesitate to ask one of my floor managers.”

  He holds on to Murphy’s hand a little too long. Bobby, Murphy’s head of security and also her private bodyguard, stayed at a distance but now he is right on the side of her making his presence known. Troy releases her hand, then Murphy smiles down at all of us, telling us to enjoy the rest of our night. As she walks off with Bobby, Troy continues to stand, watching her walk off.

  He finally sits down with a great big smile on his face. “Caught that boys?” He addresses his friends and they nod their heads. Something definitely doesn’t feel right. Troy then turns his attention to us. “So, ladies, do any of you know any of the Sterns? I hear they’re an important family here in the state.”

  I’m scared that Alexa or Meghan might say something I don’t want to be said, so I rush out, “No, we don’t. Of course, we know who they are, everyone in the state does, but none of us have had the pleasure to meet them.”

  “Really? I would have thought in your line of work, that at least one of you would’ve had the pleasure of their company.”

  The girls catch on and we all tell them no. “They all have very beautiful wives, as you can see. The woman you just met is married, I believe to Zander Stern.”

  Troy nods his head. “That’s right, that’s what I’ve heard. But you’re wrong about them all being married.”

  I give him a questioning look. He laughs and tells me. “I hear Vin Stern is still single.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot about him. He is single.”

  Meghan laughs and says, “He is very single, but he doesn’t sleep with professionals. Hell, none of us have ever seen him with anyone.”

  Troy takes a sip of his drink then says, “Interesting. So, no woman for Vincent.”

  Right then and there that feeling I was having gets confirmed. There are only a few people that know Vin’s real name is Vincent, and no one ever calls him that. I start putting the pieces together. They mentioned being new to our city. They were in Iraq and they’re starting a new business. This must be the men that Vin was talking about. He said they wanted him to do something he didn’t want to do. They’re the reason Vin was locked up in that hotel. Something is very wrong.

  I’m trying to remain calm, but what do I do? I want to leave and run as fast as I can but then part of me thinks I might be able to gain some information from them. Something that might be able to help Vin.

  I decide to stay and play it cool. As long as they don’t find out we lied about not knowing the Sterns, we’ll all be fine. I just need to warn the girls and ask them to keep their ears open. I wait until the meal is over and then I signal the girls to follow me to the ladies’ room. We excuse ourselves from the table.

  Once inside the ladies’ room, we check to make sure we’re alone. Meghan is the first to question what that was all about.

  “Listen, I think they’re up to something. Did the both of you see how they were acting when Murphy walked in?

  Alexa says, “I did for sure. What do you think they’re up to?”

  “I don’t know but it can’t be good. Let’s make damn sure they don’t find out about us knowing any of them. And make sure you listen for anything of any importance. Catherine will need to be alerted.”

  I never mention Vin but the minute I mentioned Catherine they both agree. We all know the drill and all of us will do anything for her.

  With our game planning done, we walk back to the table. The men stand, telling us we’re moving the party to the casino.

  For hours we play blackjack and craps. They win some but lose more. Steve becomes agitated, but Troy manages to control him. His attention is then put back onto Alexa. The men are ready to leave the casino to get more comfortable at their hotel. As they’re walking us out, I spot Teddy. It looks like he’s leaving the casino also but that can’t be right. Teddy should be at the strip club. He wouldn’t have any reason to be here.

  When we all stop to wait for the valet to retrieve the cars, Teddy stands on the side of me, pretending he doesn’t know who I am. When Troy turns to ask the other men something, I feel Teddy slip something into my hand before he walks away.

  I close my fist tight around the piece of paper Teddy gave me, praying it doesn’t get noticed. One by one, their cars arrive. When Troy walks around to his side of the car, the valet opens the door for me to get in. I pretend to drop my purse, but I bend down before the valet can try pick it up, pretending things fell out. I read the note.

  “Be careful. I will be close by, watching.”

  That’s all it says, so I leave it on the ground and stand back up. I look around, but I don’t see Teddy or anyone I recognize. Troy asks if I’m coming, telling him yes, I slide into the seat.

  Troy lays his hand on my knee while he drives, asking me about the city. When we arrive at his hotel, he leads me to his room. Inside, I start taking inventory of his room, noticing a laptop and an extra cell phone sitting on the coffee table.

  Troy comes from behind me sliding my hair to one side. Then he kisses my neck and slowly travels his hands down my arms. Troy is a nice-looking man but right now his form of seduction is doing nothing for me. I start feeling sick from his touch, and he can tell something is wrong.

bsp; “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” I turn around and kiss him, trying to sell it the best way I can. “Nothing at all.”

  I kiss him again then take a few steps back, opening my dress by its ties, letting it fall to the floor. He seems pleased. He starts to walk toward me but the sound of his cell phone ringing on the table stops him. He looks down at it and curses.

  “Make yourself comfortable. I need to take this.”

  See, the thing about prostitutes, is men don’t worry about us. We’re just an extra object in the room to them. So, I do as he says. I crawl from one side of the bed to the other in a sexy manner lying on my stomach with my ass held high and my heels even higher. It’s enough to get his mind off being too careful in front of me. He stares as he answers the phone. I keep his interest by arching my back causing my ass to lift higher. I even turn my head away because I need him to think I am not interested at all in his conversation. But I listen closely, hearing him opening his laptop as he says, “When?”

  “No, he’s not on board yet but he will be. Don’t worry, he knows what I have on him. Yes, I told him about his dreams, you should have seen him. He wanted to kill me.”

  He laughs and then I hear him ask the person on the phone, where. Then he mentions Catherine by name. He hangs up telling the person that he will be there.

  His computer shuts, and he walks up to me slapping my ass. “Come on baby, you have to go.”

  I turn looking at him giving the best sad face I have. “Don’t pout honey, I’ll be calling for you again, but I have to go, so get dressed. Come on, hurry.”

  Counting my blessings, I get off the bed and dress quick. He kisses me one more time and gives me a couple of hundreds for my trouble.


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