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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 2

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “Alright mate. Thanks for the ride.”

  Mr. sexy gives Den a friendly smile while shaking his hand, then his gaze returning to me.

  “Like I said it will be my pleasure. Jump in. I’m Sallack.”

  Sallack, Wow that is different, it really suits him as well as no one this striking should have an average name.

  Den drops our cases in the back with the help of Sallack, who’s built like a bloody mountain in the most appealing way. Den jumps in next to Sallack while I get in the small seat in the back, Thank God I did not have to sit next to him, I think I would have done something weird like touch his face or asked for a photo.

  I wonder if he lives in Nickel or just passing through, and with that thought Den speaks up,

  “So do you live around here Sallack?”

  Sallack glances at me in the rear view mirror before answering. Is this man trying to give me a heart attack?

  “Yeah I live a mile the other way from town. I was just going out to get some more bottles.” He says. His voice is like a deep sexy rumble.

  “Bottles?” I ask, and then instantly regret, as his eyes land on me in the mirror again. I hope we will be there soon, I don’t know how much I can take.

  “Yeah, bottles of orange juice for the bar, ran out so I was just gunna grab some, as we’re not due a delivery for 2 days.”

  “We were told to ask for a place to stay for a few nights called Quirks, Is that your bar by any chance?” Den asks.

  “Yeah that’s my bar, if you’re looking for somewhere to stay, you’re very welcome there. So what would a couple from England…?”

  He looks at me again; I just nod as I have lost my tongue as well as the feeling in my legs. Uh I am in love!

  “…be doing here if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Ah well we were looking for a big life change and we ended up here by chance really!” Den tells him, saving me from humiliation.

  Den and Sallack carry on chatting, seems like they have a lot in common. They keep trying to bring me into their conversation but I don’t want to talk, I just want to look at Sallack and lust over him in silence! After 20 minutes, we pull up to the front of Sallack's bar. It is surprisingly big looking, a little like a log cabin; there is a second floor with big windows, 8 at the top and 4 large windows on the 1st floor. It has an inviting look; I can’t wait to see the inside.

  “Nice place,” I say to Sallack.

  “Yeah it really is.” Den tells him also.

  We walk up to the double doors, I manage to get stuck behind Sallack, so naturally I have a look at his butt, until he turns around to face me so I’m now staring at this crutch !….shit. Looking up I can see that he noticed by the satisfied look on his handsome face. I look back at Den to see if he noticed also, and of course he has, by giving me a wink and patting my bum whilst releasing a soft growl. No, it wasn’t Den growling, it was Sallack! Den and I whip our heads to the direction of Sallack, but he’s now walking up to a yet another hunk at the bar. Growling must be a sexy man syndrome!

  Sallack speaks in a low hushed tone to the man as Den steps up beside me taking hold of my hand as my gaze travels back up to him.

  “You ok babe? This is a wicked place isn’t it?”

  “Oh definitely, I hope we get to stay here for a while.”

  “I think we will,” He bends to whisper in my ear, “He looks really into you just relax and talk to him like you do me.”

  “Ha yeah right, have you seen him, he looks like a god!” I say a little louder then I meant to. I think every person in the bar turns around to look at me. Den lets out a soft growl startling me slightly and bringing me back from humiliation.

  Sallack strides up to us like we are prey or should I say I am, with a sexy smile paying on his perfect lips.

  “Ok the rooms are still free, I have a room with a double bed and on suite or a double room with 2 single beds also with on suite, there the only rooms we have.”

  “Brilliant could we take the twin room please. Is it ok to pay by card?” I ask him, trying to gain control of myself.

  He gaze travels to Den, with a look saying ‘You're the man you should be paying’. He then nods at Den before his intense eyes capture mine again. Men!

  “That’s fine. Abbey will show you up and get you settled in, she can get you both food if you’re hungry. I have to go now, I’ll see you later.”

  He stands in front of me showing no signs of leaving, just gazing at me with a look of hunger; I look back with just as much lust before he nods his head once and walks away. As I watch him walk away, my eyes automatically travel to his firm butt again, I bit my lip to stop a grin speading over my face.

  “Perv!” Den nearly shouts behind me.

  Sallack turns quickly but not quick enough that he catches me looking at his fine butt. I smile sweetly at him before I turn to Den scrawling at him.

  “I’m not a perv! I just know how to study fine art.” I grin.

  “Oh yeah that’s a good one babe.” He rolls his eyes at me playfully.

  The girl Abbey come’s over with a set of keys, and a sweet smile on her beautiful face. Oh shit, I hope she didn’t see me admiring Sallack’s butt too.

  “Hello I’m Abbey. Follow me I’ll show you to your room.”

  “Thank you Abbey.” Den says with a devilish smile and one of Den’s classic winks.

  She goes from pale, to red in a second, I feel sympathetic towards her as Sallack has the same effect on me. Abbey is a natural beauty with golden brown hair lying silkily over her shoulders, big brown eyes and a little shorter than me, just from the smile on her face, tells me she is a friendly person.

  We enter the room and I’m struck by how lovely it is, with light grey colored walls, two single beds that look more like double’s, luckily for Den as he is huge! The room is very inviting and clean.

  “This is the bathroom.” Abbey opens the door; I stick my head in seeing a glass walk-in shower, white tiles everywhere and fresh red flowers by the small window.

  “It’s lovely, thank you,” I tell her with a smile of gratitude.

  Abbey says her goodbyes and offer of food before she leaves. Den makes two trips down the stairs to get our luggage, I told him to let me get mine, but Den being Den, gives me the look that says, ‘I’m the strong man’. I get to my suitcase on the floor and dig through to find something cooler to put on, rather than jeans and a tank top.

  “Den, I’m going to get a shower?”

  I get no answer, looking to where he is I smile to myself as I see he is on the bed lightly snoring, poor thing.

  I jump in the shower and put the cold tap on with just a little warm. I feel completely relaxed; it feels like heaven as I wash my body and hair with the products I had bought in with me.

  Once I’m dry, I put on a tight strapless dress that come’s up just before my knees, in a light shade of pink. Quickly and quietly, I get my hairdryer from my suitcase, and take it back into the bathroom with to use, so I don't wake Den from his peaceful sleep. I now feel fresh and ready to meet and greet the locals.

  I leave the room and head down stairs to the bar to order us some food. Pulling out my phone from my bag to see the time it is 8:30, wow no wonder I’m hungry. At the bar, I pull out the stool to sit on with a little sigh of happiness.

  The bar tender come’s over flashing a sexy grin, Uh another sexy man.

  “Hello there beautiful, I’m Mickey. Sallack said you’re staying here a few nights?”

  Oh, wow another gorgeous man, with a build much like Den’s, Massive! He has dazzling blue eyes and short dirty blond hair. Don’t blush! Do not blush! Oh wait how did he know I was the person staying here, he was in the kitchen when I came in.

  “Hi Mickey, I’m Zara. Yeah, we just got here today, it’s a wonderful place here in Nickel,” I say after he takes my hand in his, with a gentle shake, as if he is frightened he will break me, and is that…yeah he is sniffing me!

  “Well I look forward to seeing you
a little more. What can I get you Zara?”

  I normally do not like men flirting with me, but Mickey seems light hearted and playful, I like him already he reminds me of Den.

  “Can I have coke please and order something to eat? I’m starving.”

  “Sure what foods do you like we only really do burgers, chicken and chips?” He raises an eyebrow while passing me the glass of coke with ice. My mouth watering just looking at it, I take a gulp then give Mickey my answer.

  “Burger and chips would be fantastic, oh and could you please do my friend the same but double portions?”

  “That’s fine I’ll let Abbey know.”

  “Thank you Mickey.”

  He walk’s around to the small kitchen in the back to give Abbey the order. I know it won’t be long until Den comes down to the bar; the man has the nose and appetite of a Wolfhound. The thought makes me smile after calling Den a Wolf already. I left him to sleep a little longer as he was obviously tired. Knowing Den he will most likely be up all hours making new friends, he has always had a very welcoming personality.

  I have been sitting here a few moments, when a man in his late 30’s take’s the stool beside me.

  “You alone darling?” He asks in a slurred tone.

  “Im here with a friend.”

  “Ah, not a boyfriend though?” He says whilst trying to wiggle his eyebrows, but making himself look like a right twat.

  “Um, I don’t think that’s anything to do with you.”

  He is trying hard to stop himself from falling off the chair. Why do I get the drunks and weirdoes! I need to get away from him ASAP; I can tell this is not going to end well.

  “Oh I like um feisty, nothing like a little struggle!” He smiles creepily at me, making me wince.

  “Excuse me.” I say leaving the stool and heading to the exit door; phone in hand, ready to call Den to hurry his ass up. The drunk will take one look at Den and give up, hopefully.

  I don’t feel safe around the drunk, as well as him being drunk he seemed angry in some way. Stepping out into the fresh night air, feeling more relaxed to be away from the drunken man. A deep male voice shouts behind me, oh no the drunk has followed me.

  “No need to be rude, I’m being nice you little bitch!” He shouts angrily at me as he stumbles towards me with a nasty sneer on his face.

  I feel a tremor of fear go through me, but before I can react, he lurches forward and grabs me in a bear like hold. His hands taking hold of my butt, groping me hard. I try to twist out of his grip, whilst stomping on his foot and pushing his chest with all the strength I can muster to get him away from me. My fear kicking up a notch, as I scream at him,

  “What’s your problem you fucking PERVE!”

  “You will regret that, bitch!” He shouts at me stumbling back.

  Over the drunks shoulder out of nowhere, a man appears, moonlight gleaming off his pale skin. His hand grabs the dunk’s arm and twists him away from me. Facing each other head on, the stranger speaks in hushed words to the drunk as I try to calm myself. He releases him and watches the drunk walk away from us. I stand there stunned with mouth open ready to thank him, when suddenly with speed I could not comprehend; he grabs me by the arms tightly, thrusting me back against the wall. New fear spikes my senses with my hero, now turning attacker! With his dirty blond hair streaming around his dangerously attractive face, as his beautiful ocean blue eyes bore into me. His mouth opens shocking me, as there are two sharp fangs! OH SHIT! He is a Vampire! A FUCKING VAMPIRE!!!

  “Oh shit!” I say loudly whilst tugging against him frantically. My hearts almost beating out of my chest, as his eyes turn a brilliant red. His fangs draw dangerously close to my throat, then suddenly he falterers, inhaling my scent, then pulling back searching my eyes.

  I try to shout for help but his mouth takes mine stifling any sound I can make. I feel paralyzed to the spot as his mouth moves on mine in a demanding and sensual kiss. Releasing my arms, he gently threads his fingers through my hair with one hand, whist crushing me tightly to his hard body. My skin tingles as I uncontrollably lean into him returning the kiss as my arms slide their way up his firm chest. What is wrong with me, I am kissing a vampire! They are real!

  He flashes me a smile of grim satisfaction, I must admit unworthy thoughts make my stomach lurch and parts of me several inches lower than my stomach react quite strongly. I let out a small moan from the loss of his lips as his eyes capturing mine.

  “I’ll be back for you little one.”

  He smiles stunningly at me. I have no idea what the hell is going on, so I can’t manage a smile in return, or to speak, trying to breathe is hard enough! What I do know is; I do not want him to leave me, Vampire or not!

  “Forget what happened. Forget me little one.”

  Den strolls out of the entrance door, straight to me and rests his hand on my shoulder.

  “Hey what you doing out here babe?”

  “Oh, just getting away from some drunk creep!”

  “Where is he now?” He growls looking left to right, then his eyes meet mine with a look of uncertainty.

  “I don’t know. Come on our food will be ready soon.”

  We make our way to the bar taking seats. Mickey comes back over with a nod of his head and a big smile.

  “Mickey this is Den, Den this is Mickey.”

  I introduce them as Den offers his hand to shake, Mickey accepts his hand while Den says, “Nice to meet you man.”

  “You to Den, What can I get you?”

  “Bottle of bud please,” Den answers him, his gaze travelling back to me, eyeing me from head to toe.

  “You look good babe, who you trying to impress?”

  Ha, I think he already knew the answer to that.

  “Um, you look good to?” I ask, questioning him back

  He mischievously winks at me and takes the beer of the counter taking a sip.

  “Uh yeah that’s a good beer. I sorted the bill with Sallack for the rooms while you were ordering,” He then comes close to my ear, “Cheap as chips,” He says and kisses my cheek.

  “Really? Cool.”

  “Yeah, let’s just relax tonight have a drink. It’s been a long day?”

  “Ok, sounds good to me.”

  Abbey kindly brings over our food and we happily munch through it. Den is a nightmare around food; the man could eat anyone out of a home!

  “Den, you keep doing that and I’ll stick this in your eye!” I tell him holding up my folk, as he keeps grabbing fries of my plate, even though he has a plateful.

  “Uh, I love it when you threaten me like that, give us a kiss babe?” He says with a stunning smile, trying to flirt his way out of trouble.

  “Yeah that don’t work on me baby!” I tell him with an eye roll.

  He grabs hold of my face a kisses me on the lips then licking his lips and pulling a sexy face, making me laugh out loud.

  I’m now on the alcohol with Den, I have had 5 bottles; Den has probably had close to 10. I’m glad we had the meal first; I think I would have struggled on an empty stomach. Den is in the corner of the bar talking to a table full of woman, I’d say from ages 20-45 and loving all the attention he’s getting, as usual. I have gone back to the bar to talk to Mickey, who is very funny and friendly oh and gorgeous.

  “Hey Zara, will you dance with me?” He asks.

  “Absolutely, lead the way.”

  Mickey turns the volume up before he comes to my side of the bar to take my hand; I place my hand in his large one as we walk over to where others are dancing.

  “Uh, you are truly beautiful,” He says to me while looking me from head to toe.

  We dance together to what I’d call real American music, Mickey pulls me close, and put my arms around his neck, I feel his hands slowly creeping down to my butt and I let out a drunken giggle.

  “What are you laughing at Zara?” He asks mischievously.

  I know he means no harm; I get an extremely good vibe from him and I feel safe around him,
which is strange.

  “Oh, I need to watch out for you don’t I,” I say still laughing; he gives me a stunning smile as his reply.

  “Can I cut in?” A deep sexy voice calls to us, we both turn to our sides to see Sallack standing there looking like a Greek God, seeing his handsome face is mesmerizing, and I could watch him all day.

  “Of course,” Mickey says with a knowing smile.

  “Thank you Mickey,” Sallack tells him.

  Mickey nods at me with a cute smile, walking back to the bar. Pulling my attention away, I sway into Sallack and smile up at him, he has to be slightly taller the Den. WOW he is big!

  “I hope you don’t mind Zara I couldn’t help myself anymore.”

  “Anymore?” I ask not understanding.

  “Yes I have been watching you dance for a minute or two.” He smirks at me mischievously, making my knees go weak.

  “Oh, yeah that’s fine,” I say with a grin.

  As we start to dance, the song changes to something slower, Sallack presses me close to his rock hard chest, I lean as much as I can into his masculine body loving the way he feels against me.

  “How’s your room?”

  “It’s perfect, thank you. I can’t wait to get into bed later.”

  “Good I’m glad you like it.”

  I look up at him, as he looks down at me, his eyes lightly sparkle making him look utterly stunning. I take a deep breath through my mouth, as I feel like I am going to pass out from his male beauty. He lets a soft growl escape his lips, making my smile widen.

  “You are beautiful Zara.” He tells me as his intense eyes search mine.

  I look back down, not wanting him to see my face turning red. I can’t believe someone as perfect as him would think this of me. He takes my chin in his hand bringing my eyes to meet his again, he smiles at me as if he knows something I do not.

  “Let’s go sit down beautiful?”

  “Yeah ok.”

  Im so glad he said that as my legs were just about to give way. He calls over to Mickey, asking him to gets us drinks, I sit with him and chat about where I came from and grew up for a good hour.


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