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Satisfied 2X

Page 14

by Nicole Elliot

“Leo made you hack into our payroll?” He tried to keep his voice calm.

  She nodded. “I knew it was wrong. I knew stealing from you was wrong. I didn’t touch the employees’ income, just the company portions. I know that doesn’t make it any better, but Leo didn’t know where the money came from, only that it ended up where he wanted it.”

  She hung her head. “I thought it was better to steal from you rather than the employees. It was the only control I had. It was the only thing I could think of to do.” He heard the pain in her voice.

  Hunter pressed his lips together. “This is it, isn’t it? This is what the fucked-up money philosophy is all about?”

  She looked at them. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He pushed off the bed and paced at the window. “Damn it, Alison.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  Drew stared at her. “What did you mean we were going to find out?”

  “Leo is blackmailing me. He said if I didn’t get cash to him this morning he was going to the press and outing me.”

  “That’s insane.”

  She sniffed. “I didn’t want to ask for the money and I don’t have enough to pay him.” He saw the look of desperation in her eyes. “I don’t want you to be embarrassed by me. I don’t want to tarnish Soar. If the press finds out what I did, it’s going to ruin the Soar reputation. It means so much to you. It’s your life’s work. God, I don’t know what to do to make this right.”

  “You should have told us,” Hunter growled. “From the beginning. You should have told us. We could have helped you. What were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t in the best position to say much.” She stared at him. “I wasn’t a guest here. It wasn’t like those first two weeks were some kind of magical fairytale. I was glad I stole from you.” The tears welled in her eyes. “But I’m not now. I would never want to hurt either of you. I’m so so sorry.”

  Drew placed a hand on her knee. “It doesn’t matter. You’ve told us now. We have to figure out how to deal with your cousin.”

  Hunter continued to pace. He knew his friend would be angry for a while. But he knew exactly what was going through his head. He was pissed at Leo—not Alison. They would do everything they could to protect her. There were no words to describe what Leo had done to the woman they loved.

  “You what?” She blinked back the tears.

  Drew pressed a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll figure it out.”

  She shook her head, her hair flying around her bare shoulders. “No. I’ll leave. I’ll resign from my position at Soar. You can clean up the PR nightmare when I’m out of the picture. It’s better for the foundation this way.”

  Hunter rushed to the side of the bed. “Hell no. That isn’t going to happen.”

  Her eyes flew to his. “Don’t try to protect me in this. I did it. I hacked in. I helped Leo. And maybe I didn’t get caught then, but I’m going to have to pay for it now. My past. My sins. My penance to pay, not yours.”

  Hunter’s hands moved to her face. “We’ve all done shit we’re not proud of, sweetheart. But no one is going to hurt you again. Drew and I will make sure of that. We’re in this together now. Your past and everything that comes with it.”

  “How can you forgive me?” she whispered.

  Drew smiled. “You were in bed with us about thirty minutes ago, weren’t you?”

  She blushed. She was beautiful and sexy. Still so innocent. “Yes.”

  “You belong to us. We belong to you. That means something, Alison. Those weren’t just words. We are men of honor. Our word means something. Hunter and I will take care of your cousin. You aren’t alone anymore.”

  There was alarm in her voice. “What are you going to do to him? Are you going to pay him off?”

  Hunter scoured the room for his clothes. He threw a shirt at Drew. “He’s not going to bother you. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Wait. Please tell me something. Anything,” she pleaded. “Don’t do something stupid. I don’t want either of you to get hurt. Leo is crazy. You can’t trust him.”

  Drew leaned to kiss her on the cheek before he and Hunter left. “We’ve got you. We’ve got this. Try to get some sleep. We can handle him. Stop worrying.”

  “Sleep? You expect me to sleep?” Her eyes darted back and forth. “There’s no way I can close my eyes.”

  “Work?” he suggested.

  She bit her lip. “Maybe. I can try. I do have to get to the office. I have another Soar meeting.”

  “Good. Focus on that today. We’ll meet you there. And stop worrying.”

  If he could, he’d stay in bed with her all day and kiss away the fear that was in her eyes, but there was a way to make sure the fear never returned. And for that, he and Hunter were going to have to deal with Leo Rossi.



  They were gone. Alison blinked at the door. It could have gone worse—much worse. The way Drew and Hunter handled the news impressed her. There was no end to how amazing they were. She knew as long as she lived, she’d never meet anyone else like them.

  There was no point in sitting around her room, worrying about what was ahead of them. Alison hopped from the bed and walked to the master suite. She started the hot water in the shower. At least if she were in her office she could be distracted by Soar. She’d rather listen to Maureen ramble on about her dating life than sit alone and worry about what could happen when Drew and Hunter faced Leo.

  She had never expected them to take on her problems. As she stepped in the shower she wondered if knights in armor were a real thing. Were Drew and Hunter her knights? It didn’t seem possible they could forgive her after what she had done.

  But they had rushed off to fix everything.

  The water ran over her shoulders and down her back. On top of everything, she had shared something with them this morning she never imagined she could experience. They had both been inside her at the same time. She wrapped her arms around her body trying to hold on to that feeling.

  What it felt like to be totally possessed. To be filled beyond her dreams.

  Leo couldn’t take that away from her. Leo didn’t control her destiny anymore. She turned off the water, watching the last bubbles slide down the drain and disappear.

  Alison reached for a towel, wrapping it around her chest. She loved Hunter and Drew for what they wanted to do, but this was her mess. She had to clean it up. She couldn’t stand by while they faced Leo. She had to do something.

  She got dressed and grabbed her keys.

  Alison squared her shoulders as she faced the Rossi compound. She had prayed she would never set foot inside this place again, but she couldn’t run from her problems. And she couldn’t send her knights in to rectify something she had done. She needed to be the one to face the demons of her past.

  She took each of the stone steps with confidence. This wasn’t like the last time she was here. No one would ever drag her out and stuff her in a trunk again. She had the love and support of the two most incredible men. They had given her the strength to face this. Because of them, she had to do this. She loved them enough to put herself here again—the last place she ever wanted to be.

  Hunter’s sports car was parked in front. As she climbed the front porch steps she could hear loud voices from the other side of the door. Panic shot through her. Hunter and Drew were irate.

  She didn’t hesitate. Alison burst inside, landing in the middle of their circle. Their eyes darted toward her. She suddenly felt like she was surrounded by a pack of lions. Luckily, two of them were hers.

  “What are you doing here?” Hunter asked. His face was stern. Drew was as determined as his friend. He made a protective stance toward her.

  “Alison, you don’t need to be here.” He shook his head.

  She stepped forward, locking eyes with her cousin. “Yes, I do. Leo has no right to do any of this. I can take care of my family problems. It’s what I should have said this morning.”

laughed viciously. “So you sent your men to take care of your little fuck-up, but you don’t trust them enough to take care of it?” he mocked. “This little arrangement the three of you has is fucked up.”

  Her eyes narrowed. She could claw at his face. She could kick him in the balls. She could spit on his cheek. But she held her ground. She didn’t want him to know how much she hated him. Leo would love to see the hatred in her eyes. It was as if it fueled him. As if the way people despised him pushed him to be worse. She never understood that about him.

  Hunter stepped in front of her, but she didn’t want him to protect her this time. She could handle Leo.

  “I can do this, Hunt.” She pressed a hand to his elbow. “Please,” she added softly. She watched in amazement as he cautiously moved so she could face Leo on her own.

  She stared at Leo. “You’re not going to the media.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You sound like these two. I’m happy to keep your illegal escapades to myself if you hand over a hundred thousand to start. But that’s just the start.”

  She didn’t let her eyes bulge or her jaw drop. She had to stay steady. Of course he would threaten more blackmail. He was going to hang the hacking over her head as long as he could milk them for money. It would never stop.

  “You aren’t getting the money and you aren’t releasing the story.” She gritted her teeth. “Your threats don’t mean anything to me.”

  Drew was behind her. She felt the warmth of his body as he laid a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, trying to convince him she could do this. But God, did it feel good to have him behind her. It was as if she could draw strength from his body. She needed every ounce of it right now.

  Leo sat on the couch, crossing a leg over his knee. “See, what you don’t get is that I have dirt on you. I’m the one with all the card. I set the terms and you pay up. That’s how this works.”

  “What you don’t get, is that I have way more on you,” she hissed. “That’s how this works.”

  He raised his arms in the air, chuckling. “My hands are clean. I had nothing to do with your internet heist. You can’t trace that to me. Not even the accounts. You know they are ghost accounts. You insured I was in the clear. And it was exactly what I wanted. So thank you again for that.”

  Alison reached in her pocket and held up a thumb drive. “But I have every other piece of dirt on you I could find.” She slammed the drive on the coffee table. “And that is just one of many, many copies.” She tilted her head in his direction.

  Leo reached for it, but Hunter cut him off. “Don’t touch it,” he snarled, knocking Leo back on the couch.

  “There’s nothing there,” Leo snapped.

  “Are you so sure?” Alison glared. “You don’t have multiple accounts? Texts to associates? Email chains? Are you sure your hands are so clean?”

  “You collected evidence against me? Against your own family?” He sounded stunned.

  Alison nodded. “You wanted me to be the hacker. Don’t you remember? You created this little skill I have. And I took full advantage of it.”

  “But you’re using it against me? You’re turning on me?”

  “It’s all there, Leo. And if something happens to me, or to one of them there are plenty of copies that can be discovered that will incriminate you. I’ve planted them all over town, so don’t even think about trying to find them. As soon as one is discovered, you’ll be in prison the rest of your life. I can guarantee it.”

  He looked at her and then his eyes flicked to Hunter and Drew. “Fuck.”

  Hunter collected the drive from the coffee table. “We’ll take this as one of the insurance pieces that you aren’t going to release that story about Alison.”

  Leo turned his head, ignoring the three of them.

  “Let’s go.” Alison feathered her fingers through Hunter’s strong hands and then Drew’s. “I want to go home.”

  They followed her outside, closing the door to the compound behind them.

  Alison felt her knees buckle, but Hunter held her steady. “I think you better ride home with me, sweetheart. Drew can drive your car.”

  “Of course.” Drew looked for her keys.

  There were so many things she wanted to say, but she used everything she had back there to get through the confrontation with Leo. And it had worked. She was free. They all were.

  Drew buckled her in the front seat as Hunter stuck the key in the ignition. She looked at them. “That drive is blank.”

  “What the fuck?” Hunter stammered.

  “I had to think of something. It was all I could come up with,” she admitted.

  Drew laughed so hard he almost hit the top of his head on the inside roof of the car. “You are the smartest woman I know, Alison.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek. “I can hack him now and get the insurance policy. If you want, I can do it. Should I? Is that the smart move now?”

  Hunter shook his head. “I think he’s scared shitless. We’ll worry about that later if we have to. I have a feeling he isn’t going to bother any of us. You took care of that.”

  Drew kissed her on the cheek. “You were incredible. I’ll see you at the house.”

  “I’ve got a meeting.” She remembered the design team expected to see more details about Soar. “I can’t go back to the house. The foundation needs me today.”

  Drew shook his head. “No. The three of us are taking the rest of the day off. I think we need you more.”

  “And doing what?” she asked.

  Hunter’s hand squeezed her thigh. “What we do best.” He winked.



  When had he become this man? Hunter took one look at Alison and he could see the future. He knew she belonged with them. Drew felt it too. It was undeniable that there was something different about her. No other woman made them feel the way she did. It was terrifying. It was thrilling. Damn it, he knew it was love.

  He drove her home faster than he had ever pushed the pedal on the car before. She needed to know how much she meant to them. That they had a future together, no matter what.

  He clutched her hand. “You were incredibly brave back there.”

  She sighed. “I can’t believe it worked.”

  He grinned. “I think everything you do turns to magic. Of course it worked.”

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t let Leo ruin our lives. Not yours. Not Drew’s. Not ours,” she whispered.

  It was the way she said ours that jabbed at his lungs. He felt his ribs tighten. This woman had turned his world upside down. And she wasn’t finished. There was no denying he had finally fallen.

  He pulled into the garage, parking the sports car in one of the twelve spots. Drew was behind them in Alison’s car. He parked next to them. They turned the ignitions off.

  A brief silence fell between them in the car.

  “Alison,” Hunter groaned.

  She turned toward him as he tangled his hands in her hair, dragging her mouth to his. He had to taste her. Kiss her. Lick every inch of her.

  And then Drew was at Alison’s door. He opened it. She twisted toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck as his mouth crashed over hers. It was the first time Hunter wished he drove a huge SUV or minivan instead of this small car.

  He climbed out of the driver’s door and walked around the car. Drew spun Alison toward him. He kissed her, thrusting his tongue in her mouth.

  “Ohh,” she whimpered as Drew tugged her jeans over her hips.

  They weren’t going to make it inside if they didn’t slow things down. This kind of passion hit them all hard.

  “The house,” she whispered.

  Drew groaned in her ear. “Ever been fucked on a sports car?”

  Hunter’s cock ached. He wanted to bend her over the red hood and press her gorgeous tits into the glossy paint job. He wanted her nipples to cut through the paint when he fucked her from behind.

  She shook her head.

sp; Drew grinned at his friend. Hunter nodded. “Over there.” He pointed to one of the cars in the corner. It was slightly obstructed from the main part of the garage if anyone wandered in.

  “You’re serious?” Alison’s eyes lit with desire.

  “Put your hands on the hood,” Hunter growled.

  “Oh shit.” She wiggled forward, jutting her ass into the air as her hands splayed over the hood. Her thong was white lace. He snapped it between her cheeks. “Oomph!”

  Drew pulled the shirt from her arms and unclasped her bra. He hung it on the side mirror. Her tits were hard peaks in the cold. But she’d been hot in about five seconds.

  “I think I need a better view for this.” Drew shirked his suit off, climbing on the hood. His cock bounded free and Alison licked her lips in anticipation.

  He stretched back on the windshield offering up his dick. He folded his hands behind his head. His large body covered the hood.

  “Oh Drew,” she purred, fisting his thick shaft in her hand. Her tongue traced over the wide vein and circled his balls.

  He groaned, yanking her hair until her mouth settled over his cock.

  “Suck, sweetheart.”

  Hunter watched her blow him like a pro. He unbuckled his belt and kicked his pants to the corner. His cock was on fire. He pressed his thumb to her pussy, smearing her juices over his fingers before trailing them to her rosebud.

  She gurgled with Drew’s cock in her mouth, but he knew she was sore and sensitive. He’d be more gentle than Drew. He always had been.

  “I need this too, baby,” he explained. “I need to fuck your ass so badly.”

  Drew lifted her head from his dick, so she could take a breath. She twisted her nec around and her eyes landed on Hunter’s. “You want it too?”

  “Oh yeah,” he groaned.

  Drew slid along the hood, pushing her toward the front of the car as if he was the one offering her precious rosebud to Hunter. He was the one to claim it after all. “We share everything. And this is the last step to giving yourself to both of us completely. You want him to come in your ass, don’t you? Don’t you want to feel him fuck you? While I come deep in your pussy, baby.”


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