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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 8

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “I can’t leave with you! I have friends waiting for me. Not to mention you’re a horny Vampire that can control me and delete my memory. I am not a robot!” I say to him getting annoyed that he thinks he can do these things with my head Just because he is hot!

  “I wanted to spend time with you. Our time together is always cut short. Please come with me, I will not make you do anything you don’t want to?” Parrise pulls me close to him, positioning his face in the crook of my neck, a shiver of excitement, and of danger comes again.

  “I need to spend time with you, for you to know me, to love me?” He says lifting his head with a playful smile and a wink. Dear God I think I do love him! I pull back to see his face and to study him again.

  “Im sorry, I am interested in another man Parrise; you are making this very difficult for me.”

  “He is not good enough for you, your very special little one. You will be with me, maybe not today, but you will want me as yours, as I want you as mine.”

  His eyes glance to the fire exit door, that is shut and then back to me.

  “Uhh love, it is time, the dogs are looking for you. Look at me Zara?”

  Dogs! He said dogs again. I do as he asks, as the desperation for me to trust him is coming through thickly in his voice.

  “Zara when I leave, do not recognize my name or us being together until I come to you again. Go back around the front and tell your friends you went out this door to get fresh air, and then it slammed shut behind you. I’m sorry Zara”

  “Please Parrise, don’t!”

  He sways forward, arching his body closer to mine as his cool lips press down on my mouth, teasingly nipping at my bottom lip for entrance. I open to him willingly. Our tongues lock together in ecstasy, while he has one hand holding the back of my neck and with his other holding me tightly against his powerful chest, my hands travel to his perfect face, while moans escape my lips.


  A metal door is flung open with force, Ruk’s face is in front of me in a flash, and he is growling violently, what the hell! Why is he so angry with me? What the fuck am I doing out of the club up against a wall? With my hands held out in front of me. I quickly drop them, so as not to look like a freak.

  “Where is he Zara?” Ruk asks sniffing the air and growling wildly.

  “Who? What’s got into you Ruk?”

  Ruk mutters something under his breath, and then looks at with sympathy in his beautiful eyes.

  “What are you doing out here by yourself Zara, its dangerous?” He asks sadly.

  “Sorry I worried you Ruk, I just came to get some fresh air, and then the door slammed shut behind me. I was just going to go around the front.” I tell him, but for some reason I don’t believe myself!

  Ruk leans into me, I think he is going kiss me but he sniffs my face, his eyes shoot to my neck and moving my hair a side he runs his fingers down my neck as if looking for something. The feel of his closeness sends a jolt of desire through my already turned on body. I take a step to the side, needing space between us, before I do something I will regret.

  “Um, are you ok Ruk? Kinda freaking me out.” I say in a laugh, but he drops his hand to his side.

  “I’m sorry; everyone seems to want you as theirs don’t they?”

  I was not expecting him to say that!

  “I’m sorry Ruk, it’s just that…”

  “Im not Sallack?”

  “No! Well yes. You’re very handsome Ruk and I do like you, but I want Sallack?”

  “Handsome hu?” He grins holding his heart teasingly, breaking the tension.

  “Come on Ruk, let’s find the others,” I tell him laughing. He takes my hand as we walk down the dark alley leading to the front of the club.

  As we walk back through the club, Ruk goes off to the bar, telling me he needs to check on something, so I head to the table to find the others. When I get there, I can’t help but sigh as I see Candy eating Den’s face! Get a room, jeez.

  I look around, best I can in the dark club for Abbey but can’t see her, or her friends, must have gone early? Well looks like I am on my own. I take my drink of the table and shot it back; I take Den’s and knock that back too. Heading to the dance floor, I bump and grind my way into the middle. The tunes blaring from the speakers are as if taken right from my Ipod, I love it when this happens. As I start to dance, I feel someone moving in close behind me, turning to see whom it is I instantly smile.

  “Hey, what you doing here Mickey?” I ask excitedly.

  “Came to see you obviously!”

  He takes me in his arms as we dance together, song after song. He is so much fun, I can really see us getting on and becoming good friends.

  “Mickey?” A girl asks with a wide grin.


  “Lucy! My name is Lucy! Wow I only slept with you last week!”

  “You didn’t give me time to finish?”

  “Good luck!” She says to me sarcastically, taking her friends hand and walking away.

  I look back to Mickey; he just shrugs his shoulders with a wicked grin.

  “Oh that’s bad, you should apologize.” I say trying not to laugh at him, as he looks like he is readying himself for a telling off.

  “Yeah I will when she has had more too drink, and then she won’t be so pissed off.” He says while dancing the whole drama away.

  We Dance for hours, and get a lot of attention to. Mickey tells them that we are together, he even growled at one poor man that looked so scared I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.

  Den and Candy join us on the dance floor. Candy grinds against Den’s crutch making me cringe; I don’t think she knows how desperate she really looks. I look at Mickey with a grin as he laughs out loud following where my eyes linger on Candy.

  “Uh you know you should be doing that to me!” He tells me humorously.

  “What you laughing at?” Candy shouts over the music looking from me to Mickey.

  “What we need your permission to laugh?” I ask her.

  Mickey picks me up by the waist as if I weigh nothing and places me to his side.

  “Zara was showing me something funny darling. Don’t be paranoid cos you sexy babe,” He tells her with a wink, then turns to me.

  “But not as sexy as you baby.” He tells me looking at my body with hunger.

  “I don’t think so!” Candy says with a hand on her hip.

  “Trust me, she is!” He laughs at her shocked face and puts his arm over my shoulder, walking away from a shocked Candy.

  “That was getting hot!” He tells me, as we now stand by the DJ box.

  “That was hilarious,” I tell him while laughing as the image of her shocked face imprints in my mind.

  “Do I get a kiss then?” He asks while taking a drink from the man who just walked past us. He takes a sip with a raised eyebrow.

  “No. but good try” I tell him whilst taking the drink from his hand and knocking it back, finishing with a wink.

  “Ok had to try.” He laughs playfully.

  We carry on dancing and joking until the club closes. I love Mickey he is so much fun, definitely just found my party friend.

  Chapter 7

  Sitting on the porch this morning sipping on my tea, none other than Candy ‘Bitch no.1’, walks out onto the porch straightening her dress from last night. YUK! I was mortified when I realized she was coming home with us last night. I slept with my headphones in listening to music, as I did NOT want to hear them having sex.

  Candy spots me sitting alone and gives me a real smile. Well that’s new!

  “Good morning Candy.” I say to her, leaning back in my chair waiting for her to be bitchy, because she will.

  “Yes it is, isn’t it? FYI, Den’s mine now, so back off k?”

  “Phaa, desperate much?”

  “What ever! You’re just jealous it was me last night, not you!” She says spitefully, pointing her long red painted nail at me.

  What a bitch! Deep down I want to cr
y at her words, they are like opening old scars from when I wanted Den to be mine. However, her attempt this is just feeble.

  “Yep ok, good luck with that!” I tell her giving her attitude of my own.

  “I don’t need luck, I have had him, and I will have him again!”

  “What the hell is your problem? You want Den; I get that, but don’t get all psycho on me.”

  “Don’t call me psycho, you little whore.”

  I stand up from the chair, going face to face with her, to show her she does not intimidate me.

  “Your one to talk! Could you be any more desperate, look at you?”

  I tell her looking at her crumpled up dress from the night before. Her hand goes to her earring, as I let out a real laugh.

  “Please god, you are not taking your earrings out for a fight! Cos I’ll tell you how it will end; your face against that!”

  I say trying to hold in a fit of the giggles, pointing to the table. I think someone has been watching a little too much Jerry Springer!

  “Hey what you two talking about?” Den asks walking out to us, dressed for work in a black top and overalls, yum he looks good, all masculine.

  “Hey Den, nothing much, just girl talk,” I tell him, shrugging my shoulders.

  “Ok, I’m going now babe, I’ll see you this evening about 5.30. Come on Candy I’ll drop you home.”

  He turns to a steaming Candy, that is now smiling sweetly at him.

  Den and Candy get into his pickup and blows me a kiss out of the window as they drive away, instantly a smile appears on my face. I hope and pray that Den sees the real side of her, before he does something stupid like get her pregnant.

  Now I am alone my mind travels back to Sallack as I have done a hundred times since he left. I can’t wait to see him, for him to hold me in his arms and to feel his body against mine. Julian told me last night that Sallack would be back today, I secretly hope he stops by to say hello when he is back. I Slump into the swinging chair, happily as the sunbeams down on me. I laugh to myself as I remember last night at the club, Mickey is without doubt the best person to hang out with, we danced together and knocked back shots all night. We had such a brilliant time I can’t wait to go out with him again as he is the life and soul of any party.

  Walking up the side of the house is no other then the Wolf from yesterday!

  “Hey come here boy.” I say excitedly.

  The Wolf trots up to me, licking my hand I hold out to him.

  “Hey gorgeous.”

  The Wolf give a little howl before he looks from my hand and into my eyes.

  The Wolves eyes! Unbelievably familiar in a way.

  My phone starts ringing so I jump up to get it from the kitchen.

  “Sorry need to get that,” I say, as I turn round to get to my phone in time. I don’t know why I’m talking to a bloody Wolf so much.

  Unknown number, “Hello?”

  “Hello Zara.”

  My heart beats out of my chest.


  “Yes it’s me. I just wanted to ask if I could come over about noon? I have been thinking of you all week.”

  “Yes come over, I’ll look forward to it, I’ve missed you too.”

  More than he knows, but I won’t tell him that and have him think of me as a lovesick teenager.

  “Really?” he asks as if he doesn’t believe me.

  “Yeah of course.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you soon beautiful, bye.”

  I swear I can hear him smiling, because I know I am right now.

  “Bye Sallack.”

  He is coming over because he missed me! Shit, I need to get showered and dressed it’s already 11.00am. I go to run up stairs but remember my Wolf is outside; I walk back out to see him.

  “Hey, where have you gone?” I say looking right to left.

  I hope he comes again, I really like that Wolf he is so God damn cute. I walk up to my room, getting ready for Sallack’s visit.

  Dressed in Denim shorts and a white tank top, I head down stairs when there is a knock at the door. I check my hair in the mirror fluffing it up a little before opening it.

  “Hi…Wow are they for me?”

  “Yes here you are.”

  Sallacks has the biggest bouquet of flowers I have ever seen, all red, pink and white.

  “Ah they are beautiful. Thank you, let me see if there is a vase in the kitchen, come in.”

  Walking on shaky legs to the kitchen, I find a vase in under the sink. Fill it with water and put them in as they are, taking a little longer than necessary, as I need to slow my heart race down. Sallack looks amazing in dark jeans and a white tight top. Turning to face him, he has come close to me, only inches away from my face, desire coating his already intense eyes.

  “Beautiful,” He tells me lifting his hand; with the back of his fingers he lightly caresses my face as I melt against his touch.

  He inspects my lips, leaning the rest of the way, pressing me into the counter with his solid frame. I shut my eyes and lay my hands on his chest, as our lips lock together in pure pleasure.

  I feel Sallack’s erection pushed in to my belly. My hands drop from his chest and go to his firm buttocks, pushing him even harder in to me. Oh wow, he is so fine. Sallack makes a growling noise in his throat as he pulls away and we both catch our breath. Even when the kiss is over it feels like the beginning.

  “Can I come see you this evening?”

  “Me and Den are coming over your bar tonight. Will you be there?”

  “I will now.”

  I’m pulled back into him; Sallack kisses the side of my neck with a lick of his tongue. Please never stop doing this, EVER.

  “I have to go; I’ll see you tonight find me when you arrive please” He talks against my neck. No one has ever had the effect that Sallack does on me.

  “Oh I definitely will.”

  I want him to stay with me be but I know he is a busy man. He takes me by the waist and pulls me to the front door as he goes to open it to leave, but I push it shut and descend on his plump lips needing more of him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up on him. My heart is pounding against my chest. I love everything about this man; he makes me feel beautiful and cared for.

  Sallack reluctantly leaves after another steamy kiss. I can’t wait to see him again tonight and to see how his friends feel about seeing Sallack and I spending time together.

  Den gets home just after 5pm, I wait for him to shower and eat dinner. We get chatting about our days. Den tells me about Candy popping in twice to see him and his feelings on her.

  “She’s nice to look at, but she’s not marriage material you know?”

  “Oh thank God. I was hoping you wasn’t too into her. I don’t like her Den.” I tell him a little reluctantly.

  I really don’t! I knew she was trouble as soon as I laid eyes on her, but after speaking with her, I think I might actually hate her!

  “Oh I know. John actually warned me about her today, said ‘to watch my back with that one.’” He breathes out a sigh.

  “You know who would be great, Abbey?”

  “She is beautiful but I wouldn’t want to hurt her like that, she would be great, but she’s not the one.”

  This is the first time I have ever heard Den talk about ‘The One’.

  “How do you know?”

  “I know,” He replies simply.

  “So why don’t you try and find ‘The one’ rather than messing around with Candy?”

  “It’s complicated babe,” He says a little deflated.

  “Oh no, she isn’t married is she?”

  “Zara! What the hell! No. Anyway enough about me tell me what you did today.”

  I tell Den about seeing Sallack today, the flowers and the mind-blowing kisses.

  “So is there something more going on?” He says with a small growl.

  “I really like him Den, I just hope he doesn’t hurt me, I don’t know if I could go through the heartache again?”
  “Again?” He asks frowning.

  Shit. I said that bit aloud! What do I say? He knows that Josh and I broke up on mutual terms, sort of. There was no heartache, which he knows to well as he questioned me daily on why I was so ok with it. I need to think quickly as he is staring at me. Shit!

  “Uh yeah, just when I was younger I had a crush on a boy at school but he wasn’t interested.”

  I shrug my shoulders, trying to look like it was nothing, but he is looking at me so intensely for truth in my words. I jump up and stick my head in the fridge.

  “Want a coke?” Oh how lame!

  “Nu come sit back down, what are you hiding? I know about you’re your crushes Zara and if you crushed on someone, you would have had them,” He says believing his own words wholly. Great I’m screwed. There is no way I am telling him I was madly in love with him for years. I couldn’t, I won’t!

  “What makes you think I could get anyone I wanted?”

  “Because you’re perfect.” He says coolly.

  As I turn to lock eyes with him, he looks down at the table discreetly. What is going on with him? He obviously does not see me that way; otherwise, he would want me as his, not as his little sister.

  “I’m not hiding anything. Come on let’s get changed, I need a drink!”

  “Ok I can see you not going to tell me, so I’ll let it drop…for now!”

  Good enough for me, now I can breathe again.

  It’s 7:30 when we get to the Quirks, Julian and Ruk are talking to Mickey at the bar, Abbey is serving drinks with a smile as always, oh and there’s Mary standing with a tray in hand watching us come through the door. Ruk turn’s around as we walk in, smiles at me, calling Den and I over. We all say our hello’s, soon after Den and Ruk start talking about cars, as Julian pulls out a stool for me at the bar where he is standing.

  “Thank you Julian.”


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