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As Time Goes By (The Californians 2)

Page 14

by Lori Wick

  Kate wanted to rail at her brother. This was the second time he had come home drunk and she was just sick as she looked at him. It had all started around Marcail's birthday, when their Father had written to say he would


  be away at least a year. A few days after Marcail's party, Sean had gone out with friends on a Friday night and been gone until dawn. He had come back so drunk that his family barely recognized him. Now it was weeks later and it wasn't a Friday night, so they wouldn't have the weekend to recover.

  For a long time Sean had been very sorry over what he had done and it looked to everyone like he had learned his lesson, but the boys Sean ran with were a strong lure, and in a matter of weeks he was seeing them again. He managed to keep this a secret for over a month, but now he saw them every afternoon that he wasn't working.

  Rigg and Kate discussed the possibility of Sean work ing every day, but they knew that would be treating the symptoms and not the cause. Kate didn't like to think what was going to happen when school let out in two weeks. Unless Sean agreed to work at the mercantile, he would have hours of free time on his hands every day.

  Kate was afraid to try the stairs with Sean, so she led him to the couch and helped him lie down. He fell asleep as she removed his shoes. Rigg came out to check on her just as she was covering him with a blanket.

  "I could smell him from across the room." Rigg's voice was thick with pain. "How are you holding up?"

  "I think I'll be okay. I came to some conclusions to night as I was sitting here waiting, and I think I'm going to give Sean a choice; he can straighten up or I'm going to put him on the next ship for Hawaii."

  "Will you be able to go through with it if he chooses to sail?"

  "I don't know, Rigg, I honestly don't know." The tears that had threatened for hours finally spilled forth.

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  Rigg quickly checked Sean, tucking the blanket close around him, and then lifted his sobbing wife in his arms. The pregnancy made her heavier but she was still no problem for Rigg to carry.

  He laid her gently in their bed and then crawled in beside her, covering them both with a light blanket. Rigg didn't try to talk to Kate as she cried against his chest because he half-expected she would cry herself to sleep. But Kate needed to talk, and after her tears were spent


  sh'e'I don't know what to do nexL I love my brother, Rigg, but he's become so hard against me that I feel I barely know him. I know he's a different person when he's with his .friends, and I feel that everything he says or does around here is a lie."

  "It probably is. I mean, he's embracing the world with both arms right now and that means he has to weigh every word he says when he's here."

  "What are we going to do, Rigg?" Kate said after a moment of silence.

  'q don't know. I haven't wanted to involve my whole family even though I'm sure they've noticed Sean's behavior."

  "But now you're thinking of talking to your dad?" "Yes. He loves Sean, but he's not as emotionally in volved as we are, and maybe he can shed some light on things for us. And just maybe, Kate--and this is some thing we'll have to face--Sean will have to make his own choice on this. He has a free will, and God wants Sean to come to Him of that free will."

  They didn't talk much after that and it wasn't long before they were both asleep. Morning was a trial with so little rest, but they were up on time anyway. Rigg moved


  his hung-over brother-in-law to his own bedroom upstairs, and then left him a note telling him not to leave the house before Rigg returned at lunch.

  Kate and Rigg sat down with Sean that very night and talked over the options available to him. Kaitlin did not give her brother any ultimatums, but she did ask him if he wanted to sail for Hawaii. He was immediately against the idea and Kate found that she was relieved.

  Rigg took over the conversation about halfway through, and most of what he told Sean echoed the advice he had received from his father that morning.

  Sean was given until school let out to find a full-time job for the summer, not a job with Rigg or at the shipping office, but one where he walked in, introduced himself, and asked for fullrtime work for the summer.

  "And what if I refuse?" Sean asked, not belligerently, but needing to know his boundaries.

  "Then you'll find yourself out on your ear, because this is what it's going to cost you to live here this summer."

  Rigg pushed a piece of paper toward the young man. On it were the weekly costs for Sean's 'rent and food for the entire summer. Rigg also told him he would have to buy his own clothing. Sean read the list over several times, and ther/looked into the eyes of Rigg and his sister. They were regretful, but serious.

  Sean nodded slowly. He hated to admit it, but he knew he had no one to blame but himself. Maybe a job would help him say no to the friends who got him into the most trouble. Not that he blamed them completely; he knew the choice was his.

  The next day being Friday, Sean knew he had just one more day before setting off to find a summer job. He thought he might have seen a sign at the livery. He didn't know the pay, but it had to be fairly high or else he would have to put in plenty of hours for his rent and expenses.

  He also wanted to buy Katie's baby something special. She was due in about three months and he had put her through a lot. He thought if he could buy a gift for his new niece or nephew with his own money, he could prove to Kate that he did think of other people besides himself.

  With this in mind Sean rose from the table to find Marcail. He had shouted at her today because he'd had a headache. Knowing he needed to make amends, he nevertheless wished his family understood him more. In fact, he wished he understood himself more.


  Jeff smiled at the sight of Bobbie on the step stool in the storeroom; she wasn't supposed to be up there. But then, it was only her boss who told her that, and since Bobbie saw no reason for the rule, she disregarded it when she felt it necessary.

  "You're not to be up there, Bobbie," Jeff stated as he came to stand below her.

  "Oh, it's all right. You see, Gilbert just had to run a quick errand and I want to get this done before lunch."

  Jeff shook his head as she went back to organizing the unclaimed packages, even as his hands lifted to grasp her around the waist.

  Once on the floor Bobbie glared up at Jeff, but he smiled engagingly, which only deepened "her scowl. Sidestepping her, left hopped on the ladder himseIf.

  Jeff had been working on the back-room shelves for so many years he was sure he could do it in his sleep. As usual, his mind began to wander and this time it wandered to Bobbie. He had never had a friend like her, and indeed she was a friend.

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  It had seemed for awhile that working with her was going to be very difficult because of the way his heart was changing toward her, but he had fully surrendered his heart to God where Bobbie was concerned, and his heavenly Father sustained him in a way that Jeff never anticipated.

  Bobbie had become his friend. It was really that simple. He could touch her arm or even give her a hug in true friendship. There wasn't anything they couldn't talk about. They shouted at each other once in awhile, but there wasn't a week that passed when they didn't laugh themselves to tears over something.

  They even had a Scripture memorization contest going. It had been Bobbie's idea, and Jeff, having been raised in the Word of God, thought himself a sure win. But as usual, Bobbie surprised him. They would stand almost nose-to-nose and recite any verse that came to mind. The last person to say a verse won.

  left found out in a hurry that Bobbie was as competitive as he was. They were evenly matched at the moment, and both hated to be the last one standing there searching his or her memory for a verse.

  "That's the lot," Jeff told Bobbie as he came down to stand beside her.

  "Thanks, Jeff." As always, she had to tip her head back to see him. "I guess Gil was delayed."

  "Well, no matte
r. Nate will be out of school in a week, and Dad always puts him in charge of the stockroom for the summer."

  "I'm glad to hear that. Nate is fun to have around."

  "'Speaking of being around, I understand you guys are coming to supper tonight."

  "Yep. Are you going to be there?"

  Jeff gave a negative shake of his head. "I have a date."


  ',nyone I know?"

  "Penny Larson."

  "'Penny Larson? I thought she lived down south."

  "She does. But she's here to visit her grandmother and

  we're going to supper."

  "Tell her I said hi."

  "/'ll do that. How many more days until Cleve comes?" "He'll be here Friday."

  "'This Friday?" Jeff was surprised.

  "'Yes. When did you think it was?"

  "I don't know, but I just didn't realize it was so soon. You don't seem very excited."

  "I am," Bobbie said, but her voice held no conviction. She met Jeff's eyes for just a moment and then turned away.

  They had talked all about Cleve when Bobbie was still undecided, and Jeff had finally told Bobbie outright that her marrying CIeve was a big mistake.

  "You don't even know him, so how can you say that?" she had retorted in anger.

  "I don't need to know him to see that you're not in love with him." Jeff's voice had been gentle, and Bobble couldn't take it. He had watched helplessly as tears puddled in her eyes.

  "I'm sure you've noticed how hard it is for you to get into the office every day, Jeff, because of all the men lined up outside waiting to see me."

  "So you are marrying Cleve because you think no one else wilI ask you?"

  "You make it sound so cynical, but you don't understand." A single tear slid down her face and Jeff felt something squeeze around his heart. "Plain girls have dreams too, you know. We want families and homes as much as beautiful girls like Sylvia."

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  "Oh Bob," Jeff whispered, and reached to hold her, but Bobbie stepped away from his arms.

  "Don't pity me, Jeff. I don't need your pity."

  But Jeff was not to be put off, and he pursued Bobbie right around her desk and then pulled her into the storeroom so they could talk.

  Everything had been cleared up between them before they had gone back to work, but at the time Bobbie's future was still very unsettled.

  Bobbie now knew she wasn't to marry Cleve, but she couldn't tell anyone. She felt it a serious matter to tell Cleve first and in person, even though she desperately wanted to discuss it with her best friendmJeff Taylor.

  For the moment Bobble was spared having to give any more thought to the weekend and Cleve's arrival beuse

  Marcail came in.

  "Hi, Bobbie."

  "Well, hello, Marc. What brings you in right after school?"

  "Kate's at the doctor."

  Bobbie looked at her with understanding. She and Marcail had discussed this before, and Bobble, even though she didn't share Marcail's fear of doctors, was very compassionate.

  "I'm ready now," Marcail said as she took a seat by the desk.

  "Ready for what?"

  "To hear about the camping trips."

  Bobbie smiled. She had completely forgotten that they had been talking about it on Sunday when Kaiflin told Marcail she had to get into the wagon. Bobble had promised her they would talk the next time they saw each other.

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  Bobbie glanced down at the paperwork on her desk and then at the clock. If she kept it short she could still get her work done. Bobbie was just finishing her explation

  when Jeff came in and took the other desk chair. "So when can I go with you?"

  "Well, we're not going again until after Cleve's visit, but if Kaitlin and Rigg say you can come, then it's fine with me."

  "What about me?"

  Bobbie blinked at Jeff in surprise. 'Kre you serious?" "Sure. I've been waiting for you to invite me all spring, but since Marc just came out and asked, I figured I'd do the same.'"

  Bobbie looked from one to the other. Why had she never thought to invite them?

  "Of course you can come," she said simply. "I'll discuss it with my dad and let you know what to bring."

  Jeff and Marcail grinned at each other, and Bobbie was amazed to see how sincere they were. She wondered what it was that they both found so intriguing about her going camping with her family.

  What Bobbie was unaware of was the way her eyes lit up when she spoke of waking up in a still forest, or going to sleep with a million stars shining overhead. She made cooking over the fire and hiking through the woods sound magical, easily capturing the attention of anyone listening.

  The next day their plans were made. Marcail gained permission from her sister and Jeff asked his mother to fill in for the weekend. Bobbie was glad for something to distract her thoughts until Cleve arrived in six days. Before she knew it, Friday was upon her and the stage from Jenner would be in around suppertime.

  Bobbie had the next day off, but she might as well have had Friday off, since she accomplished little. Jeff noticed her restlessness but refrained from commenting.

  Around 5:30 Bobbie stood at the shipping office window watching the passengers disembark in front of the stage office. Her anxiety was overwhelming as she waited for that familiar face to appear. Finally Bobbie watched Cleve jump down from the stage, the last person off.

  Taking a deep breath, she wiped her damp palms together and opened the shipping office door, completely unaware of the way Jeff and Gilbert moved to watch her from the window she had just vacated.


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  "Yes. Would you like to come in and meet my boss?" "Sure. Do you work tomorrow?" "No, I'm off until Monday."

  "'Good." Cleve looked very pleased and Bobbie won dered if maybe he cared for her more than she thought. At one time the thought would have pleased her, but

  Cleve spotted Bobbie the moment she emerged from the office, and he watched her approach. He searched her face, although for what he wasn't sure, and tried to smile as she came to stand before him.

  At once he knew that staying away had been a mis take. He had been sure that if they were apart Bobble would miss him. Not just miss him, but long for his companionship, as he had longed for hers. Her face told him that hadn't happened.

  But he had a week in Santa Rosa, and he told himself that maybe it would be enough time to convince Bobble Bradford that she needed to come back to Jenner.

  "Hello, stranger," Cleve greeted her without restraint. It was so easy to talk to Bobbie.

  "Hi, Cleve, how was the trip?"

  "Long and dusty."

  "I'm sure it was," Bobbie said with a smile. Cleve was so honest.

  He didn't touch her. Even though Bobble knew he wouldn't, she was somehow disappointed.

  '9,re you off work now?"

  "'He didn't even hug her." "What?" "'Nothing."

  Gilbert turned slightly in the wagon seat to stare at Jeff, who held the reins loosely in his hands and contin ued to mumble to himself.

  "What Bobbie does with Cleve is none of our busi ness, Jeff."

  "I know that." Jeff answered with a long sigh and then glanced at Gilbert. "But it bothered you too, didn't it?"

  Gilbert didn't answer, but then he didn't have to; Jeff could read his thoughts. Jeff told himself again that it was none of their business, but his feelings for Bobbie made him wonder anew how Cleve could have kept from hugging her, even though they were in public.

  "They're coming to dinner after church Sunday." "Yeah," Jeff commented quietly.

  "You were all prepared to hate him, weren't you?" Jeff gave a small smile. "I guess I was."

  'Tknd it wasn't that simple," Gil remarked, and once again the two fell silent for the remainder of the ride, both contemplating the scene when Bobbie brought Cleve in to be introduced.

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Goes By 195

  "Mr. Taylor, this is Cleveland Ramsey. Cleve, this is my boss, Bill Taylor." The men shook hands and then Bobbie introduced Jeff and Gilbert.

  Cleve conversed easily with the men, his manner qui etly charming. He was knowledgeable in the shipping field because of his close contact with Jasper and Joanne, and the Taylors were impressed.

  Not a big man, Cleve was a few inches taller than Bobbie, with well-built, broad shoulders and a firm handshake. He was a perfect gentleman with Bobbie, and that was a plus for a man who had points against him before the game even began.

  All in all, it was a good first meeting. Jeff did some serious praying as he settled the horse and wagon in the barn for the night. He was going to be seeing Cleve with Bobbie off and on for the next week, and he might very well have to say goodbye to his friend because of Cleve.

  'Please, Lord,' Jeff prayed, 'help me to trust You for Bobbie's future. And help her to make the right deci sion.'

  "What are you staring at, Cleve?" Bobbie asked softly from her place on the front porch.

  "You," he answered simply, and she felt her face


  Supper was over and the two of them were sitting on the front porch. It was a warm summer night and the song of crickets could be heard all around them. Their silence was a comfortable one, and Cleve had enjoyed just looking at the woman across from him before she be came aware of his scrutiny.

  "Did you want to ask me something?" Bobble ques tioned him uncertainly when he continued to watch her in silence.

  "I think I've already done the asking, Robbie." Bobbie's heart began to pound. She had asked the Lord to help her bring this up at the beginning of his visit, but really hadn't had a clue as to how to go about it. Now Cleve had given her a starting place, and she wasn't at all sure if she was ready.

  "Yes, you have asked, Cleve," Bobble said softly, "and I felt it was important to answer you in person."

  "I'm pretty sure I know what you're going to say." Bobbie was quiet for a moment then. How did a woman tell a man that she was afraid she would someday regret marrying him? Bobbie was searching for the right words when Cleve spoke again.


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