DarkHeart of Hampton House
Page 18
Lacy sat up in bed and yelled, “You live in Nashville, as in Tennessee?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Hot damn, Sam! That’s where I was headed. See, I’ve got this good singing voice and I write my own songs and I’m going to be a country singing star. Yessiree. That’s what I’m gonna be. Would you mind lettin’ me hitch a ride with ya? I’ll be out of your hair if you’ll just get me to Nashville.” She cocked her head. “Have you got a car? All we’ve done is walk. Did you hitch here or come by bus? I really—”
“Lacy, damn, slow down. I’ve got a car. It’s in the hotel parking lot. I’ll give you a ride.”
Lacy placed her hand over her heart. “I swear it feels like a horse is loping in my chest. I feel like my heart is gonna jump out my body. I don’t like this feeling at all.”
“Yeah, I think I gave you one pill too many. Not to worry. I’ve got something that will slow your heart and slow your mouth, then you need to eat.”
“I’m not hungry. But I sure want something to stop the horse in my chest. My heart is gonna explode!”
Lance reached into his pill pouch and took out two Valium. “Here you go. Two blues will have you calm in no time. You’ll want to eat too.”
Lacy swallowed the pills. “I sure hope they work fast.” See looked toward the window and saw the half empty Jack Daniel’s bottle still on the table. “Where did that come from? Did I drink that stuff too? Shit fire. That’s what Mama and Daddy always drank, when they could afford it. I swore I’d never touch the stuff. I guess I did, huh? No wonder I puked my guts out.”
“You drank your share. I kept telling you, you were overdoing it, but you didn’t listen.”
“I better swear off booze for good,” she said, and giggled. “I’m not laughing about drinking too much, but I just thought about the time when Mama and Daddy were drinking, then fighting, then they grabbed each other, hugged and cried, then hit the floor and started having sex.”
“They had sex in front of you?”
“Well, this one time they thought they were, anyway. He was so drunk he couldn’t get it up, but his little winkie-dinkie got lost between two rolls of Mama’s fat. He thought he had it in and Mama was so drunk, she didn’t know he didn’t. They rolled around on the floor and thought they were screwing like two minks.” Lacy bent over laughing. “Damn, it’s funny now, but at the time, I wanted to turn the water hose on ’em. It was plain sickening, I tell ya.”
Lacy hung her head. “I was only about six years old when they got to fighting over who drunk all the whiskey and Mama whacked him across his upper arm with a butcher knife. All that blood scared me so badly, I’m still messed up in the head. Then one time he got mad at her for cussing him, and he knocked out her two front teeth. Mama never did get her teeth put back in. Through the years, she loved to get up in his face and smile. I reckon to remind him what he’d done to her. And he was constantly rolling up his sleeve to show off his scar. It took fourteen stitches to close up the gash. I always said if that was their idea of love, I didn’t want any part of it. Then like a fool, I fancied myself in love with RoJo. If his idea of love is to dump me on prom night, then you’re damn tootin’, I don’t need it.”
“How do you know he loved you? It doesn’t sound like it to me.”
“Well, he told me over and over that he loved me and would till the day he died. I guess he lied. I dunno. I don’t care. They can all rot in hell. I’ve got no time for love. So, I reckon I’m not capable of it either. Two of a kind, huh?”
“Maybe we are. What’s your parents’ names?”
“Mama’s name is Bessie. Daddy’s name is Harlan.”
“Well what you just told about ole Bessie and Harlan is funny and sad at the same time. I can picture the scene of them, acting like two pigs wallowing in mud, thinking they were really doing a good job on each other. I bet they were even squealing.” He shook his head. “There’s no way to stay in a snit with you. You were severely getting on my last nerve with your loose tongue. But don’t press your luck. Just stop your runaway mouth for the time being. You’re giving me a headache. I’m not a nice person when I have a headache. I’m serious here.”
“Well, ya don’t have to get all testy. Jeez,” Lacy folded her arms across her bare chest and gave Lance a cold stare. “All I want is a ride to Nashville. I won’t say another word to you. Never!”
“Good. Get dressed, get packed and we’ll be on our way.”
Lacy jumped out of bed.
Lance chuckled as he watched her running around the room as if she were a spinning top. She’s higher than a lord. The blues will bring her down and it can’t be too soon for me. I really would hate to choke her. I’ve been so good. Don’t drive me to it, Lacy. I’m really trying hard to control my natural urges.
When Lacy was ready to leave, she stood next to the door, holding her suitcase. Silent.
Lacy merely nodded.
Lance opened the door. “Let’s get on the road, sugar dumpling. Are you gonna pout all the way to Nashville?”
Lacy marched ahead of Lance, but he was sure he saw a half-grin.
You’re catching on. You almost had my palms itching.
Once they were in the parking lot, Lacy slipped on her shades. She followed Lance, but didn’t say a word until he unlocked his car. “Holy shit! Nice ride ya got here.”
“It’s a rental. As soon as I report to work, I’ll get a company car. I sure hope it’s not a Pinto.” He smiled at Lacy and pinched her cheek. “Let me get the trunk opened and we’ll get our suitcases in, then we’re Nashville bound.”
Lacy slid into the passenger seat and rubbed the fabric. “This is nice. It might not belong to ya, but it sure will be comfortable getting me to Nashville. I can’t believe I’m finally gonna get there.”
“Hang on, sugar dumpling. We’re on our way,” Lance said, as he started the engine and backed out of the parking space. “You’ll see some beautiful country before we get there. How are you feeling now? Is the horse still loping?”
“Nah, I’m actually feeling a bit sleepy, but I don’t wanna miss anything so I’ll stay awake. I sure thank ya for giving me a ride. I won’t bother ya anymore once I get to Nashville. I’m not used to people being nice to me. You’ve treated me like a princess.” She patted Lance on the arm.
“It was my pleasure. It’s not many people that I care to be around, but I’ll admit, I’ve enjoyed your company. I might even miss ya when we part ways.” He gave her a wink. “Do you think you’ll miss me?”
Lacy blushed. “I might. But I’ll never admit it. My feelings are as locked up as yours are. If ya don’t let yourself feel anything, ya don’t get hurt. I’ve been hurt for my last time.”
“I understand that. Let’s just be quiet and enjoy the scenery.”
“I’ll zip it.”
Two hours up the road, Lance said, “I’m a little hungry. How about you?”
“I’m a little hungry. Some bacon, eggs and grits sound good to me.”
Lance took the next exit when he saw a sign for a Cracker Barrel. He pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine. “Bacon, eggs and grits and whatever ya want is waiting inside. Come on, we’ll fill up and it should last us until we get to Nashville.”
“Sounds good to me. I don’t know what this place is like but if I fill my belly, I’m not too picky.”
They walked inside and Lacy’s eyes darted around the gift shop. “Sweet Jesus! Look at all this pretty stuff! Where are we supposed to eat?”
“Right this way,” Lance said, taking her by the hand. “We can browse after we eat.”
There was nobody in front of them waiting to be seated. The hostess took them to a table, handed them a menu and said their waitress would be with them shortly. Lacy studied the menu. “I think I’ll have ole Uncle Herschel’s breakfast.”
“His sounds good to me too,” Lance said. He placed the menus on the edge of the table. “You sure look pretty to
day. I like you much better with a fresh face. I never was crazy about face paint.”
“You do know how to sweet talk, you silk tongue fool. But thank ya.”
They both laughed and Lance was still amazed at how comfortable he was with Lacy. Then he remembered how comfortable he’d been with Penny in the beginning. How long would it take him to get tired of Lacy? But she said she would be off on her own once they reached Nashville. I seriously doubt that, Lacy. You’re about to enter a brand new world. One that’s gonna break your heart. I’ve never heard you sing, but a career is not gonna happen. You’ll soon find out.
After they finished eating, Lance said, “Why don’t we get on up the road? There’s plenty of gift shops in Nashville.”
“Yeah, let’s hit the road. I don’t need anything. I just wanted to look. Everything is so pretty. It’s not like I’ve got a place to put anything anyway. I’ve got to travel light. There’s only so much my suitcase and purse will hold.”
“Atta girl.” Lance slipped on his shades and led her outside to the car. Once they were on the main highway, he glanced over at her. She had braced her head against the window and was sound asleep. He smiled.
Three hours later, Lance nudged Lacy. “Wake up, girl. We’re just about there.”
Lacy jerked her head up. When she saw the sign: Nashville City Limit, she let out a whoop. “Hot damn! I’m in Nashville! I can’t believe this shit!”
“Hang on. I’m about to head downtown. This is a big place. Lot of things to see and do.”
“All I wanna do is find a place to sing. You can let me out anytime ya want.”
Lance pulled into a parking space. He turned off the engine, then turned toward Lacy. “If you want out here, then here you are. Let me ask you something. Do ya have any money?”
Lacy hung her head. “I’ve got a few dollars.”
“A few dollars won’t last you ten minutes in this place. I bet you don’t have enough to rent a room for the night. I can tell ya, you won’t be discovered and be signed to a singing contract in a day or two. If ever. So, do you plan on sleeping on park benches? If so, you’ll probably be raped and/or killed by morning. This isn’t Yellow Creek.”
Lacy hung her head and tears ran down her face.
“Hey, no need for tears. I’ve got a nice house and you’re welcome to spend a few nights with me until you land on your feet, so to speak.”
“I sure would appreciate it. I don’t like being beholden to anybody, but right now it doesn’t look like I’ve got much of a choice. But I’ll be gettin’ outta your hair as soon as I can. I promise.”
Lance reached over, pulled her face up, looked into her blue-green eyes and smiled. “You won’t be beholden to me. You’re welcome to stay as long as it takes. Besides, we’ve got at least one night of love making to catch up on. You did fall asleep on me last night, ya know.”
Lacy giggled. “I reckon I do owe ya one. One I’ll be happy to pay. I’ve been horny all day, just didn’t wanna mention it.”
“Now we’re talking. I stay horny and I’ll be more than happy to collect the one you owe me. Hang on, sugar dumpling. We’re headed home.”
Lance smiled. What the hell am I getting myself into? I don’t know why I don’t want her to leave me. She’s a ray of sunshine for my dark heart. I hope she doesn’t push my buttons. I’m willing to give her a chance.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Lance drove out of Nashville and headed for the suburbs as Lacy looked behind her.
“It’ll always be there, Lacy. I’ll take you back anytime you wanna go. I just have to work during the day. The nights are ours.”
“Will ya help me beat the bushes, knock on a few doors and beg somebody to listen to my tapes?”
“I know nothing about that, Lacy. You have to know somebody who knows somebody and the chance of you ever getting somebody to listen to your tapes—well, the chances are slim to none. Get your head outta the stars, girl.”
“I’ll never get my head out of the stars until I am a star. You aren’t going to discourage me. I’ll figure it out myself, thank-you-very-much!” she said, and protruded her bottom lip. “Nothing but naysayers is all I’ve ever known in my whole life. Well, I’m gonna show you and the rest of the world. You just wait and see!”
“Whatever ya say. I’m just trying to prepare ya for getting doors slammed in your face. Do what ya think ya gotta do.”
“I’ll do just that. All I need is a map of Nashville and my walking shoes and I’ll find the right doors.”
“Can we please change the subject? You’re starting to give me a headache. I’m not nice when—”
“I know! I’ve already been told. Let me remind you that I’m not very nice when people don’t take me seriously. If you don’t mind to stop somewhere and let me get a map of the city, I won’t mention it again.”
“I’ve got two maps. One for me. One for you. Come Monday morning, you’re on your own. Just don’t come whining to me when it all falls apart. I’ve got my own business to worry about. Do you have a driver’s license?”
“Yes, I do, Mr. Smartypants. Why?”
“I need you to drive the car back this afternoon when I go pick up my bike. I’ve got a Harley in the shop.”
“What?” Lacy screamed so loudly it hurt Lance’s ears. “You’ve got a Harley? Ah, man, I was born to ride a bike. RoJo taught me to ride his hog two years ago. I rode it all over the place. I never once took a spill. Yep, I was born to ride. Since you’ll be working all day, I can ride the bike around and find some doors.”
“Oh, no! Nobody touches my bike! Get that straight, right now.”
“Fine! I’ve got two good feet. Maybe we need to set all the ground rules before we get to your house. I might decide to take my chances on the street. I don’t think I like your attitude.”
Lance shot her a cold look. “You’ll learn the rules as we go.”
You’re pushing me, Lacy. Don’t make me snap. You haven’t seen attitude yet. I’m good at giving attitude adjustments. Yours needs a tune-up.
Lacy was dumbstruck as Lance drove out of the main part of town. She said nothing, but her head turned in every direction. That’s more like it. Just shut up and look around. You’ve got a lot in store for you.
Lance turned into the main entrance of Bald Eagle subdivision. He drove up the hill, took a right on Lark Drive, then pulled into his driveway. “We’re here. The house to your right is the only neighbor I know. His name is Joey. He’s a little faggot, but he’s a nice person. I’m not neighbor friendly, but he and I get along fine.”
Lacy acted as if she couldn’t move her body, but her head turned as if it were on a pivot. “What a beautiful place. I’ve gotta be dreaming. This looks like the rich part of town. I’m not sure I’ll fit in, but I’m not neighbor friendly either. I stay to myself and mind my own business.”
“Well, come on. Get out and I’ll get our suitcases.” He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a key chain. He flipped through the keys, then held up a shiny gold one. “Go get the front door unlocked.”
Lacy stepped out of the car. She stood as if she wasn’t sure her trembling legs would get her to the front door. Just as she took a step, she heard somebody call out, “Lance!”
Lance called back. “Hey, Joey. Did ya hold down the fort while I was gone?”
“I sure did,” Joey said, as he walked across his lawn. “Who’s your company, if ya don’t mind me asking?”
“My new roommate. Joey, this is Lacy. Lacy, this is Joey.”
Lacy extended her hand and shook the hand that was reaching toward her. “Nice to meet ya, Joey.”
“Likewise,” Joey replied with a smile, and gave Lacy the once-over. “Welcome to the neighborhood. Are you from around here?”
“Hey, don’t be hitting on my gal,” Lance said with a chuckle. “Give us a few minutes to get in and unpack, then we’ll come over and have a drink with ya. I’ve got a bottle of Jack and I think it’s calling our names.”
“Sounds good to me. I’ve got the Wok going. I’m fixing moo goo gai pan. There’s plenty for all. Come on over when you’re ready.” Joey started to walk back toward his house, then paused and said. “Oh, your phone has been turned on. It’s still in my name but we can change that later if you want. See ya in a bit.”
“Thanks, Joey. We’ll be over soon.”
Lacy unlocked the front door and Lance was behind her with their suitcases. “Go on in. I’ve got our things.” He nudged her with her suitcase.
Lacy stepped inside and gasped. “Oh, Lordy be. You sure have a beautiful house.” She slipped off her shoes. “I sure don’t wanna track up the carpet.”
“You don’t have to take off your shoes. A house is to be lived in, not be a showpiece. I had to put up with that—never mind. Just follow me.”
Lacy followed him down a hallway. He turned to his right and entered a big bedroom. She gasped again. “Sweet Jesus!”
“This is the master bedroom,” he said, dropping the suitcases to the floor. “There are two more bedrooms down the hall if you prefer to stay in one of them. Just let me know where you want your stuff.”
“It’s your house. Where do you want me?”
“I’d like for you to share this room with me, but it’s up to you.”
Lacy smiled and her eyes danced. “I think I’d like to stay in here with you, too. We’d wear the carpet out making trips up and down the hallway, trying to get to each other when the horny urges strike us. Ya know what I mean?” She giggled.
Lance chuckled. “You’ve got the right idea. Welcome to my chambers. The fun room.” He dropped the suitcases and gathered Lacy in his arms.
Lacy slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him with passion. Lance returned her sweet kisses and he got an erection. He took her hand and placed it between his legs. “Looky what ya went and done to me, girl.”
Lacy stroked his member through his jeans. “What are we waiting for? I owe ya one, remember?”