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Wanting him back

Page 5

by Mary Norton

  He gives me a look of reproach.

  - I am serious!

  - Idem, mate. But seriously, I need to work.

  - You need to rest. Stay home, it makes sense dizziness or nausea?

  - I have felt boredom, that is. And you're starting to annoy me. It is coming that time of the month and it's not nice when someone pisses me off.

  - This is true! - Turn to the door and meet Leo holding his cup of coffee. - And sorry, but you will never be able to bend it. Juli can be worse than an old mule stuck.

  Smile with the best description that my friend could for my stubbornness.

  - But it is her health that is at risk. - Augusto tries to buy me with a softer voice.

  - Let Leo give me this coffee I am one hundred percent. - I turn to face Augusto. - I promise I search you feel something, I swear I'm fine.

  He does not like the idea, but accepted.

  - I come to see if you are right, after a few hours. - Said staring at me with fervor.

  - Sure, boss! - I give a sweet smile at him and push my glasses back to my eyes.

  - I prefer this frame. She can tell me more about you.

  Then it goes away, but nods to Leo before you go. I sit down and take a good part of my friend's coffee. He just laughs when he sees I'm fine. I know I was worried, but know I hate drama when it comes to me.

  - He will learn how you work. - Says taken his mug me. - And the head? hollow continue?

  - As empty as an old sea shell. Will work, Leonardo, I need you at the meeting today. Or your boss will demonize me for the rest of the day. - I turn to him and give my look sweet girl. - And you and I both know I can not push myself very hard to take the points on Thursday

  - Sure, boss! See you later. - He turns around when she realizes something important. - I have to walk with a Nutella pot this week?

  - Certainly!

  He walks away laughing. And I dive in over twenty emails I need to reply. And by divine miracle, nobody came to bother me, and oddly enough, it is even stranger to me. It is as if the people were trapped in their own minds and learn to solve problems without having to ask for help for me.

  Something is very wrong in all this.

  I'm getting up to go to my boss when the meeting going into my room.

  - Hi, Juli! - Said coming in and closing the door. I realize that he's nervous. And I know that the conversation is serious when he locks the door of my room. - We can talk?

  - Of course! - I give him a reassuring smile, but I can not.

  I'm thinking a lot about what Augusto told me before he left. I do not want to think much about it, but it was impossible. He managed to see me more than I could. And somehow I thank him for telling me everything.

  Not that I hate my job and I feel wronged. No way, but I see that give me more than all and sometimes go out unnoticed. I know I'm not the main part, but I'm the one that serves all the time. A kind of reservation. And even if it is not my job, I always give a way to clean the house so that the guest does not realize that there is something wrong.

  And I do not say about the personal things I have to get to all managers. Of course I have my share of the blame, do not deny. But as they charge greater than mine, they should know what to ask or not for me. But as my mother says I am silly and people get it. And use it to get things easy by my desire to help others.

  And it has been so normal, that not realized until Augusto came and showed me that. I do not blame her for what happened Duarte, but if he had done what Augusto suggested after the fact, none of this would have happened.

  And that's why I'm uncomfortable with it here because on Saturday night, while looking for a movie to watch on Netflix came the question of why his Duarte was not with me when I was unconscious. Why did not he come to see if I was okay.

  I felt very sad when I realized that he even called to see if she needed anything. Sure it is not an obligation as a person but as head, at least one phone call, yes? It was for his company I was on duty.

  I realize I'm muggle even when it comes to feelings of retribution. Whatever the problem, even if it does not affect me, I ask if they need help and make available to me, no matter what the occasion.

  I was always with him in the nearly four years. It is a nanny and his daughter most of the time. Now I know how a real nanny feels when the mother gets the credit for something she taught the child.

  But in my case it is just about gratitude.

  Apparently, my role here is just do everything for everyone. I let him kill me to do things, and I fuck me when you are sick.

  Life teaches me more.

  - First tell me if you're okay? - Question down and even hesitant.

  - Yes, sir, would not be here if I could not handle emails.

  He smiled at my answer.

  - I'm so relieved to know you're okay, honey. - I look down when he says it. - I know you must have wondered why not look for you, but I do not know whether you wanted to or not talk to me.

  - You're being silly. - I mean, but still look down.

  - I've been a stupid, that's what. And you'll have to agree with me. - He sighs. - Augusto had to open my eyes and I'm very grateful that he has done it. I could not see things. I'm failing you, Juliane, and I do not like it.

  - Do not have to fail.

  - Honey, stop wanting to avoid this conversation. - Said with a soft smile. - You know it's true and that's why not look at me. I apologize for the way I treated you, it's not fair, so long as you do for the company, for me and for my daughter. Solving things is not your work, but do not even think twice.

  - I do it because it's my job.

  He looks at me skeptically.

  - Your job is not to have to see the college note from my daughter and less reserve a table for her and her friends in a nightclub.

  I swallow hard when I realize that he found the little secret I have with Karina.

  - I know what you do for her and for me, and let me take the lightness that is to have you taking care of everything. It's easy when you just enjoy the show without having to worry about the background, but this is not for you to carry in your hands. - He looks embarrassed. - I forgot to continue to thank you for everything you did, does and will do. Augusto's right, you are a treasure and I have to raise their hands to heaven and thank you for you. I feel I must apologize forever, but I know you will not like it. So I decided I'm changing some things about the management.

  That's not cool!

  - Leave, I going to solve this, the ones you will even be available all the time me and Augustus. - She said smiling. - I'll get better, I promise, and I'm sure Augusto will know how to handle you.

  - Thanks!

  - In fact, he was very attentive when you were in the hospital. - He takes my hand. - That boy saved you, and I will always be grateful to him for that.

  - He was just doing his job, packing up for a maid. And I know he would do it for anyone.

  - Maybe yes maybe no. That only he can say. But he saved you.

  I nod in agreement, enjoying no little direction that this conversation took.

  - I'll leave you with your email, please do not push yourself too much.

  I watch him leave, but he before to unlock the door.

  - When I saw you unconscious, with part of her dress up, blood on his face, I felt useless. I could imagine Karina in place, but I remembered that I have you as a daughter. And it was the same thing.


  - Why do not you have a car? - Augusto enters my room asking this guy.

  - Because I do not want! - Answer without looking at him.

  - Do you have portfolio and the company can provide a car for you.

  - I refuse to take a company car.

  - Why not have a car, Juliane?

  - Again: Because I do not.

  - Juliane, please answer my question without irritating me.

  Tadinho. TPM is.

  I also wanted the damn down has neither half an hour and you're testing my patience almost none

  I turn my chair to face him.

  - A year ago, I was going to volleyball school with my friends, I get to Leonardo in the house of his sister, to go together. We took a horrible traffic, but none of that mattered, as I was with my seminovo HB20, only an idiot did not. He surpassed the closed sign and hit us in full. Leonardo broke his right hand, two fingers, a rib, and the ankle. I went out with a broken leg, fractured left arm twisted left hand, dislocated shoulder and injured in driving a car again.

  Augusto seems in shock, even afraid of what I told him. I wait for your reply, but what has surprised me.

  - That's why you go every Tuesday for physiotherapy.

  He remembered!

  - Yes, I'm with Leo, every Tuesday. The car the other guy hit him straight. Leonardo left more damaged than I, these are the last sessions before the assessment orthopedist.

  Augusto is silent.

  - It's a good thing you do with your friend. You do not stop to amaze me.

  - It's just that, Mr. Augusto?

  He narrows his eyes at me.

  - For now, Juliane!


  I think I could get used to the peace that reigns after a storm. It's been six days since the incident. My head hurt sometimes, but I know it's the old lenses of my glasses. But thank God that the new one is ready. I was poor, but to headache.

  And what pleases me most these days is that even with plenty of reasons to be with dog humor, I'm calmer than Bruce Banner after doing yoga. His Duarte lived up to his word. In these four days of work, there were few times that come after me and it was just to get my signatures. I do not know if anyone knows what happened. And I hope really not. It will be very embarrassing if anyone knows.

  And so I immensely thank Augustus, he could leave it all behind the scenes. And he worked with his Duarte with the proposal to do just my job. On Tuesday I realized what was happening. Certainly the two had a general meeting, talking about the jobs that will be coming to me.

  On Tuesday, even though that blackmailing Leo, he let me go with him to physical therapy. We stayed until ten o'clock at the mall eating crap. As always, I used the TPM as an excuse to eat crap. And that was one of the few times that I was hungry when I'm in those. Most of the time, I did not like anything. zero hunger.

  In addition to eating what I wanted without any sin, the conversation with Leo was good. For I could understand even forgot Eduardo.

  Many times, I thought I was the problem, whenever I missed it. But after our little meeting at dinner, I found that our plans just do not reconciled. It hurt him to have changed me, it hurt a lot. And it caused a bit of insecurity on my part. Not everyone will be as selfish as Eduardo.

  But I still feel fearful when it comes to giving my heart to fool someone. I will not lie, the biggest fear is to feel the same amount, if not greater, the pain of abandonment I had when Eduardo broke up with me.

  I ever want to feel it. And as I know that I cling to people so quickly, avoid any contact with the opposite sex. Even more beautiful which has a huge ex queue. Such a large queue that can be compared with the SUS queue.

  Of course I feel alone. Even with people I love so strongly, I miss having someone next to me that worry me, smiling when he talks or thinks about me. I am a stupid romantic, but what can I do? I was made to love in large proportions. Knew that the relationship with Eduardo. I know he had feelings for me. And I had my confirmation on Friday. But it was not enough. He said he loved me, but it was not so.

  I discovered that he had a kind of pride, affection and appreciation for me. For it might have been love. Let him think so. At the time it hurt their loss. But now I'm happy that he is well, happy and fulfilled. His wife seems to be a good woman, never talked to her and I hope you never do.

  Sometimes I cursed the person, saying she stole my man. But then I remembered that it was never my truth.

  And sometimes I think I'll never find it.

  Leo says I'm too lazy to look for. And he's right.

  "You'll never find the right guy with that your ass sitting on the couch and control in hand, surfing the closed TV, looking for good films."


  - Juliane, dear! I need you to book the meeting room for me and Guto. We have important issues to deal with. - Katya comes with everything inside my room.

  Take a deep breath and without looking at her, I say:

  - Good Morning.

  - Oh, sorry. - Said in a voice more dull the world. - This week is so race for me. Duarte gave me new tasks and I'm a lot of things on the table.

  My will is to roll his eyes and say: These have always been their tasks, but you always pushing me to do. While I'd kill myself doing it, you were just on the phone or traveling around, gaining credit for something that did not even thirty percent.

  But what I say:

  - Of course, I know how it is. You want the room for how many hours? I got it free until three in the afternoon.

  I say even without looking at her.

  - That's great. It's all I need to be with him.

  But huh?

  - Okay, is reserved! Anything else?

  - Only, dear.

  If she call me again darling, I tear these fake blond hair she pays a fortune.

  When I'm going back to my planning, my cell phone rings.

  - Hi!

  - Dona Juliane Guedes? - A voice that seems to be a lady say my name.

  - Yes, I talk to?

  - I delegated Kamila, I'm responsible for you. I wonder if you can see today in the afternoon to give his testimony.

  A shiver runs down my spine.

  - Yeah, sure, I'll just tell my lawyer. - I begin to babble. - It may be the three? It is the best time for me.

  - Sure, it's a great time, I'll be waiting for you here at the station of women.

  - Okay, okay, I'll be there at three.

  Turn off the connection without even waiting for his answer. I do not want, but I get a little scared instantly. And this time I lose the hunger time. I take the rest of coffee that was in my cup, I'll call the lawyer of the company and ask for him to meet me at the station. He was waiting for me. And it's the orders.

  And the more I get anxious, more cost hours to pass.


  I told my boss who was colicky pain, he gave me a smile that understands what I feel, but do not want to deal with me in these circumstances. Asked the lawyer for the company to warn our head only when we left the station. For I knew he prontificaria to come with me. And I do not want to have to tell things in front of him. It is embarrassing too have to tell someone else.

  Dr. Kamila receives me with a hand of greeting and a soft smile. She seems to know very well deal with the nervousness that I am having.

  - I appreciate you coming, Juliane. - Said sitting. - Feel free.

  As if that was easy!

  - Thanks! - My voice is more pathetic than it already is. - If you do not mind, Doctor, I'd like you to start, I want to finish it as quickly as you can.

  - I understand perfectly, Juliane. - She nods to the guy on your right. - That's my clerk, he will write his report. You can start whenever you want.

  Beginning for reporting from the moment I was going to find a taxi. I did not see anyone on the street. He was sneaky and fast to get to me. it takes me not much, since everything happened so fast, I'm of no use in this.

  - I have the tests that were done in you. They will be filed with the process. Your case is made in perfect discretion. few people involved and they know what happened last week. Do not worry about it, okay? - She seems to think. - Me strange that Augusto Belmonte is not here with you.

  - He's my boss, and has more important things to do. - I mean changing the subject. - He was just making sure that the company was not exposed.

  Kamila seems confused by my statement.

  - What happened to the guy?

  I wonder down.

  - He is arrested without bail. Do not worry, you will not have to see him again,
our law bolsters the victims, not the aggressors.

  - Thanks.

  - There is nothing to say thank you, dear, you're fine. That's what matters.

  - Doctor, she will need to go back? - The lawyer asks.

  - Not for now, her case is in process, and even if the judgment is in a few days, she will not need to be present. She will receive the results via a letter.

  - I'll have this case priority, Juliane.

  He says. And I know he will do it. Not out of obligation, but because he wants. I noticed how he was when he told them the story of the night of Friday.

  - You are released, Juliane. Please be careful. - He said. - You were not wrong to go after driving to go home, you were not wrong to walk alone. That is your right, but the world is more perverse, the world is in chaos. Unfortunately for us women, protection is more than important, it's a necessity.

  I give the best I can nod before going.

  I hope the taxi stop outside the police station that he take me to the hospital. I need to get the points today. I put my headphones and hear my list of the day. Already I want headphones that read brain waves, to play the music we need to hear. Send a message to Leo saying I'll be home before seven, if traffic help.

  But only that the hospital is not helping. I am for an hour to be called. And waiting for me to be served only to remove the stitches, is forty minutes. The luck is that I have my Kindle, so I can read the rest of the chapters that my friend sent.

  I'm so immersed reading that not realize that already called me three times. The withdrawal of points did not take long. He healed very well, but still have to be attentive to my head pound more than normal. A message arrives and inadvertently grip on the icon to read, but quickly go out not to know that I'm online.

  The ride home is fast and quiet. Definitely I will be using taxi dockets for more these days. Dou good night to the porter and picked up the mail. Bill, bills, magazines, bills.

  - Dona Juliane. - You come to me holding a box. - It still little for you.

  - Thanks!

  I go up with things and leave everything on the table. So I see the sender, my first action is to jump up and down with such joy that comes over me. I was so submerged in there I forgot that my purchases were coming.


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