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The Brand

Page 8

by M. N Providence

  The alcohol had done its chemistry inside her body and rapidly filled her bladder after being adjudged useless by the kidneys. When she came out of the bathroom he was standing at the door, completely naked, with a powerful erection. She cast a glance downwards and noticed that her fears had been unfounded. He did not have an abnormally big penis as the myth about Black men had led her to believe. It was just an ugly dark tube of muscle, darker than any other visible parts of his body, with a small head that tapered towards its end. He scooped her up suddenly in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. They fell on the bed and locked each other in a passionate kiss.

  ‘I wanted you from the first moment I laid my eyes on you,’ he panted. ‘I love you, and I want to make you my wife.’

  He tore off her clothes and descended hungrily on her breasts. He sucked on them until she yelped helplessly. He rolled her to her back and pulled her pants off her legs. He slid her green thong off her body too. Then he pushed her legs far apart and began to lick her vagina with his mouth. He stroked her clitoris with the tip of his tongue and she moaned in appreciation. He pushed her legs against her chest, exposing the dark starfish that was her anus. He licked it and wet it with saliva.

  He let go of her and reached for a small transparent plastic bag with a white powder inside it. With a worried look in her eyes, Joelyn began to protest. ‘No, I don’t—.’

  ‘Ssh,’ commanded Raizer T. ‘Relax.’

  He sank to his knees before the bed and pulled her to him. He dipped his middle finger in the cocaine and rubbed it onto her clitoris. Then he licked it off her and sucked the miniscule organ until her moans increased in volume and frequency. He spat at her anus, dipped his middle finger inside her vagina and then into the cocaine. Slowly, he inserted the finger into her anus and drove it deep. He worked his finger back and forth, while he used his mouth to stimulate her vagina. Then he rose to his feet and fed his rock-solid erection into her moist vagina. She let out a scream of ecstasy. He grabbed her knees and slapped her legs together. For a while they panted and heaved in unison, lost in a world of pleasure so exciting it belonged only to them.

  He released her and turned her body around to get on her knees and flatten her chest on the bed. She backed her buttocks up to him. He sank to his knees and buried his face between her luscious buttocks. He licked at her vagina and prodded inside it with his tongue. He grabbed a bottle of lubricating oil from the top of the nightstand and applied it to her anus. Then he grabbed her buttocks and held them wide apart as he gently inserted his penis into her tight hole. Tears stung Joelyn’s eyes as the big tube tore her apart. She gritted her teeth as the pain seared through her.

  ‘Oh God! Fuck you!’ she exploded.

  And then all of a sudden he was wedged inside her rectum and she felt like ejecting him out of her body. He began to thrust back and forth. It was so painful, yet so delicious she did not want him to stop….so punitive…so torturous…so exquisitely tender…she collapsed onto the bed, and he crashed onto her back, still inside her. He rolled her with him and they lay on their sides as he continued digging for glory inside her buttocks. He opened up her thighs and rubbed her vagina with his hand. He slid a finger inside the warm organ, wetting it with her fluids, and then dipped the finger into the plastic with cocaine. He fed his finger into her mouth and she sucked on it hungrily, anything to divert her mind from the exquisite pain at her buttocks…

  Afterwards, she sat up on the bed with her back against the head-rest, sharing a cannabis cigarette with him. He kissed her lips and stroked her vagina with one hand. ‘I can’t get enough of you,’ he said, brushing his lips against hers.

  She grabbed his flaccid penis and curled her fingers around it. It awakened, and in an instant it was as hard as a rock. ‘You’re a maniac,’ she said with half-closed, drunken eyes.

  He just smiled, laid her on her back and dipped himself into her, not telling her that he had ingested performance-enhancement drugs.

  Chapter 14

  If an ordinary woman sleeps around with various men in order to get her way in the world, she is called a self-serving whore, but if it’s a celebrated individual, she rises to cult status as a sex symbol of note. How many times in the near future will we have to endure tales of Joelyn Smith’s love life, and why should the American public be so interested in Joelyn Smith anyway? Barely four months ago she was a nobody, at least in as far as celebrity stakes go, then she slept with Hollywood film director Chris Woodyard and subsequently got a job in his blockbuster summer release, starring opposite a man she also had a sexual relationship with, Byron Taylor. And the world was introduced to Joelyn Smith. That fling lasted all of two months.

  Now Ms. Smith, 27, has decided to develop a career in music, and she has gone to star rapper Raizer T, known to his mother by his given name of Anthony Ryzor, for help with this effort. We are all hoping Ms. Smith can sing better than she can act – because, really, her performance in the Woodyard-directed film was mediocre – but perhaps that’s too much to ask. You see, people who give sexual favors in order to get ahead in life are never good in any other thing to start with. This time the output from Ms. Smith is guaranteed to be worse than any of her other projects so far, because she has decided to marry Anthony Ryzor, a talented musician in his own right. Given her talents to corrupt talented men into submission, we just pray and hope that she won’t be a bad influence on his genius…

  This is an unedited excerpt from the lifestyle section of a widely distributed New York daily newspaper, written by a columnist who was well-known for her caustic criticism of celebrated public figures. It is an example of the kind of reaction with which the public announcement that Raizer T and Joelyn Smith would get married was met. While certain sections of society found this piece by a popular newspaper columnist witty and funny, it raised Joelyn’s ire. She was so infuriated by the article that she had a good mind to sue both the columnist and the newspaper for libel and defamation of character.

  Her fiancé advised her otherwise, pointing out correctly that America was a democracy and people were entitled to their opinions. He said that if President Obama had sued all the people who had said wrong things about him he would have become extremely rich, but publicly he would have been viewed as a bad guy. Still, Joelyn was unconvinced that she should let the libelous columnist continue to mentally harass innocent people. She called Chris Woodyard and screamed down the phone that the newspaper should be sued in a very unforgiving way. Woodyard, loved and hated by equal numbers of film critics in the world, told her wisely that she should let it go.

  ‘Embrace those that love you, and don’t let those who don’t destroy you. Don’t let one bad word from a single bad person to diminish the value of all the millions of good words that have been mentioned by good people about you.’

  Joelyn took those words to heart and they calmed her rage. Meanwhile, following the authorized revelation of their impending nuptials, there ensued a media and public obsession with Joelyn Smith and Raizer T of such a critical magnitude that it overshadowed the Republican nomination race for the presidential candidate for the 2012 election. Capitalizing on that storm of publicity, a song containing lyrics by both Joelyn and Raizer T was purposely leaked onto the internet. It became one of the most-listened-to tracks on YouTube that week. Two more tracks, with Joelyn singing and Raizer T rapping, were released on a digital platform and they affirmed Joelyn’s status as a recording artist to be watched in the coming year.

  The interest in her music was not, strictly speaking, because of her genuine talent in singing. It had more to do with the fact that she was one of the foremost sex symbols of the day, combined with the fact that Ryze Entertainment had thrown its most talented music producers together to create sounds for her songs that would appeal to the younger generation, which over the years has been identified as being the most crucial audience for any pop star. Also, the public always loves a new thing, so with the right amount of marketing and public appeal, a new music artist
will find fans. The interest in Joelyn Smith, christened Jo S at Ryze Entertainment, was so phenomenal that the label pushed forward the release of her debut album from a May date to February of the coming year.

  In between shooting a film in Australia, Joelyn was busy recording material for her upcoming album at various locations in America, given that she would feature in five of her songs for the album seven popular recording artists who were strewn across the US. She was also shooting videos for her album’s first two singles, to be released weeks apart in December. She was travelling between Australia, where she was on the set of an epic period-drama, and America, where she was appearing on MTV, radio stations, TV shows and magazines, doing promotional work for her upcoming album.

  It might be important to note that Joelyn Smith and Anthony Ryzor had nothing in common, save for their passionate love for good sex and good music. From their individual backgrounds right through to their lifestyles, it was apparent to anyone who cared to notice that their marriage was doomed even before it commenced. In fact, Mrs. Ryzor, when Anthony took his fiancée to meet his mother, actually uttered these words:

  “Well, well, Anthony has outdone himself this time. Don’t worry, girl, there’s nothing wrong with you. In fact, everything’s right with you. And I like you alright. I’m just not sure my son is the right one for you.”

  It was a measure of the depth of understanding Mrs. Ryzor had for her son that she said those words. She knew fully well that her talented but misguided Anthony was emotionally incapable, and mentally insecure, to commit himself to one woman. To put it bluntly, and taken verbatim, Mrs. Ryzor said to the other ladies at her regular hair salon that Anthony was not ready to give up all the pussy he could get from a wide selection of whore-fans, bitch-ass groupies and downright porn whores just for one high-priced White pussy.

  The superstitious amongst us might say those words served to portend a bad future for the two lovers. Without being superstitious, but stating facts, it should be recorded that the very near future did go very awry indeed for Joelyn Smith and Mr. Anthony Ryzor. It so happened that Raizer T, as he was widely known by his staggering legion of fans, discovered almost too late that Joelyn’s birthday was in November. This negligence can quite rightly be attributed to his rather busy schedule, which deprived him of the chance to get to learn all the sufficient details about his would-be wife. Nevertheless, upon realizing that her birthday was around the corner, Raizer T impetuously loaded himself into a Gulfstream G650 with a group of his inner circle and instructed the pilots to take him to Australia. Acting on purely good intentions, Raizer T wanted to give his fiancée a pleasant surprise by gracing her with his physical presence for her 27th birthday, but Lady Luck was not smiling at her. Raizer T and his entourage were arrested and detained at the airport in Melbourne, from where they had been prepared to drive the long route to the film location at a farm in Neerim South, on charges of disturbing the order and peace, after an altercation developed between Raizer T’s bodyguards and airport security personnel. Raizer T and his group were promptly deported from Australia and sent back home unsympathetically in their private jet.

  Joelyn, who heard of the drama from her fiancé, using his mobile phone while still detained at the airport, actually took a leave of absence from the film shoot and demanded to be driven to the airport, where she found the Gulfstream carrying her lover already ejected from Australian territory. Although fully booked, Qantas Airlines did manage to find her a seat in the first class cabin of an Airbus A380 departing that evening. Upon her arrival at JFK International, Joelyn Smith was so harassed by the hordes of paparazzi, who were excited into this hive of activity by the drama involving Raizer T at the Melbourne airport, that security officers had to accompany her to the car sent by Raizer T to pick her up, a custom-made bullet-proof Rolls Royce Phantom, white in color.

  It took her to the safety of Raizer T’s Hamptons mansion, hidden behind a high wall and gate. That night, Raizer T threw a lavish party to celebrate his beloved fiancée’s birthday. Some big names in music attended, as well as some Hollywood faces. Dom Perignon and Veuve Clicquot premier champagnes flowed endlessly at the party. A hired Japanese chef outdid himself by creating various delicacies to go with the barbecued choices which were in huge abundance at the vast lawns of the big property. Ryze Entertainment artists entertained the guests. Even Raizer T and Joelyn did a rendition of one of their songs together.

  It would have gone down in the society pages as a successful party, but for an unfortunate incident that occurred just after the two lovebirds had just performed on stage together for the guests, immediately after Anthony had presented his fiancée with a big diamond necklace for all the guests to see. A large contingent of police officers, armed with a variety of weapons and wearing bullet-proof vests, appeared at the gates of the mansion and forced in their entry. Inside, they presented Raizer T with a warrant of arrest on charges of possession of an illegal firearm, and assaulting police officers. He was taken away in a police car, leaving his guests stunned, and Joelyn in tears.

  Chapter 15

  The story was that Raizer T, together with the group of people who always hung around him like leeches, had become embroiled in an exchange of gunfire with a rival camp while returning from a nightclub in New York. No one had been injured during that exchange, only because the police had intervened and caused the two rival camps to disperse. Raizer T’s car had been stopped and searched by the police, whilst the rival camp sped away. While searching members of Raizer T’s camp, they found him with an unregistered firearm and wearing a bullet-proof vest upon his person. However, when they had tried to put handcuffs on him, his bodyguards had sprung to action and assaulted police officers, overpowering them, after which they had all got into their car and temporarily escaped from the arm of the law.

  While social networks, tabloids and newscasts went ablaze with reports of the rap star’s incarceration, he languished inside a holding cell and thought that his mother had not raised him to be like this. His mother had not raised him to end up in a jail cell. Raizer T liked to talk about street life in his songs, but few people would guess that he had been brought up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and had attended private schools until he ran away from home at age 16 to find his way in the world. The street-cred attributable to Raizer T could be narrowed down to the few months he struggled living with friends in New York while trying to establish himself as a producer of note in the music industry.

  Investigative journalists would discover now that his mother had overcome teenage pregnancy and put herself through school, eventually earning herself a PhD in philosophy and tutoring students at college. Along the way to her professorship, she had had two more children by different men. Anthony was a middle child, with an elder brother and a younger sister. The three siblings had been brought up in a suburban home by their single mother, who by the time Anthony entered into his teens was a full college professor. She was earning enough of an income to put her children at good private schools, determined to make them better people with good moral and social conduct.

  Anthony’s brother had gone to Harvard to study Political Science and subsequently settled into an academic life. His sister had studied Anthropology at Columbia, and was currently working for the Discovery Channel in some capacity Anthony wasn’t exactly sure of. Anthony, himself born with a natural intelligence but cursed with precocious curiosity, had started sleeping with girls at the age of twelve. It became such a regular occurrence for him, this sexual exploration, that he did the deplorable at fifteen: getting a girl of thirteen pregnant. At sixteen he was a father and on the road, trying to discover his calling in life.

  While his mother forgave him for getting other parents’ child pregnant at such an early age in life, she never forgave him for leaving school. It was a mother’s pain that still haunted him today, and a subject to which he frequently alluded in thinly-veiled lyrics in his songs. From the moment he had started earning large amounts of money, Anthony
had constantly tried to atone for his transgression by buying his way back into his mother’s heart, until she told him that he had to stop trying to please her with expensive gifts, because she had long forgotten his transgression.

  ‘Anthony, a mother will never truly hate her son; she just gets disappointed. Let bygones be bygones and free your spirit. I’ve long gotten over it. In fact, I’m very proud of you. You’ve done wonders and created jobs for many people to put food on the table for their families. I respect that, and truly love you for it, Anthony. Just stop trying to buy people’s love. They should love you for who you are, not what you are or have…’

  Mentioned years previously, the words were still very fresh in his mind as he languished in a jail cell, pondering his present circumstances. All he had asked the Lord for was to have a good life; in short, get the car, get the girl and enjoy a good drink once in a while. Not this. He could not deny that the Lord had answered his prayers manifold. But the devil had led him astray. With a lucid mind, free of intoxicating substances, Anthony Raizer was able to meditate exhaustively on issues pertaining to his life, such that by the time his high-priced lawyer arrived to demand his release, after a successful urgent application for bail, he had resolved to correct certain aspects of his life. First on the list of those resolutions was to get rid of some bad elements in his crew. There were people who were a bad influence, who made him believe that he was God and encouraged him to do stupid things. They had to go. The second was to be a better man for the woman he was engaged to marry.

  Partly due to the heavy media people’s attendance at the county jail, Joelyn had not bothered to go and physically witness her fiancé’s release. The other reason was that she had decided that further association with the public enigma that was Raizer T was a frivolous and potentially detrimental arrangement to her public image. Anthony’s arrest had woken her up from her foolish teenage dream, and she had fully realized the implications of being married to a man like Raizer T, a man so emotionally lacking, so sexually depraved and so psychologically inadequate that he needed to surround himself with servants and sexual slaves to boost his self-esteem. It was a conclusion reached after a critical analysis of the present situation over a short period of time.


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