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The Cloud Maker

Page 17

by Patrick Woodhead

  As Shara strode on, widening the gap to a hundred metres or so, Luca strained to make out where she was going. He had Bill’s headtorch on and peered through the wash of artificial light trying to see which direction she was headed. It looked as if they were being led up the side of a mountain’s flank towards some outlying pillars of rock. The pillars were enormous, jutting out from the base of the mountain like a field of ruined temples and stretching on for what looked like at least a kilometre. In the moonlight, it looked like a maze of dead ends, the perfect place to lose your bearings.

  Luca stared upwards, the sweat running down his forehead. Even if they made it through the pillars, just beyond them he could see that the rocks fed into a snow gulley that looked impossibly steep. There were being marched into a dead end.

  ‘This is bullshit,’ he panted, shifting his grip on Bill’s shoulder. ‘She’s taking the wrong line.’

  Tilting his head back, he yelled after her. ‘The route’s easier down towards the valley.’

  A hundred yards further on, Shara was nearing the first of the pillars. As they drew closer, the rocks seemed to grow in dimension, leaning towards them ominously and extending back as far as the eye could see. Shara kept the book out in front of her, its pages illuminated by the beam of the head-torch. At the sound of Luca’s voice she turned and waited, her teeth chattering from the cold.

  ‘Where the hell are you going?’ Luca said as he and Bill arrived next to her, panting. ‘There’s no way through there.’

  ‘We have to pass through the Kooms.’

  ‘The what? What are you talking about? And what’s with the book?’

  ‘You just have to trust me, Luca. All I can do is give you my word.’

  Stepping past them, Shara knelt down on the snow. Pressing her hand against the back of Bill’s legs, she felt the heat coming through the bandages. She rolled one higher, pulling it tight, and Bill let out a groan, his legs buckling under him. Luca had to widen his stance to take the extra weight.

  As Bill regained his balance, he looked down at Shara.

  ‘How much farther?’ he asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

  ‘Not too far now. But we must keep moving. The infection has set in.’

  With that, she stepped out towards the first of the outlying rocks, moving towards one in particular. Shining the beam of the torch carefully up the side of the immense slab, she looked back down at the book before shaking her head in frustration.

  ‘What are you looking for?’ Luca asked, but Shara only started striding off once again, skirting round the rocks and higher up the mountain on the snowline.

  ‘Wait! For Christ’s sake, Shara.’

  Ahead of them, the beam of light flashed from side to side, illuminating the towering pinnacles of rock piecemeal. Occasionally Shara would stop to rub her hand against one in particular, brushing away the dust and snow.

  Suddenly she stopped by a massive pillar. It was shaped like an obelisk and tilted at a forty-five-degree angle. They watched her run her hand over the entire length of the stone as if searching for something. Then abruptly she stopped, retraced where she had been, and shone the torch on a spot she had been touching. Stumbling up behind her, Luca followed her gaze and saw that three lines had been etched together in a triangle at about knee-height. One side of the triangle was slightly thicker than the other, the whole thing being no bigger than a child’s hand.

  Shara suddenly turned towards them, the torch beam swinging round with her.

  ‘Follow me,’ she said, her voice grim. ‘Step exactly where I step.’

  Without another word, she ducked under the slab of rock, her body melting into the shadow of the Kooms.

  The strain on their arms and legs was relentless.

  All around them the pillars rose twenty or thirty feet above their heads. Slabs of rock lay broken at different angles, forcing them to turn up and down, right and left, as they weaved their way past each obstacle. Shara’s beam of light twisted ahead of them in the darkness, pausing only occasionally as she felt her hand across another rock, then pointing the way through.

  Luca looked at the chaos around him. At some point during the mountain’s past, the main part of the cliff must have collapsed in on itself in a vast avalanche, carving out pillars of rock and tabular formations that stretched down the entire western side of the slope. The rocks were so crowded that once inside the giant maze, they could see only brief glimpses of the night sky above them. Within minutes of passing the outlying rocks, Luca had lost all sense of direction and simply followed Shara’s moving torchlight, using his own to pick their way across the holes in the uneven ground.

  As they moved deeper into the rocks, he realised that most of the stones were leaning towards the right, in the direction the avalanche had fallen. The easiest route would have been to follow their line down the slope, but Shara was persistently heading through the more difficult terrain, back up the mountainside.

  She clambered from rock to rock, methodically searching for the next mark and only pausing to refer back to the book. Luca and Bill followed behind, crawling on their hands and knees across flat slabs, before slithering through a dark hole and dropping out into a new part of the maze below. With each new obstacle, Luca had to shoulder most of Bill’s weight, supporting him under his shoulder when they were vertical or dragging him across by his arms when the route got worse.

  Bill’s face was etched into a continuous grimace and whenever the underside of his leg caught on a sharp edge of granite he shrieked with pain.

  Resting against a nearby rock, Luca looked down at his friend’s face in the bubble of light from the headtorch. Bill’s jaw was locked rigid as he fought back a sickening wave of nausea and his body slumped forward with exhaustion.

  ‘What is this place?’ he said, his voice barely more than a whisper.

  ‘A nightmare,’ said Luca, doubling over on to his knees as he tried to catch his breath. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. I hope you were wrong about her, Bill. We’re entirely in her hands.’

  They fell silent, watching Shara’s torch beam bob along ahead of them. A few moments later it wavered and then switched back to where they stood.

  ‘Be very careful here,’ she said, her voice tense. She was perched on top of a high boulder, looking back at them over her shoulder. ‘Keep close to the left.’

  Luca shook his head, staring up at her with his hands still on his knees. He raised himself, wiping the sweat from his eyes, and watched as she wriggled her way down the other side of the rock, disappearing from view. Luca began to speak, but Bill raised his hand for him to be silent.

  ‘Listen to that,’ he said.

  Luca froze, his senses straining. There was the sound of running water, bubbling away somewhere beneath them.

  ‘An underground river?’

  Bill nodded slowly, wincing again as he pushed himself off the rock and on to his feet.

  ‘Must be the meltwater from the glaciers higher up.’

  They staggered forward again, dropping down the other side of the boulder after Shara. Beneath was a flat section that was easier going and they moved side by side, with Bill’s arm over Luca’s shoulder. Luca was looking up towards Shara, the beam of his torch following his gaze, when Shara suddenly turned back towards them.

  ‘Left!’ she shrieked, shining the light at their feet. Just a few inches away from Luca’s right boot, the rock sheared off and there was a series of chasms dropping down into the darkness below. They could hear the rush of the water beneath and felt an undercurrent of cold air rising up to meet them.

  Luca instinctively leaned left, away from the drop. Together they staggered forward again, nearly losing their balance as they tried to keep their shoulders pressed up against the far wall.

  ‘Jesus Christ,’ Luca hissed as they reached the safety of the next boulder. ‘This is fucking suicide.’

  For another half-hour they followed her lead. The route started to get a little easier now, the
spaces between the rocks widening. Finally they rounded a giant boulder and came out in front of the narrow snow gulley that they had seen before from the lower slopes. Shara stopped, knee-deep in snow, staring up towards the top of the ridge.

  ‘We’re nearly there,’ she whispered. ‘One last push.’

  Bill tilted his head up towards the slope then shook off Luca’s grip, sinking down to the ground.

  ‘It’s too much,’ he breathed.

  Luca stood next to him, bent double and winded by the effort. The relief he’d felt at finally being out of the Kooms quickly evaporated as he ran his eyes up the length of the gulley. It was less steep than he had first thought, but the snow was deep. It stretched up, perfect and unbroken in the moonlight, over five hundred feet above them.

  To their left was a near-vertical wall of rock which bent round into the gulley. At the very top, Luca noticed something hanging down over the slope — a snow cornice. From the constant wind whipping up the side of the mountain, the snow there had stacked up into an immense, overhanging slab which could easily trigger an avalanche if it collapsed.

  Luca stared at it, trying to focus through his exhaustion. They were hemmed in on both sides by the cliffs. If that cornice went, there would be no escape.

  Behind them, the first flecks of dawn had started to blossom over the horizon. The sky was turning grey, a half-light before the sun managed to rise above the mountains and burn off the night’s gloom. Dawn would soon be upon them.

  ‘Please, Luca,’ Shara said. ‘We have to keep moving.’

  He didn’t answer but only sank down so that he was shoulder to shoulder with Bill, both of them facing the steep gulley. Bill raised his head and, for a moment, they looked at each other.

  ‘Bet you’re glad you let me talk you into this expedition,’ Luca said.

  A flicker of emotion passed across Bill’s face. He tried to smile, but it came out more like a grimace. His pale blue eyes slowly passed over Luca’s face, taking in the large swelling on his forehead from where he’d dived out of the cave, and the matted hair which clung to his cheeks with sweat.

  ‘You look like shit,’ he murmured. There was a moment of silence before Luca’s shoulders started to shake. A wave of laughter took hold of them both. Their laughter grew louder, dampening their eyes, before Bill broke into a coughing fit. He curled forward, his body convulsing as it rattled through him. After a while he managed to lean back again and they sat in silence, watching Shara trudge up through the deep snow. She was moving slowly, but as the minutes passed, they could see she was making ground.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Luca asked, the elation suddenly evaporating. The euphoria was replaced by a terrible sense of desolation, brought on by the hours of constant strain. He could feel tears welling up in the corners of his eyes and his throat was suddenly tight to the point where he thought he might choke.

  ‘Come on, mate,’ Bill managed beside him, his voice little more than a murmur. ‘Piece of piss.’

  Luca nodded, fighting back the tears. Then, with a sudden surge of energy, he pushed himself off the rock and on to his feet. He offered his hand to Bill.

  ‘You’re right. We can do this.’

  Bill raised his own hand, lacking the strength to do anything more. Luca grabbed his wrist and was about to wrench him to his feet when he felt the violent trembling of Bill’s arm. The fever had taken hold of him completely.

  With a desperate shout, Luca yanked him forward, getting his shoulder under Bill’s arm again. Side by side, they waded into the gulley, forcing their way higher with each step.

  They had trudged on for what seemed like hours when all of a sudden, the first rays of sunlight burst on to the ground in front of them, burnishing the side of the mountain and illuminating Shara’s tracks ahead. They kept moving, step after step, each muscle stretched to breaking point.

  Luca stared up to the highest point of the ridge and saw that Shara had already reached it. She had stopped moving, her dark hair whipping behind her, and was staring out over the hidden side of the mountain. On they went, Bill groaning now with each step and Luca fighting with every ounce of strength to keep him moving. Every few paces his legs would sink down into the deep snow, so that he had to use his free hand to claw their way along.

  The ridge seemed to stay just out of reach, each pace they took getting infinitesimally smaller, each movement costing more energy than they had. Then, with a final shout, they broke free of the slope and collapsed at the top. As Shara came back to check on Bill, her eyes ringed with fatigue, something made Luca pull himself up on to his feet once again and stumble over to where she had been standing. He took a couple of steps forward, swaying on his feet unsteadily, and stared at the view.

  At first he couldn’t see much at all. The morning sun dazzled his eyes. Then slowly shapes began to take form and he blinked, taking it all in.

  ‘My God,’ he whispered, barely able to believe his eyes. ‘That’s impossible.’

  Chapter 32


  A glass was slammed down on to the table top. With considerable effort René shifted his bulk forward on his chair, craning his neck so that his eyes were level with the diminutive Tibetan barman’s.

  ‘Fill me up, Shamar.’

  With laudable strength of character, the barman shook his head. Picking up the half-empty bottle of brandy, he placed it right at the back of the glass shelving over the bar.

  ‘Mr Falkus, I think you drink too much tonight.’

  René shook his head wearily. He turned and focussed his bleary eyes on the Westerner sitting across the table from him.

  ‘You see that? I’m not allowed into my own bar and now I can’t even get a drink at this shit hole. It’s worse than prison.’

  He’d started to raise himself to his feet, his bear-like chest expanding in the process, when his companion intervened.

  ‘Come on, Shamar, the man needs a drink.’

  From the top pocket of his khaki shirt, he pulled out a wad of grubby notes and peeled off three ten-yuan bills which he placed on the counter. The barman shrugged and turned away to reach for the brandy. ‘You drink too much, Mr Falkus,’ he repeated. ‘I sorry for you.’

  René sat down heavily and his friend returned with the bottle.

  ‘Yeah, well, I’m sorry. You’re sorry. We’re all sorry. Now I have to head off into the mountains to go and help the bastard Chinese find those boys. I’ve got to lead them right to them. And for what? I’ll tell you what. To save what I already fucking owned.’

  René’s companion poured a shot of brandy into each glass and waited for the rant to continue.

  ‘Have you any idea how much I hate the mountains? Those endless bloody paths and horrible leeches… size of your damn’ fingers. But what’s really going to drive me crazy is having that son-of-a-bitch captain following me every step of the way. He’ll be like the worst leech of all, sitting on the underside of my balls.’

  René shook his head, suddenly feeling very tired. He had spent two full days awake in the PSB headquarters and even a swift injection of alcohol wasn’t doing much to lighten his mood. He had been released for a few hours to prepare his trekking equipment, with Anu being kept in the police cells to ensure he returned. But having made his way home, he had found his restaurant closed, official tape stretched across the front door and a policeman barring his way. Eventually he had phoned an old friend of his in the travel business who’d agreed to lend him some equipment.

  ‘You’d think eight years here would count for something, wouldn’t you?’ he said, anger suddenly turning to melancholy. ‘You’d think it’d give you some security, some foothold. But just like that’ — René clicked his fingers — ‘they can take it all away. Now I’ve got to betray the very people I wanted to help.’

  ‘Stop beating yourself up about it, René. It was their decision to go into the restricted area, and you shouldn’t have to pay for their mistake.’

  ‘Yeah, I know.’ He
nodded wearily. ‘But I just don’t understand why a full bloody captain of the PSB would be dealing with this. It doesn’t make any sense.’

  ‘That’s what worries me too. Are you sure those boys are on the level?’

  ‘Sure? Who’s sure of anything out here?’ René said, rubbing the stubble on his chin. He stared across the bar, thinking back to the last time the boys had come into his restaurant. He couldn’t quite remember the conversation, but he was sure they were just there for the thrill of climbing. That’s all those two were about. So why in hell was a PSB Captain on their trail?

  ‘What about throwing some money around?’ his friend suggested. ‘You know, make it all go away.’

  ‘Captain Zhu Yanlei is one of those tight-arses from the mainland. Anyone approaching him waving notes wouldn’t stand a chance.’

  In all the years the two men had been organising expeditions in the Himalayas, they had always been able to buy their way out of trouble. The only bone of contention was how much: officials here had soon got wise to the price nervous capitalists could afford when pushed.

  René looked up from his glass and caught the doubtful expression on his friend’s face.

  ‘I’m serious. I haven’t seen anyone like this guy in Lhasa before. He was something else, but God knows what. He looked at me like I wasn’t even human.’ René’s jaw clenched as he pictured Zhu’s face; the ashen skin without even a hint of stubble and the black, unflinching eyes. ‘He threatened me with Drapchi.’

  ‘Drapchi? Jesus Christ.’

  René nodded, his eyes suddenly very afraid. He thought back to the interrogation; Zhu perched on his plastic chair, the dampness of the cell and the endless wafts of cigarette smoke. He had never felt helplessness like it.

  ‘But first things first,’ René’s friend continued. ‘They’ve got to find them and from what you’ve said, that’s not going to be so easy.’

  ‘I know. I haven’t a clue where they’ve gone. I got news back from the herders that they didn’t go all the way to Makalu, but some pissing little village called Menkom. After that, they just seem to have vanished into thin air. They left nearly three weeks ago. Hardly any food, no porters…’


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