DarkHeart of Hampton House
Page 20
Type away, sugar dumpling. You’re getting your fix and Joey is getting mine. We’ll both be happy for the rest of the day.
Joey came out of the back.
Lacy pulled the paper out of the typewriter and hugged it to her heart as if she had just typed the next number one hit.
Lance was twitching, wanting to hurry home, cut a couple lines and snort. It had been way too long.
When they arrived back home, Joey got out of his car and walked across the driveway just as Lance pulled the bike into his driveway. Joey took Lacy’s hand, and helped her off the bike. “Say, Lacy, I need some help in the kitchen if ya don’t mind. I’m going to marinate a chicken and put potatoes on to boil for the potato salad. I’ll fix a tossed green salad to go with it. I need to clean the grill too. How does that sound for a Sunday dinner?”
“Sure. I’ll be glad to help. Say, do you have some vases? I’d like to cut some roses and place them around the house. I love roses.”
“I’ve anything you need. Go on in and I’ll be right behind you.”
Joey quickly slipped a small plastic bag into Lance’s hand.
Lacy stuck her head around the side door. “Hey, ya coming? I can’t find anything.”
“I’m on the way,” Joey called back.
Lance smiled. “You two have fun. I’m going home and finding a ballgame on TV.” He headed home, chuckling. Those two make good playmates. Can life get any better?
By the time Lacy came back home, Lance had snorted, hid the evidence and was watching a ballgame.
Lacy was carrying two vases of fresh cut roses. She placed one on the coffee table in the living room. “I’m going to put the other one on the dresser in our bedroom.” She held one vase under Lance’s nose. “Don’t they smell heavenly?”
“I’ve always liked the smell of roses. I think it’ll be a great aroma while we make love.”
“You mean now? We just had sex this morning.”
“I can’t get enough of you, sugar dumpling.” You have no idea how horny I get when I’ve got cocaine up my nose.
“Well, come on. Get it while you can and as much as you can. In a couple days, you’ll have a five-day dry spell.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m due to start my period. I’m testy during that time and I don’t want to be touched. Not even kissed. It’s best you keep your distance. I’m warning ya up front.”
“Jesus! Five days? I’ll lose my mind.” Lance saw her cold stare. “How do you know you’ll have a period this month? We haven’t used any protection.” He returned her cold stare along with one of his infamous sneers.
“I take the pill. You really do think I’m stupid. Don’t ya? There won’t be any kids for me. I’m not mother material. You’ll do good to remember that too. While we’re on the subject, I need to find a clinic so I can get a refill. Do you know where I can go?”
Lance rubbed his forehead. “I’m not sure I’m father material either, but sometimes I think I would like to have a son. Never mind. As for your pills, I pick up my sample case tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll have plenty for you. It’ll have a little of everything in it.”
“Damn, you and Joey have your own little drug haven at your fingertips at all times. I guess that’s good for junkies. I’ll take the birth control pills, you can have the rest. I don’t ever want another ‘feel like a million dollar’ pill either. The last one did it for me.”
“Well, aren’t we a little Miss Goody Two Shoes. Fine. It just leaves more for me.” Lance reached for her, pulled her close and kissed her deeply.
Lacy pulled away and giggled. “If you want some of this Miss Goody Two Shoes, you better come on before I get out of the mood.” Lacy ran for the bedroom. “The last one naked is a booger eater.”
Soon, they were making love and it was better for Lance than it had ever been. Cocaine and Lacy were the best things he had ever mixed.
They lay beside each other, exhausted. Lacy stroked his sweat-soaked hair. “Damn, I think I’ll start calling you Sir Lance-A-Lot! You’ve got a lot and you like to use it a lot. You’re gonna turn me into a nympho!”
“You’ve already turned me into a whore dog.” Lance laughed and hugged her tightly. “Sir Lance-A-Lot. I like that.”
Lacy giggled. She rolled out of bed and grabbed her clothes as she headed to the bathroom.
Lance picked up his clothes and headed to the spare bathroom down the hall.
When they were cleaned up and dressed, they sat on the couch and held hands. “We’re like two teenagers, Lacy. I like our life.”
“I’ll have to admit, I never thought I’d ever be this happy. Thank you, Lance,” Lacy said, then kissed the back of his hand. “Since you’re gonna watch a ballgame, I think I’ll go out and snip the dead buds off the rose bushes. I love to work in the dirt and I want to dig up the tulip bulbs and replant them out front. I hope it’s not the wrong time of year. Maybe I need to go ask Joey.”
“Go work in the dirt, sugar dumpling. Joey will tell ya anything ya need to know about gardening. I know nothing about flower gardens, but I sure as hell know more than I want about vegetable gardens. I won’t be working in another one, I can tell ya that.” Lance turned up the sound on the TV and settled back to watch a baseball game, wishing he hadn’t mentioned the garden, hoping Lacy wouldn’t question.
Lacy scurried outside.
When the ballgame was over, Lance glanced out the window. Lacy was digging away. She seemed to be so happy, which made him happy. He went to the liquor cabinet and opened a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. Carrying the bottle and taking swigs from it, he walked back into the bedroom. He pulled a set of keys from his pocket, then opened the bottom chest drawer. Kneeling on the floor, he unlocked his briefcase.
He gently ran his hand over the neatly stacked hundred dollar bills. “A few thousand left, and I’ll soon be adding to it.” He reached under the stack of spiral notebooks and withdrew the picture of Lisa. He sat on the floor and stared at it. “I haven’t seen or talked to you in a long time. I know you’re just a picture, but I like to think you can hear me. I’m finally happy. I realize I got you back when I found Lacy. She looks so much like you. Almost the same face. After all these years, it feels so good.”
He ran his index finger over her cheeks. “I can still feel your love. I feel the same emotion when I look at Lacy, as crazy as that sounds. What’s more crazy is, I’ve got Jimmy back too. I found him in Joey. You and Jimmy are the only two people I’ve ever loved. I thought I’d lost you both. I’ll always have you as long as I have Lacy. I’ll always have Jimmy as long as I have Joey.” He kissed the picture, then placed it into his top drawer. “I’ll take you out from time to time and we’ll have our talks.”
He locked the briefcase, closed the drawer and felt a stirring in his soul; one he wasn’t used to, but one he enjoyed very much. He picked up his bottle and headed outside to find Lacy and Joey.
Who would have ever thought that Lance Jackson would ever feel happiness? How many people get back the people they loved after losing them to another world? I’m one lucky sonofabitch! He looked towards the heavens. “If there is a God up there, he sure is smiling down on me. And it’s about time.”
Chapter Forty-Two
Lance was awake before the alarm sounded. Again he marveled at how good he felt. He headed for the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. When the coffee started brewing, he went back into the bedroom. Gently shaking Lacy’s shoulder, he said, “Wakie, wakie. No eggs and bakie, but we’ve got to get ready for our first day at work.”
Lacy fluttered her eyes. “Work. That word sounds good. Who gets the shower first?”
Lance pounced on top of her. “A quickie first. Then we’ll get into the shower together. The coffee is brewing. We’ll need a cup as soon as we’ve had our morning romp.”
“Damn, Sir Lance-A-Lot! Every morning, evening and night? If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a cup of coffee the first thing in the morning. And I got my period
during the night. I’ve already been up and stuffed my panties with pads. And I’ve already told ya, I’m testy and don’t like to be touched when I’m on the rag.”
“Okay, I’ll go pour ya a cup of coffee. I’ll leave ya alone until your visitor leaves.” He chuckled. “I remember hearing the girls at Hampton House talk about having a visitor. I thought they were expecting company.”
“Where is Hampton House?”
“That was a slip of the tongue. Forget I said it.”
“You’re a strange one. Say a few words, then clam up. Fine.” Lacy got out of bed and headed for the kitchen. “Take your shower first. I’ll get mine when you’re done. I’ll bring a cup of coffee for you.”
“Women! Lord help me understand them and put up with their mood swings.”
Lance got out of the shower and saw that Lacy had a cup of coffee placed on the dresser for him. He picked it up and took a sip. “Better than I make.” He walked over to the chest of drawers, opened the top drawer and took out Lisa’s picture. “Morning, Lisa. Just wanna tell ya, I had another peaceful night’s sleep. I’m a new person. All the rage that was pent up inside me for so long is leaving, little by little. I haven’t had the urge to kill since I left Penny. I want you to be proud of me, so I’m making ya a promise. I’m not going to kill again. When the urge hits me, I’ll fight it. Someday, I think I’ll kill the demon that I inherited. Keep watching over me.” He kissed the picture and placed it back in the drawer.
Lance was dressed and had another cup of coffee by the time Lacy was out of the shower and had herself dressed. “Let’s get next door. We don’t want to make Joey late. He’s gonna drop me off at Caterjohn. I’ll pick up my company car and I’ll have my own ride home.”
“I’m ready,” Lacy answered. “I’m excited, too. Joey is gonna teach me how to be a vet. I love animals.”
Joey pulled up at the front door of Caterjohn. Lance kissed Lacy, wished her luck on her first day of being a vet in training and stepped out of the car. He straightened his tie, buttoned the top button on his suit coat and headed toward the front door.
He walked into the office where he found Red Lips smiling. I sure hope I don’t have to face Iron Pants. She gives me the willies. “Good Morning. I’m Lance Jackson. I’m here to pick up my sample case, my list of doctor clients and hopefully, my car, since I walked here.”
“Yes, Mr. Jackson. I was expecting you.” Red Lips picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Lance. “Here’s a list of doctors you’re to call on today. I’ve made the appointments, so don’t be late.” She reached down and picked up a large case and set it on the desk. “Here’s your sample case.”
Lance tried to hide his joy as he stared at the case. It looked like a doctor’s black bag. It had to be full of goodies. Yep, my own drug haven.
Red Lips handed him a set of car keys. “The red Chevy Nova. Second parking lot. Row four. Report back to me each morning and I’ll have your list ready for you. You can collect your paycheck at four o’clock, every Friday. Any questions?”
“Not for now. Thank you kindly,” Lance said, squeezing the car keys. A Chevy Nova. You’ve gotta be shittin’ me! He stuck the list into his breast pocket and picked up the case. “Have a nice day. See ya in the morning.”
Lance found the car and he had an overwhelming urge to kick a dent in it. Instead he unlocked the door, slid under the steering wheel, and set the case in the passenger seat. His hands trembled as he lifted the top strap and unzipped it. He quickly picked up each sample, reading the labels and getting excited at what he saw. “Holy crap on a cracker!” He picked up a bottle of Valium, opened the sealed cap, shook two into his palm, then popped them into his mouth. “That should take enough temper outta me so I won’t get out and kick the shit out of the car.”
As he waited for the pills to calm the rage inside him, he looked at his first appointment. He had thirty-minutes. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the city map. He blew a sigh of relief when he saw the doctor’s office was only four blocks away. He studied the list again. “Hey, five doctors in the same suite. Now that’s sweet.” He chuckled at his own pun. “Come on dolls, do your job.”
Joey unlocked the door and Lacy stepped inside. “I can’t believe you want me to be your assistant. I’ve never had a job, except flipping burgers at the local Dairy Queen. This is a real job. Do you get a lot of animals in one day? I might be slow starting out.”
“I never know what’s going to come through the door. And I never know when I’m going to get a farm call. I have to help deliver foals, calves, sheep and goats. The mares and cows are the hard ones. I’ve got a truck out back that I use when I make farm calls. I have to have special equipment and I keep it loaded. Which reminds me; Maxi has a pair of overalls and knee-high rubber boots in the back room. You’ll have to wear them when we go to the farms. You talk about a mess, girl. I hope you’re not squeamish.”
“I think I can handle it. I’m not a wimp in any fashion. Don’t ever underestimate me.” She gave Joey a hard look that let him know she was serious. “You didn’t tell me what to wear this morning. I hope I’m dressed for the job.”
“Jeans, pullover and tennies are perfect. This is an animal clinic. But when I need you to help me in the back, you’ll need to slip on a lab coat. I’ve got a couple on the hook in the examining room.”
“What am I supposed to do up front?”
“Answer the phone. Make appointments. Send out invoices. Order supplies. And answer questions, which you’ll have to ask me at first. Soon, you’ll know how to answer them. Trust me, you’ll get some crazy questions. If you get a call and a person wants to talk to me, push the hold button, then push the second button to ring me.”
“Is it okay for me to use the typewriter when we’re not too busy? I’ve always got songs running through my head and I like to get the lyrics down before they leave me. Lance laughs at me about wanting to be a singer and songwriter. I hope you don’t think I’m a fool for chasing my dreams.”
“I’ll never tell you that you’re a fool. But let me say this. There are thousands of wannabes here in Nashville. More show up every day. They all leave with their dreams dashed. If you’ve got songs in your head, then type them up, mail them to the singer who you think might be interested. If a famous singer likes and records them, then you’ll be on your way. And, songwriters make more money than singers. That’s all the advice I’ve got. That’s all I’ll say about your dream.”
“That’s a good idea. I’ll type up my songs and mail them out,” Lacy said, and her face lit up. “Oh, how do I find an address for the ones I think would do my songs justice?”
“You get a tour map. All the stars who live in Nashville, or I should say close by, are listed. You’ll find plenty of addresses.”
Lacy hurried behind the desk, opened a drawer, took out a piece of typing paper and put it in the typewriter. “I think something is coming to me,” she said, and started hitting the keys.
The phone rang. Lacy looked at Joey. “What do I say when I answer?”
“I’ll take this one,” he said with a chuckle. “Joey’s Animal Care.”
Lacy watched Joey’s expression change. Oh, no. Somebody’s dog died. That just sucks the big one. But I gotta stay tough. I can’t cave even when things break my heart. I can do this.
“Well, Lacy, suit-up. We’ve got twin calves to deliver. I’ll lock up, turn the sign around, then I’m right behind you. The overalls will be too big for you, but it’s all you’ve got for today. Get in them and after you get the boots on, push the pant legs as far as you can into the boots.”
Once they were suited. Joey opened a medicine cabinet and took out a vial of Katamine. “Open the top drawer there,” he said, nodding his head. “Unwrap two syringes, take off the cap and hand them to me.”
Lacy did as she was instructed, then she watched Joey stick the needle into a rubber top on the vial, tilt it upward, then pull back the plunger until the syri
nge was full. He did the same with the second one. “Cap them and put them in your pocket. We always take two. Sometimes the first dose wears off before we get them babies out. If they start fighting, then hit them with the second dose.”
“Where do I stick the cow with the needle?”
“I’ll show you when we get there. I’m telling ya, this is gonna get messy. But when I finally get those new lives out and you watch them try to stand for the first time, your heart will melt. It’s a miracle before your very eyes. I love my job! Let’s roll, girl!”
Lacy felt like a clown in the too big overalls and too big boots, but she was excited. “I’m about to witness a miracle. Two miracles. Twin calves. Hot damn, I’m gonna like this job.”
Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the farm. Joey got out of the truck, reached over the bed and picked up a black bag. “Just follow me. I’ll give you instructions as we go, and you’ll have a story to tell when ya get home.”
Joey introduced Lacy to Farmer Jones, then they headed for the stall.
Lacy squatted beside the obviously distressed cow, rubbed its ears and cooed, “We’re gonna help, gal. Soon your pain will be over and you’ll have two beautiful babies. We’ll be gentle.”
Joey squatted beside Lacy. “Right here,” he said, placing two fingers on the cow’s neck. “Uncap one syringe, quickly stick in the needle, then push the plunger.”
Lacy did as she was instructed without hesitation. The cow’s eyes rolled upward and its low moans subsided. She continued to stroke its ears and talked to it.
“Good job, Lacy. Now stay close. I don’t think we’ll need another dose but I never know. That’s some strong stuff.”
As soon as Joey had the first calf out, Lacy watched in amazement as Farmer Jones began to vigorously rub the calf with what looked like a large beach towel. Then the calf made two attempts to stand. The third time, it stood and took wobbly steps. “Oh, my,” she cried. “Just look at that!”
“Here’s the other one,” Joey said. “Rub it down, Farmer Jones. It looks like you’ve got yourself two healthy calves. Lacy, you did great, girl!”