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Karaoke at the Tumbleweed

Page 3

by Carol Lynne

  Chewing on her lip, Tag could tell she was still nervous about voicing her needs. “Just what you’re doing. And some other stuff.”

  Taking a chance, Tag pushed his finger into her tight hole to the first knuckle. Nicole’s back bowed as she thrust her ass against his hand. The movement buried his finger fully inside her. Moaning, Nicole squirmed on his hand. “Oh God. That’s amazing.”

  Slowly, Tag began moving his finger in and out of her hole. “Condoms are definitely on the top of my list of things to do today. I want in this ass of yours.”


  Tag’s other hand plucked at her nipples before moving down to her pussy. “Wrap your hands around my cock.”

  While he worked in and out of her body with both hands, Nicole stroked and played with his cock. She seemed to know just how much pressure to apply to both his cock and balls. “Damn that feels good.” Tag took her mouth in a ravenous kiss. When he felt her body tighten around his fingers he smiled, breaking the kiss.

  “Come on. Come for papa bear.” Nicole leaned in and bit his chest as her body convulsed around his fingers. The sweet pressure to his fingers and cock sent him over the edge, splashing his seed between them. “Oh Christ!”

  Fuck this woman was amazing. He was in deep shit here in the little town of Ulrich.

  Chapter Three

  At ten-thirty that night, Darlene knocked on Nicole’s front door. “Come in,” Nicole said as she finished getting ready. She looked at herself in the mirror again. The words Tag had said to her before he left replaying in her head. “You’re so incredibly beautiful like this, natural.” He was of course referring to the fact that she was without makeup.

  Now looking at herself, Nicole hoped he would like the way she looked tonight. She’d been wearing makeup since she was fifteen, like all the girls in town. It was too much to ask of her to leave the house without at least putting on some of her face. So she’d opted for eyeliner, although in a subtle brown shade instead of her usual black, mascara and a touch of blush.

  Nicole adjusted her large breasts in the skimpy red bandana print halter top before pulling on her red cowboy boots. She knew her short jean skirt wasn’t really appropriate attire for the back of a motorcycle but the thought of her bare pussy rubbing against Tag’s back on the drive home already had her wet.

  Stepping out into the living room, Nicole spotted Darlene in the kitchen getting a beer out of the fridge. “Hey, girlfriend, I’m ready,” Nicole said as she gathered her purse.

  Darlene opened the Old Milwaukee and looked at Nicole. “I thought you said you were ready?” Darlene lifted a turquoise shadowed eye.

  Biting her lip, Nicole looked down at herself. “I am.”

  Walking up to her, Darlene looked closely at her face. “You forgot the rest of your face.”

  Smiling, Nicole touched her eyes, nose and mouth. “Nope. I have all the necessary parts.”

  “Smart ass. You know what I mean. What’s with the wholesome look tonight?” Darlene took a gulp of the beer.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Nicole walked toward the door. “Tag told me I was beautiful this morning. And I wasn’t wearing a stitch of makeup. I just thought I’d give it a try.”

  “So you’re changing for this bartender already? Oh Nicole. So not a good idea. You don’t know anything about the man. He could just be using you and then he’ll leave town and take your heart with him.”

  Shooing Tink out the door in front of them, Nicole locked her house. “I do trust him. Don’t ask me why but I do. And you’ve got a lot of room to talk. Seems to me someone dating a man like Mule wouldn’t pass judgment.”

  “Mule’s a good man. You just remember what he was like in high school and won’t give him a break.”

  “The man’s nickname is Mule. Shouldn’t that tell you something?” Nicole got into Darlene’s Chevy Chevette that she’d had since high school.

  “You know he got that nickname because he has a big cock.” Darlene started the car after putting her beer between her legs.

  “You and I both know he didn’t get that name because he has a big cock.” Nicole rolled her eyes at her friend.

  “Okay. Maybe originally it was because of one stupid dare on one drunken night in high school but he does have a huge cock.” Darlene smiled and winked at Nicole. “I just don’t want to see you hurt like last time.”

  “Please don’t bring Lonnie into this. Just give Tag a chance will ya? I really like this guy. He’s different then the other men I’ve been with. He looks at me like I’m the best thing goin’.” Nicole shrugged and looked out the window. “It’s nice.”

  Darlene pulled into the Tumbleweed parking lot and turned off the engine although it still coughed and sputtered for another couple of seconds. “All right. I’ll give your new man a chance. But if he hurts you, I’m siccing Mule on him.”

  Getting out of the car, Nicole pulled her short skirt back down. “Deal,” she said as she walked arm in arm with her best friend toward the door. “I’ll probably spend some of my evening at the bar keeping Tag company but I’d love to play a game of pool or two.”

  Bumping their hips together, Darlene opened the door. “I can handle that.”

  Tag spotted Nicole as soon as she walked through the door. The place was rowdy tonight and he reminded himself to keep an eye on his new lady. As she approached the bar, Tag took in the way she looked and decided he might just have his hands full with this one. He watched as her large firm breasts bounced a little as she strolled toward him. Licking his lips, Tag felt his cock go hard in an instant.

  Stepping up to the bar, Nicole gave him a killer smile. “Hey, you.”

  “Damn, woman. You look good enough to eat.” He leaned over the bar and gave her a kiss, brushing his fingers across her erect nipple as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

  He broke the kiss and looked into Nicole’s eyes. “You’re absolutely beautiful.” Wendy Jean chose that moment to holler his name. He looked over at her and nodded. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “Just a draw of beer. Will it bother you if I leave you for a few minutes and play Darlene in a game of pool?” Nicole leaned against the bar, showing Tag a generous view of her breasts.

  Groaning, Tag couldn’t help but to slip a finger between those glorious creamy mounds. “It’s fine with me. Just do me a favour and save me a dance. I have another break coming in an hour.” Wendy Jean yelled at him again and he quickly filled an icy glass of beer for Nicole before going to the other end of the bar to mix drinks.

  He watched as Nicole took her beer and walked over to the pool table. She put her quarters down to save her spot in line and went to find her friend.

  “Honestly, Tag, if you’re going to drool, at least do it while you work.”

  Tag looked up to find Wendy Jean smiling at him. “Don’t worry. I like Skeeter. I just like getting good tips even better. Now hurry up with my order.” She finished her sentence with a wink and Tag nodded.

  “I can’t help it. She’s just so damn beautiful. What in the hell is wrong with the men of this town? Even if she’d turned me down after I approached her, I would have kept trying until she gave in.”

  Placing the drinks securely on her tray, Wendy Jean tilted her head sideways. “I think that’s because you seem interested in more than a quick piece of ass from her. The guys around here usually only want one thing when they come to the bar, to get laid and then go back to their wives or girlfriends. Skeeter’s known these fellas her entire life. She knows their wives and girlfriends so she doesn’t give most of them the time of day.”

  “Good. That’s nice to hear. I don’t plan on sharing her with anyone. She’s mine.” Tag nodded once and went back to tending bar.

  When it was finally her turn to play pool, Nicole signalled to Darlene and headed to pick out a stick. A hand running across her butt, made Nicole smile. Turning around she expected to see Tag, what she saw instead was the worst nightmare of her life. “Lonnie? What are you doi
ng back in town?”

  The good-looking blond man stepped even closer to Nicole. “I came back to see if you’ll forgive me, Skeeter?”

  Taking several steps back, Nicole put her hand up to ward him off. “My name’s not Skeeter and you know how much I hate that. Are you sure you came back for me or for some more of my savings?” Nicole turned her back on him and approached the table. She glanced over her shoulder as Lonnie stood with his mouth open. “Give it up Lonnie. You’ll never get another thing from me. You’re damn lucky I don’t call Sheriff Buford on your ass.”

  Trying her best to ignore him, Nicole let Darlene break. She ended up with solids, which were her favourites. Glancing up, Nicole spotted Tag watching her. She wondered if he’d seen the exchange with Lonnie.

  “Your shot kiddo,” Darlene said as she seemed to keep one eye on Nicole and one on Lonnie.

  “Sorry,” Nicole said as she studied the table. She finally decided on her shot, partly because it was across the table from where Lonnie stood. After watching the ball sink into the hole, Nicole walked around the table again. This time, she watched as Darlene insinuated herself between Nicole and Lonnie. God bless her best friend.

  The game went on that way, with Darlene trying her best to run interference. She didn’t want to start a fight but she didn’t like the way Lonnie kept looking at her. Evidently she wasn’t the only one because right after losing the game to Darlene, strong arms wrapped around her. She could tell by the Old Spice aftershave it was Tag and she leaned back against him.

  Kissing Nicole’s neck, Tag kept his eyes on the man in the corner. “Dance?”

  Turning around in his arms, Nicole looked up at him and smiled. “I’d love a dance. Do you know how to two-step?”

  “Darlin’ I was born to two-step. You just try and keep up with this old man.” Tag smiled and gave her a quick kiss before leading her to the dance floor. He started them off at a respectable distance apart but as they moved and twirled around the dance floor, he pulled her closer. He’d danced in a million bars in all corners of the world and his particular style showed it. He loved the fiery Latin dances and often liked to incorporate the hip rolls and sexually suggestive movements into all his steps.

  As he danced Nicole around the floor he soon felt eyes on him. Placing his hand tighter on Nicole’s ass, he pulled her even closer and bent down to speak into her ear. “Who is he?”

  He felt Nicole stiffen in his arms. Running his tongue along the shell of her ear, Tag felt her relax again. “That’s Lonnie, my ex-boyfriend and biggest mistake.”

  He could still feel this Lonnie guy’s eyes on him but he didn’t bother looking his way. Instead he pulled Nicole even closer to his body, loving the way her curves felt against him. “I thought he wasn’t in town.”

  “I thought so, too. He must have just shown up or I’m sure everyone would’ve been bending my ear telling me he was back.” She kissed Tag’s neck. “You don’t have anything to worry about, papa bear.”

  Giving her a real kiss, Tag thrust his tongue possessively inside her wet depths. “Good. You’re mine.”

  “Yes. I am.”

  After their dance, Tag led Nicole back where he could protect her. Finding an empty stool at one of the high tables, Tag set it at the end of the bar where he could get to her quickly if he needed. It was also nice for a quick grope and kiss when he was between customers.

  After a fairly long stretch of filling drink orders, he took Nicole another Diet Rite and an order of nachos. She smiled when he set the basket of food and the beer down.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk or fat?”

  “Neither, but if you were to get drunk, I’d happily take care of you. And if you gain weight, I figure that’ll just be more of you to hold.” He went around the end of the bar to insinuate himself between Nicole’s bare thighs.

  She looked around and tried to close her legs. “Um… my skirt is a little short for this particular position.”

  Tag looked down and licked his lips at the picture she made. Although her ass was still covered by the skirt, Nicole’s pussy was clearly on display. Groaning, Tag reached down and thrust two fingers deep into her wet depths. Nicole’s head tilted back as she moaned and looked into his eyes.

  Bending slightly to whisper in her ear, Tag continued his rhythm in and out of her. “You’re a bad girl, angel. I have half a mind to flip you over this bar and spank this beautiful ass of yours.”

  Turning her head, Nicole ran her tongue up the side of his face. “I reckon you could do that. Of course then everyone in this bar would be lookin’ at my ass.”

  Tag grunted and removed his fingers. Slipping his dripping fingers into his mouth he savoured Nicole’s taste. “Mine,” he growled. “You just make sure you stay right where you are. I might need another snack before quitting time.” He gave Nicole a smile and a wink and went back to work.

  Nicole sat for the next hour watching Tag work. Damn he turned her inside out. He was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen and he wanted her. But more than that, Tag treated her like she felt she deserved to be treated. He was kind but forceful, the perfect combination for her.

  She watched as he mixed a couple of drinks, paying particular attention to his forearms. Damn she was a sucker for muscled, heavily veined forearms on a man. Nicole let her eyes wander over his body and couldn’t help but squirm a little on her stool. She still had another half hour before he got off and she intended to get them both off soon after.

  Squirming again, Nicole leaned forward and brushed her aching nipples against the edge of the bar. Closing her eyes, she barely contained her moan. When she opened them again, it was to find Tag staring right at her breasts. Giving him an impish smile she shrugged.

  Tag finished his order and then came around the bar to stand beside her. Leaning down, he tweaked her nipple as he took her mouth in a possessive kiss. “You’re about to make me come in my jeans. Be good for another,” Tag looked up at the bar clock, “fifteen minutes and you’ll definitely get rewarded.”

  Deciding to torture him just a little more, Nicole looked into his eyes. “But I’m so wet. I need your big cock in me now. I need your lips wrapped around my nipple while I ride you.”

  Reaching behind her, Tag gave Nicole’s butt a healthy swat. “Behave. If you make me come now, they’ll be none for you on the ride home.” He ruined his stern face with a slight lift to one corner of his mouth. The result was a sexier than sin grin. Nicole knew in that second she was falling hard for Tag.

  Nodding, she crossed her arms in a mock pout. “Fine.”

  After he’d taken care of his work duties, Tag quickly excused himself and headed toward the men’s room. Nicole jumped off the stool and got her purse Tag had thoughtfully put behind the bar for her. Adjusting her skimpy halter top for maximum exposure, she smiled to herself and waited by the door.

  Tag reappeared and called his goodnight to Bobby Jim. Nicole could feel her heart pounding as ‘sex on a stick’ came walking toward her. He continued walking until she was pressed against the door. “You ready for that ride now?”

  “I reckon,” she answered just before his lips closed over hers.

  Breaking the kiss, Tag looked down at her. “Let’s get outta here before I get fired for fucking you against the door.”

  Nicole happily opened the door. As they walked toward Tag’s Harley in the back of the parking lot, Tag pushed his hand under her skirt to squeeze her naked ass.

  He helped her climb on the bike and swiped her wet channel with his fingers before getting on in front of her. Before he started the engine he turned to look at her over his shoulder. “Feel like a little ride out in the country? I’ve got a little cabin that’s attached to some land. It’s real pretty in the moonlight.”

  “Take me anywhere you want.” She gave a slight yelp as he reached behind his back and ran his finger up her slit once more.

  “Pull my shirt out and up. I want to feel that pretty pussy vibrate against my back as I drive.�
�� Tag started the loud motorcycle as she pulled his tight T-shirt out of his low-rise jeans.

  As she scooted closer, she was sad to find her pussy didn’t reach up to his skin. When he took off, however and she felt the denim against her erect clit she smiled. Yeah this will work.

  As soon as Tag left town, he took one hand off the handlebars and unfastened his jeans. Nicole quickly took over for him as she slid the zipper carefully down releasing his hard cock. Running her hand up his thick erection, Nicole buried her face in his back and giggled. Tag must’ve gone to the bathroom back at the bar to put a condom on. She’d never heard of such a thing, but then again, she’d never known anyone like Tag. Lifting her head, to yell above the engine roar she asked, “How much further?”

  His answer was to reach back and pull her even tighter against him. After about ten minutes, Tag pulled the bike down a seldom used dirt path. Nicole looked around trying to figure out where she was. She’d grown up here, so why didn’t this road look familiar?

  Through a clump of trees, she spotted a small log house. As they rode by, Tag pointed, “That’s where I live.” He didn’t stop, but instead continued along the dirt path until they came to a large pond. Shutting off the engine, Tag put the kickstand down and in one fluid motion, pulled Nicole around to straddle his lap.

  Looking to her left, Nicole watched the moonlit water. “You’re right, it’s beautiful.”

  Tag cupped her cheek and brushed his lips across hers. “What are you doing to me?” He covered her lips with his own as he thrust up inside of her.

  Finding a foothold, Nicole rose off his erection before sinking back down. Their passion was without equal as Nicole rode him to mutual completion. Throwing his head back, Tag cried her name as he came.

  Rubbing her bare back, Tag played with the ties to her halter top. “Will you go home with me? Let me hold you in my arms?”


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