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Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)

Page 25

by Sanderson, Danielle

  “Hey guys. Wow Zara you look amazing!”

  “Thanks Den, you look great to. Candy, love the dress.”

  I don’t really, but the way she is staring at Sallack’s crutch is really pissing me off. She looks up at me shocked. Bingo!

  “Thank you Zara. You look…um …ok?” she says while looking at me head to toe with a discussed expression.

  She is wearing a tiny white dress that looks as if it has been painted on, and no bra! What a slag. I pick up the menu to hide my face, biting my lip to keep myself from laughing, I know I’m being mean, but she really is a horrid person I can feel it coming off her in thick waves.

  “What you having babe?” Den asks me.

  I lower the menu having no idea what to say as I only used the bloody thing to shield my laughter. Shit.


  “Yeah me too, What about you guys?”

  Sallack orders steak, while candy orders lobster. Trust her to get the most expensive thing in the menu. Sallack keeps leaning into me kissing me tenderly on the lips, eyes glowing dimly. He’s making me feel warm and loved; unfortunately, Den does not like him doing so, from the low growls he sends our way, which Sallack naturally returns his own. Both men receiving frowns from Candy, as she has no idea we are at a table with two Werewolves. I have no idea what is up with Den tonight. He has been acting so out of character lately.

  We place our order with the waiter, who keeps staring at me, even asked me what my name is and how much he would like to see me here again. That’s until Sallack gave him a frightening look that could actually kill a man, I swear the waiter gasped! All with Candy’s snide comments, this evening is turning into a nightmare. It really couldn’t get any worse.

  Yes! yes it really can, Mary has just walked in with a man that looks a little anxious. I wonder if she is mean to him to. Please don’t see us! Please, please. Damn it!

  “Ah Sallack, where have you been, you said you’d ring baby?”

  Sallack beside me has gone so stiff I could easy push him of the chair.

  “Fuck off!”

  He growls through his teeth, I look at Den to see if he knows why Sallack is being so rude to her, he shrugs his shoulders looking back to Sallack’s reaction to Mary.

  “Well I only wanted to see little Zara here, how are you Hun?”

  “Im fine.” I tell her with a frown. I haven’t seen Mary since Dallah nearly fried her brain that day she left the pack.

  “Your better than me, I wouldn’t have taken him back?”

  “Fuck off, you whore!” Sallack says to her furiously. She doesn’t seem to care! I look at the man standing beside her. As his gaze catches mine, he looks at me apologetically! Why would he look at me like that? What’s going on?

  “Sallack?” I ask, taking his fisted hand in mine. My heart pounds against my chest. I can tell I’m not going to like this.

  “I’m so sorry Zara. I love you, I do,” He turns to me with a whisper. That’s all I needed to understand what Mary is talking about.

  “Yeah if you’re too stupid to realize, I fucked him about a month ago? He wanted one of his own, just like I told you he would!” She says maliciously.

  No, it can’t be true, he wouldn’t do it, and I won’t believe it.

  “Tell me she’s lying Sallack, please?” I plead with him. He looks me straight in the eye, and that’s where the betrayal lie’s, in the beautiful glowing gold eyes, of the man whom said he loved me and would never hurt me! My face falls as I feel my heart beating wilding throughout my body. Sallack jumps of his chair hastily. He grabs Mary by the throat, roughly pushing her up against the wall. What looks like 10 or more men rush to pull Sallack off of her as he growls out spiteful threats. He knocks every one of the men away from him to get a better hold of Mary. I just sit there open mouthed while my head spins and my heart pounds so harshly I can feel it in my ears.

  “This has turned out lovely, don’t you think?” Candy says to me with a big grin covering her face.

  “Fuck you!” I shout at her angrily.

  I look at Den with tears spilling from my eyes. He jumps out if his seat heading straight to me. looking back to Sallack, I see he still has men trying to be pull him away from Mary. I Stand up, heading over to him, with Den right behind me growling lowly in his throat. I get in Sallack’s face, tears falling freely, my heart feeling like it’s burning out in my chest.

  “How could you sleep with that?” I point to a smiling Mary, “I love you Sallack, I fucking love you!” I scream at him.

  “Please Zara let me explain?”

  “Did you sleep with her that night?”

  “Yes,” He sighs, releasing Mary and running his hands through his hair. He tries to take me by the waist, but I step out of his reach just as Den comes to my side with a feral growl.

  “That’s all I need.” I tell him crying to catch my breath from the utter shock of what has happened.

  “You don’t belong with him; he is too good for a little bitch like you!” Mary say’s looking for a reaction out of me, so that what I’ll give her! I pull my fist back and hit her in between the eyes with a sickening crunch. Where did that come from! Blood pools from her nose as she brings her hands up to her face. I turn back to Sallack, his expression full of pride, but soon turning to sorrow as our eyes lock.

  “Beautiful?” He says taking my hand.

  “Don’t you dare!” I say between my teeth as I yank my hand from his.

  I sprint out of the restaurant; all the eyes pinned on me. I can feel Den behind me trying to catch up. I feel sick, I have never in my life felt so sickened by someone’s betrayal. I can’t even speak, Breathe, the pain feels as though it’s killing me from inside out, I hold my chest, bending from the middle of my body, unable to take the excruciating pain in my heart. Why did he do this? he wasn’t meant to hurt me.

  Just as my legs give way, there is a gust of wind as I’m caught in strong arms and lifted to my feet. Angus! he came to me, I can feel his anguish.

  “WHO DONE THIS?” Angus shouts fiercely at Den, who is in as much shock as I am. Sallack runs out the restaurant straight to us as Den grabs hold of him, keeping him in place by pushing his weight into Sallack’s chest, while Sallack growls and shakes with rage. He snarls at Angus speaking viciously,

  “Take your fucking hands of her, I’ll stake you Angus, I swear to it. SHE IS MINE!” Sallack roars.

  His Alpha power surrounding us all as Angus walks up to Sallack without fear, pulls back his fist and strikes him across the chin, knocking him out of Den’s tight grip as we watch him fly into the air and crash onto the pavement a foot away.

  “Im taking her with me, you will never have her again. Den take him home!” Angus says as he points to Sallack.

  Before Den can disagree, I’m lifted into Angus’s strong arms like a baby. He runs fast over dirt, grass and roads. The pain has now taken me completely, from losing everything I have ever wanted and needed in life. Every dream, every possibility has been ripped from me so harshly.

  I’m placed gently on a bed, I’m not sure where I am but I can feel Angus with me.

  “Angus?” I choke out, stiffening the sobs that threaten to take me.

  “My sweet little Zara.”

  “Why is this happening to me? Please make it untrue, please Angus I need help?” I sob in to the pillow, he picks me up and holds me in his arms.

  “Tell me what he did?”

  “He slept… he. No please I don’t want it to be true. I love him. He’s meant to be the one!”

  “Zara, your pain is so strong. This is not just heart break. It must be because you are a Charmer. I can feel you slipping away. Zara listen to me please. I WILL RIP HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF” He shouts filling the room with his fury.

  “How am supposed to live without him, Angus. I love him, I gave him everything. It’s all gone. I can’t do this anymore. Please do something I beg you Angus” I ask in vain, no one can take this feeling away. This feeling is unbearabl
e, heartache unimaginable. My sobs echo through the room. I don’t know what to do with my body, lay down? Sit on the floor? Alternatively, just curl up into a ball on the hard floor. The pain is emotional torture. I need Dallah, where is she?

  I scream so loudly with every built up emotion begging to escape me. My own ears feel like they are bleeding from the high-pitched scream I released. Soon after there is howling, howling like I have never heard before.

  “I can’t take the pain Zara, if I could I would take it for you.”

  I don’t want to hear him speak, as much as I love him, I can’t listen to his voice. My eyes shut as a whimper knocks the last of the air from me as I’m surrounded in blackness.



  “Yes, find me sweetie I’m here.”

  “Dallah, where are you?” I cry.

  I see her on a big bed with her arms open to me, I jump to her smothering my face into her body as my heart cripples in pain.

  “Sweetie, you’re a dream walker!” She asks in shock.

  “Am I?” I say with no enthusiasm at all, tears flowing down my cheeks.

  “Oh Zara. The pain you feel in your heart is because you’re a Charmer. Your emotions are much more severe than others Zara. You need to get through this. Let the brothers’ love you, feel their love. You need to fight your heart! Your emotions are your downfall, sister. Bring out the survivor the Warrior you have hidden within your overwhelming heartache. You have to for we all love you, sweetie I need you as much as you need me,”

  Tears stream down her beautiful face. As the sobs take hold of me I find it hard to speak.

  “I want.. to stay with……. you?”

  “No sweetie you can’t, you have entered my dreams, you can’t stay here. You need to promise me you will fight the pain. Don’t let it take you like that again. promise me Zara. Promise me now?”

  I nod my head yes, not believing myself.

  “Where are we… why are you still …gone?”

  “It won’t be long Zara, I have to stay a while longer, I’m sorry I can’t be there for you in person, but I am there in heart and soul. Remember I’m always with you. I put myself to sleep hoping to get to you through a spell, but you came to me before I could get to you.”

  “How do I come back to you, I don’t know what I did?”

  “You can’t sweetie; you need to trust me for now, ok?” She tells me sternly with desperation laced in her tone.

  I nod my head to her, unable to argue with her.

  “Listen Zara, don’t lose hope, it’s tough now, but keep hope?”

  “I deserved this didn’t I, for loving Parrise, even Den, while I was in love with Sallack?”

  “NO, don’t think like that sweetie, it’s who you are, the most positive part of who you are, loving these men who need you to show them what real love is. it’s Sallack who is in the wrong, never speak like that again! I love you Zara.”


  I can feel Angus in despair. He seems scared in some way, I push myself awake needing to see him safe.

  “ZARA. PLEASE” Angus roars, holding me so tightly.

  Did I pass out from the pain in my heart? Dallah! I went to her in her dreams! How can she ask me to fight this pain, it’s so raw, I can barely see, the tears won’t stop, my eyes are sore for trying to shut of the tears. Sallack, why would he do this? What have I done for him to do this to me. He must hate me to put me through this, he said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt me, He did.

  “Angus I can’t cope…Dallah …said to fight….I .cant… stop,” I whisper through the violent sobs.

  “Fucking hell Zara! I will rip of his head, then the heads of every Wolf!”

  Tears frame his eyes threatening to spill. I’m trying to think of Dallah, Den and Angus. Nevertheless, it does not work; all I see is Sallack’s handsome face, lying with me in bed after making love, him smiling at me, stoking my cheek, telling me he will never hurt me!

  “Angus, please tell me that wasn’t Zara’s scream. TELL ME?”

  Ruk storms into the bedroom, which I am guessing is mine, as the brother’s, follow him in, no Den.

  “It was. She’s can’t take the pain in her heart, there is nothing we can do, Sallack is ripping her heart out, killing her with heat break!”

  “I don’t understand, what happened? Her scream was not humanly possible?”

  Ruk has taken me from Angus’s arms, tenderly placing kisses on my forehead and stroking my hair, while I struggle to breathe through the tears and the constant pain in my heart.

  “She’s different! Don’t ask how, I won’t tell you. However I will tell you this; your Alpha took another in his bed! She is heartbroken in no way imaginable.”

  “He wouldn’t do it! He couldn’t hurt her like that!”

  “Are you fucking serious! look at the child in your arms and say it again DOG!”

  Ruk ignorer’s the shouting and looks strait in to my eyes, as my pain somehow worsens, becoming cruel, merciless.

  “Oh Zara, I’m so sorry. I will kill him myself!” He says angrily.

  “Nooo..please…I need..him, he told me ..he ..loves.. he?”

  “Zara, Please!”

  I put my face into the crook of his neck, breathing in his overwhelming scent.

  “Angus where is Dallah. They are inseparable, why is she not here?” He asks sounding confused.

  “She has been here, but she had to leave,” Angus replies knowing that something is going on and that I don’t want the brothers’ to know about it. I’m held tightly within Ruk’s arms, I don’t know if everyone has been here for moments or hours, to be honest I just don’t care.

  I am ripped from Ruk arms and into the arms of Parrise.

  “WHERE IS HE, TELL ME NOW?” Parrise shouts, almost deafening me. No he can’t do it, I don’t want Sallack hurt. I hate him for doing this but I love him more, I want him to take it all back I need him to.

  “Zara open your mind to me fully, I need to see why your feel so much pain, why it’s breaking you so badly little one?”

  I don’t do what he asks of me. I just see Sallack’s face telling me he is sorry and the agony in my being. I need him to take it back, take it all back. I need him.

  “If he comes near the house, remove him. She can’t handle it, do you hear me! I, we need to keep her here, safe, or everyone dies!”

  In addition, they do, they all sit with me in my room. I am surrounded by those who love me, but I don’t see them I only see Sallack’s perfect face smiling down at me, while I’m wrapped in his large arms. however, it will never be true, just a wicked delusion.

  I fall asleep from exhaustion last night In the arms of Parrise. This morning I wake in the arms of Mickey. I feel dead inside, the tears have not stopped nor the excruciating pain. My heart ache is still raw, I just sit suffering, alone with my own sorrow. I have lost Sallack forever, he has broken me in every way imaginable.

  “Baby, do you want a drink?”

  I can’t answer Dom whose seated next to us on the bed, my mind is to full of despair. I want Sallack to be who he was yesterday morning lying here beside me.

  “What can we do for you?” Mickey asks full of emotion.

  I look deep into his eyes, feeling completely lost.

  “Un break my heart!” I say with my heartbreak coming through in my voice. I shut my eyes again not wanting to see the look of sadness on the brothers’ beautiful faces. Dom starts growling in anger as he storms out of the room, seeing me in this hurting him, hurting them all. I wish I could stop this heartache and forget, but instead it hits harder with every hour that goes by.

  I start to think of my parents. How my mother did not want me, gave me away! A father that may not know I exist, and if he does, he has also left me. It won’t be long until Den, Dallah, the brothers’, Angus and Parrise leave me too. I don’t want to keep hurting. I don’t want to love any man, like I did Sallack again. I don’t want to be this Charmer!

ter 24

  The days pass slowly. I can’t speak, just cry. I pray for this Warlock to come for me it would be less painful. Den comes back at some point but I try to avoid him at first as he just reminds me of the time I lost my heart to him. I’m going through it all again, but at least with Den I didn’t give him my all, never have I felt so distraught.

  I don’t see anyone. I know they are there, I just don’t see them. Today is a little different, I wake with Ruk beside me asleep in my bed, Den is in the chair opposite me just sitting, watching me wither away. I get up slowly on shaky legs walking to him, he watches me closely as I climb onto his lap, fisting his shirt.

  “Zara, I love you babe” He tells me meaning every word.

  “Ditto” I use his words as the thought of saying ‘love’ again is too painful.

  “Come on lets have some tea.”

  He walks me into the kitchen; I think he’s going to put me down so I hold on to him for dear life. I need to be held, the feeling of having someone love me is keeping me sane.

  “Please never let me go Den?” I cry into his neck, taking deep breaths of his calming scent.

  “I won’t let you go. Ever,” He says as I feel a single tear slip down his neck.

  I take a few sips of tea and it stays down unlike yesterday. No one has mentioned Sallack’s name, which I’m grateful for.

  Later in the day I sleep for an hour wedged on the couch between Den and Ruk. Even with them so close, I feel lonely, I want so desperately to visit Dallah again. Why would she tell me not to? The brothers’, Parrise and Angus have asked me repeatedly; where is Dallah? I can’t answer them, as I don’t know; I just shake my head ‘No’, thankfully stopping any further questions. My thoughts taken by Dallah don’t stay long before Sallack’s handsome face imprints my vision.

  “I need to see him.”

  “No you don’t babe, trust me.” Den tells me sternly.


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