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Divinely Living (Surviving Series)

Page 13

by Courtney Cross

  His weight sank into me pressing me further into the mattress. Our bodies relaxed and calmed and so did our breathing and racing pulses. Turning his head to the side, he pressed his cheek against my heart and sighed contentedly. Running my fingers through his sweat riddled hair; I closed my eyes, my body embracing the cloak of calmness that fell over me. And without too much persuasion, I gave in to the weariness and tiredness I was overcome with and drifted off soundly to sleep.


  I had no concept of how long we laid there, but when my eyes eventually prised themselves open the bedroom was engulfed in a blanket of darkness. I must have rolled over at some point during my orgasm induced coma because I woke up on my side facing a wide eyed Jonah who had obviously been laid watching me sleep.

  “Hey,” I yawned, my eyes still heavy, my body aching but sated. “How long have I been out for?”

  The small bedside lamp cast a soft shadow over Jonah’s face and bathed his features in a warm glow. My heart swelled at the adoration swamping his dark irises that looked almost black in the sparse light. “For a while, you looked so peaceful I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

  “You should have done,” I stretched out my aching limbs. “We have so much to do before Monday.”

  Brushing my ratty hair from my face, he leaned forward and gave me a kiss so soft and endearing it melted my soul. “Did you mean what you said, Ava?” His hushed voice was filled with hope.

  “Every word,” I nodded. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

  “If you asked me out of any other reason then love then....”

  I quietened his response by placing my fingers on his lips. “I asked you because of love. I wouldn’t have asked you for anything other reason than that.”

  He sucked my fingertips into his mouth then pressed a kiss against my palm. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

  “If it’s as happy as you make me then I think I have a good idea,” I replied with a smile.

  “I can never have enough of you, Savannah Mae Matthews. As I told you before, you really are the beginning, middle and end for me. There will never be anybody else but you.”

  “With you all the way on that one stud,” I teased and received a soft chuckle in response.

  “Then ask me one last time,” he said quietly.

  “How many times does a woman have to propose?” I answered with an exaggerated eye roll.


  I sighed before asking the question I desperately needed an answer to. “Jonah Jacobson, will you marry me?”

  A slow smile spread across his face and his eyes shone brightly. “Too fucking right I will, Mrs Jacobson to be.”

  “Is that a yes?” My smile now matched his.

  “That’s a hell yes.”

  He took my breath as he launched himself at me. Kissing me long and hard, happiness spread through my bones like wildfire. Breaking the kiss, he looked at me sternly though the curl of his lips told me it was all meant with humour.

  “But there’s one condition.” He said firmly.

  “Oh, and what’s that?” I answered with a quiet moan as his hips rolled between my thighs.

  “You may have stolen my thunder with the proposal but the ring is mine to choose alone.”

  The feel of his cock lying between the lips of my sex made the matter of engagements rings seem insignificant. More interested in getting laid again than arguing of something as trivial as a piece of jewellery I simply nodded in agreement. My reward for my compliance was soon received as his lips found my mouth, hands found my breast and his erect cock took its sweet, sweet time pleasuring me until the first light of morning.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Soft lips pressed against mine, and the words, “Good morning, sweetheart,” cut through the blankness of sleep and slowly woke me up. Prying my eyes open while uncurling my bone weary limbs, Jonah’s smiling face came into view and I decided there and then that I would make it my life’s mission to wake up to that vision every damn morning for the rest of my days. The strong aroma of freshly brewed caffeine wafted through the sleep haze and last night’s events began to replay in my tired mind.

  “Did last night really happen?” I murmured through a yawn.

  He kissed me again. “Damn right it did. You’re mine, Miss Matthews and very soon everybody will know it too.”

  Pushing myself up into a sitting position, a fully clothed and freshly showered Jonah sat on the edge of the bed holding a steaming mug of ‘pick me up’ that smelt almost as enticing as the man himself looked. Accepting the mug, I let the hot goodness slip down my throat. For a split second I forgot it was Sunday morning and that in forty eight hours time I would be back in the city I left in haste and when doing so never looked back. The euphoria of our engagement would soon be lost to the pain of returning to a place I despised as much as the man who drove me from there and the only thing making it seem a little less frightening was the man who last night agreed to marry me.

  “Don’t get your hopes up, husband to be. I’m pretty sure I’m going to suck at being a wife,” I shook my head with a chuckle.

  “You’ll be the perfect wife just because you’re you” he kissed my forehead. “And you are perfect for me.” He squeezed my hand tightly.

  Taking another sip of coffee, I leaned my head against the wooden headboard of my four poster bed. “I mean it, Jonah; don’t be too disappointed if you’re divorcing my ass in two years time.” Scrubbing my face with my free hand, I fixed him with a sincere gaze. “Being married to me is going to be hard work, real hard work. Gina and Alex were hardly a shining advertisement for how a happy marriage should be.”

  His dark brows pinched together and his dark blue eyes narrowed. “I don’t give a fuck about Gina and Alex’s marriage. You’re not your mother and I’m certainly nothing like that heartless bastard. We’re a blank canvas as far as I’m concerned and I won’t allow either of our pasts to dictate our future.”

  His words were full of meaning but still the doubts came and I was unable to stop them. “What if I am more like my mother than I care to admit? I mean, physically I’m the image of her. What if mentally and emotionally I am too?”

  Jonah’s face, hardened. “I know what you’re doing sweetheart and you can stop it right now. Pushing me away and filling yourself with self doubt as a way to justify doing so is not going to work.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing,” I clutched the duvet tighter. Any thoughts of my mother chilled my insides, and this time was no different. “She was my mother after all Jonah. I carry half of her DNA profile and genetic make up inside me. What if I don’t only share her red hair and green eyes? What if I inherited a lot more than just the physical similarities that you can see?”

  His arms moved to my sides, effectively caging me against the wooden support at my back. His eyes glinted with determination and his facial features were firm. “Stop it, Ava,” his voice was low with a hard edge. “Last night you made me the happiest man on the face of the earth. Marrying you will be the greatest achievement of my life barring none, even if you do turn out to be an emotionally defective gold digger like your mother was.”

  Open mouthed and wide eyed I sat staring at him in stunned silence as he continued. “I get that you’re on edge and that the thought of flying to Chicago tomorrow is terrifying. I also understand that when you get scared you hit out and usually I’m the one who bears the brunt of that. But understanding doesn’t mean allowing and there is no way in fucking hell I’m going to sit here and let your fear ruin the best morning of my life. So get up, suck it up and resign yourself to the fact that the moment we step off the return flight from Chicago, I’m dragging your pretty little backside down the nearest church aisle and making you my wife. My patience will only be pushed so far Savannah and when it comes to you legally binding yourself to me for the rest of your life that patience won’t allow for you to back out without there being serious repercussions.”

  He rose from the bed and began to head for the door. The fact that he not only understood the reasons for my self doubts but accepted them and still wanted me as his wife anyway filled me with a sense of belonging. And that only made my heart swell with love for him to the point of bursting.


  He paused and turned his head towards me. “Ava?”

  “You’re hot as shit when you’re putting me in my place,” I grinned broadly.

  Shaking his head with a quiet chuckle, he made for the door again.


  Straightening his back and flexing his neck, he turned towards me again, his brow arched. “Ava?”

  “I love you.” Those three little words were becoming so much easier to say. Seems once I began to open up and share the words that used to mean nothing to me but now meant everything, there really was no stopping them from rolling from my tongue. But with Jonah, their meaning was poignant and real, yet it never failed to surprise me that I was able to speak of love, let alone feel it.

  I was rewarded with a heart stopping smile. “I’m never going to grow tired of you saying that sweetheart. They’re three of my most favourite words.”

  “Oh, and what other favourite words do you possess may I ask?” My eyes squinted and nose wrinkled. “And be very careful Jacobson, my patience will only stretch so far where reference to my body parts are concerned. Any talk of my pussy, ass or tits and there will be serious repercussions.”

  His roar of throaty laughter as I mocked his earlier warning had me giggling also. We were growing together, the ease we felt around one another grew with every second we spent in each other’s company. It was hard to believe we had only known each other for mere weeks rather than the whole of our lives.

  He reached the bed in one long stride, placed his hand beneath my chin and tipped my head. Opening my mouth with a moan I granted his tongue access. His lips were soft as they moved against mine in slow, sensual slides. I was breathless when the kiss broke, my heart pierced by the adoration in his eyes.

  “I happen to have nine favourite words although your pussy, ass and tits come awfully close.” His voice was thick with the Irish husk I loved. Jeez, I internally eye rolled myself, there’s that fucking word again. What the fuck was I turning into?

  “Nine words uh? That’s being rather precise.”

  He sucked lightly on my neck. “Their meaning is rather precise. That’s why they’re my favourite.”

  “Tell me what they are and I’ll be judge of their preciseness.” I gave him a playful hard stare.

  Brushing strands of wayward mahogany hair from his forehead he leaned into me and spoke at my ear. “I love you. Marry me, Jonah, and my absolute favourites, dream come true.”

  The warmth that blossomed in my chest told me that in this instance, his preciseness was spot on.


  I hated packing for trips at the best of times. Packing for a trip you dread, fear and anticipate being a disaster, proved torturous. While Jonah spent the rest of Sunday poring over the file given to me by Thomas, I spent it sorting through laundry, passports and throwing myself into even the most menial of tasks just to keep my mind occupied and off all things Alex and Chicago. The day passed at a crawl but by five thirty, our cases were packed, every last detail checked and all I wanted to do for the remainder of the day was vegetate on the sofa, watch mind numbing TV and try my damndest to keep my shit together. I was edgy and restless, a lethal combination at the best of times. Luckily, Jonah’s uncanny ability to sense my rapid mood changes on instinct meant he kept his distance and gave me space. Apart from the odd thoughtful look or questioning if I was okay, he left me alone. Probably for as much his own good as mine.

  Curling my tightly strung body into the plush leather sofa, I cupped a mug of coffee with both hands and stared blankly at the TV screen. Muffled sounds and vague colours swirled before my eyes but none of it made sense. Taking a long sip of my usual calming potion, a dark shadow stepped in front of the screen. Peering upwards, unforgettable blue eyes set in a determined looking face came into focus.

  “Get dressed, Ava.”

  “Excuse me?” The mind fog began to slowly lift and Jonah came into full view. My pulse leapt at the vision stood before me. He wore a black three piece suit, light grey shirt and black tie. His hands were shoved into his pants pocket, the suit framing his perfect body. After weeks of casual, dressed down Jonah, even though the man rocked a pair of sweats and tight t-shirt, the suit took his sex appeal to a whole different level.

  “I said get dressed. We have some celebrating to do and I want to show my wife to be off.”

  I curled further into the sofa back and clutched the mug to my chest. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “I wont take no for an answer, sweetheart. You need your mind taking off tomorrow and forgive the arrogance but I know I’m just the man to do that.”

  Faking a yawn, I tucked my head against the sofa. “As distracting as you look in that suit, I’m beat and ...”

  My protest was cut short. Two arms wrapped around my back and legs lifting me from the sofa and made for the hallway. “I want you showered and dressed in thirty minutes Savannah.” My mouth opened to argue. His mouth sealed around mine muffling the words. Slapping a palm against his chest, I pulled away from his kiss and glared at him.

  “If you want to keep your balls I suggest you put me down right now.”

  He kicked the bathroom door open, strode in, turned on the shower and dumped me in the cubicle fully dressed. I yelped as the water rained down on me, quickly soaking me to the bone. “Asshole,” I yelled loudly, my voice echoing off the tiled walls. With his arms crossed against his broad chest, his lips curled into a wicked smile, which pissed me off further.

  “If you don’t start washing, sweetheart, I’m going to take great pleasure in coming in there to do it for you.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” I spat. Judging by the amusement in his eyes and widening grin on his face, he loved every second of my irritated state and that irritated me even more.

  “Oh Ava, once again you set down a challenge that I’d be only too happy to take on.”

  Huffing profusely, I turned my back to a smug Jonah and began to strip. Wet jeans, pants and jumper fell to the fall. I hated to admit how invigorating the hot water felt battering against my skin as I lathered up and started to wash the grime of the day from my body. Glancing over my shoulder, Jonah stood still and watched. His lips were parted, his hands flexing by his sides, restraint evident in his rigid stance. I turned to face him, seductively running my hands across my stomach, my fingers taking a little too long to cleanse my bare breasts.

  “I know what you’re doing and it won’t work.” His voice was low and husky.

  “I’m merely being a good girl and doing as I’m told,” I replied, my hand reaching my lower stomach and heading southwards.

  His voice darkened the strain material across his groin evidence of his growing desire. “You’re a bad girl who never does as she’s told.”

  My index finger slid over the shaven flesh of my pubic bone. “It turns you on that I’m bad and untamed,” my voice was breathy. “That’s why you’re hard as hell for me and restraining yourself from jumping in here and fucking me with that huge cock of yours right now.”

  He blew out, squeezed his eyes tightly shut and turned on his heels. “Thirty minutes, Ava.” he growled. “We have reservations.”

  I knew how hard it was for him to walk away from me when I was wet, naked and touching myself. If roles were reversed, self restraint would have failed me miserably. That knowledge told me tonight was important to Jonah, his way of helping me through the whole mind fuck situation I was currently drowning in. Deciding to cease with my seduction, go easy on him because of his thoughtfulness and just go along with his plans, I stepped back under the showerhead and began washing my hair. “Where are you taking me by the way?” I asked.

  Without looking at me, h
e spoke over his shoulder. “It’s a surprise.”

  Shrugging to myself, I accepted his answer. Tipping my head back, soapy suds fell from my hair and worked their way down the plughole. Forgetting Jonah was still stood in the doorway, his gruffly spoken “Ava” made me pay attention.

  “Jonah,” I replied.

  Still he stood with my front facing his rear. “I’m going to entertain you, feed you, and then watch you finger fuck that greedy pussy of yours in the shower, until you’re screaming for me to relieve you and I come down your throat.”

  Oh fuck, I gasped silently, arousal pooling in my groin and my mouth salivating at the prospect. Showering then dressing quickly, we left the apartment exactly thirty minutes later and jumped into a waiting taxi. Getting this part of the night over with as soon as possible was paramount. Still painfully aroused, I couldn’t wait to get the hell home and have Jonah make good on what I instinctively knew was not a threat, but a genuine, bona fide promise.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The aromas emanating from Giovanni’s were as rich and enticing as I remembered them. Their familiarity filled me with a warm glow that ignited in my chest and spread through every vein in my body. Leaving Giovanni’s was justified I know, but stood outside the authentic Italian restaurant with its sumptuous furniture, lighting and rustic atmosphere, I couldn’t help but wish circumstances were different and I was now beginning a shift rather than just eating here.


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