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Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2)

Page 10

by Mia Dymond

Her father paced, his long legs covering distance in no time. “I don’t doubt Sgt. Taylor’s skill, but believe me, if somebody wants you dead, they will find a way around him. I’ve presided over many murder cases, and only a few attempted murder cases.”

  She glanced at the other men in the room and finally settled her gaze onto Thunder, sending him a subliminal plea. Help me reason with him.

  As if reading her mind, Thunder joined the conversation. “Sir, your daughter is never alone. We’re working diligently to figure out who’s behind the threat so that we can eliminate it.”

  Judge Abbott finally stopped pacing and folded her into another tight bear hug. “I’m a father. I can’t help but worry about my only child.”

  “I know Dad, but I’m in really good hands.”

  “I still think a safe house is in order.”

  “No.” She extricated herself from her father’s hold and fought the urge to stomp her foot like a belligerent two–year–old. Since Ace stood the closest to her line of vision, she turned her gaze to him this time.

  Ace cleared his throat. “Sir, stashing her would be an effective solution only if she stays in one place – immobile, without visitors and secluded with Chaos.”

  “I’d have to agree.” Rebel leaned forward in his chair. “And we all know that’s not going to happen.”

  Kat threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “Of course it’s not. I have a business to run and a life to live. He’s not going to win.”

  The room fell silent, all ten male gazes glued to hers, until Chaos stepped forward and laid a hand on her shoulder. Electricity traveled from her shoulders to her toes in the heated moment.

  “As long as you do as I say, you’ll be safe.”

  Although reassured both by his touch and his confession, Kat wasn’t completely sure her father was convinced. She dug her feet into the carpet, prepared to present her best argument.

  Instead, the judge sighed. “Fine. No safe house. For now. But at least use James. He can handle your personal matters to alleviate some of the stress.”

  “James Foster?” Rebel steepled his fingers and propped his chin on top.

  “Yes, you probably met him this evening.”

  Thunder nodded. “We did. Do you trust him with your daughter’s life, Sir?”

  “Absolutely. He’s been with me a long time.”

  Kat didn’t miss the abrupt change in Chaos as he dropped his hand and then folded both arms across his chest. Long gone was the dutiful bodyguard that loomed and hovered without fail. Enter the dangerously determined protector, intent on murdering anyone who threatened her. Obviously, he didn’t think too much of sharing the particulars of her life with someone else – and neither did she.

  “I really don’t think that’s necessary, Dad. You keep him fairly busy yourself.”

  “I insist. I’ll send him by the spa for instructions.”

  She sighed, not too terribly bothered by her father’s insistence. James was harmless and although she knew Chaos may not be convinced, she knew it to be true.

  “Okay Dad, send him by tomorrow. I’d really like to go home now. It’s been a very long evening.”

  “You could stay here. I’ll have Maria make up the spare bedrooms.”

  She gave her father a genuine smile, warmed by his invitation, but still determined to conquer the mind of a madman. Besides, if she didn’t return tonight, she might very well decide not to and she refused to succumb to weakness. She moved her gaze to Chaos.

  “We’ll be fine, right?”

  Chaos unfolded his arms and extended a hand toward her. Without a second thought, she slid her hand into his, desperate for his comforting touch.

  “Without a doubt.”

  Their gazes remained interwoven, solidifying her thought that he would support her decision even if he halfway disagreed. That he would stand beside her no matter what the outcome. Her heart pounded with deep admiration and trust, eternally grateful he was on her side. Then, as if he heard her silent gratitude he gave her hand a slight squeeze.

  Someone cleared his throat, distracting her from the tender moment.

  “You want a gate–keeper?”

  She moved her gaze to Thunder who obviously still focused on the night’s events.

  “No,” Chaos answered. “A guard will only make him cocky. He didn’t attempt entry which leads me to the conclusion that he isn’t quite as brave as he wants us to believe.”

  “We’ll stand by and meet you at the spa in the morning to talk particulars. In the meantime, keep her close.”

  Chaos glanced at their hands with their fingers now braided and then nodded. “I have every intention of doing so, Captain.”


  He reached for the ringing phone, anxious for a report, but annoyed with the noise. He preferred dealing with people face to face so he could gauge their reactions, judge their loyalty, their fear. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible in this case.

  “Did you deliver the message?”

  “Yeah, they got it alright.”

  A smile split his lips and he sat back in his chair and propped up his feet on the desk while his associate’s confession boosted his confidence. “Tell me more.”

  “Taylor practically dragged her from the house.”

  “Did you follow?”

  “Yes. I ended up behind an iron gate I couldn’t have penetrated if I’d tried.”

  “That would be the one surrounding the judge’s estate.” He snickered, amused by his ability to manipulate them.

  “Are you sure we’re not poking a grizzly bear?”

  He didn’t need visual confirmation that his associate still wasn’t confident in the plan. “No man is invincible. Look for his weaknesses.”

  “I’m not sure he has any. Hell, even if he does, they run in packs like a bunch of hungry wolves. Getting near him is impossible at this point.”

  “I don’t want you to get too close. What about the woman?”

  “She was obviously bothered. She never left his side.”

  “Good. I don’t want her to get too comfortable. I want both her and the judge to squirm.”

  “How much longer are we going to play with them? I’m ready for some action.”

  His feet hit the floor and he sat forward. “Patience. These things take time to be done properly. Do I need to replace you?”


  “Then see that you follow instructions to the letter. The more they suffer, the sweeter my revenge.”

  “His reinforcements are just as big and dangerous as he and they’re sticking close to her and the judge. Hell, they’re even cozying up to her friends.”

  “Let them think they’re safe. In the end, they’ll be even more surprised.”

  Bored with his associate’s sniveling, he disconnected and stood to look out the window at his well–manicured grounds. The upkeep of his estate was expensive but worth every last penny and his involvement in operations such as these guaranteed his wealth. For that reason, it was important for him to associate only with confident men. Those in his organization knew that he expected loyalty and determination from each and every one. And just as he had promised them, the man who assisted in elevating his status would share the same favor.

  His current associate was proving to be difficult and he had no time for such nonsense. His plan had a timeline and it must be followed precisely for him to succeed. He sat back in his chair and tossed ideas around in his brain. The man had never given him reason to doubt his loyalty and the information he provided thus far did prove helpful. However, his resistance to authority could not be tolerated.

  He leaned forward and reached for his phone. Perhaps it was time to call in reinforcements of his own.


  The next morning, Kat thumbed through the pages of her appointment book at the reception desk, mentally preparing herself for the day while Chaos sat folded into a nearby chair. With his fingers steepled, his large frame literally spilled over the arm
s of the chair, his bulging muscles occupying every inch of free space. No doubt about it, the man provided a definite conversation piece. Too bad he was only here to save her life.

  Despite last night’s excitement, she slept relatively well. In fact, she hadn’t even moved from her bed until the alarm clock insisted. And when she finally made it downstairs, she’d been surprised to see him still sprawled across her sofa cushions. Although dressed, he appeared relaxed and she didn’t even realize he was awake until he issued a deep, husky good morning. She nearly jumped out of her skin.

  She released a soft sigh. She’d been sorely tempted to play hooky for the day. Fortunately, she hadn’t scheduled a client until after lunch which afforded some much–needed girl time. She hadn’t had a chance to let Chaos in on the plan for him to watch the front while she and her friends took a dip in the hot tub. She grinned. Wouldn’t Missy Hilton get a treat when she arrived for her massage and found Chaos on display at the reception desk?

  “Something tells me that smile is dangerous to my health.”

  His low, smooth voice invaded the silence and caused a wave of goosebumps to tap dance on her skin. “I don’t have a client until this afternoon.”

  He gave a slight nod. “Your posse is en route.”

  “How could you possibly know that?”

  “I know everything.”

  That ladykiller smile split his lips and for one full second she didn’t really care how he knew. Her gaze began in one corner of his mouth and traveled the surface of his smooth lips while she fought the temptation to press her own against them. Once she made full circle, her mouth watered and her heartbeat quickened.

  “I see.” She jerked her gaze back into his and cleared her throat. “Your knowledge wouldn’t have come from a lucky guess, would it?”

  “No. Rebel’s whooped. He usually knows Sophie’s plans inside and out.”

  She gave him a smile of her own. “They’re very much in love.”

  He simply nodded and she caught a flash of something peculiar in the depths of his gaze. Although brief, she couldn’t mistake a distinct look of longing. Longing for what she didn’t know, but she was willing to bet it had something to do with love and security – the two things Sophie and Rebel had in spades. He could grouse about Rebel’s being whooped all he wanted – he couldn’t disguise the fact that he desired the same thing.

  “You get to work the appointment desk,” she said, choosing to change the subject.


  She waited for him to argue or pass the task onto one of his teammates but instead, he sat unmoved as if he had already accepted his fate.

  “Think you can handle it?”

  He moved his gaze from her eyes, down her body, and then back again, obviously not bothered by the fact she was aware of his blatant perusal. Her knees weakened as she held tight to her self–control, determined not to jump into his lap and kiss him senseless.

  “As long as I don’t have to wear the pink apron,” he answered as their gazes met again.

  “No apron, soldier.” She rolled her eyes. “You have an aversion to pink, don’t you?”

  “Not at all. In fact, pink is my new favorite color.”

  She stood in the electrically–charged silence and wondered just how much longer she could sidestep her attraction to him. She had absolutely no problem admitting he was a truly beautiful man, not to mention he was determined to lay down his life for her; she just couldn’t get a good read on his feelings for her. True, the chemistry between them sizzled, but he had yet to make his intentions known.

  Did he see himself only as her protector? Or did his feelings delve deeper?

  She gave him a bright smile, doing the best she could to dodge the issue. Besides, he may very well run for the hills if he knew her thoughts.

  “Do you know why I use the color?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Naturalists claim pink is the color of compassion. I like to think women visit my spa to relax and unwind. The least I can do is give them a peaceful place to do that.”

  He nodded. “I think you’ve succeeded.”



  His compliment caused her stomach to flutter yet again, and she wasn’t sure if his words or just the sound of his voice caused the sensation. Unfortunately, the sound of the bell over the door interrupted any further analysis as Sophie, Carley, and Liv entered.

  Sophie rounded the desk and drew her into a hug. “Rebel told me all about your evening. I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks, Sophie.” She gave her friend a squeeze and then stepped back. “Chaos is taking very good care of me.”

  “We’re all grateful.” Carley glanced at Chaos. “Thank you.”

  Chaos leaned forward in the chair and tilted his head to one side, almost as if he were confused by her friend’s appreciation.

  “My pleasure.”

  “We could all use a little relaxation,” Liv added. “Are the bubbles ready?”

  Kat giggled, already relaxed by the appearance of her friends. “Yes. I turned on the Jacuzzi jets first thing this morning.”

  “Well, then lead on.” Carley gestured with one hand to the hallway leading to the back of the spa.

  Kat led them to the Jacuzzi room and then directed each woman to a dressing room before she entered the remaining cubicle. After a quick change of clothing, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator just inside the door and then returned to find her friends seated at a nearby table.

  “I realize it’s ten o’clock in the morning,” she said as she set four wine glasses on the table and then began to fill them, “but I, for one, would really like a drink.”

  “You deserve it,” Carley agreed. “And what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t join you?”

  Liv took a full glass. “We’d be terrible friends.”

  Kat poured her own glass and then sat beside Sophie. “A word to the wise, girls. The cameras are pointed at us; however, they can’t hear a word we say.”

  “Good to know.” Carley lifted her glass, took a drink, and then set it back on the table. “Are you really holding up okay?”

  “Yes, I’m in really good hands.”

  “Oh yeah?” Sophie raised an eyebrow. “Do tell.”

  “Figuratively speaking.”

  “Nuh–huh.” Carley leaned forward, braced her elbows on the table, and then rested her chin on top. “Spill, Kat.”

  She released a hard sigh. These women knew her better than she knew herself. She might as well lay it all on the line.

  “The man knows his way around a woman, that’s for sure.”

  Liv coughed and then set her wineglass on the table. “That’s not what I expected you to say.”

  “He does?” Carley grinned. “And how would you know?”

  “We were distracted in the kitchen when the alarm went off the other night.”

  “In the kitchen?” Liv cleared her throat. “That’s adventurous.”

  “We were only kissing, but we might as well have been having sex.” She groaned. “The man is a like a Tootsie Roll Pop; I’d lick him several times just to get the middle.”

  Sophie grinned “What happened next?”

  “Nothing. The alarm interrupted.”

  “Bummer,” Sophie mumbled. “But there’s always the next time.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  Liv frowned. “Huh? Did he give you an indication he didn’t enjoy it?”

  “Uh, no.” She smirked. “It was quite evident he enjoyed it.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t know for sure.” She lifted her glass, sipped the cool liquid, and then returned the vessel to the table. “I got the impression he might have regretted it.”

  “Well, you were interrupted by the threat of murder,” Carley drawled. “Maybe that distracted him.”


  “Give it time,” Liv soothed. “You may be pleasantl
y surprised.”

  Sophie nodded. “And in the meantime, he’ll be around twenty four hours a day.”

  “Oh, yes he will,” she mumbled. “Still, there’s something weird about being a target.”

  “Weird?” Liv’s eyebrows nearly touched her forehead. “Downright frightening to me.”

  “It’s kind of like being in a dream and I really hope I wake up soon.”

  Carley reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “Has Chaos found anything else?”

  “No. He fires questions at me like a machine gun but nothing has surfaced yet. And honestly, that picture really freaked me out.”

  “Rebel’s been on the computer day and night.” Sophie released a soft sigh. “Apparently, this guy is a ghost.”

  Liv nodded. “Do you have any ideas, Kat? Do you suspect anyone at all?”

  “Absolutely no one.” Kat shrugged. “I’ve racked my brain until I’m sure it will crack.”

  Sophie grinned. “At least you’re in really good company in the meantime.”

  “Yeah.” Carley lifted her glass. “Here’s to your mysterious, incredibly–hot bodyguard and his ability to keep you safe.”

  All three other women lifted their glasses and then took a drink.

  “Hang on, girls,” she said as soon as she swallowed. “It’s going to be a wild ride.”


  Chaos released a long breath as he sat at the reception desk and moved his eyes from one monitor to the next. Much to his relief, Kat’s security system was impressive and he’d only made one minor tweak. With a few simple keystrokes on the computer, the screens had been split into fourths, allowing activity in any part of the spa to be observed all at one time. Luckily, the only activity gracing the screens presently showed Kat and her posse corking a bottle of wine and then climbing into the hot tub.

  For half a second, he felt like a perverted voyeur, watching the four insanely–beautiful women dressed in swimming suits that left almost nothing to the imagination. He snorted. Rebel would beat the hell out of him if he knew Chaos watched his woman behind the camera. Yet, Sophie wasn’t the woman who drew his attention.


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