Book Read Free

Curses, Fates & Soul Mates

Page 44

by et al Kristie Cook

  A few minutes later, we entered the theater, and I lost myself to the smell of butter and sugar. Definitely time for a calorie fest.

  “Hey, Georgia,” someone yelled out.

  She stopped, a smile filling her face. I followed her line of sight to find Dan trotting our direction.

  He blew out a breath as he reached us and grabbed Georgia’s hand. “I got us seats and a ton of junk food.”

  I nudged Georgia closer to him. “Go, I’ll get my popcorn all gooped up.”

  Dan nodded at me, “Zach’s running late, but he’ll be here as soon as he can.”

  “Cool.” I stepped to the counter and ordered a large popcorn and a Cherry Coke. Two of my favorite things.

  Besides chocolate chip cookies of course. Nothing beat those. Well, maybe M&Ms.

  As the previews exploded on the giant screen with thunderous booms, I snuck into the theatre and into the seat next to Georgia. A few whispers and “shushes” cut through the darkness.

  “Now, keep the making out quiet over there. I really want to see this movie,” I whispered into Georgia’s ear.

  “Mandy!” She slapped her hand over her mouth.

  “Couldn’t resist.” I sank down into my chair and popped a kernel into my mouth.

  Time for some brainless vegging and maybe a little kissing Zach, if he had a good explanation for Samantha’s claim on him.

  “Have you ever poured M&Ms in your popcorn and eaten it that way?” A deep voice whispered in my ear.

  I jerked my head around, and I almost spilled my precious snack to the sticky floor. Inches separated Zach’s face from mine. His minty breath and spicy scent washed over me.

  He held up a bag of candy and nodded at my popcorn. How’d he know I loved M&Ms almost as much as chocolate chip cookies?

  “No thanks. I’m good.”

  He shrugged but stayed close. His warm breath caressed my neck. “How’s your back?”

  “How’s Samantha?”

  His bottom jaw fell open.


  “Samantha?” His eyebrows knitted together.

  “Yeah. Your girlfriend?”

  Georgia nudged my ribcage with a lethal weapon—her elbow. I shrugged and shoved a handful of popcorn in my mouth, then pulled my attention to the screen, fighting every urge to look at the handsome-nice-smelling guy beside me.

  He propped his shoulder against mine. “What are you talking about?”

  “Um, your girlfriend?”

  He chuckled.

  “That’s what she’s calling herself.” I pointed to the side. “Oh, look, here she comes.”

  His eyes shot wide, and he turned his head. A tall guy walked in carrying a tub of popcorn. I couldn’t hold back a giggle. Evidently Zach heard it because he frowned. His smooth forehead creased.

  I shrugged.

  “You’re a jerk,” he said. “I’m not going to share my chocolate with you.”

  I sucked a long drink of the ice-cold soda. “Samantha totally laid claim to you earlier tonight.”

  “What’d she do?”

  I glanced around. Empty rows in front and behind, so I whispered the story.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He laughed. “We went out a few times a couple of years ago. It was nothing.”

  “Must have left an impression. Meet her in the Janitor’s Closet maybe?”

  “You don’t let up, do you?”

  “Nope.” I popped some buttery kernels into my mouth and focused on the flashing screen. He seemed genuine about the Samantha thing, or maybe it was just my total and complete attraction to him that made me believe him. Damn this doubt kicked my ass sometimes. “Why were you late, anyway?”


  “You work?”

  “It’s not unheard of, you know. I’m not all loaded like my buddy over there.” He pointed his thumb in Dan’s direction. “My dad owns a garage. I help out. He pays me a little. We stayed open late tonight as a favor for someone.”

  “Hmm, interesting.” Never would have pegged Zach for a grease-monkey.

  “Interesting good or interesting bad?”

  “No, it’s cool.”

  His shoulder brushed mine again. “Now, I’ll share my chocolate if you agree to another date.”

  I looked at him from the corner of my eye, thankful for the dark room hiding my flaming cheeks. Hopefully the roaring bass rattling through the theatre masked the sounds of my thrashing heart. “Resorting to bribery again?”

  He grunted.

  “What if I don’t like chocolate?” Which I totally did, but I was having fun, relieved he hadn’t lied to me about Samantha.

  “Remember the monster chocolate chip cookie at Java Joe’s?” He popped a few M&Ms into his mouth. “Plus, what girl doesn’t like chocolate?”

  “True. Haven’t met one yet.”

  “So, how ‘bout it?” He held the bag up and tucked his chin to his chest.

  The screen brightened, revealing his big, grey eyes. The tempting tilt to his mouth lured my attention. One lean forward, and I could connect with him. He’d just eaten chocolate, too, so it’d be a yummy kiss.

  Instead, I took a long draw of soda to cool my insides.

  He leaned in until his lips grazed my earlobe. His steamy breath tickled my neck, then his soft lips brushed the skin up to my ear.

  “Say yes.” He nipped at my earlobe. “Because I’m dying to continue what we started at the beach today.”

  * * *

  I burst into the theatre bathrooms, and the bright lights seared my eyes. I’d managed to make it there without anyone noticing my blue-tinted hand. Once locked in a stall, I gasped for air.

  So, Zach wanted me. No big deal. Right? I could handle it. I glared at the theater-sized-soda-ice-cube I held.

  “Oh, sure I can.” Too bad I froze my drink instead of my stomach because it was simmering at lava-hot temperatures right now.

  I leaned forward, resting my steaming forehead against the cool metal wall. I’d done great kissing him earlier today. Granted I had to concentrate on not freezing quite a bit, but the innuendoes laced in Zach’s words really got me going tonight.


  Son of a gun. I flushed and dropped my frozen soda cube into the toilet. “Coming.”

  I can do this. I smoothed my hands over my tank top, took a deep breath, then clicked open the stall door.

  “What happened, girl?” Georgia leaned toward the mirror and primped her hair.

  “Had to pee.” I clicked on the water and put my hands under, searching my frazzled brain for something to shift the focus off me. “You’re looking kind of winded. Did Dan lay one on you?”

  “Funny.” She shook her head. “I thought maybe you were sick or something, I hustled after you. You got up so fast, then almost tripped.”

  “Thanks for reminding me of my utter embarrassment.” I patted my hands dry with a paper towel, focusing on the continued absence of neon blue flickering nails.

  Georgia sat in the padded chair in front of the tall mirror. “I heard you talking with Zach. Did something happen?”

  “No.” I stepped in behind Georgia and combed my fingers through my hair. The florescent lights lit up the blue streak like a neon sign. Under normal circumstances, it looked cool. But in mine, it just made my freaky life that much more vivid.

  Georgia stared at me for a long second, then dug out some lip balm from her pocket. “So, are you going for it?”

  “What about you and Dan? You two seem pretty cozy.”

  “Nice try sista…back to you and Zach.”

  I whirled around and headed for the door, hoping to avoid this discussion. I wanted to go for it, but I’d more than likely be out of here sooner than later. And the havoc I could bring to Zach—

  Georgia pulled me to a stop by the elbow as I reached for freedom. “Mandy—”

  “Yes. Okay? I’m into him big time.” I slowly turned around.

  “I hear a big, fat but coming.”

bsp; “A ginormous but, Georgia.” One I couldn’t tell her. Couldn’t tell my best friend in the world. Despite how much I wanted to.

  “Well, what is it? Because from where I’m sitting, you two are on. Dan told me the Samantha thing is shit. Did Zach say the same thing?”

  I nodded.

  “Then what’s the but? There shouldn’t be a but, Mandy.”

  “He’s heading to college. Gone in a couple of months. Why start up something? My kissing him earlier today was stupid. A momentary lapse in judgment. That’s it. Done. Not happening again.”

  “Consider it a fling, then. No strings.”

  A five-day fling. Then I could leave having known a little bit of normal. The idea of a boyfriend for a week was tempting. But if the Coats were snooping around and saw me with him, it could lead to trouble. Same with Georgia.

  I really should crawl in a hole until graduation. It’d be safer for everyone.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  I draped my arm around my best friend’s shoulders, and we made our way to the restroom doorway. A flame of hope flickered deep in my chest.

  Until I crashed into Samantha Jones—literally.

  “Son of a monkey.” I clutched my shoulder.

  Samantha swayed her tiny hips into the bathroom. A cloud of perfume and three clone friends followed.

  Pain vined from my back to the base of my neck. A headache pulsed. Probably more from the stinky perfume that chick wore than the pain. “Georgia, do you have any Advil stashed in that monster purse of yours?”

  “I might. That chick is nuts.” Georgia rubbed my back. “Come on. Let’s get you back to your boyfriend.”

  “Ha, ha. You’re so funny.”

  So, I walked into the dark theater toward a guy who might become my boyfriend. That is, if his girlfriend didn’t kill me.


  “You didn’t have to walk me home. I live, like, two minutes from Georgia.” I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets. If I didn’t keep them there, they might reach for Zach on their own. Without my consent.

  “But when would I ever get to be alone with you?” Zach strode beside me, mirroring my pose.

  Despite what he’d said in the movie theatre about wanting to take things further with me, he’d kept his hands to himself.

  I glanced up at the dark apartment. Was Scott home and in bed, or still on his date? Seemed like things might be looking up for the Smiths. He’s got a girl. I might have a guy. The town liked smoothies. And since Georgia scraped up some Advil for me, I felt pretty darn good.

  I made my way to the stairs that went up to the apartment, and he followed close behind.

  “I had fun tonight.”

  “Me, too, even though you were mean to me.” He smiled.

  “You’re right. I was a jerk.”

  He swiped my hand, stopping me as I put my foot on the bottom step. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

  “What’d you have in mind?”

  “Whatever you want to do.”

  “Remember that short-cut through the woods I dragged Georgia on?” And froze two Coats. “Well, that clearing was really pretty. Can we hike out to it?”

  “I know exactly where it is.” He edged closer. “I’ll bring a blanket.”

  I curled my fingers around the wooden railing to steady myself. My wobbly legs threatened to give out on me. Thick, strong fingers coiled with mine. I had to remind myself to breathe. I never wanted him to let go.

  “I can’t believe Samantha pulled that crap with you tonight.”

  “You’re in pretty high demand.”

  Another step brought him inches from my body. Perfect height since I was standing on the bottom step.

  He grinned and said, “As of right now, I’m off the market.”

  He cupped the side of my face with his free hand. His heat was such a contrast to the frigid cold I produced. And I craved it.

  Craved him.

  One gentle tug brought me flush against him, and his mouth claimed mine. His fingers found the nape of my neck, and he drew me impossibly closer.

  I melted into him, my soft body forming to his firm body. I latched on to that pouty lip of his, and his hold on me tightened. A soft swipe of his tongue against my upper lip sent a shudder through me so sharp I was worried I’d let my ice out.

  Back off. Back off, I told my ice. This moment was mine.

  Mine and Zach’s. One I’d wanted for years but could never have.

  I wove my arms around his neck and buried my fingers in his silky hair. Long enough to grab some and tilt his head slightly so I could delve in more.

  Hints of soda, chocolate, and mint exploded along my tongue as his stroked mine. So this was what I’d been missing all these years?


  Too soon, he pulled away, but rested his forehead against mine. His chest heaved, and his cheeks flushed in the most adorable way. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow morning for a hike, right?”

  Afraid my voice might crack or my heart might fly out of my mouth, I hummed my response.

  He backed away and released his hold on me. “Sleep fast. See you in the morning.” He turned and trotted around the corner.

  I wasn’t sure how long I’d stood on that bottom step staring after him. Finally. I had a boyfriend. Sure, it was totally temporary, but tonight was a taste of normalcy at its finest.

  I turned skyward and raised my hands to the stars to celebrate. A mixture of water, ice, and snow shot out from my palms.

  The powerful arctic burst knocked me back. I moved my foot to keep me upright, but my heel caught the next step. The hard wood met my butt with piercing pain up my spine and straight to the base of my skull.

  I fisted my hands, stifling the flow. A rush of heat ignited in my chest, skyrocketing my pulse. What just happened?

  I pushed myself to my feet and bolted up the stairs. “Scott,” I screamed when I burst through the apartment door.

  No answer.

  “Scott.” My blue hands stopped streaming liquid when I’d clamped them shut, but I couldn’t stop the ice from coating my skin no matter how often I told it to back off. “Scott. Please be home.”

  Through the ice I saw my fingernails flicker florescent-blue. Like a neon sign warming up and coming to life.

  Where was he? It was almost one in the morning.

  I dug out my phone from my pocket, but it slid from my slick hand and crashed to the floor. The ice crept up my arms, tugging at my flesh.

  Oh, God, help me. How do I stop this?

  I squatted to the floor and flipped my phone over, pressed speaker, then speed dial button number two.

  “Mandy, what’s up?”


  Oh crap, my frozen finger must have pressed number three.

  “Mandy? What’s wrong?”

  “Ahhh, nothing. I meant to dial Scott. Got you by mistake.” I gasped as the ice inched past my elbows.

  “You sound different. Are you okay? Is Zach there?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll call ya tomorrow.” I barely got the words out when I clicked the phone silent. The weight of the ice pulled me down. So thick. So heavy. Sluggish.

  Where was Scott? What was happening? My lungs burned. I couldn’t catch my breath. Dread hung heavy in my chest.

  I focused on Mom’s picture hanging on the wall by the door. Had she gone through this, too?

  “Mom. Mom. Please…”



  Someone shook me.

  “Oh, my God. Mandy?”

  I pried my eyes open. Everything was distorted, crooked, like a kaleidoscope. But I made out Georgia’s frantic face.

  “Can you hear me?” She turned me to her.

  “No. You can’t see this.”

  “Oh, my God, you’re covered in—”

  “You have to go.” I tucked my hands around me tighter hoping to hide them. But a thin layer of frost covered most of my body. “Can’t. See. This.” Ice inched up my nec

  “What’s happening?” She petted my frozen hair. “I can’t believe this.”

  How much time had gone by?

  Pain vibrated through my back and shoulder. My wound from the car wreck sizzled like acid dropped on it. A scream blasted from my mouth so loud, it burned my throat.

  Georgia yelped. “I’m calling 9-1-1.”

  “No. No. Can’t. Find Scott. Find Scott.” I swatted at the phone.

  “He’s not answering. I’ve been trying him. Oh my God, Mandy. What do I do?”

  “Nothing.” I coughed, working to catch my breath. “I’m so scared. Stay with me.”

  She grabbed my frozen hand and bent down to me. “I won’t leave you.”


  The corners of Georgia’s mouth shot down. Her jaw clenched, and she squeezed my fingers. They burned like I’d stuck them in a campfire.

  Georgia squealed. “Let go of me, Mandy. Let go.”

  My hand solidified around hers. My eyes stung. “I can’t. It’s frozen. I’m so sorry, Georgia. Oh, God. I’m sorry.”

  My stomach churned.

  “It burns.”


  “My face. My arms.” Georgia tugged, trying to break away from me.

  Oh my god, I was killing her. Like I’d almost killed Scott.

  No. Not my best friend. Please. But no matter how much I ordered the ice away, it didn’t recede. Just clamped on even harder, freezing her fingers with mine.


  Suddenly, calm washed over me, and the pain in my shoulder dissipated. The ice vanished up to my shoulder.

  Georgia curled up in a ball next to me, her hand still cemented to mine. I brushed off the ice-crystals sliding down my arm.

  “Georgia.” I pushed at her hip. “Georgia.”

  A soft, pink glow tinted her skin. I scrambled to my knees and rolled her over. Her flesh burned. Heat radiated from our connected hands. Was she warming my frozen body?

  “Georgia. Can you hear me?” I choked on the lump in my throat.

  She flopped onto her back, and it arched. A squeal slipped past her clenched teeth. Her head turned toward me. A crimson streak, starting at the roots of the front of her bangs, shot through her hair.

  Her nails flashed scarlet.


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