Book Read Free


Page 29

by Savannah Rylan

  I felt Zoey’s breathing evening out next to me as my fingertips stroked her hair. I didn’t want Colt to be pissed that I’d just fucked his sister. But in my defense, she looked nothing like how she used to. I didn’t want this to affect my chances of becoming a prospect with the group, but as I laid there beside her and felt her curl around me, I felt how much I wanted her.

  She was comforting. And warm. And inviting in a way, no other woman had ever been. She wasn’t shocked by my scars and didn’t shrink away from them in disgust as many other women had.

  I wanted her again. And again and again. As many times as she would let me have her before I had to pretend like she didn’t exist.

  I slept with her at my side all night. If I moved, she moved with me. If I rolled, she shifted against my body. It was like the gravitated towards me, and I woke up with a smile on my face. The sun was streaming through the window, and I could feel her naked pussy against my back as her leg flexed around my hips. Her body was slung over me. Like it was magnetized to me.

  And I soaked up every second of it.

  I laid there, taking in the feel of her until she began to stir. She pulled herself from me and made her way to the bathroom, her thick hips sashaying for my viewing pleasure as she kicked the door closed behind her. She still had that bright spirit. That sharp tongue and that natural wit. I stretched and groaned, feeling my body pop like an old man before I reached for my boxers.

  When she emerged, she was dressed. I was pulling a shirt over my head as she looked at me, her eyes traveling my form as she leaned against the doorframe. I strode over to her and took her in my arms, pulling her in for a kiss as I pinned her against my body.

  “I wish I could go for around two, but I’ve got stuff to do today,” Zoey said.

  “Ah, that fucking stuff. Always getting in the way of a good time,” I said.

  “You could call me though. If you ever wanted another one,” she said.

  “I think I could get behind that.”

  “Got a sheet of paper?”

  I rummaged around in my room and found a receipt and a pencil. She wrote her number down along with her name, then drew a little heart beside it all. I slid my arm around her and drew her into me one last time, our lips connecting as our tongues danced. The kiss was slow. Sensuous. It shivered her body, and it raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Zoey was electrifying. She had sunk her greedy little talons into me and was refusing to let go. She sucked my bottom lip between her teeth, and I groaned, giving myself over to her as we stumbled back into the wall.

  “We really shouldn’t,” Zoey said. “I really need to go.”

  “Then stop sucking on my body and get going. Otherwise, I’ll have you sucking on something else.”

  She winked at me as she slid by, leaving me panting and wanting more. My cock ached as I escorted her downstairs, and part of me was still screaming to slam her against the door. To rip her pants down, take my cock out, and slide it right between her luscious legs.

  But I settled for a peck on the cheek before I watched her get into her car.

  As if life was orchestrating my own downfall, my phone rang out as Zoey pulled away. It was Colt calling me, and my blood ran cold as I picked up the call.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “The guys told me that piece of ass must’ve been good for you to get thrown out of the car,” Colt said.

  “You could say that,” I said.

  I had to bite back my groan as Colt chuckled into the phone.

  “If you’re interested in being a prospect, come by the bar today. I talked with Doc, and he’s willing to sit and talk.”

  “Seriously? Fuck, man. Thank you.”

  “Not a problem. We’ll be in and out most of the day. Just come when you can piece yourself together. And don’t smell like pussy. That shit’s distracting.”

  I cringed again as Zoey’s sounds wafted through the confines of my memory. Colt would kill me if he ever found out. He would fucking bury me in the backyard and set my shit on fire.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll shower twice,” I said.

  “Just a heads up, most of us will be there in about half an hour. If you wanna catch Doc early. Could play in your favor. His ass is a morning person,” Colt said.

  “Then I should get a shower while I can still get one.”

  “See you in a few. And if you haven’t eaten yet, don’t. Doc always treats new prospects to a shitload of food to celebrate.”

  “Come hungry and not smelling like pussy. Got it.”

  “See you soon, Rider.”

  “See ya soon, Colt.”

  Chapter 8


  I got back home and caught my mother just as she was leaving the house. She gave me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she ran to her car. She was always late for her morning shifts. No matter how many alarms she set and no matter how many times her boss cussed her out for it, she could never get in there on time. My mother had held her second-shift job down for almost twenty years. But her first-shift jobs? Switched usually every couple of years.

  “Gotta run, sweetie. I love you! I’ll be home for dinner!” my mom said.

  “Want me to cook?” I asked.

  “That sounds good, honey. Whatever you want!”

  I watched my mother race out of the driveway before I shook my head and started for the inside of their home.

  “Dad?” I asked. “You here?”

  “Dad left about an hour ago,” Colt said.


  I ran down the hallway and launched myself into my brother’s arms. He smiled and hugged me close, and I drew in a deep breath. He smelled like leather and sweat, a smell I had associated with him for years. I could feel him smiling into my neck as I released him, dropping to my feet.

  “Where the hell have you been?” I asked.

  “Around,” Colt said. “I actually came in last night though. Where the hell were you?”

  I knew better than to mention anything about guys around my brother. Even though he was mostly absent, he was protective to his core. He’d drag who it was out of me, and he’d find some reason to go beat his ass. Plus, with meeting him in the club’s bar, there was a slim chance they were scouting him to be a prospect. He had been sitting with guys who also had leather jackets, and even though I couldn’t see if they had official leather cuts, I didn’t want to take the chance at ruining something for this guy.

  After all, he knew how to wield his cock, and he treated me decently enough.

  “Went out for some food since no one was around for dinner. Got a few drinks, didn’t think I could get home safely, so I crashed in a motel.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you call me, Zoey? I would’ve come and gotten you,” Colt said.

  “When the fuck have you ever picked up the phone for me? I haven’t seen you since my graduation, and before that, it had almost been a year. I’m glad you wanna help and all, but you’re not the billboard poster child for ‘reliable.’”

  “Shit, Zoey. You’re my sister. If you need help, I’ll be there to help.”

  “I was fine last night. I slept it off, paid my tab, and now I’m here.”

  “Well call me next time. Okay? I was worried about you.”

  “Then why didn’t you call to check on me?” I asked.

  “Because you’re a grown ass woman who can take care of herself. Doesn’t mean I don’t get to worry about you, though,” he said.

  “I’ll give that argument to you this time. But you won’t win every one of them that easily.”

  “Don’t I fucking know it. You got any plans for the day?” he asked.

  “I’ll let that quip slide. And not really. Just putting in more job applications and paying a couple of bills. Why?”

  “You finally strong arm Mom and Dad into accepting help?” he asked.

  “I think I finally got through to them, yeah. They aren’t happy about it, but I showed them I could get around things if I needed t

  “I don’t doubt that one bit. When you want something, you go after it. How did you manage to do it this time?”

  “I went down to the bank when I got back into town and schmoozed my way into their bank account. Told the account manager that I wanted to pay something off as an early birthday present for Dad. I paid off the house.”

  “Holy fuck, sis. Are you serious? The entire thing?” he asked. “You got the money to do that?”

  “See, now if you were around to talk with, you would’ve known this,” I said with a grin.

  “I knew you were working at that bar, but enough to pay off their house? What did they have left on it? Sixty grand?”

  “Not even close. It was only eight grand.”

  “Still. That’s some serious fucking money.”

  “And if we talked more, or if you ever came to visit. Or hell, if you even picked up the phone when I did call, you’d know all this shit,” I said.

  “I got it, I got it. Enough with the guilt trip.”

  “Oh, you think you can finish me up? That’s funny. I thought you knew who you were talking to.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. Things have been busy with the club.”

  “Like always. How are they, by the way? Not that I’ve seen them in, oh… five years? Six years?”

  “Something like that, but I keep you away from all of that for a reason. It’s not the nicest lifestyle to lead, and it could get you into trouble,” he said.

  “But fuck forbid you get into trouble,” I said.

  “Zoey, come on. You’re graduated. You’ve got your own life. I thought you’d be done trying to run around with mine,” he said.

  “I didn’t want your life, Colt. I just wanted to be a part of it. I’m your sister, and all you did was shut me out. The moment I got close with the guys, you put a stop to all of it. You know how that came off as a teenager? That my own damn brother didn’t want me around.”

  “You know that’s now how I meant it,” he said.

  “Doesn’t matter how you meant it. What matters is how it came off and how I felt about it afterward.”

  “Look, I didn’t come here to fight, okay? I’ve got some shit I gotta do at the bar, but I’ll be there for most of the day getting stuff done. Why don’t you stop by? We’ll have lunch. Some drinks. Catch up and shit.”

  “If you’ve got shit to do, won’t the guys be there?” I asked. “I thought you didn’t want me interacting with them ever in the history of ever.”

  “You said it yourself, Zoey… you haven’t seen them in years. You’re obviously holding your own life down well if you can swoop in and pay off a mortgage. The guys would love to see you again, and I’d like to have my sister around. And now I don’t have to worry about you wanting to suddenly be a part of this lifestyle.”

  “That’s never what I wanted. Stop thrusting that on me,” I said.

  “Just trying to get you to understand where I’m coming from. I’d really like you around today, sis.”

  “Really? You would?”

  “Of course, I would. You’re my little sister. My sassy compatriot. You can beat asses alongside the best of them. I’d bet on you against any of those guys any day.”

  I smiled as I threw my arms around Colt.

  “I’d love to stop by,” I said.

  “Good. We’re talking to someone today who could become a new prospect. Having you around to intimidate him would be good for our mojo.”

  “What the fuck did any of that just mean?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Colt said with a chuckle. “I’m just glad I’m gonna get some time with my sister. See you at lunch time?”

  “See you then.”

  I watched as Colt left the house, his leather jacket slung over his shoulder. I was beginning to get nervous. New prospect? Why was he so excited about me meeting a new prospect? I didn’t have a good feeling about this, but I knew if I went back to the bar there was a slim chance I could spot Rider again. He had my number and everything, but men were always shit at calling women. It was always better to see them again, and sooner rather than later.

  I could run across Rider, maybe slip him a sly look or two, and meet up with him again after I had lunch with my brother.

  I felt excited butterflies multiplying in my gut as I bounded up the stairs. I needed to take a shower and make sure I didn’t have any marks to cover up. I still couldn’t shake the nervous energy in my bones. The looming voice in the back of my mind. The little whisper telling me this was all about to go very wrong.

  What were the chances that Rider was Colt’s new potential prospect?

  Slim. But this was my life, and it always had a funny way of fucking me over when I least expected it.

  I scrubbed my body down as I relived the memories of last night. The way Rider’s cock felt as he filled my body with his. The way his lips felt on the nape of my neck. The way his skin electrified mine as we writhed together in the bathroom of the bar.

  Colt would be so pissed if he knew I’d been kicked out of it for shit like that.

  I felt my pelvis heating with lust as I thought about Rider’s tongue between my legs. There were so many things I still wanted him to do to me. So many positions I wanted that man to have me in. I wanted to ride his cock until he groaned my name. I wanted him to fuck me against the wall again and pin me with his chest. I wanted to suck his cock in the shower as water rushed down my back.

  I even wanted him to tie me down and explore my body any way he desired.

  My hand slipped over my soapy breasts and traveled towards my pussy folds. The thought of him was too much, and I would never be able to focus on lunch if I didn’t relieve the aching want I had for that man. My fingers found my clit as I slid my ass to the floor, the hot water beating down on my flushed body.

  I felt the ghost of his lips against my neck as my fingers circled my clit. I felt his hands pressing into the swell of my tits as I bucked into my own palm. I felt my juices pouring out, seeking the warmth of his tongue as they pooled on the shower floor. I opened my eyes and watched it all swirl down the drain as I rose to my climax, my fingers plunging into my depths as I thought about Rider’s cock.

  His thick, pulsing, leaking cock.

  I pressed my head into the shower wall and climaxed with his name falling from my lips. My legs shook and my back arched. My tits bounced with every jolt of electricity that ricocheted through my body. I closed my eyes, and I could see him. I could see his rippling body and I could feel his scars of war. I could see the sly grin on his cheeks, and I could feel his cock pumping me full of his hot, juicy come.

  I wanted to be close to Rider again.

  I needed to be in his presence.

  I sat there, my hand limp between my legs as I sighed. I was in a lot of trouble. If Rider was someone that frequented the club’s bar, then he was associated with them somehow. I didn’t know how, and I wasn’t sure if I would ever figure it out, but there was something about him I couldn’t place. And my inability to place it was going to get me into trouble before I could sidestep the issue.

  Now, I had to go to Milo’s. If only to solve the mystery of Rider and why he seemed so damn familiar.

  The only way I would sidestep trouble with my brother was if I could answer that question.

  The question of why his eyes rushed me with such comfort that seemed so natural and customary.

  But first, I had to catch my breath. Because even the simple idea of him rendered me breathless.

  Chapter 9


  I walked into Milo’s and started scanning for Colt. I didn’t see him at first, so I got myself a table and ordered a beer. My mind was racing with all the things they could ask of me. Questions Doc might have and stories I might have to tell him. He might quiz me on my knowledge of combat or ask for war stories to prove I would be an asset to their club.

  I was dreading that part of the conversation if it came to fruition.

  “Rider!” Colt s
aid as he slapped my back. “Didn’t think you’d beat us here.”

  “Everyone beats us here when you’re involved, Colt,” Doc said.

  I grinned as I turned towards the man and shook his head.

  “Rider. Nice to see you again,” Doc said.

  “You too, sir.”

  “Don’t do that ‘sir’ shit. You’re not in the military anymore. Doc’s just fine,” he said.

  “Told you he’d try to be polite about this shit,” Colt said.

  “Blame it on my military training,” I said with a grin.

  “I see you got yourself a beer already. Hope you came hungry. I’m starving,” Doc said.

  I eyed Colt, and he grinned at me before Doc started firing off some questions.

  “Colt here tells me you’re good at some things.”

  “Sure am. Again, blame it on the military,” I said.

  “Can you fight?” Doc asked.


  “You know your guns?”

  “Sure do.”

  “Colt here tells me you’ve got this fun little knack for reading people.”

  I eyed Colt carefully as the conversation took a turn.

  “Been awhile since I’ve put it to use, but yes,” I said.

  “Take your shot with me,” Doc said.

  “With you.”

  “Yep. Tell me what you can gather just from looking at me,” he said.

  It had been a few years since I’d had to employ this tactic and I knew I’d be rusty. My eyes scanned Doc’s body… or at least what I could of him. I figured my fighting skills and my ability to shoot with deadly accuracy would be more useful than something like this. But if that was what Doc wanted to see, then it was better than recounting shitty war stories.

  I took a few seconds to look him up and down before I cleared my throat.

  “You’ve had a rough morning,” I said.

  “With Colt, it’s always rough,” Doc said.

  “Not what I meant. You didn’t get much sleep last night, and you ran into something this morning. The scuff on your jeans as well as your slight limp tells me that. You live in your own home and do your own yard work, judging by the mud and the grass seeds caked onto her boots. It’s probably therapeutic for you, though you don’t want to admit that because who the fuck admits they like gardening?”


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