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Crossover: Devil's Due MC and Vipers Creed MC Prequel

Page 7

by Chelsea Camaron

  He grinned then, slapping my shoulder. “Damn straight.”

  That next weekend, we moved into the Vipers Creed compound. And a week after that, I got my patch.

  Chapter Four


  “Ma, it’s fine. Take the money and get the bills caught up.”

  “Ben, I can’t. I’ll be fine,” my mother said with a beautiful smile.

  She had always been beautiful, but the years of working her ass off down at the plastic factory were taking their toll on her. The lines around her eyes and lips were becoming more pronounced, making her look older than her forty-three years. Not only that, but she looked tired, run down, and in need of a break.

  While I knew she needed to work—everyone did to get anywhere in this world—I hated how I couldn’t fully take care of her so she didn’t have to go back to that place. I could help her; I just couldn’t help her to the point where she could quit her job. One day, though, she would quit that job and live an easy life. She allowed me to live easy for so damn long, so I would return the favor.

  Money was good with the Vipers, but with cleaning up Spook’s father’s shit, the money hadn’t been as good as it could have been. I kept my eye on the prize with that one.

  “I’m not kidding. Take it and pay the electric and gas. I know they are behind. This will help you get them caught up.”

  Her eyes widened. “How did you …?” Her words were rushed, and I wanted to laugh but refrained.

  “I just know things, Ma. You get them back on track, and you’ll be good. Don’t fight me on this, or I’ll go pay it all my damn self.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me, and I knew I was going to get the first and last name lecture. You know, the move moms made when they thought that, if they used both names, it would make a damn difference in what they were saying. Loved my mom, respected her, but I had gotten over that shit a long damn time ago.

  “Fine, but no more,” she replied, and I smiled, making her roll her eyes at me.

  I handed her the wad of cash, and she took it reluctantly. I knew, down to my bones, that she would pay those bills off and not go spend it on something stupid that she didn’t need. My mother was one of the most hardheaded, responsible women one could meet. She had been my steady my entire life, my only parent, and I was fine with that.

  “Gotta run.” I kissed the top of her head. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll be by in a couple of days.”

  She gave me her beautiful smile again. “You’re a good boy, Ben.”

  “Nah, but I’m glad you think so.” I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a tight squeeze. Then I was off, needing to get over to Raven’s. I was already thirty minutes late, and I knew I’d hear shit about it.


  Turning the doorknob, it opened with ease. When I stepped over the threshold, the smell of garlic and tomato sauce made my stomach growl.

  “Raven?” I called out as I made my way into the kitchen.

  She turned toward me, bright smile on her face, and my world stopped, just like every damn time she gave it to me.

  Her dark hair was tossed up in a messy bun with pieces floating every which way. Her tight-ass pink shirt read, “Bad News Babes” across her chest, which was strained within an inch of its life. Her jeans fit her as if they had been painted on, giving me a delectable view of her tight ass. Fuck, I loved this woman.

  “Hey, baby,” she called out in her sultry voice. She placed the spoon she was holding down, and then met me halfway, wrapping her arms around me.

  I wrapped my own arms around her as I crashed my lips down on my woman’s. She was my everything, and she tasted like tomato sauce at the moment.

  I deepened the kiss to get more of her. While the sauce was good, nothing compared to the taste of Raven.

  Once I was done sucking the air from her lungs, I released her, and she gasped. Her lips were plump from my onslaught, and I couldn’t help tugging her bottom lip between my teeth and giving it a soft bite. To this, she chuckled while trying to catch her breath.

  “Spaghetti?” I asked, smiling down at her.

  She shook her head. “Nope. It’s a form of lasagna.”

  My stomach growled, and she laughed.

  “And my man needs to eat.”

  She wasn’t wrong. I had worked all day at the shop. To top that off, cleaning up Spook’s dad’s shit was taking its toll on everyone. Nevertheless, I’d do everything I could to pull the club out of the shitstorm Pusher had put us in because I had joined the Vipers for the brotherhood, and Spook was my brother. Maybe not by blood, but we were as close as you could get without it.

  Pusher had fucked everyone, but now that was done, and it was time to move on. In doing that, we needed to keep the target off our asses. That was the main goal. And so far, so good.

  “Feed me, woman!” I bellowed with a slap to her ass.

  Her eyes flashed, but not in anger, in desire. My cock rose at the sight.

  “Need me to fuck you first?”

  “Yes.” Her one word answer was breathless, just like every other damn time.

  I leaned down to kiss her, but she pulled back, causing me to raise my brow.

  “Need to turn off the stove. One sec.” She pulled out of my grasp and rushed to the stove, turning everything off and moving pots and pans away from the burners. Then Raven was back in my arms within seconds. “Need you to fuck me,” she whispered, cupping the sides of my face, before slamming her lips against mine.

  This wasn’t making love. We’d done that enough to know the difference. No, this was a need-to-be-inside-you-right-fucking-now kind of fuck. I loved that I had both of those with Raven.

  In the two years, we’d been together, it had always been this way. Each of us wanted more from the other, while the other gave it with no questions asked. We were a finely tuned machine, both working together in rhythm. Life didn’t get any better than that.

  Her sexy body pressed so tightly against mine that my dick strained to get out, to find its home. That was Raven. She was home. The Vipers were everything to me, but Raven was, too.

  Gripping her ass, I lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around me, anchoring herself around my hips. I then walked quickly through the small trailer and toward her bed.

  She didn’t have much, but she loved what she had. She made it homey, and I did my damnedest to fix what needed to be fixed.

  I’d asked her to move in with me at Vipers, but she had said she wasn’t ready for that. Even if we spent every fucking night at either my place or hers, she wanted her space, the space she had earned, and I admired that.

  I placed her on the bed, coming down on top of her. She grinded her hips against my cock, her hands everywhere. My hands were everywhere, too. I couldn’t wait.

  Within a minute, every stitch of clothing was off, and I was sliding inside my woman, my life, my home.

  “Oh, God!” she gasped, arching her back and giving me her tits as an offering. I took them, being the greedy man I was, at least for her. I was always greedy for her.

  I sucked a nipple between my lips before taking almost her entire breast into my mouth. Meanwhile, I continued to pump my cock in and out of her warm heat.

  “Please, baby,” she called out, moving her head from side to side in that sexy way that told me she was about to come.

  I bottomed out inside of her then rotated my hips over and over again, hitting her just in the right spot.

  I knew every single inch of her body. I knew what it could do, knew what it did to me, knew what it tasted like, knew … everything. It was mine. She was mine.

  She set off like a rocket, screaming and moaning my name so loud I could hear a damn dog bark in response in the distance. Her moans and mews were the hottest thing ever to land on my ears.

  Pumping inside of her, I came with her, my balls drawing up as I exploded, drenching her pussy with my come.

  We lay there for several moments, p
anting, sweating, and coming down, when she said, “Alright, let’s eat.”

  I burst out laughing.


  “The Babes have a run on Saturday,” Raven said between bites of her—I must fully admit—kickass cooking. Not only was my woman hot, sweet, and everything I needed, but she could cook … so damn good.

  Spook and Stiff loved when she cooked for them. They even joked they would put a rag on her back and ring on her finger for it. In turn, I had growled and barked at them while they had laughed.

  They were right, though. Everything she made was excellent. She said it was from her time as a cook back in the day.

  “Sounds good. I’ve gotta be at Vipers, anyway.” I always had to be at Vipers so that was no surprise.

  Raven was a member of the all-female riders of Bad News Babes MC. They were low key, kept to themselves, and lived by the creed of “ride strong.” She had patched in before we’d met. As a matter of fact, it was how we had met.

  My woman was born for two things. One, to be a Babe; and two, to be mine.

  “We have a charity gig in a couple of weeks for breast cancer; you boys want to come along?” she asked while I shoveled food in my mouth.

  “I’ll talk to Spook.”

  When Pusher had reigned, we’d cut back a ton on our charity shit. He couldn’t afford to bring too many eyes on the Vipers. Now, we needed to make our presence known again, for the Vipers, for the creed, for our community. We needed to get back on track, and not just with the club, but this, too.

  “Sounds good.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin then set it down on the plate. “You need to go back to Vipers tonight, or are we good to stay here?”

  I swallowed the last bite then wiped my lips. “We’re good, babe. I just wanna kick back and relax. I’m fuckin’ tired.”

  To this, I got a wide smile.

  Four Days Later…

  “Assholes are in our neck of the woods. Let’s roll,” Spook called out, not stopping as he pushed through the door.

  Who the fuck would come into Vipers’ territory? Are they fucking insane?

  “What’s the story?” I asked, swinging my leg over my bike and fastening my helmet.

  “Don’t fuckin’ know. Got a call; said some bikers were in town. Somethin’ about Devils or some shit. They’re at Charlie’s.”

  I heard Stiff growl deep in his throat before it was cut off by the sound of his engine roaring to life. I started my own, and then we were off.

  I had my .22 in the back of my pants, and a knife in my boot. I was ready. I was always fucking ready.

  Pulling up to Charlie’s, sure enough, six bikes were parked in the lot.

  Looking through the windows, I could see some pretty big motherfuckers sitting at a table. Well, this night just got interesting.

  Spook pushed through the doors, and all focus went to the men sitting at the table. One of them, a dark-haired fucker with a five o’clock shadow, lifted his hands up like he knew we were coming. Fuck yeah, we were. Come into our territory? Not fucking happening.

  “State your business,” Dawg called out from beside me.

  “Passing through,” the man who had lifted his hands in the air stated. He must be the leader. I looked at his cut, seeing that it stated he was Collector.

  “Pack up and pass on through, then,” Spook chimed in just as Chelsea came around the corner.

  I had gone to school with her. She was a sweet, little thing who worked her ass off at this diner. She was also a looker, and the fact that Stiff’s eyes landed on her was not missed.

  “We’ll be in the corner tonight, Chelsea,” I told her before turning back to the newbies.

  At closer look, I could see that the back of their leather stated they were Devil’s Due MC. Interesting. I wonder which devil was going to get his due by their hands. It sure as shit wouldn’t be me or my bothers.

  “Got something to take care of, and then we’ll be gone soon enough.”

  My focus went to the man who had just said that. His patch stated Rowdy as his name. He had to be tall by the way his knees were spread out around the chair.

  Spook stepped over to stand behind the smallest of the group. The guy had wild hair that went everywhere, and his eyes were always moving as if he was on something, yet they looked alert enough to make it known he wasn’t. His patch showed he was Trapper.

  At the intrusion of his space, Trapper tensed then leaned up and exposed his colors to us.

  “Devil’s Due, huh?” Spook read the back of Trapper’s rag. “Nomads, huh? You’re in the wrong place.”

  “No, I do believe we’re in Dyersburg, Tennessee, which is the right place for what we need,” the fucker named Trapper smarted off to Spook, causing the air in the room to thicken with his tone.

  Spook’s eyes went back to Collector’s, while mine stayed focused on the asshole Trapper.

  “Just looking for someone. We find them, and we’re out. We don’t find them, and we’re out,” Collector tried to reason, but Spook learned from his father, and he didn’t reason well.

  “Well, the problem with this plan of yours is you aren’t welcome here,” Stiff said, brushing past the guys and heading to our table, giving them the brush off. “Leave or get thrown out. Either way, you gotta go.”

  I held back my smile as we followed. But me being me, I kept my eyes cast to the side, not taking my eyes off of them. No fucking way would I let my president get fucking wacked.

  “I ordered an appetizer, dinner, and dessert, and I’m gonna be tired after that, so maybe tomorrow we’ll find our way down the road. Maybe not,” Trapper smarted off again, and I turned my attention fully on him.

  One more fucking crack, and I would show him exactly who the fuck he was dealing with.

  The man named Deacon looked at us, almost as if he were sizing us up. Go for it, bud.

  “Marker. You get a marker from us. One. Call it in anytime, and we handle it. No questions asked.”

  Spook laughed, turning toward them. “What the fuck kind of marker do I want from a bunch of nomad, no place to call home, fuckers that have come to my town?” Spook learned well. So fucking well.

  “Hey, hey, hey, homeless peeps are useful. Don’t knock it till you try it,” Trapper joked as if he had a fucking death wish.

  I reached behind my back and put my hand on my gun. He was about to meet his maker.

  I halted when a man named X warned, “Shut the hell up, Trapper.” Then he looked over at us. “Look, I have a woman from my past. Heard she was here. We want a meal, sleep, and tomorrow, if I don’t find her, we ride on. You have less than twenty-four hours to deal with us.”

  At least that seemed honest enough. Still, I didn’t like them sniffing around our shit.

  “Twenty-four hours. You got till nine tomorrow night to get the fuck outta my town and don’t look back. I get each of your numbers, and I get a marker. One marker, anytime, no matter what I need. I call; you answer. No questions,” Spook stated as he slid into the booth.

  I was surprised he gave them a twenty-four-hour pass, but it was what it was.

  Chapter Five


  Fuckers come into my territory looking for a fucking woman? Small towns gossiped. Small towns talked when others were in their space. Word had it, the fucking Devil’s Due were at Sirens, the fucking place Trixie owned. Word also stated they were rolling out.

  I knew they were staying at Dunnes Inn so that was where we headed.

  No bikes in the parking lot, so we parked, ready for a fucking fight. I told them they had twenty-four hours. Their time was officially up.

  I had the guys do some digging, and they found out that fucking Collector was a fucking cop. A cop. In my town. Driving my street, which I didn’t appreciate. I also learned that the Devil’s Due had their own way of dealing with shit. Shit that no one else could take care of. That, I respected.

  The roar of bike engines sounded
off in the distance. All our focus went to them as we waited for them to pull in, park, and get off their rides.

  “Expected you to be gone,” I told Collector who looked me square in the eye.

  “Planned to be gone. Didn’t work out that way,” he replied, coming to stand before me.

  “Looked into you. Wanna tell me why a cop is digging into shit in my town?”

  He shook his head. “Not particularly. And it’s ex-cop. I’m not one anymore. I do the occasional private job, but I’m not here to enforce any laws.”

  I stepped closer into his space. I could see his spine straightening, wanting that slight little edge of height, but it didn’t work. We were even. Eye-to-eye, man to man. Didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to fight him.

  After digging, I knew he would leave, and the chances of us ever running into one another again were slim to none.

  I smirked, and Collector let out a breath, but he kept his shoulders squared.

  “Nah, I hear you boys serve your own kind of justice. I can respect that.”

  Collector extended his hand, and I took it.

  “I can respect any man who earns his cut and worries about his town. I can respect a man who doesn’t back down when he’s in the right. You have my word that we’re only here to follow a lead, and then we’re out. I gave you my marker. No matter where we are, you call it in, and we’ve got your back. Just gotta have a little more time to see where Hadley is at or heading.”

  My father would turn over in his grave for this. It was precisely why I did it.

  “No need to crash at this dump. We’ve got food, cold beer, and more than enough house mouses to fuck. Welcome to Dyersburg, Tennessee, home of Vipers Creed MC.”

  “Hot damn, alcohol and pussy. Let’s roll,” Trapper said excitedly. That fucker seemed like a handful.

  X smacked him on the chest.

  “What? Y’all took my ass to a strip club. I had tits and ass in my face all night, and now my cock needs a hole and preferably not one I drill into a wall.”


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