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The Leatherwing Chronicles Book One

Page 6

by James Brock

  “No,” I said, pretend annoyed, actually smiling as I pushed him away. Moving over a few inches Ty slowly moved over against me until he was pressed next to me full length.

  “Move!” I commanded, he scooting over a small space.

  This game of yo-yo move went on for quite some time until, ok until I was about half hard and DONE with it. “Ok, YOU don’t need to eat now but I do so let’s go. Dining room.”

  “Naw, think I’ll prowl the deck for a late night sailor snack,” He said with a long stretch of his already mile long frame.

  “You will not. You will come with me and we will have civilized conversation over dinner then walk the deck.”

  “Oh my so forceful he is!”

  Ignoring his rejoinders I went into my suite and dressed for dinner; jacket and tie. When I came back out I was surprised to see that Ty had made the same effort, looking like a model he was leaning against the doorjamb in a panther sleek black Tom Ford suit. Surprising even myself I gave a long low whistle as he turned and smiled.

  Dinner was, well, like a date. And the following days more of the same. Ty and I in all the years we had known each other had not gotten along so well or had such a great rapport. I worked during the day and at night got Ash off to the meetings and seminars he was hosting then spent amazing hours with Ty roaming the ship, he attending the shows with me and going to dinner. It was like we were in the middle of a young love affair. Which I knew it wasn’t. .

  In the dining room we were seated at a table with Laura Sue, the young southern woman who had been aide to Sally for the last two years. While Sally sported an upper Midwest twang Laura all but had Magnolia blossoms dropping from her lips, each word curling into a petal shape as they drifted from her mouth. She quickly became part of our little pack, both Ty and I considered asking if she knew WHY she never saw her boss in the daylight but decided to just enjoy her amusing, if frothy, companionship. She joined us for dancing, drinks and some of the shows put on by the superstar headliners. She even came on up to the late night lounge with us for further drinks where were joined by the SUPERSTAR, a female who let her hand ride so far up my thigh she almost hit the gold mine.

  On one of the nights we danced and drank and laughed and I generally let my guard down in ways I normally did not. After all I had LOST a mother, LOST an adopted family; LOST Uncle. I was always prepared for that other shoe to drop. But that night, with enough booze in me, Ty kissing and fondling me not to mention another SUPERSTAR working me over on the other side, the giggly southern gal, amusing us I let my defenses down somewhat. I was also having the best time I had ever had-and I’m a young rich tall blond swimmer. No brag, just fact.

  By the time we had, literally, tucked the superstar into bed (and I’d foolishly had another half a cocktail) I should have known it was time to get Ty back in.

  It took us a few laps around the deck to get the bubbly Laura Sue to head back to HER cabin so we could walk alone. The night was balmy; a warm wind caressed the deck, wrapping around our bodies. I hardly noticed when Ty took his shirt off because we’d spent half an hour kissing, a long luscious make out session, Ty pushing me up against the hull in a secluded spot at the back off the ship.

  Parting his lips that had filled and become nearly ruby red (how was I to know his lips puffed up and fangs deployed when his cock got hard) as he grazed them over my neck. I was on fire, not even caring as I felt the most miniscule pricks of those pointed teeth pushing into my skin. I was hotter than I had ever been, my cock aching with a desire I had never felt, his strong hands roving over my chest. Why had these fucking vampires not TOLD me what this was like? It was black, white, day, night, beginning, end; up down-there was no sky or sea only the strong pulse I felt of the two of us becoming one. I grabbed him and held on for my life, pulling him in as tight as I could. I didn’t want the moment to end, and frankly it felt like it never would. Letting my hands fall I grazed my fingers over his crotch, fuck, new worlds were opening and I wanted to experience every second of them. I hadn’t dated anyone since Cole and I was starting, this physical stuff aside, to have feelings for Ty I never expected or wanted.

  Eyes squeezed tight I felt just the slightest pressure on the column of my neck and knew Ty was about to feed. I also knew he probably was not that far behind me in orgasm as I’d been smoothing my hands over his ripped torso as well, grabbing his throbbing dick through his pants and squeezing in the way the Superstar had been handling me. I didn’t care that we were breaking every rule Ash had ever given us about keeping our HANDS TO OURSELVES (which until this trip had been no trouble given the model sexy vampires usual attitude), he hadn’t drawn blood from me yet but even then I knew vampire sex was unlike any human feeling or emotion I would ever experience. It was all I could do to hold back, I wanted Ty to take me by then, anything Ty wanted I wanted; for us to become one-the left fang (tooth is just too mundane for the description, sorry) nicked (I could tell, everything was moving in the slowest of motion), didn’t even break all of the way through to the flow of blood on the smallest vein and I saw not only stars but history. I was male and female, night and day; I saw empires rise and fall, evil and good so sweet there are no words for it. I ached to feel Ty plunge into me, to become part of the process and change.

  Now let me back up here just a second to make it clear that I was deep in the PASSION of this moment. I did NOT want to be a vampire, harbored no huge dreams of being undead. In words it was NOT on my bucket list. And while I had on occasion tossed one off thinking of Ty I had no idea that we would ever be in this situation. The last few days were so un like the two of us. I didn’t know something similar had happened between Ash and Ty and even if I had know I would not have cared. Right then nothing mattered but the two of us becoming one.

  So yeah, while I was grunting and groaning and trying to force my neck onto the spikes of his teeth it was just born out of the animal passion of feeling, well, like an animal and loving every freaking second of it!

  Lost. I was totally lost in what was going on, Ty’s touch (lips, hands…) becoming part of me. Breath quickening I had just lifted my arm trying to slip a palm around the back of his neck to pull him all of the way onto me when something hit us.


  Hard enough to cause us to stumble, then tumble over in a heap.

  The second Ty’s mouth left my neck reality set back in, head spinning with swirls of light flashing around my eyes it took a few seconds for me to be oriented enough as to what was going on. Ty was stretched out on the deck, while I was on top of something warm and soft that was hard and lumpy underneath.

  Pulling myself up and slowly working out of the tangle I realized a whole buncha stuff right away.

  First that I was laying on top of the broken form of Ash, his great wings limp as a pile of canvas under me, his body scratched and covered in blood.

  Second that Ty was actually struggling to get out from under Ash, Ash weighed in at only a buck fifty five of ripped muscle but the long lean young ‘pire was unable, at first, to get out from under him. Ash moaned as Ty finally was able to lift his body.

  Ash’s wing’s usually retracted as soon as he was finished with them. The great spans now they lay in a heap over him, the tiny “fingers” that protruded from the ends curled and still. A long ragged tear ran up the length of the left wing which covered most of his body.

  Before I could re focus I continued a visual triage when Ty suddenly barked at me;

  “Gotta move him NOW!”

  Like I said, my own usual Spidey sense of things was impaired (well, self impaired) but I did understand the primitive urgency in his voice and realized that not only was Ash’s body blocking the passage way on the deck but that he was baring his wings for the world to see. Not that he could help it and there was no time to figure out why he had fallen onto us in this catatonic form.

  Rushing to a covered life boat Ty yanked the cover off then grabbed Ash, dragging him toward the small vessel with me pushing nearly
uselessly from behind. Ash seemed filled with cement but Ty climbed up into the lifeboat and managed to hook both hands under his arms then lifted him into the dark interior. Climbing up behind Ash I leaned down into it just in time to hear Ty yelp a very un spooky “crap!” followed by a series of thuds and thumps.

  “Fuckin’ A, help!” Ty said weakly from the depths.

  As I dropped down into the small craft the cover fell back into place as I was fumbling in the dark trying to figure out who’s legs and arms were who’s when one of the wings lifted and wrapped around me, holding me down against Ash’s chest. I could only figure it was trying to retract on reflex but that information was of no use to me as I was being crushed.

  The wing flexed, I could breath, and somewhere below me Ty moaned softly and just as I was about to push my way up and out of the little boat cave Ash grunted and his leg twitched, raised and pinned me down.

  It was at that moment I realized a new and disturbing thing about these vampires of mine.

  They were heavy.

  Chapter Seven

  I don’t mean heavy as in “Ow my arm has fallen asleep” heavy, I mean heavy as in World Trade Center beam heavy. I was literally trapped under their weight and could still hardly breathe let alone move; we were as crossed over each other as a handful of just thrown pick up sticks. While I couldn’t see it I just knew the sun was up. I’d called out to Ty over and over with no response and the temperature in the covered boat was rising. I lay there for what seemed like ever, wanting to scream for help but knowing that it would come at the cost of Ash and Ty being fried. I even stifled myself when I heard voices of the crew next to the lifeboat and felt a true bolt of fear when there was movement on the side of the small vessel. One of the crew outside had seen the loosened ropes and quickly tightened them. All at once I was not concerned about my vampires (for a guy who was raised to give his shit away on a regular basis I suddenly became pretty possessive, huh!) but about ME. While exposure to the sun would do them in we were sailing in the Caribbean and I was lashed into a small, dark place with the only beings who knew where I was.

  It wasn’t long before nature had taken its course and I had passed out.

  You know how you sometimes wake from the most wonderful dream? A dream so light and fun that you are sorry you woke. But you are refreshed and feel positive and right with the world and just the thought of that dream makes you feel like somehow feel it is an omen that nothing is going to go wrong in your world again? You feel good no matter if you have had a fight with your best friend and your car won’t start or you get berated for something you did not do at work.

  Well that is NOT how I woke. I was not there one minute, the next I was. Cramped, in pain, covered in a sheen of sweat from lying in what amounted to a roaster oven for hours and hours with the sun beating down on me. I couldn’t swallow, could hardly breathe so just lay there wondering what the fudge I had gotten myself into. I made a vow to never drink again. Being trapped in there was bad enough; being trapped in there hung over was truly hell on earth. I tried to force myself back into the darkness but my brain was having none of that. It wanted to play over the happiest of thoughts. Of the pools I had swum in; drinking fountains over flowing with cool clear water, the hours I had spent wandering the streets of Rome and Paris with Uncle looking at all of the exotic and ancient fountains. And of course that only yards away was water; blissful glorious water-salt on one side of course but I would happily have gulped it down by the mouthful-anything to drive away the need for it.

  I don’t know how long I had really been away but knew I was in a desperate situation. So I let my thoughts drift back to the happy times I’d had with Uncle. It really had been a good life, of course I was hoping it would have gone on much longer, just as Uncle had I am certain, and knew that if something bad had happened to Ty-who was still silent below me-and Ash, still tangled over me-that they would likely just turn to dust when the cover was finally removed from the lifeboat but that it would be the smell of my decomposing body that would have led the rescue party to us in the first place.

  All of these happy thoughts and many, many more were roving my brain when I heard possibly the most magic thing I could ever imagine. From below me a sound that stood for all things good and right. From down below the tangle of my body around that of Ash came the sound of hope in the form of a word;


  My heart jumped, even if my mouth was still cotton dry and my lips were sealed with, well, gunk. I couldn’t even tell if my eyes were opened or closed as I tried to force my lips apart. The dress clothes I had been wearing were plastered to my body, a few stray beads of sweat, the last of my internal moisture, dripped down my forehead and streaked down my face. Despite my thirst I was a soggy mess.

  “Ow! Shit! Carter? Ash? FUCK!” for a guy who had been around a century or two you could have thought he would have had a bigger vocabulary.

  I managed a croak. Ash moaned, his leg twitched again and unhooked over me. I was released from his grip. But still couldn’t speak and could hardly breathe.

  “Fuckity fuck,” Ty moaned from below me as I realized that sometime during my dark time that Ash’s wings must have retracted as I no longer was wrapped in their leathery/velvety warmth.

  “Ty….,” I managed weakly through cracked lips. Ash still had not moved or chimed in to our little discussion.

  Pushing his way up through our criss crossed limbs with a grunt Ty slammed a hand up against the canvas cover, punching a ragged hole through the stiff material. A draft of fresh air was pulled back in. It was like being kissed by an angel.

  Ty clawed at the edge of the material, tearing the thick canvas like it was paper until he had a hole large enough to climb up through. Hearing Ash groan below me completed my joy of the moment although I had never known him to moan which meant something was still terribly wrong.

  Luckily no one was on the deck as Ty pulled me up through the rip, letting me sprawl out onto the deck, my body convulsing in the cool air. I heard a long moan (Ash), followed by a series of thumps and grunts.

  “Get up,” Ty hissed. Opening my eyes I saw Ty’s boots. Not only did I not want to leave the utter joy of being stretched out on the deck I did not know if I could.

  “I need help.”

  Well this WAS serious. If strong and young (well…) and fast and (ok, ok, HOT) couldn’t handle whatever was going on we were in a deep and murky area.

  “Ty, I,” I was mumbling when he slid a hand under my arm and yanked me to my feet. I caught sight of people moving on the deck while realizing that Ash was standing crookedly against Ty. Ash looked horrible, face drawn and colorless he hardly able to stand and looked like what passed for life had been sucked right out of him.

  “I told both of you fuckers not to be drinking this afternoon!” Ty was saying in a very loud voice as he dragged both of us through the nearest set of double doors. We maneuvered back into the ship (staggering/stumbling) until we got back to the suite. Without asking I knew he wanted to be overheard by other passengers to explain why Ash and me looked so horrible if we were recognized. Better be thought drunk that whatever trouble we were in. Ty had fished a blanket out of the lifeboat we had been hidden in and draped it over Ash’s shoulders, covering the still not fully retracted part of his left wing. The flying arm was mostly in but there was still an opening at the top. The right was in but made a huge bulge in his back. We managed to stagger back to the cabin and lay Ash carefully out on the bed, face down.

  “Is he going to be ok?” I managed to croak from where he had dropped me on entry to the room, sprawled like a throw rug in the middle of the room on the floor. Rightfully Ty was ignoring me and concentrating on Ash.

  “I don’t know,” Ty snarled. Under a different set of circumstances I would have snarled back but I could tell that underneath his vicious demeanor was pure pain.

  “He has to feed.”

  Now I am NOT pleased to be telling you this, it had become the norm for m
e, and as you know I already had a high bar of what normal was for me going-given away, adopted, orphaned, Way gay Uncle; oh and the vampires I worked and hung with-so in for that penny, in for that pound. But the vampires did need to feed and we were at sea (not for the first time you will remember) so there weren’t exactly a huge number of places for them to get food.

  So I bought blood drained from corpses at several funeral homes for when we travelled like this.

  Oh stop. It’s not like I was buying limbs or anything. Bodies are drained and filled with motor oil or something and the blood disposed of. What a better way than for it to become part of the take along pack when Ash could not readily feed? I put it in bags, had a refrigerator delivered and made it part of my duty to keep everything labeled and rotated. Scary huh! Kind of like a reverse Red Cross donation. To whom the Connor foundation made a large donation each year, btw.

  Of course I had been told that fresh, hot blood suited the vamps best but this worked for times like this. The only down side had been that I had only brought enough to keep Ash going; Ty had been dipping into the supply so it was low. Opening the refrigerator he brought out one of the bags and opened Ash’s mouth, carefully pouring the thick dark liquid in. I shut my eyes against the scene and rested blissfully on the floor, dozing off as Ty did the first legitimate work I think I had ever seen him do.

  When I woke I was in my own bedroom suite, the door was partly open with light spilling in. Tracking my fingers down over my body I found I still had my sweat soaked underwear on under the blissfully cool and crisp sheets and blushed knowing Ty had put me there. I’m not shy andhad been happily peeling down in locker rooms with other guys all my life so I appreciated his nod to modesty.

  Grabbing the pitcher of water he had thoughtfully left by the bed I downed it in several gulps then scrambled out of bed and padded to the bathroom, sticking my head under the faucet to drink my fill until my stomach was drum tight.


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