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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 18

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “You are connected to this Charmer?”

  “You and I are connected, yes.”

  “This is a joke right! Surly you don’t think this Charmer is me!”


  Oh thank God!

  “…I know it’s you, from the first time I set eyes on you. I accepted you into my heart as you did me.”

  Shit, she’s being serious, I can’t be this person. She is mistaken! Hugely mistaken!

  “I’m sorry Dallah, this is wrong, I am none of those things, I’m just the new girl from England, that’s why everyone is sniffing around me, your see, they will get bored soon.” I tell her, trying to convince myself, not that it’s working. Everything she is saying is like filling in the missing gaps! Like why I am only attracted to Werewolves and Vampires!

  “No sweetie, it’s you alright. There is no other like you. We all hear fairytales of the Charmer one day coming to us, many believe, many don’t. Zara you are the Charmer, I know you are, I know you love Parrise and all the brothers’ unconditionally, it’s what you’re meant to do Zara, it’s why you came here to the brothers’, why you met me. Feel the truth in my words though our connection.”

  “Connection? This is too much to take in.” I say, massaging my temples, trying to stop my head from exploding with knowledge.

  “Yes it was your destiny to find me, and mine to find you, to connect to one another, as well as the Warriors that surround you. If you open your heart and mind you will feel what I feel.”

  The scary realization of her speaking the truth hits me hard! I’m connected to a Warrior Princess who happens to be a powerful Witch! I’m a fucking Charmer! No, I’m screwed!

  After only spending a week with the pack brothers’, I went home with unconditional love for them all, not to mention Sallack and Parrise. I would lay my life down for any one of them.

  “What does this mean? Why would the strongest man want me? I have nothing to offer, I’m not worthy of them!”

  “You have more than any woman known. You will love their families like your own. You are immortal and have been since birth, so that you can live you your life with your chosen. They will respect and honor you, as they would no other. You are a rightful queen to your chosen, gifted to him, to stand at his side.”

  “Immortality?” I screech.

  “Yes,” She says with a ghost of a smile.

  I instantly think of Den, the brothers and Parrise; I can’t live alone without them?

  “What if a Werewolf is my chosen, Sallack said they live for 200 years. I would be left alone, broken and what of Den, I need him with me always!”

  “No Zara, you would give the Wolf and his brother’s immortality, plus strength tenfold. If your chosen is to be a Vampire, you will give him and the ones he holds close, the great gift of day walking. Then there is the Warlock, if you are to be with a Warlock Zara, you will give him and his chosen family greater power, and if he is not immortal because of his family, then you will give him immortality also.”

  “I can do that! How?” I ask desperately, I want to know how to give this to the brothers and to be able to give Parrise the chance to walk in the sun makes my heart swell.

  “It will only be given when you’re either mated, bonded or connected to you chosen.”

  “Wow this is unreal! Do Parrise and Sallack know this, the reason they both want me, and I want them?”

  “No, it’s only known to you and me. They love you for you, not because of what you can offer. As a Charmer, and them as worthy men, they instantly saw the real you, the love you show, your caring and kind nature but also the fighting side, that’s why they fell in love with you so quickly, and vice versa. These warriors will love and cherish you, take care of you, if they treat you with the respect you deserve you will love them in return. It’s a gift, don’t think of it as a curse. I see the love you have for the pack brothers’, and them for you, that’s because they are all worthy of you also Zara, but there could be dozens, hundreds of men worthy to have you as theirs. Sweetie not all of these men will be kind hearted, it’s up to you as a Charmer to show them love. You will find your chosen, but it maybe centuries before you find him, I can promise that he would be worth the wait.”

  So that’s why I feel this way to all the brothers’, well it makes sense I suppose. The fact that I really do love them all unconditionally after such a small amount of time was starting to freak me out.

  “So Sallack may not be the one?”

  “Only time will tell Zara.”

  Wow, not sure how I feel about that, it’s a scary thought! I really do love Sallack, but I also love Parrise. I do not want to mess up finding my chosen, but I think Sallack is the one, I am sure of it.

  “What do you mean, ‘Time will tell’?”

  “If Sallack is your chosen, he will give you everything, and you him”

  “Do you think he is?”

  “This is what you need to find out sweetie.”

  “So why exactly am I taking all of this so well?”

  “You’re excepting Zara; it’s in your nature as a Charmer, you will absorb the importance of your role as Charmer effortlessly.”

  Well, that makes me feel better, because I’m more freaked out about why I’m not freaked out!

  “Ok…..So what are we now?” I feel bad keep throwing questions at her, but she looks pleased.

  “We are sisters by joining of souls, I will be the one person who really knows what you feel in your heart without words. I will defend you and cherish the gift I have of being chosen to be at your side. The stone around your neck is made by my magic as your sister, It’s a gift of our connecting to one another, just as you gifted me.”

  Well way to take my mind of Parrise. I don’t know if I should be scared or exited. I was just a normal human hours ago, now I’m an immortal Charmer with the Princess of the Witches and Warlocks as my sister! I will fall in love with dozens, maybe hundreds of men, and maybe go through horrific heartbreak? That’s what scares me! Sallack wouldn’t put me through that, I’m sure of it.


  “So that’s why you whispered ‘sister’ to me when we first met.”

  She nods her head once with a proud grin. Wow, I have a sister, not by blood but by everyway unimaginable!

  “Can I ask you something Dallah?”


  “When I first met you, you asked if I remember her, my mother! Do you know why she left me? Where she is now?”

  “Aw sweetie, when I looked into your heart I saw the missing piece, being your mother. I’m sorry you had to go through that. She must be a selfish woman to have given you up.”

  She moves closer, holding me a little tighter. Just as I need to be held, as the heartache of having no parents as a young child was hard. However, having Den there a little later in my life bought happiness and love into my life that I had missed out on.

  “What about my father?”

  “Your father would be supernatural, for you to be a Charmer your father would have to be a Warlock, Vampire or Werewolf. I don’t know what he is. Before you ask, that fact does not make you part anything, you’re the Charmer, this is your gift.”

  I look at her open mouthed, shocked beyond possibility. I was thinking exactly that I could be half vampire or Werewolf even a Witch. My Dad could be any supernatural: bind-blown. I would love to know what my father is, if I will ever get to meet him. I wonder if I look like him.

  “Do you think he knows of me, my birth? Me being the Charmer?”

  “He wouldn’t know of you being the Charmer. Depending on whether he stayed with your mother or not, there is no way to know if he knew of your birth, but I doubt it sweetie.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Well if your father is Vampire, he would think it impossible to have a child, as Vampires are not given the gift of fertility. In this case a Vampire could be your father just as much as a Warlock or Werewolf. The gift of producing a Charmer is given by a s
trong and worthy man, with any power, of any background. There is no way to know if you will find out his identity sweetie, I’m sorry this upsets you.” She tells me as tears fall down her cheeks, mirroring my own.

  How has my world changed so dramatically in such a small amount of time, I know what Dallah tells me is the truth. However, it’s a lot to take in, a mother who never wanted me, and a father that could be, Vampire, Werewolf or a fucking Warlock! I want to scream with frustration. Why was I given this gift?

  “Zara you can’t speak of this to anyone, even if you trust them with your life. We won’t speak of this again unless alone, or I have put a spell on prying ears and eyes, it’s too dangerous for both of us. I need you to Promise me?”

  “I promise. I love you Dallah, not just because we are connected, as soon as I heard you speak, I knew you were amazing both inside and out.”

  I flop back on my bed, soon after Dallah follows my lead. She takes my hand giving it a gentle squeeze, instantly easing my tension.

  “Everything's about to change isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, it will sweetie, but I’ll be with you all the way. I can’t tell you how things will turn out; you could be the most powerful woman in the world when you unearth your powers. Let’s take every day as it comes?”

  “OHMYGOD, your trying to kill me aren’t you? There no way I will sleep my head feels like it’s going to explode!” I screech in shock.

  She doesn’t try to hide the laughter in her voice as she says, “Sleep sister” And with that, my eyes close as I fall into a deep relaxed sleep.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning Dallah and I head out for a long walk through the woods, as we talk about me being this Charmer! Who would have ever thought that a boring girl like me could be this woman.

  “I don’t understand why I have never known about this, what if I had never come here or met you?” I ask her.

  “You wouldn’t have known until you connected with me, ‘Your sister’ now that we are connected you will start to discover powers of your own. We would have met eventually, we would have given into the pull to one another.”

  “Wow! Ok firstly, what powers will I have and when? Second, am I a Witch now? Third, so is that why I never felt at home anywhere but here?” I look back at her, as she is laughing hard.

  “You are so cute, you know that right? Ok first…” She winks at me,

  “I have no idea what powers you will have, but they will be necessary to you as a Charmer. Honestly, you could have the power to do anything you want. Your powers rest within you and now we have connected you will start to discover those powers. Second! No, you’re not a Witch you’re the Charmer, immortal and soon to be powerful. You could share the same powers as me, but you have been blessed with your gift to help the ‘Blackened Hearts’ connect with humanity once again. Show them love, so they have compassion towards humankind… I know, I know,” she says with a laugh, as she sees my opened mouth, but goes on,

  “We would have always found each other, no matter where in the world either of us was, but you feel at home here because you’re happy, happy because Den is happy and because you found Sallack and the brothers’. You’re meant to be here with us all, and I am so glad that you are, I feel completed with you at my side.”

  Damn it I forgot what I was going to ask as I see the love in her eyes, she is so sweet. I really do feel like she is my sister, I could tell her anything and be myself completely around her.

  “I love you Dallah, I feel blessed to have you in my life.”

  “Me to sweetie. But one last thing, you cannot tell anyone of you being the Charmer, if the ‘Blackened hearts’ find out, they will come for you, use you to give them power and to have power over the other warriors. I know that sounds scary, but that is why you will have great power and why you have given me such power, to protect yourself if the case arises. No one will take you away sweetie, so don’t over think it.”

  “Jesus Dallah, mood killer! Ok I get it don’t tell anyone!”

  “That’s the spirit!” She says with a laugh.

  “Ok so what new powers have you got? Can you show me?” I ask her, needing a subject change as I take a seat on a large fallen tree trunk.

  “Oh you bet!”

  “WHAAA SHIT I DIDN’T MEAN ON ME!” I scream, as Dallah falls on the floor in fits of laughter. She has lifted me of the ground, high off the ground, so high that a bird nearly hits me upside the head. She brings me down slowly, still laughing as my feet touch the ground.

  “You could have given me some kind of warning, jeez.” I tell her holding my heart, as I start to laugh along with her. She has told me she rarely smiled back at the coven but here, she laughs, even cries with laugher and she has the most infectious laugh.

  “You know when I get my powers, I’m going to get you back soooo good!” I tell her with a wide grin. She takes my hand in hers as she says,

  “You have no idea how much I look forward to that,” She tells me with a proud smile.

  “Ok let’s just talk about your powers rather than demonstrate!”

  “Ok, since connecting to you my powers have enhanced magnificently, I can want something to happen and it does, to an extent. Really I’m learning new talents as time goes on, as you will be doing with me soon, does that excite you or frighten you Zara?” She asks me sincerely.

  “Oh well…yeah I suppose I am looking forward to finding out what I can do, I suppose I’m just worried that I can’t be this Charmer you expect me to be, I don’t want to disappoint you, or these ‘Warriors’.”

  “Well, you have no worries, you already more than I thought possible.”

  We head back to mine, laughing and teasing each other the whole way back. She really does know how to take my mind of things and I love her for it, my beautiful sister.

  Den gets home at 5:30. We welcome him back and sit at the kitchen table with our dinner of steak and potato, which Dallah and I made together.

  “Hey Den you don’t mind if Dallah takes the spare room for a while do you?” I ask him already knowing he would love it. Dallah said she would like to stay for a while, I could have screamed and jumped up and down with joy when she asked, I was saddened at the thought of her going away again.

  “Really? That’s great I’d love for you to stay babe.” Den tells her.

  “I will help with bills and cleaning, I might even get a job.”

  Den and I laugh at her comment about a job. She is one of the richest in the world and all without working a day in her life; she says ‘life’s for living not working’. This is fine if you do not have to work to live.

  “Yeah ok, I won’t get a job,” She laughs along with us.

  At 7:30, I head upstairs to get ready for work this evening. Den and Dallah are coming with me to work tonight, to see where I work and to see the pack brothers’, which makes her even happier.

  Dallah used magic to get her clothes here and into the wardrobes in her new bedroom as I watched in amazement. She has changed into a little black dress with heels to match.

  We all go in my new beautiful new truck. Den looks extra hot tonight in a black shirts and black jeans. Dallah and I exchange kisses and hugs with the brothers’, minus Sallack who will be here after he shuts the bar. Tonight is the night I will be spending at Sallack home with him, and I can’t wait to see him. The whole day I have been going over Dallah’s words, up until I gave myself a serious headache. I really wish I could share this with Den, Sallack and the brothers’, but now is not the time. Then there is Parrise, when I’m left with my own thoughts, I see his stunning face as I say goodbye to him, the hurt playing in his eyes.

  I settle into working the VIP area, while Den introduces Dallah to some of the locals that he now calls his friends. Sallack comes in just after 12pm, wrapping his body around me from behind, hot lips caressing my neck in moist kisses, sending shivers down my spine.

  “Hello beautiful.”

  “Hey yourself.”

  “Are y
ou staying with me tonight?”

  He says turning me to face him and pulling me into him.

  “Yes I can’t wait. Did Den tell you Dallah is going to be staying with us awhile? How great is that?”

  “Yes he did. It will be nice to have her round again we have missed her, especially Julian.” He winks at me.

  I knew he liked her, all those times I heard Julian’s growling at the brothers’ for flirting with her. I wonder if she suspects.

  After we clean the tables and lock up, we leave the club to go back to Sallack’s; I jump in his truck, with my small overnight bag. Den and Dallah drove my truck home around 1am, laughing and joking together.

  We pull up to Sallack’s home, as do the other pack brothers’. Ruk and Dom are already at home. I have asked Sallack why they all stay up so late and awake early, he told me Werewolves don’t need as much sleep as a human’s. Sallack and I say goodnight the brothers’. He takes my bag from me as we head go to his bedroom. The thought of being with Sallack is exciting, I just know he is the one, my chosen.

  He places my bag on the bedroom floor and sits on the end of the bed grinning up at me. Walking slowly over to him with my heart pounding, I gently climb onto his lap, noting he’s already hard for me, I lean forward to place my lips on his awaiting mouth. Running greedy fingers through his silky hair, loving the feel of his hard body pushed up against mine. He rids himself of his shirt, then slow and seductively he starts removing my clothes then rolls me onto the bed beside him. Our kissing deepens almost desperately, in our passion for each other.


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