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Wolves at the Door (MMM)

Page 6

by Marie Medina

  It felt amazing to have both of them close, and he leaned back against Patrick. “Whenever you’re ready, love,” Aiden said. He rode up and down Steven’s shaft, his ass grazing Patrick’s slicked, leaking cock.

  They kissed, the embrace a mix of sweetness and barely contained passion.


  Steven watched the two men kissing, the sight hot and breathtaking. In that instant, he didn’t feel jealous. Patrick wasn’t taking Aiden from him—they were both bringing Aiden pleasure. He could see the love passing between them, and suddenly he felt touched these two men wanted to bring him into that love.

  “What is it, Steven?” Patrick asked gently.

  Steven blinked, realizing he’d been staring, no doubt with an odd look on his face. His cock ached to thrust deeper into Aiden, and he couldn’t form words properly. “You … love each other … so much.” He took a deep breath and arched up, looking into Aiden’s eyes. “And … want me … to be part of it.”

  Aiden leaned down smiling and looking even more beautiful. “You finally get it, baby.” He turned to Patrick. “Take me, love. This moment is perfect.”

  Steven gasped as Aiden captured his mouth in a deep kiss. He began to move gently inside of Aiden, but then he felt Patrick still them both. Steven was deep inside Aiden as Patrick entered him, too. He felt the other shaft slide against his, and he also felt Aiden’s channel flex. Aiden moaned, the sound filled with lust. Patrick went slow and moved gingerly, leaning forward to kiss and caress Aiden in a soothing manner. Steven enjoyed seeing the loving, gentle side of Patrick.

  Patrick looked down at Steven. “When I move in, you move out. Very slow.”

  Steven nodded, and they began to move together. He’d never felt anything like it. Aiden squeezed both of them in a way that had him almost losing it. Patrick’s big shaft moving against his only made the sweet agony more intense. Feeling another hard cock touching his made him crazy, and he loved it when their cock heads played against each other. He felt Aiden’s hole tremble uncontrollably, and then Aiden cried out. Hot cum covered Steven’s chest, and he moved up to kiss Aiden. Aiden rubbed the cum over Steven’s skin, the feeling very erotic. Patrick kissed Aiden’s back, and they both fucked Aiden a little harder. Steven came first, shooting so hard he cried out as pleasure and pain mixed. Then Patrick came, his hot cum filling Aiden and spilling out of him. Their cum mixed as their balls touched and rubbed, and Steven looked into Patrick’s eyes. Patrick pressed closer, grinding their balls together, and then he pulled away. Before he could guess what Patrick meant to do, Steven felt Patrick’s mouth on him. Patrick cleaned their cum from Steven’s balls and thighs, lifting Aiden up to free Steven’s cock. Then he oscillated between licking Steven’s cock and rimming Aiden.

  Aiden moaned and looked down. “He’s so damn good with that mouth.”

  Steven had never imagined anything like this happening to him. Not being able to see what happened made it even more sensual, as he responded to the hot mouth on his very sensitive cock and the cries of pleasure coming from Aiden. Steven didn’t know if another session was about to start or not. Should he stay? Should he let Patrick fuck him? That hot, skilled mouth had him leaning toward “yes”. But Patrick stopped and moved to the side, lightly stroking Steven’s hair and kissing his forehead very chastely. “Thank you for sharing that with us. Will you come sleep in our bed tonight?”

  Steven licked his lips.

  “Just sleep,” Patrick added. “Maybe some talking, after we all clean up. We want all of you, not just your body and your lust. I got ahead of myself before, and Aiden helped me see that you’re worth waiting for.”

  Steven nodded. “Yes. I’ll come home with you.”

  “Good.” Patrick shifted back to a wolf as Steven and Aiden got dressed.

  Steven grinned at Aiden, enjoying the strong scent of sex around them. “You two are corrupting me. I’m becoming a wanton.” He shook his head. “I’ve been called frigid before, not giving it up quick enough, in some guys’ opinions.”

  “Wanton is just the way we want you, with us at least,” Aiden said. “Wolves have unstoppable libidos, by the way.”

  Steven laughed. “You don’t say.”

  Aiden took his hand and kissed it. “Yes. And our love, once given, is forever,” he whispered.

  “I understand,” Steven said. “I’m serious, too. I’m not just getting my thrills while I can, if you know what I mean. I’m feeling more than lust for you both.” He looked at Patrick for a moment. “I do feel more connected to you, Aiden, but I would not have done what we just did if I didn’t feel something for Patrick, too.”

  They began walking, Aiden smiling at him. “I know exactly what you’re saying. And I’m glad, because we’re getting pretty attached.”

  “You are?”

  Aiden nodded. “What we did was hot, but it was special as well.” He bit his lip, a grin creeping over his face. “Patrick won’t lick just anyone’s balls, you know.”

  Patrick circled around and whacked Aiden on the ass with his nose. Steven laughed along with Aiden.

  “Well then, I’m honored.” Steven squeezed Aiden’s hand, his mind and body reeling at how his life had changed. His heart felt the effects, too, and he realized sleeping beside the two men was another thing he’d been thinking about since their first night together.

  Chapter Seven

  Patrick checked another item off the grocery list. For two months now, he and Steven had been carpooling each day since they both worked downtown just two streets away from each other. Tonight, however, would be their first night cooking dinner for Aiden together. Aiden could cook better than both of them, but they wanted to surprise him. Things were going well for the three of them, and Patrick felt like he and Steven had finally connected. Working together tonight would strengthen that connection, he hoped.

  Steven slept at their house about four nights a week. They had fooled around a lot, but only Aiden had been making love with Steven. Patrick and Steven had sucked each other, and Patrick had even tongue fucked him to an orgasm, but he hadn’t actually taken Steven yet. That decision had to be Steven’s. He had to be the one to offer it freely, and as yet he hadn’t done that.

  Blushing, Patrick smiled and waved at the friendly little girl in the cart next to theirs waving at him. He suddenly felt like a perv, imagining his tongue inside Steven’s ass at that moment. But then Steven smiled at him, obviously noticing the blush, and he felt better. What they did wasn’t perverted—they loved each other. Patrick focused on the list again. At least, Patrick loved Aiden and Steven, and the two other men obviously loved each other. Patrick had even heard Aiden whisper it to Steven as they made love once. Steven had only moaned in response, but his eyes had said everything. They hadn’t been excluding Patrick, but it had definitely been a private moment. Patrick and Steven had not yet had that type of moment, and he wanted it more with each passing day.

  Aiden wanted it to happen just as much; Patrick could tell. Every day, Aiden went out of his way to both tell and show Patrick that he loved him, as if trying to fill the void he knew Patrick felt because Steven had not given himself fully to Patrick yet. The drive to and from work had been good for both of them each day, making them get to know each other gradually. They didn’t have long, in-depth conversations the way Steven and Aiden did, but they had fun together even without Aiden around. Patrick had fallen very much in love with Steven, but he couldn’t tell how deep the other man’s feelings ran. He constantly tried to calm his alpha tendencies and remind himself that Steven would react differently than Aiden in most situations. They had argued a few times, but they’d managed to talk through the situations. Steven was working on being less sensitive to Patrick’s behavior, and Patrick was learning to consider his actions and behavior more carefully. Patrick felt they both understood each other better now.

  Once they had everything, they picked one of the long checkout lines and stood together. Patrick stared down into the cart for a while
before saying, “I hope everything goes well tonight. Aiden can make anything taste amazing. I enjoy cooking, but I always get paranoid cooking for him. I think he has dinner ready every night to protect you from my bland cooking.”

  Steven smiled. “I think tonight will be wonderful. He probably suspects we’re going to cook. He paused when I told him we were stopping for take out.”

  Patrick laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure he knows what’s coming. He’ll act surprised anyway, I’m sure.”

  With a nod, Steven said, “Probably.” He studied Patrick for a few seconds. “Do you like surprises?”

  Shrugging, Patrick said, “Depends. I don’t like surprise parties, but I like it when Aiden plans little things for us.”

  Steven’s eyes lit up briefly. “Romantic things?” he said quietly.

  Patrick nodded slowly, wondering if Steven was implying what he hoped. “Yeah. Anticipation is nice, too, but I do like surprises.”

  “I do, too,” Steven said, turning as they moved forward. The conversation seemed to be at an end.

  Patrick focused on the task at hand, not wanting to get his hopes up. Steven could, on occasion, be a bit of a tease. Maybe he was only feeling Patrick out for future reference. Until Steven actually made a move, Patrick knew he needed to concentrate on being patient and not let his controlling nature and lack of patience cause him unneeded heartache.


  Steven sat between his two men on the couch, enjoying the wine Patrick had picked for them. They’d been talking about movies, but then the conversation had faded. The silence proved companionable, not awkward, but still Steven took this chance to stand up and kneel in front of the couch. He looked down into his wine, feeling theirs gazes on him.

  “I have something I’d like to say,” Steven said. He raised his eyes and found both men staring at him intently. He could almost see their other forms in their eyes. He shivered, setting his glass down.

  “What is it, Steven?” Aiden asked.

  “I’ve been thinking. Aiden and I talked about me moving in here. It’s a very big decision. I’ve never lived with a lover before. I’m not sure about that yet, but it is something I think we three should discuss together. Just not tonight.”

  “Then what are we talking about tonight?” Patrick asked.

  Steven looked into Patrick’s eyes. “I’m willing to discuss moving in with you both because I’ve finally accepted that we can make this work long term. I’ve done lots of very practical thinking about how we all interact and how we work through everyday life and problems. I feel good about it. Most importantly, though, I realized something.” He turned to Aiden. “I love you.” He glanced back to Patrick. “I love both of you. I don’t care if others think it is crazy. I thought it wasn’t possible at first. Now, I know it’s very possible to love two men both differently and equally.”

  Patrick caressed Steven’s face and cupped his chin. “We love you, too.”

  Steven smiled and leaned in to kiss Patrick. The possessive yet loving kiss made him moan. “I want you to claim me tonight, Patrick.”

  Patrick kissed his forehead and smiled. “Then I will.”

  Steven loved how Patrick’s sweet side came out more fully with even these little gestures of submission. Patrick could still be frustratingly controlling, but when Steven showed affection and devotion toward him those tendencies took on a different feel. They made him feel loved and protected. “I understand the alpha thing better now. I’ll never be completely comfortable with it, but I do see how it works between you and Aiden. And I do feel the difference now. I know you do it out of instinct and love. Please promise you and I will talk things through the way we have been. Be patient with me.”

  “I will, love.” Patrick kissed his lips again.

  Aiden drew closer and kissed Steven, too. “I’m so happy, Steven. I love you. I could see you and Patrick becoming closer, but I tried not to interfere. Even in this kind of relationship, we have to be able to function without the third person around. I’ve been dying to talk to you, but I held back.”

  Steven hugged Aiden close. “Thank you. I needed time and space to work things out on my own.” He laughed and pulled back. “Wow, this all sounds corny, but I mean it. Thank you.”

  Patrick asked, “So I haven’t been failing miserably, I take it?”

  “No.” Steven shook his head. “Not at all. You’ve done well. Our arguments are fun … sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” Patrick asked.

  Steven nodded. He briefly recalled their last dispute, which had revolved around Steven wanting to give Patrick and Aiden money for groceries since he ate with them almost every night. “Yes, when your eyes flash like you’re going to bite me.”

  “Bite you?” Patrick said with a laugh. “Don’t tempt me, Steven.”

  Steven put his arms around Patrick. “That’s exactly what I want to do tonight. I want you to claim me. I can see there’s still something missing between us. I want to be as close to you as I am to Aiden.”

  Patrick leaned in, and Steven expected to be dominated and manhandled, based on the look in Patrick’s eyes. Yet Patrick’s touch was slow and gentle. The kiss had a tender quality that made Steven gasp. Steven got lost in the kiss, and then he realized Patrick was lifting him into his arms. He took hold of Patrick’s shoulders, a bit stunned at being carried bridal style.

  “Deal with it. I’m still the alpha,” Patrick whispered playfully.

  “Does the alpha ever take it up the ass?” Steven asked.

  Patrick brushed their lips together. “When he’s with a man he loves, he’s more than willing to do so.”

  Steven blinked, and Patrick smiled as he set Steven on his feet. “That surprise you, Steven?”

  “Yes. I was teasing. I didn’t imagine you’d let me.”

  “Not tonight, but one day.” Patrick unbuttoned Steven’s shirt, dipping his head down to kiss Steven’s chest once it had been exposed. “But tonight I’m tending to you, with Aiden’s help.”

  Steven lifted his gaze to Aiden, who leaned in the doorway watching. Aiden’s hard cock made quite a bulge in his jeans. Steven moaned as Patrick teased one nipple with his teeth. Patrick nipped and sucked in ways that made Steven’s balls ache. Then that skilled tongue licked a trail down his abdomen. Patrick very carefully freed Steven’s cock and suckled the head. Pleasure overwhelmed Steven as Patrick gradually took more. Patrick sat back to give an order.

  “Stroke your cock, Aiden.”

  “Love it when you do that,” Steven said. “Tell us what to do.”

  “Aiden said you did. You should have told me,” Patrick said, pumping Steven’s cock and licking the head.

  Steven watched Aiden free his cock and then lightly stroke it. Aiden slowly worked his clothes off with one hand, making the event almost a striptease.

  “Aiden is so beautiful,” Steven said, looking down at Patrick.

  Patrick stood and removed his shirt. “I know.” He reached over and grabbed Aiden around the waist, pulling him into a kiss. The two men nuzzled against each other. “I knew he was mine by his scent when we met as wolves. I was overjoyed when he changed and I saw how perfect he was.” He stroked Aiden’s cheek. “Lie down and watch us, baby. Don’t come.”

  Aiden obeyed, stretching out at the foot of the bed.

  “Lie down, too, baby,” Patrick said to Steven.

  Steven sat on the bed and reclined as Patrick finished undressing. Emotions overwhelmed him. He’d imagined this would be a night a hot, frenzied sex. He hadn’t expected this slow pace. These men really loved him, and with this kind of love this relationship would work. He’d do his part to make sure it did.

  “Expose yourself for me. Offer me your ass,” Patrick said.

  Steven had heard this request before. He imitated what Aiden had done when Patrick said these words. He grabbed his knees and pulled them to his chest, spreading his cheeks and lifting his ass. He loved feeling exposed this way under Patrick’s hot gaze.

“Beautiful,” Patrick said. Patrick braced himself on the bed and began kissing and licking Steven’s thighs. He used his teeth occasionally, sending shivers of lust through Steven. He took his sweet time, tasting every inch of Steven. Patrick licked the skin between Steven’s anus and balls, massaging deep with his tongue.

  Steven cried out, his cock jerking and leaking. Patrick lapped the pre-cum up, sucking the head roughly.

  “That hole wants to be filled. I see it expanding and contracting for me,” Patrick said.

  Steven could feel it himself. He needed Patrick inside of him. “Please claim me,” Steven begged.

  Patrick ran one finger over Steven’s hole but didn’t penetrate. He teased around the rim, looking into Steven’s eyes.

  “Please, Patrick,” Steven whispered.

  Patrick slid that finger in about an inch. He smiled and knelt down, his tongue replacing his finger. He spread Steven wide and slid his tongue deep. Steven moaned under the assault. He rocked to the rhythm of the oral fucking. Patrick made him feel pleasure on new levels when he ate him out. Tonight was the second time Patrick had done this, and Steven had to fight not to come.

  Steven gasped when he felt a hand on his cock. His eyes focused on Aiden, who gripped the base of Steve’s cock while still touching his own.

  “I know it’s hard not to come when he does that.” Aiden kissed Steven. Then he smiled. “I love it when he does that.”

  Steven tilted his head for another kiss. “Oh yes. So good.”

  Patrick finally backed off, but Steven’s body felt taut with need. Aiden lubed Patrick’s cock, the two men kissing very sweetly.

  “We’re complete now, baby. I love you,” Patrick said.

  “I love you, too,” Aiden said. He stretched out by Steven again and kept jerking himself slowly. “Claim him, Patrick.”


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