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Playing with a Wood Nymph

Page 2

by Abby Wood

  "Fuck this. I need to go." He pulled his shoe on and stomped his foot on the ground to get his heel in. Fully dressed, he stood gazing down at her with his eyebrows drawn together.

  Melanie sighed. The time had come to send him on his way. With bigger problems at hand, she'd be wise to seek counsel with the elder of the family and find a way to fix her predicament. Dreading the outcome, she decided she'd rather end the charade than spend another minute dwelling on this wonderful man who rejected everything she offered him.

  Before he could react, Melanie wove her body round and around him, erasing every detail of his encounter with her. In a matter of seconds, she rendered him back to the moment prior to when she slipped the camera strap over his head and started this huge mistake.

  Leaving him to his photography, she wandered out of the most beautiful place in the forest at a more sedate pace than she entered, carrying the burden of the day's events. Instead of leaping and prancing across the rocks and fallen logs as she normally did, she dragged her bare feet along the forest floor, hoping to delay the exact moment her reputation for being one of the happiest nymphs around ended. She'd take on a new label . . . the one who failed. She sniffed. She'd go down in Dryad history as a failure, and years after she died, parents would sit their children down and tell them about the nymph who blundered in seducing a human. She headed not to her home, but to her people's common ground to speak with Arian and the others. A few of the other nymphs sat around the Great Oak tree in the center of the commons, fondling and talking while they pleasured themselves with a shiny, smoothly whittled piece of wood, commonly used in substitution for a male's penis.

  They appeared so happy and content. She hated to bring such terrible news and ruin their day.

  She hung her head in shame and ignored their greetings to come and join them. Once they found out about her disgrace, never again would they invite her to join in their fun.

  She approached Arian's tree and laid her palm against the rough, familiar bark, waiting for the vibration that came from the soul of the tree, telling her Arian bid her welcome. A short rumble beneath her hand answered. Closing her eyes, she leaped up to the proper branch in the top quarter of the Great Oak, fully hidden in the foliage. With his long hair hanging over his shoulder, Arian relaxed back against the trunk of the tree, his bare legs dangling on each side of the sturdy branch. The glow on his face told her she had just missed his big release. Further proof came from a semiflaccid cock that glistened with his own juices. One of the few Dryad males, his elder status gave him the ultimate power in controlling the other wood nymphs of this area. She hated to disappoint him.

  "You arrived too late, my dear Melanie. I just finished, but if you want to sit and talk with me for a few minutes, I'm sure we'll have a grand time in a bit." Arian grinned.

  "With a little coaxing, you'll have me hard and panting in no time." She sat beside him, shook her head and sniffed. With no easy way to tell him what happened with the photographer at the waterfall, she decided it was better for her to cast herself out and get her punishment over with before she broke down in tears. No longer would she wake up each day excited about exploring the woods or chasing the butterflies. No, she'd doomed herself the moment she spotted the human.

  "Speak, woman; you are making me wonder if something terribly bad has happened to one of our people." Arian stood on the limb and frowned at her.

  "I am going to leave the forest, Arian." She swallowed. "Tonight, if it's possible." The tree limb shook with Arian's anger. She scrambled to hold on, fearing the vibration would fling her into the air. Arian's emotion came through his tree and rattled her nerves. She'd never made anyone angry before, especially not an elder.

  "What nonsense are you talking, Melanie?" Arian sat back down and reached across the span to hold her hand. "Tell me why you want to leave. Has someone done something to you?"

  "No! Never!" She stared at the branch beneath her. "It's me, I have failed. I encountered a man beside the waterfall this morning and decided to play my game with him. He turned down my offer; I failed. I have lost everything I hold dear, and I must leave. I can't bear to stay where others will look upon me with pity each day."

  "I see." Arian dropped her hand and leaned back against the tree. "That is troubling. I don't think that has happened amongst the nymphs in my lifetime."

  "That's why I have decided to leave. I am a disgrace to myself and the nymphs." She lifted her head. "I will strive to do better on my own. I think banishment is a fit punishment. I don't want to disappoint any of the trees. I am unworthy of the magic and gifts they provide for me. I have failed the forest, most of all."

  "Hush for two seconds and let me think." He pressed his fingers to the side of his head.

  Melanie remained quiet and gave Arian a moment of silence to commune with his counsel. He sought answers from the forest; similar to how all nymphs nurtured relationships with the trees they held close to them. Being older and much wiser, Arian drew the answers out easier than she did, and his ability to decipher their meanings used to give her such comfort.

  While she waited, she sorted through everything she'd need to do prior to walking out of the forest. She'd have to visit the old man at the edge of the woods to get supplies. It'd do her no good to bring attention to her people or herself, and walking around naked did seem to draw attention from the humans . . . or rather, from most humans, Jared being the one, glaring exception.

  She hoped, with Lawrence Potter's help, she could be outfitted with clothes and enough money to survive for a little while. Somehow, she'd have to get a job, find a place to live. Yes, old, dependable Mr. Potter would be the person to ask for help. The wood nymphs trusted him completely, and, in return, he watched out for them all. If he'd help her, maybe he'd also update her periodically on how her people fared.

  "Okay, Melanie. The trees have spoken." Arian sat back on the branch. "I believe I have heard of a couple of cases like yours in the past." He pursed his lips and raised his brows. "Way, way, in the past."

  "I knew it. Banishing myself is not enough, is it?" She drew a deep breath. "I am so ashamed. I promise I'll never come back. I am not worthy to live in the forest with the trees. Oh, Oak, I want to die . . . ." She sank her face in her hands and wailed out her grief.

  "Melanie, cut the histrionics." Arian pulled moss off the side of his Oak, and with a few twists and knots created a figurine of a bunny out of the living material. He handed the creation over to Melanie. "You were always an over-emotional child. I can see you've carried that trait with you into adulthood." He sighed. "Wipe your eyes and get ready for a story. I think this one might take you by surprise." She sniffed, wiped her face, and crossed her arms. "Whatever. My life is still over. You didn't see this human." She sighed. "He had everything going for him. A big cock, muscular thighs and an ass I'd loved to have kissed, but . . . something about me turned him off." She brushed back her hair. "Really, Arian, what is wrong with me?

  How did I manage to repulse him?"

  Arian rolled his eyes and laughed. "Ever the dramatic one, aren't you?" He shook his head. "No, don't answer. Listen to the story I have to tell you." Melanie stretched out along the length of the tree limb and laid her head in Arian's lap. She instinctively reached over to fondle his cock, a familiar habit that brought her comfort. His limp organ didn't immediately rise to the occasion, and she dropped her hand in disappointment. See! Even Arian no longer finds me attractive. Letting out another sorrowful sigh, she closed her eyes and waited for the story he wanted to share. No doubt a tale about another loser wood nymph embarrassed over her lack of talent who probably left the forest and died a miserable death.

  "A long, long time ago, back when our people ran free in forests all over the world—before we got careless and let humans into our lives—this phenomenon was thought of as a gift from the Oaks. A very special gift bestowed on the most beautiful and talented nymph." He paused.

  She opened her eyes and sat back up. "What do—?"
r />   He held up his finger and smiled. "Hear me out. Legend has it, if a daughter of Dryad found herself unable to seduce a particular man—whether he be human or a nymph man—it was a positive sign that true love had shown itself in a way only a nymph might recognize." He waved his arm, cutting off her question.

  "Think about it, Melanie. If a man fell head over heels in love with you, he'd voluntarily play your games, have sex with you without a second thought and woo you with attention. But men do those things already under the enchantment you create with your games, right?"

  He waited for her nod then continued. "So, the grandfather Oaks that guide us in our journey on this earth got together and decided to give us a way to recognize true love. They created signs that would not only grab our attention and show us what we are unable to see for ourselves in our constant state of sexual arousal, but ones that would shake us to our very core." He picked up the garland of daisies lying in his lap, leaned over and sat the crown back atop her head.

  "Real love?" She sucked in her bottom lip and chewed. "Do you . . . .?" She frowned. "Could it . . . .?" She sat up straighter. "Maybe . . . ." Arian chuckled. "Wrap your pretty little head around that, my dear. I do believe you have met your true love, and if that's the case, you are one of the few, select nymphs in Dryad history who will ever find genuine happiness with a human. I'd have to say that is a true gift, don't you think?"

  Melanie stood and paced back and forth along the limb. She turned her head from side to side while she mumbled under her breath, deep in thought, ignoring Arian. She turned to make another pass on the branch, stopped, and gasped. Oh, my Oak!

  She whipped around to stare open-mouthed at Arian. "Do you realize what this means?" She nodded in fascination. "I must find him!"

  "No, no, no. Stop right there, my darling nymph. You know that isn't allowed." Arian approached her and held her shoulders. "The rules state you must stay in the forest. If . . . if by some chance, he comes back and accepts you for what you are, only then are you allowed to live outside of the trees with our blessing for the rest of your days."

  "But what if he doesn't come back?" She wrapped her arms around Arian's waist and laid her head on his chest. "What if I've lost my one chance at true love? Oh, Arian!

  I never thought this would be possible."

  "Be patient, Melanie. He loves you; he'll come back."

  Chapter Three

  "Jared! Mr. Swanson wants you to send over the current pictures A.S.A.P." Jared hunched over the pile of photos scattered on his desk, resting his head in his hands. Which one should he use for this month's magazine?


  He exhaled and lifted his head. His co-worker, Pete, stood in the open doorway to his office, frowning at him. Great, what now?

  "Man, are you out of it. I've yelled at you twice, and you didn't even flinch." Pete strolled over and gazed down at the pictures. "I hope you've picked out the ones the boss wants because he's screaming at every intern up in layout looking for your photos."

  Jared ignored Pete's question, picked up one of the small negatives and laid the micro-photo up in front of Pete. "Tell me if you can see anything strange in this photo." Pete took the negative and held the capture up to the overhead light. "It's a good shot of a waterfall, just like that one, and that one, and that one . . . ." He tapped his finger against each picture scattered on Jared's desk.

  "No, look closer, tell me what you see." Jared steepled his fingers under his chin and waited. Go ahead. Tell me I'm going crazy.

  " O- kay. Um, you've obviously got the waterfall, the rocks below, a sweet little pool at the base of the falls, some ferns and . . . ."

  Jared couldn't wait any longer. "Yes? What is it?"

  "One fucking huge tree." Peter laughed. "What did you expect me to see? You were in the middle of a forest, dude."

  "No, damn it. Look over at the very edge of the photo, in the shadows and behind the biggest rock. Tell me what I'm seeing." Jared pushed out of his roller chair and sent it crashing into the wall.

  "Shit, settle down, dude. I'm looking." Pete walked over to the side of the room, turned on the viewing lamp and stuck the shot in the holder to study the contents more closely. "I don't know, man, is that . . . ?"

  "I knew it! Fuck! I knew I wasn't going crazy; you do see the woman, don't you?" Jared ran an agitated hand through his hair. "Don't fucking deny it. Jesus, I thought for a while I was going nuts."

  Pete walked back to the desk and slumped in the chair. "Holy shit, dude. Do you know what you have here? You have fucking proof!"

  "Ha, proof of what? I caught a woman sunbathing nude in an area that is off limits to people?" He jerked the picture out of Pete's hand, moved over to grab his cabinet keys out of the old model car sitting on top and unlocked his file cabinet.

  "My grandmother used to tell me a story about the wood nymphs back in her home country. They ran around the woods and fields naked, and they all had long, flowing hair, just like that woman in the picture. Maybe you ran into your own mythical creature." Pete paused. "Think about the possibilities here. Discovering a wood nymph is a hell of a lot sexier than finding fucking Big Foot." After slipping the negative into a folder, Jared shut and relocked the drawer. He shook his head. Pete had always had a fascination for mythical creatures: Big Foot, the Abominable Snowman, the Loch Ness Monster. "She's not a wood nymph, Pete. There's no such thing as a wood nymph. You've got one wild imagination. But hell, lately, so do I. I had this really strange dream last night. Then this morning, I was pouring over the pictures, lining them up for Jeffers, and I kept going back to that same one. I swear the woman walked out of my dreams and landed in my shot. Hell, I know for a fact I was alone up there on the mountain. The picture's not even that great, but suddenly, after studying it five or six times, I found the woman I dreamed about last night." He pointed toward the cabinet. "That woman invited me to sample her body." He shook his head.

  "Fucking good dream." Pete whistled.

  Jared lifted the corner of his mouth, remembering her wanton beauty. "Yeah."

  "You never know. Maybe she is a wood nymph. If so, that photograph could make you a mint." Pete stood and reached out his hand. "Give me the pictures you want to turn in, and I'll take them over to Mr. Swanson myself." Jared swept a few pictures from the side of the pile into his hand and passed them over to Pete.

  At the door, his friend turned back. "I'm telling you, she's a nymph." Pete waved over his shoulder, laughed and hurried away to deliver the pictures.

  "Wood nymph? Guy's fuckin' nuts." Jared leaned back in his chair and linked his hands behind his head. Normally, he didn't remember his dreams, but this one seemed to grip his mind and not let go. The details didn't appear to lessen throughout the day, either. Even in a memory, the woman tantalized and teased him. Highlighted by the sun, her golden hair floated around her body and ended in waves at the back of her knees. Those long tresses gave him wicked ideas. Oh, what he'd do to such a beautiful woman. Her high cheekbones and wide eyes claimed innocence, but her sexier-than-hell body screamed fuck me. He smiled. Those breasts of hers appeared too large for her small frame, but perfect to cuddle up with at night. In the picture, her nipples peaked and shone rosy red, the size of sand dollars. God, he loved women whose nipples stood out darkly against pale skin.

  He rubbed his hands over his face. Just thinking about her gave him a woody that wanted to bust out of his pants. "I'm as crazy as Pete. The woman in my dream was just that—a dream. And the person in the picture was probably just a nudist trespassing on government land, looking for some privacy."

  * * * * *

  "How does your new toy feel?" Melanie lay sprawled out on her side with her head propped up on her arm. She gazed over at Felicity, one of her best friends and confidantes.

  Felicity rolled her nipples between her fingers. "Mm . . . you should try it. Jordan crafted the gift for me personally. I haven't removed it since he gave it to me this morning. It's absolutely wonderful."

nie lowered her gaze to Felicity's pussy and studied the contraption. A vine looped around her friend's hips and between her legs. Two sturdy thin tendrils parted her lower lips and held them wide open to the elements.

  "Is it better than a woody?" Melanie loved her smooth cock made out of the hardest Oak in the world and handcrafted to fit her body perfectly.

  "Um, I don't know. This is different." Felicity reached down and trailed her finger along the slit of her pussy. "This allows me to play with other parts of my body, and if I concentrate, I can sense even the slightest bit of breeze on my clit. It creates a delicious heat that swells up my lips and covers them with dew. It holds me at the stage where I'd allow someone to do anything they wanted to me because the simplest touch brings me tingles of delight."

  Melanie rolled over and flopped onto her back; her fingers trailed around the golden globes of her breasts and she gave a big sigh. Felicity's experience with the contraption sounded lovely, but she wished Jared would hurry and return for her. Holding her desires back until they were reunited turned out harder than she imagined. If he were destined to be her life mate, she wanted to save herself for him.

  "Let's get Jordan to make you one too." Felicity ran her hand over Melanie's stomach. "You seem uptight, not your usual carefree self. I think you need relaxing. Do you want me to bring you happiness?"

  Melanie closed her eyes and smiled. "No, you're right. I am edgy, but not in a bad way. Ever since Arian explained everything, I've found myself daydreaming about the man who loves me." She opened her eyes and sat upright in one fluid motion. "How will I know that I love him too?"


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