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Tame Me (Alpha Four, Book 2)

Page 19

by Mia Dymond

  “It’s really very simple,” Hawthorne said quietly. “You are just a pawn in a very extravagant game of chess. You see, your elimination only elevates my status. And, it clears the way for future success.”

  Bullshit. Chaos reached into his pocket and palmed a device. Keep him talking, Kat.

  “How does killing me allow you to gain notoriety?”

  “Your social status.” Hawthorne shrugged. “Think of it as a high score, if you will. The people I work for respect the ability to eliminate obstacles.”

  “Obstacles to what? Stealing money from hungry people?”

  He released an evil snicker. “I’ve stolen thousands from your precious charity and you’ve just now realized it. That alone proves my skill.”

  “Skill? I don’t think so. All you’ve done is abuse the trust of several people.”

  “I am an expert,” he insisted. “Otherwise you would have figured out this really has nothing to do with you.”

  “Huh?” She shook her head as if thoroughly confused. “You threated my life as well as my father’s. I think this has an awful lot to do with me.”

  A wide smile covered his pasty face. “In theory. However, it was all a ploy to get rid of your bodyguard.”


  His heart began to hammer his chest with the force of its beat. This slimy bastard had been after him the whole time?

  “Yes. I’ve had a score to settle with Taylor for years. Obviously he didn’t get the hint when we sent him a message with his beloved Melaina.”

  Chaos took several deep breaths and willed himself to push past the overwhelming pain and anger that invaded his brain.

  “Sonuvabitch,” Ace muttered into his microphone.

  “We?” Kat pressed.

  “I am under the direction of the Montez organization.”

  “Do it, Ace,” Chaos growled.

  “Got him in my sight,” his teammate answered. “Flash him.”

  Chaos reached into his pocket and palmed a device while Kat kept talking.

  “How does James tie into all this?”

  “He was a last–minute acquisition. He led me to your location and I knew you’d open the door for him.” He unfolded his arms and then gestured with the gun for them to stand. “Let’s go.”

  Chaos shook his head. Idiot. Standing while having your hands secured behind was not an easy task. He glanced at Ace and gave a nod.

  Quickly taking advantage of Hawthorne’s stupidity, he tossed a flashbang near his feet and grinned like a toothless baby. Almost in slow motion, the mechanism rolled within inches of Hawthorne’s right foot. The man had less than a half of a second to glance down before the action began.

  Chaos grasped the edge of one barrel as an intense explosion rattled his eardrums and tumbled the surrounding barrels while thick smoke filled the area and strobe lights flashed. Hawthorne fell to the floor. Kat and Foster both began to cough.

  He waited several seconds as Hawthorne rolled to one side and then stood to face him, bent at the waist and gasping for air; Ace took his shot.

  Even in the murky atmosphere and amidst the strobe light effect of the device, Chaos didn’t move his concentration until a bloody hole opened Hawthorne’s forehead.

  The body hadn’t even hit the floor when he rushed from behind the barrels and towards Kat. It wasn’t until he squished her against him to feel the beat of her heart that he spoke.

  “Suspect down,” he said into the microphone.

  “Clean–up crew en route,” Thunder answered.

  “I can’t breathe,” Kat wheezed against him.

  “A necessary evil.”

  “No,” she coughed. “You’re squeezing me too tightly.”

  “You’ll just have to suffer.” He did ease up just a bit. “I’m not about to let go.”

  “I’ve suffered enough for one day,” she mumbled.

  Still, he refused to release her – not until he absolutely had to. As far as he was concerned, in his arms was the only place for her to be.

  “Did you hear what he said?” she asked from the depths of his arms.

  “Every word.”

  “I’m sorry I opened the door.”

  “Old news.”

  He glanced at Foster who now stood while Ace cut the rope from his hands. Even through the remaining smoky haze he could see the other man’s panic. With his body cursing, he eased her back from him and reached to move her hair from her forehead.

  “I have a feeling Foster didn’t sign up for this.”

  “Probably not.” She grinned. “But this is most likely the most excitement he’s ever had in his life.”

  He chuckled, relieved to hear she found humor in the whole situation. “You ready to get out of here?”

  “Yes, but I think you’ve forgotten something.”

  He stood perfectly still while detectives and crime scene technicians swarmed the interior of the building. Flashbulbs popped; equipment scraped the floor while being assembled. Yet, the flurry of activity faded into the background while he contemplated his next move. What she asked of him demanded severe courage and having his heart ripped from his chest was something he never again wanted to experience.

  And then a ray of light touched her face and set a sparkle free in the depths of her eyes. A gold, glittering promise that she wouldn’t ever entertain the thought that haunted him. A silent oath that swore the risk was worth it.

  “I love you, Kat.”

  A slow, easy smile separated her plump, pink lips and he knew one hundred percent without a doubt that he made the right decision. Life with her would keep him on his toes, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  “I love you too, but would you mind untying my hands?”


  Ace rolled over, annoyed by the obnoxious noise vibrating off the night stand beside the bed. Clean–up at the marina had taken most of the day and just like every other mission, it had taken him time to come down from the adrenaline high of taking out yet another sick individual. And although he didn’t know exactly what time it was, he was pretty sure he hadn’t been asleep all that long. Still half asleep, he grabbed the ringing cell phone and squinted at the illuminated screen.

  Well, well, well.

  A smirk split his lips as extreme curiosity chased the sleep from his body. Unless the caller ID lied, Miss Carley Kensworth was on the other end of the line and suddenly a good night’s sleep was the furthest thing from his mind. The short, sassy black–haired beauty had a knack for stimulating him with the bat of an eyelash. Yeah, he was definitely wide awake now. He propped himself up on two pillows, crossed his ankles, and then swiped the icon to answer the call.

  “Reconsider that booty call?”

  “Yes, but not now.”

  Although shocked that she answered his tease with one of her own, he frowned. Something in her direct, honest admission made him suspicious.

  “What’s wrong, Carley?”

  “Nothing, really. I just need your assurance that I’m not jumping to conclusions.”

  Now insanely curious about the nature of the call, he tread carefully. “Okay, shoot.”

  “I hosted a party tonight and someone left me a gift.”

  “Is that unusual?”

  “Well, actually no.” She cleared her throat. “It’s not unusual for me to receive a gift, however this one is unique.”

  “Go on.”

  “It’s a human finger.”

  He sat straight up in bed, swung his legs over the side, and then stood to yank open a nearby dresser drawer. “Put it on ice,” he growled as he grabbed a clean t–shirt. “I’m on my way.”

  Other books by Mia Dymond:

  Leather, Lace and Rock–N–Roll

  (SEALs, Inc., Book 1)

  It is perfectly acceptable to attend a rock concert bare–bottomed with your panties in your pocket. And even more acceptable to flash your "goodies" to get backstage. That's what beau
tiful, brainy architect, Rachel Newberry learns when she loses a bet to her fearless best friend, Cameron Tremaine. Determined to ditch her annoying habit of being reserved and controlled, she learns that breaking the mold may prove too much to handle.

  Rock–n–Roll icon Jaydon Hawke (Hawke) is ready to settle down, build a home, and start a family. Spoiled and pampered, he's used to getting exactly what he wants, and what he wants now is Rachel. Except, she may not have the same idea. For the first time in his life, he struggles to win a woman's affection.

  Hawke’s carefully orchestrated plans go awry when Rachel's professional reputation is challenged because of their relationship – and the crazed stalker who has sights set on Rachel doesn't help much either. In a desperate attempt to gain her trust, Hawke must break her heart to save her very life.

  Outspoken Angel

  (SEALs, Inc., Book 2)

  What do you get when you cross a flamboyant, smart–mouthed interior designer with a disciplined, reserved Navy SEAL?

  A bald, beefy Adonis with exceptional fashion sense.

  Cameron Tremaine lives life to the fullest, successful in business and fiercely independent. She digs in her heels when her best friend, Rachel, assigns the task of protecting her from a stalker to Max, head of security for Rachel's rock star husband. She doesn’t need a bald, bossy bodyguard – thank you very much – especially one oh so delectable as Max.

  Handbags, stilettos, and spa dates – not retired SEAL Max Sterling’s usual m.o. – until Cameron Tremaine. Max is a self–disciplined, no–nonsense ex–Navy SEAL, for Pete’s sake. Under his command, soldiers fall in line and follow orders as expected. Except, Cameron’s no soldier – she challenges his every command and does it with a sweet, syrupy smile.

  Duty bound, Max tolerates her sass and smart mouth until she pushes too far. When someone decides to silence her for good, he learns that bold and brassy go hand in hand.

  Freaky By Nature

  (SEALs, Inc., Book 3)

  Former Navy SEAL and private investigator Brett Steele didn't realize there was a politically correct term for stripping until he met Holly London. Initially drawn to her long legs and curvy, toned body, Brett soon learns there is more to the sensual dance instructor than he thought.

  Holly has a colorful secret: psychic ability allows her to read aura through color. Believing she is a freak of nature, Holly avoids personal relationships and ignores her curse, rendering it a nuisance – until the atmosphere warns her she has become the target of a madman. Faced with exposing her secret, Holly must risk trusting Brett in order to stay alive.

  Tightly Wound

  (SEALs, Inc., Book 4)

  Claire Steele has spent her whole life dodging shadows. Psychic since birth, she uses her talent to chase the evil lurking in the recesses of her mind.

  For years, Lt. Malcolm "Shadow" Windsor has walked the fragile boundary of friendship, silently waiting for Claire to acknowledge her love for him. An ex–Navy SEAL and expert tracker, he knows patience is the key to her surrender – until sinister forces threaten to eliminate her.

  Caught between love and death, Claire and Shadow must combine both talent and skill to survive.

  The Cat’s Meow

  (SEALs, Inc., Book 5)

  Tess Michaels, bookkeeper and human calculator, keeps business at The Cathouse clearly profitable – until the numbers begin to fade. When the profit margin drops, she realizes that there is no number more final than zero.

  Matt Brooks, former Army Ranger and newest member of SEALS, Inc., agrees to investigate, immediately intrigued and aroused by Tess’ numerical ability. Her uncanny love of numbers strikes a chord with his own analytical mind and he soon learns that there is a whole lot more to the sexy number–cruncher than he thought.

  Swept into a whirlwind romance, the couple works diligently to discover the cause of the profit loss. Yet when Tess becomes his prime suspect, Matt must do some quick calculations of his own to prove her innocence.

  Never Cry Uncle

  Often a dead–end job is so ... dead.

  When Allison Campbell and Lucy Monroe learn their boss is cheating them out of bonus money, they decide blackmail is the perfect revenge – until he ends up dead and they become prime suspects. Fearing the worst but refusing to ask for family assistance, Allison hires Luke Owens, private investigator.

  Working behind the scenes are Allison's uncles (members of the notorious Scarletti family) who discreetly conspire to use the situation to their advantage. With help from Don Antonio Scarletti, now reincarnated as a two hundred pound Rottweiler known as Scar, they launch an elaborate matchmaking scheme.

  Armed with honorable intentions, Luke ultimately finds himself helping the lead detective, chasing Allison, and working for the Scarletti family all at the same time. He finds out firsthand just exactly what paves the road to good intentions.

  Racing the District Attorney to solve the mystery, Allison and Luke must risk both their hearts and their lives to catch the real killer.

  Playing with Fire

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 1)

  Liberty doesn’t come cheap. In fact, she costs $200 an hour.

  Dr. Liberty Prescott is trained to heal – problem is, she can’t practice what she preaches. Forced to deal with her own weaknesses, she leads a quiet, solitary life, focused on healing her patients.

  Fire Inspector Shane Hartwell fights demons in the dark. Held hostage by both fear and pride, he refuses to give in until he has no other choice. Desperate to end his torture, he seeks Liberty’s help.

  As attraction sparks between them, an arsonist burns out of control and evidence points straight to Liberty. Against his heart’s denial, Shane accuses her until new evidence emerges. Now with his heart in his hands, can he reclaim hers?

  Positively Criminal

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 2)

  Dr. Sabrina Miller is the queen of camouflage, and keeps her closely–guarded secrets locked deep in her heart. Fiercely dedicated to helping others, she refuses to let anyone interfere with her carefully–planned, somewhat out–of–the–ordinary techniques.

  Detective Jake Rawlings knows he holds the golden key to unlock Sabrina’s secrets, even if she claims otherwise – he just has to find a creative way to expose them. Much to his dismay, she outfoxes him every time.

  Yet, when someone other than Jake discovers what she keeps hidden, he must trust both his instincts and her techniques to keep her alive.

  The Rogue Reviewer

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 3)

  Be careful what you wish for – that's what romance novelist Dara Hamilton reminds herself when she finds a corpse in her living room. Never mind that her best friend wants to raise of glass of wine in a toast, the murder may not have been all that accidental. Armed with an arsenal of research, Dara intends to solve the crime.

  Detective Mace Turner always gets his man, even if that man is a beautiful woman. A seasoned homicide investigator with an incredibly touchy stomach, Mace works diligently to assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a task made nearly impossible with Dara’s interference. It is under extreme duress that he finally accepts her input.

  Pummeled by erotic images planted in his mind by Dara's talent, Mace vows to find the person responsible for murder. Little does he know, that person may be right under his nose.

  Tri Me

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 4)

  What happens at Girls Night Out, stays at Girls Night Out–unless someone is murdered.

  Defense at
torney Alex Jennings intends to follow the code until her life is threatened by an anonymous caller. Although not keen on asking for help, she knows there is one man in whom she can confide.

  Former Detective Jackson Stewart knows it is in his best interest not to interfere with Ladies Night, but when Alex seeks his help, he has no choice but to man–up and take one for the team. After all, if Alex is concerned, the world may very well be coming to an end.

  When Alex’s threats turn to attempts on her life, Jackson must break through her wall of stubborn independence to keep her alive.

  Kiss My Sass

  (Primrose, Minnesota, Book 5)

  St. Thomas + Army Ranger = Tropical Boot Camp.

  Tucked in a tropical paradise, sixth grade teacher Marnie Carpenter has no idea how chaotic witnessing a wedding can be – especially with a groomsman obsessed with detail. Never mind he’s easy on the eyes and oh so sexy, he’s also bossy, domineering and entirely too structured for his own good.

  Retired Army Ranger Ryker Adams readily accepts his assignment to attend his teammate's marriage and learns the true meaning of DRAMA when he must call upon his specialty training to secure a certain unruly witness. A drop–dead gorgeous, tiny stick of dynamite wired for destruction, Miss Carpenter proves to be one of the most difficult assignments he’s ever undertaken.

  Challenged at every turn, Ryker does his best to accommodate her independence while keeping her under thumb, an act that proves almost impossible. Yet, while sparks fly between them, the couple dodges both danger …. and desire.


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