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Page 86

by Savannah Rylan

  “I love you, Serena. And nothing in our lives will ever change that.”

  He slid out of me and thrusted back in. I swallowed my groans as he pressed his chest into my back. He moved at an agonizing pace. One I knew would surely get us caught. I pressed back into his hips, feeling his tightly-coiled curls raking against my skin.

  I couldn’t stand it any longer.

  I needed to feel all of him.

  I reared up from the table and wrapped my arms around my head. I threaded my fingers through the tresses of his hair, pulling his lips into my neck. He scooted us to the side, thrusting up into me as my legs parted for him. His eyes watched my reflection in the mirror as my jaw unhinged, his cock filling me to the brim only minutes before our wedding.

  “This is how I want to remember you,” Enzo said. “Wearing the innocence of white while dripping on my cock.”

  “I love you,” I said breathlessly. “I love you so much more than I should.”

  I felt Enzo smile into my neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.

  Faster and faster he went, sending my arousal down the insides of my thighs. I could feel him pulsing against me as his hips began to stutter. I was so close I could taste it. So close I could take off like a bottled rocket and aim for the sky. My nails scraped along his scalp as he nipped at my neck, his face being careful with the makeup my mother had painstakingly applied.

  “It’s coming. It’s coming. I’m come-... En-... zo-”

  I stood on my tiptoes as his hands cupped my breasts. My pussy throbbed around him, pulling him deeper into my body. He buried his face into the crook of my shoulder, groaning my name and grunting with his efforts. I felt him still against me, spilling into my body as relief coursed through my veins.

  But the moment was short-lived when we heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

  The two of us put ourselves together quickly and Enzo went to hide in the closet. I smoothed my hands out over my dress, hoping the shaking of my thighs weren’t noticeable. I stood there with my bouquet and my veil, taking deep breaths to rid the blush from my cheeks.

  Then the footsteps started to fade away.

  I snickered and began to giggle as Enzo stepped from the closet. He came over and wrapped his arm around me, then placed a kiss on top of my head. Without another word he headed for the door, opening it to make his exit.

  “I’ll see you down the aisle,” he said.

  And tears of happiness lined the rims of my eyes.

  Chapter 19


  The wedding was inside and the ceiling was covered with roses. They were hanging from their stems, their petals casting a light red hue over the white satin chairs. The lights they covered were soft and iridescent, and the exotic hue that hung over the church somehow fit the dark desire of Serena’s eyes earlier that day.

  Serena’s three brothers had spent all day threatening me with various instruments and creative deaths before helping me get ready. They were all dressed in tuxedos, prepared for their sister’s wedding day. I knew they were protective. Very protective of their sister. They would be glaring at me the entire wedding, making sure I meant every word of the vows I was about to take with her.

  I kept reassuring them that they had nothing to worry about. I loved their sister greatly, and so long as I could provide she would want for nothing.

  Though that didn’t stop them from painting me a picture of what my head would look like mounted on their parent’s wall.

  My three best friends were processing down the aisle with Serena’s. My three best friends and her three best friends. I had really been put through the ringer with them as well. They all had a nice little talk for me and how I had showed my ass in the club that night. It was wonderful, seeing all these people who cared for Serena. It meant she was loved in more ways than she understood, which only solidified my decision in marrying her.

  After all, a man was only as good as the woman at his side.

  The bridesmaids were dressed in red and the groomsmen were wearing red bow ties with their suits. No one was to be in a tuxedo but me. No one was to outshine me on this day. I was in a white suit with a black button-down shirt and a black skinny tie, and I could tell when Serena saw me only moments ago that she approved of my choice of attire.

  I couldn’t wait for her to rip it off my body.

  I stood there, waiting for my beautiful bride to make her entrance. It didn’t matter that I had seen her before and it didn’t matter that I’d already defiled her supposed innocence only minutes before this moment. She would be more beautiful than ever before, and her white gown would be tainted with the faintest red glow of the flowers strung up just for her.

  The music began to play and everyone went to rise. My eyes held the doors at the back of the church, waiting for her to process down them. I drew in a deep breath to keep my composure, but deep down I was panicking. Worrying that after all this, Serena wouldn’t trust me. Wouldn’t give me the opportunity to be the husband I knew she deserved.

  There was still the slightest chance she wouldn’t show.

  The doors opened with a slow glide and there she was. Dressed in that lovely satin gown with my mother’s veil trailing down her back. Her father was slowly ushering her down the aisle, beaming like the proud man I knew he felt like. She stepped in time with him, her dress sliding against the floor and collecting fallen rose petals.

  But her eyes were connected with mine. Looking only at me and focusing on my presence at the end of the aisle. That cute little smile I’d come to associate with her pillowy lips lit up her eyes, and in that moment there was no person nor thing on the planet as beautiful as her. There was no one experiencing the joy I was and there was no one as ready for their future as I was in that moment.

  She was looking at me like I was the only one in the room.

  They got to the end of the aisle and her father offered her hand to me. I took it willingly, leading her up the couple of steps to stand with me on the platform. The priest in front of us waited for our families to sit and the music to stop, but I couldn’t hear a word he was saying.

  All I could see was Serena’s beautiful hazel eyes from underneath her thick black eyelashes.

  I held her hands throughout the ceremony, listening to the priest drone on. I honestly didn’t give a shit what he was saying. They were simply words that were incapable of expressing how I felt to Serena. Phrases that were meant to uphold tradition instead of communicate the unique bond the two of us had formed together.

  That was a secret held only for us. One our families would never know or come to understand.

  Then, it came time to recite our vows. There was nothing planned and nothing prepared on a sheet of paper for either of it. It was as traditional as it could have been, appeasing both sides of our families who had helped us throw this wedding together so quickly. I repeated everything the priest asked of me, hoping and praying Serena heard my heart crying out for her. Hoping she heard the silent pleas of my heart. How I would never leave her or hurt her or leave her wanting for anything. I hoped she heard my heart stretching for her. Bending in any way it needed to in order to accommodate the whole of the future she wished for.

  The moment I said ‘I do’, I slipped that beautiful ring onto Serena’s finger and watched a tear drip down her cheek. Then it was her turn, and my eyes began to sting when she said ‘I do’.

  Because I saw it in her eyes.

  Those same silent pleas I had tumbling around in my head.

  The room was silent, save for the priest talking. As many people as our families could have gathered were sitting in the pews of the church. The beautiful stained-glass windows were casting glows across the room, painting a beautiful picture across the landscape we would forever remember as our wedding day. The smile on Serena’s face was bright and her makeup was still untouched. Her hands were shaking within mine and I could tell her shoes were aching her feet.

  But she didn’t have to worry.

I was going to massage them the moment we got into our limo.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. Enzo, you may kiss your beautiful bride.”

  I pulled Serena into me and dipped her back. My hand planted into the curve of her spine and my free hand supported her head. Our lips connected and I could feel her smiling. Feel the vibrations of her giggle as she cupped my cheeks. Her body rolled into me. The slightest movement that told me exactly what she was ready for.

  But she didn’t have to worry about that either.

  I would give her what she wanted every night if that was what she needed from me.

  Our families stood and applauded us as I picked Serena up into my arms. She squealed with delight, tossing her bouquet into the crowd. There wasn’t enough time to prepare a reception. There was going to be a massive dinner prepared by Serena’s mother at their place, but I didn’t plan on making an entrance there.

  I had other plans for my beautiful bride that night.

  I walked her down the aisle, cradling her close to me. Her arms threaded around my neck as her eyes danced along my face. My legs tangled up in her veil, the lace fabric wrapping around my thighs as the two of us exited the church.

  I carried her all the way down the steps of the church, making my way for the limo so I could whisk her away.



  “Let me get him this time,” Enzo said.

  “No, no. I got it. I got it.”

  “You need rest, Rena.”

  “What I need is for my boobs to not ache so much,” I said.

  Rolling out of bed, I made my way into our son’s bedroom. Vincenzo was in the middle of cluster-feeding because of a growth spurt and he was wearing me down. I padded down the hallway of our home and opened his bedroom door, trying to quiet down the screaming child.

  “Come here, my little Vinci. What’s the matter? Hm?”

  I settled us down into the rocking chair Enzo had bought me as a surprise gift.

  “Someone a little hungry?” I asked.

  Vinci was rooting around trying to find my nipple. I slid my nightgown off my shoulder, feeling his milk already leaking down my skin. I held him up to my breast and he began to eat, his body nuzzling into mine. I had to be careful at times. If I wasn’t, my breast was likely to smother him. I leaned my head back into the chair and began to rock slowly, my legs springing to life with the slow, monotonous rhythm they’d become accustomed to.

  “What a beautiful sight.”

  “You should be in bed,” I said.

  “Got a phone call. Emergency at work,” Enzo said.

  “Never a dull moment in waste management,” I said with a grin.

  “I’m going to get dressed and head out early for work. But I’ll try to get off as soon as I can.”

  “Take your time. You know all we’ll do is nap on and off until Vinci’s done growing.”

  “It’s like he never stops.”

  “That’s what happens when he’s your child,” I said with a giggle.

  Enzo came into the room and kissed me on my forehead. He bent down and kissed Vinci, causing him to sputter with milk. I sighed and rolled my eyes as Enzo cleaned his son’s face off, then he looked up at me and winked.

  “Can’t help it. He’s simply too cute.”

  “He gets that from me, you know,” I said.

  “Which means he’ll act like me,” Enzo said.

  “Then you better be in for a wild ride. Because he’ll kill me before we can get there.”

  “Don’t say things like that. You know I don’t enjoy it when you joke around like that.”

  Things had been hard for Enzo at work. With more power in the family business came more blood than I could’ve ever dreamt of. I knew every single way of getting blood out of Gucci suits and I knew when it was time to toss clothes altogether. I quickly came to understand how much my mother and father had shielded me from. How much effort my mother had put in to keeping me away from this lifestyle. It was effort I would have to put into Vinci for as long as I could.

  Though I knew he would eventually be expected to follow in his father’s footsteps.

  “He’ll be seven months old next week,” I said.

  “Will we be doing another photoshoot?” Enzo asked.

  “Of course. I want to document him in every month of his first year. For the scrapbook I’m making,” I said.

  “I hope you’re making more than one. You know our parents will want one.”

  “Of course. I’m tired, but I’m not that tired.”

  “I want you to make sure you lay him down and get back in that bed. There’s no reason for you to keep falling asleep in this thing. Had I known you were going to use this rocking chair as a bed, I would’ve bought you a nice leather recliner.”

  “I’m honestly shocked you haven’t already.”

  “It’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow,” he said.

  “My hero.”

  I switched Vinci to my other breast as Enzo stood in the doorway. He was tucking in his shirt and putting on his tie and I never got tired of watching his routine. The way he slid his clothes on and the purpose his muscles moved with. Every night for the first year of our marriage he had opened my mind and satisfied me in ways I could’ve never imagined. Even when I was eight months pregnant and could barely move, he was there to satisfy my every whim.

  I loved him more than words could express, and I knew he loved me in return.

  “Have you made a decision about work?” Enzo asked.

  “I’m still flip-flopping,” I said. “Some days I can’t wait to get back, and other days I don’t want to go back.”

  “You know I’ll support you in any decision you make with it.”

  “I know. And I love you for it. But I’ve got a few more weeks until I have to make a decision, so I’m not rushing anything.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, you let me know.”

  “When have I ever had an issue asking you for help?”

  “Never since Vinci came along,” he said with a grin.

  “And you love every second of it.”

  “Just like I love every inch of you.”

  I looked up at him as he threw his suit coat over his shoulders. A navy blue ensemble with a white button-down and a pale yellow tie. A pale yellow pocket square donned his breast pocket and his navy blue shoes blended in nicely with his suit. He was a sharp-looking man, and there was never a moment that went by that I didn’t drool over him in a suit.

  “Later, my love. Right now, I have to get to work.”

  “I don’t know how you read my mind like that,” I said.

  “It isn’t your mind I have to read. Your body tells me everything I need to know.”

  He came and gave me one last kiss as a car pulled up into the driveway. Gone were the nights in his penthouse apartment, and instead we were living on acres of land just outside of Chicago. I listened to him walk down the stairs and out the door, his feet carrying him away from the house. I closed my eyes and said a little prayer. The same prayer I recited every time he left for work. I prayed for the saints to keep him close and for the angels in heaven to keep a watchful eye on his decisions.

  Then I looked down into the sleeping face of my son. A boy who looked exactly like his father.

  “Why don’t we get you back into your crib? Huh?” I asked with a whisper.

  I settled Vinci in his crib and quietly closed the door. I shuffled back to my bedroom, relegating myself to a lonely night’s sleep. I shut the door behind me and turned on the lamp on my side of the bed, but when my eyes took in the sight on the sheets I felt tears beginning to brew.

  On the comforter of our bed was a dozen red roses, a beautiful black dress with a matching pair of heels, and a box that held a matching set of pearl earrings and a necklace.

  And there was a note in the middle of it all.

  My dearest Serena,

  Happy Anniversary. When I said I would be home early, I
meant it. My mother is coming over to watch Vinci and we are going out. Get some rest, sleep well, and prepare yourself for a wonderful evening.



  I held the note to my heart and closed my eyes. I could still see us on our wedding day. Me in that white satin dress and him in his beautiful white tuxedo. I could still remember the way he looked at me. How stunned he was at my beauty even though he had devoured it only moments before I was set to walk down the aisle. I could remember how tightly he held my hands, giving away his nervousness as we took our vows in front of God and our families.

  I couldn’t wait for Enzo to get home from work.

  Because I had a matching panty set that worked perfectly with the dress he bought.

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  Savannah Rylan is an erotic romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not penning the next great American novel, (HA), you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

  You can stalk her on Facebook here :)




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