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Forged: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 16

by Thomas, Natasha

  “I was trying to talk to you for the last hour while you were off in outer space. What’s wrong? You looked deep in heavy thoughts over there.”

  Tobias shakes his head and rolls off me, pulling me into his side instead. This is his go-to position when he wants to talk to me and it’s something serious, so I know whatever he has to say is weighing on him heavily.

  “Just after you stormed up here stomping your cute little foot, turning me on because you’re so damn sexy when you get riled up, I got a call from my dad.”

  “What?” I gasp. Tobias hasn’t had any contact with either of his parents’ since he left home. I know the basics behind why, but he hasn’t gone into great detail about it and it’s something I believed was better left alone. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me. Seeing as they aren’t in our lives I can only assume that’s why he hasn’t told me more than he had to. That, or it was too painful for him to do so.

  “Yeah,” he grunts. “He tried to apologize. Told me he and my mom are in Colorado and want to see me. They want to show me they’re sober or some shit. I pretty much told him to fuck off, that I wasn’t interest, but the asshole claimed he’s got something of Finley’s he wants me to have. I ended up telling him I’d call him in a few days when I can carve out some time.”

  The difference between what I know about Tobias’s parents’ and his late sister, Finley, is everything. I think I may know her as well as my own children sometimes. Tobias talks about her all the time. How beautiful she was. How smart, kind, and witty she was. How much she loved him and he loved her. Apparently she was good at school, part of every club she could make time for, everyone loved her, and her most endearing quality; she took very good care of Tobias.

  Finley made sure he had home cooked meals to come home to when his parents’ weren’t there, which sounded like most of the time. She did his laundry, cleaned up after him, and was his best friend as well. In hearing his stories about her, I fell in love with her too. Not only because of how wonderful she sounded, but because if it wasn’t for her Tobias might not have turned into the magnificent man I married.

  Without giving it another thought, I grab my cell off the nightstand and dial number three in my favorites list.

  “Hi, Mom. Are the girls being good?”

  At her soft giggle I’m put at ease. She’s not pulling her hair out, screaming for me to come and get them, so that’s got to be a good thing, right?

  “Of course they are. They’re angels, honey, honestly.” I can’t help but snort at her description of my daughters, because they are definitely not angels. Dakota may be the closest to angelic, but even she’s a far cry from receiving a golden halo.

  The girls have been staying with my mom and dad for a few days after mom called and not so subtly told me I needed some time to reconnect with my husband. Yeah, she’s disgusting like that. In some ways I thank my lucky stars she wasn’t around when I’d started dating Tobias. She’d have had no qualms in giving us both an education in safe sex, and the best positions to assist a woman in having an orgasm. Yes, she so would have gone there.

  According to Priss, mom had done it to her and her boyfriend at the time, Dan, making Priss vow not to bring another guy home until she found someone capable of handling our mother. Personally I think she lucked out with Tank. Not only can he handle mom, he has her wrapped around his little finger. Mom dotes on both Tank and Tobias. You’d think they were royalty the way she gets out the good place settings and cutlery when they come for dinner. She’s always making sure their beers are full, there’s enough food on their plates, and alternates between making their favorite desserts.

  Sometimes I swear my dad wants to ask what he’s got to do to get attention like that, but then mom looks at him with so much love in her eyes he quickly reconsiders, kisses her softly and pulls her into his lap. Needless to say, my parents’ are still very much in love. And although I like to tease my mom about it, it’s really a sight to behold.

  Mom giggles again asking,

  “Is that all you were calling for, honey, to check on the girls? I promised to take them for pizza and they’re getting restless.”

  “No. I actually called to ask if you mind keeping them an extra night, something’s come up. Tobias and I need to go out of town overnight, so I was hoping you and dad won’t mind another sleep over.” A large, warm hand on my thigh has me turning to see Tobias up on one arm, smiling the biggest smile I’ve seen from him in a long time. I love his smile and I didn’t realize until now just how much I’d missed it. Mouthing the words ‘thank you, baby’, he makes me melt all over again.

  “We’d love to have them longer. I don’t even have to ask your dad. He was already hating they had to go home tomorrow.” Lowering her voice a fraction she asks. “You’re not doing anything dangerous are you? Because if you are, I’m going to tan your hide, Tallulah Annaliese.”

  Snorting again I reply,

  “Do you know my husband?” At that I get another smile, but this one’s different. This one is full of heat and promises. Ones I’m sure I’m going to enjoy him keeping, immensely.

  “That doesn’t mean Jack squat miss and you know it,” she huffs.

  “I beg to differ. Tobias wouldn’t let anything happen to me. He wouldn’t let me go into a situation he thought was dangerous either, so you can rest easy, Mom.”

  “Hmm…” She hums, clearly not impressed with the little I’ve given her to go on. Instead she focuses on something else. “I see we’re back to calling him, Tobias. Does that mean I can get your father to take care of that pesky matter of a divorce I’m sure in your haste to reconcile you’ve forgotten about?”

  “Holy shit!” I exclaim bolting upright. She’s right, I had totally forgotten and the deadline to withdraw the papers is only two days from now. “Yes. Can you please ask dad to do what he does? I don’t know, grease some palms, rough someone up, whatever, just get them off the system and the paper copies, all three of them, destroyed ASAP.” Mom laughs, but at my snap she stops abruptly when I say, “It’s not funny, Mom. There’s only two days left. If dad doesn’t work his magic now I’m fucked. Do you hear me, fucked?”

  “Do not take that tone with me young lady. I’m well aware the position you’re in, and I just thought you’d like to know your father took care of that days ago. I believe it was around the time he saw your husband take your back in his study when he told him to watch how he spoke to you.” She says haughtily.

  Baby Jesus wept. I am seriously reconsidering killing my dad right now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful he took care of it for me, but it was up to me to ask him to do that not him to take it upon himself to decide mine and Tobias’ fate. Sighing because there’s really no point giving her a piece of my mind, she’s not the one I’m angry at, I reply,

  “Tell dad I said I owe him one. Then tell him he just used his marker by being the devious bastard he is, and he traded it in return for me not kicking his ass.”

  Mom bursts out laughing, and I can only assume she’s handed the phone to my dad when his voice comes through loud and clear.

  “Hey, baby girl. How you doing?”

  Narrowing my eyes on the wall, I grit my teeth and pray for patience.

  “Hi, Dad. I’m fine. I just told Mom to pass on a message to you, but seeing as I’ve got you I might as well tell you myself.”

  “Sure, sweetheart. Everything okay?” Smug bastard. He either heard what I said to mom, or knows what I’m going to say already. Not that it makes a difference, I’m still going to let him have it.

  “First let me say, thank you for what you did, I really do appreciate it. If mom hadn’t reminded me just now I’d have forgotten all about it until it was too late, and I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I’d let that happen, so thank you.” Tobias leans in kissing my ribs before lying flat on his back exposing the very tempting V leading to…

  Shaking my head to rid myself of highly inappropriate thoughts when I’m on the phone to my
Dad, I go on.

  “Second, I owe you one. I don’t know what you had to do to make it happen, but I don’t really care either because it was worth it.”

  “You’re welcome, baby girl.” Yeah, I don’t think so old man. I know your game trying to cut me off before we get to the best part. Nice try, but I’m on to you.

  “Not so fast, Dad. Lastly, I just want you to know that one I owe you, consider it paid in full.”

  His rough chuckle fills my ears when he asks,

  “What’d I call my marker in for?”

  “Me not kicking your ass of course. Now, look after my girls and keep your hands to yourself and away from mom around them would you?” I ask knowing there’s no chance in hell that’s going to happen.

  “Sure thing, baby girl, and thanks for not kicking my ass. I’m getting old you know. I don’t know if I’d be able to take it if you did.” He says his voice filled with amusement.

  Saying our goodbyes, I replace my phone in its spot on the nightstand and turn over to look at Tobias. God he’s sexy, is the first thought that goes through my head. The second is, I’m in so much trouble.

  “You coming to meet my parents’ with me, baby?”

  He damn well heard what he said, but I humor him anyway.

  “Yes. I wouldn’t let you do something like that alone, and you heard what I just said to my dad. If I can kick his ass, I can kick your dad’s too if he gets out of line.”

  Faster than I can blink I’m rolled to my stomach. My face is to the mattress with his muscular forearms planted beside my head, my ass is in the air, and Tobias is rubbing the head of his very hard, very thick, throbbing cock against the entrance to my already soaking wet pussy. My favorite times with him are when he’s like this. Unrestrained. Hungry. Demanding. And in complete control, of everything.

  "Not gonna be able to take you slow, babe. This is gonna be hard and fast, yeah?” The hair on his thighs rasp against my smooth ones. Tobias’s calloused palm runs down the center of my back following the dips of my spine making me shiver in anticipation. The crown of his cock bumps against my clit every time he runs his shaft up and down the length of my slit coating himself in my wetness, sensitizing every nerve ending.

  I’m close, so close, to begging him to fuck me that my hands are clenching the sheets, and my eyes are squeezed shut trying to hold back the words. Reading my every movement, Tobias leans down so his front is pressed along the length of my back and whispers in my ear.

  “You want me to fuck you, baby? You want me to slide my cock in side you and make you come? Tell me what you need from me and I’ll do it, Tilly. Anything. I’ll do anything if you just give me the words.”

  “Yes,” I breathe. “Yes, I want you to fuck me. Hard, Tobi. I want it hard.”

  Then, I instantaneously forget everything except the exquisite feeling of Tobias’s cock sliding inside me. The way he strokes and then grinds his pelvis against mine every time he hits the entrance to my womb. The feeling of his rough hands gliding along my rib cage, wrapping me in his arms and holding me tight. I can hear his ragged breathing, the pound of his heart, and feel the rhythmic throb of his cock as it gets impossibly bigger inside me. He stretches my sensitive tissues to accommodate his length. His teeth nip at my shoulder, and his weight keeps me grounded so I don’t float away with on the wave of pleasure he’s giving me.

  Nothing else exists. Just me and him. Us together. None of the ugliness of the outside world intrudes on the cocoon Tobias is creating for us. The fact Demon is still missing and no one has been able to locate him doesn’t register. Stacey and her vicious lies about my husband, the ones I very nearly made a permanent decision based on don’t bother me now. Neither does my dad intervening on my behalf, but not with my permission when he withdrew the divorce papers. None of that factors in here. Only the stunning reality that I have my husband back. Finally having my Tobias back penetrates my lust riddled brain with an intensity I’d only hope one day to feel again.

  I cry out as my climax washes over me suddenly. It’s so big, so powerful, that it almost steals the very breath from my lungs.

  “Tobi.” I murmur. “I love you, Tobi.”

  Tobias drops to cover my back again still continuing to thrust inside me until he finds his own release. Its then, and only then he whispers back,

  “Now and forever, baby. Now and forever.”



  “My family puts the FU in dysfunctional.”

  - Rotten eCard

  Tilly wanting to come with me to see my parents’ means the world to me. Not that I thought she wouldn’t offer as soon as she heard, because I knew she would. What I didn’t expect was for her to take it upon herself to organize it before I could even broach it with her.

  After getting off the phone to her mom, I showed her exactly how much I appreciated her support by fucking her mindless. I left her lazing in bed while I got up to shower only to come back and find the sneaky little shit on the phone again. Apparently ten minutes is too long to leave my wife unattended with a phone that has internet access, because in less than the time it took me to shower and dress she’d called my dad and arranged to meet him and my mom at eleven tomorrow morning in Denver. She’d pre-booked us a hotel room close by in, Cherry Creek for the night too.

  Figuring I’d be pissed at her, Tilly pretended to be sleeping when I reemerged from the bathroom. That is until I stripped the covers off her, spread her legs, and devoured her pussy not allowing her to climax until she fessed up to what she’d done. Needless to say she relented almost immediately and I finished her off as a reward. Not for her, for me.

  It’d been months since I’d had the chance to taste her. And if I hadn’t needed to be inside her with an urgency I’d never known, I would have started with that and built up to the rough, hard fucking I’d given her earlier. Based her moans and the way she screamed my name over and over again, I get the impression she didn’t mind in the least it ending this way instead of beginning.

  Within the hour we had packed, Tilly was showered and dressed comfortably for the long ride, and we were on our way to Denver. It may not be the best of circumstances, and the reason for our overnight might have been less than desirable, but all of that paled in comparison to having my wife once again wrapped around me on my bike. Having my old lady ride with me was fucking spectacular, and just another thing I didn’t realize I’d missed so much until I didn’t have it anymore.

  I was noticing that a lot lately. All the things I’d missed out on. And not only after she’d served me with the divorce papers. I’d noticed well before that. For years, two and a half of them, I’d missed out on the simple things with Tilly. The Sunday rides we went on with the brothers and their old ladies. Parties and hog roasts where she’d be sitting on my lap while we sat in front of the bonfire, talking and laughing until the early hours of the morning. I missed showering with her. Lathering up her body before I’d slip my hand between her legs, stroking her, manipulating her pussy until it creamed for me. But what I missed the most was when every night, just before she fell asleep, Tilly would curl up tight at my side and whisper how much she loves me, and what her icing for the day was.

  Tilly started this a month after we’d started sleeping together, as soon as she was a permanent fixture in my bed every night. Before then her sleeping over the entire night had been sporadic at best. Two or three nights scattered throughout the week, some weeks more, some less. Having had enough of waking to a cold bed, no warm willing woman to take care of my morning wood, and missing the shit out of her sweet, soft snores, I told her she was moving in with me. She didn’t put up a fight, she gave in to my demand immediately. If she had decided to raise an objection to it she wouldn’t have won, but I think she knew that, hence her not bothering to argue with me.

  The first night she spent in her new home Tilly curled herself around me, one of her legs between the two of mine, and told me she loved me. I thought she’d fallen asleep un
til she proceeded to tell me what I’d done that day that put the icing on the cake of our relationship. That night she said she was thankful I’d given her a home, but not any old home, a home with me. If I wasn’t already madly, unequivocally in love with Tilly before that I’d have fallen then without a doubt.

  Every night after, without exception, Tilly told me what put the icing on her day. And every night I fell a little more in awe of her. The way she looked at life. The way she took care of her family. That meant all of us, not only her immediate family but her extended one being the club too. Tilly retained an air of innocence I desperately hoped she never lost. There was something about a grown woman, a wife and mother of three, that could look at the world with wonder dancing in her eyes that deserved to be cherished and nurtured.

  When the shit with Stacey happened, Tilly’s eyes darkened as if her internal light had gone out, but I was mistaken. My actions had made her harder and caused her to erect a wall to protect herself, but there were fleeting glimpses of the old Tilly, my Tilly hiding just behind the façade. That was all I needed to keep my hope alive through those dark days. A flicker of the old Tilly to remind me she was still in there, and what we had, however damaged, was worth fighting for.


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