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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

Page 10

by L. A. A. Law

  “Andrew would not have left without Jacob, they must still be on the grounds looking for him.”

  “They are not. When David only managed to get Jacob, he sent another in his place like they sent Marlena in yours so your family left the grounds believing that they had Jacob. Like you, he was replaced. They also have my son and daughter who I thought were killed and three others from your group, a man and two women.”

  “How could this happen? How could they replace my son?”

  “I told you that this is a very powerful and old family, the stories about David and his powers are obviously true. They must have returned to the area where your children were and overheard the same information that I had heard. David would never let that type of power slip through his fingers. Although his desire for revenge is strong, his quest for unlimited power is relentless. They are probably trying to assess your family’s powers now and try to ascertain how many more family members were not with you on the land so that they can report back to David and see if he still wants them all destroyed or if he wants to put a new plan in place to capture them and harvest their powers first.”

  “Please, I have to get in touch with my husband and tell him what has happened, if my son has been bitten, he needs help! Please, I know that he will come for me and rescue my son and your children as well; we have nothing against your kind. Please, I need to speak with him!”

  “Mia, we need to be careful, obviously David does not want your son dead; he wants to know how to secure your son’s power. As to calling your family, we may put them and the ones they captured in more danger by trying to get in touch with them. David and his kind would have killed my children instantly, but they must know that we have you and being unsure as to whether you are dead or alive, they are keeping my children to ensure that you do not interfere with whatever plans they have. If I allow you to get in contact with your family, they will have no reason to keep my family alive. Do the others they captured have powers that David might want or are they just bargaining chips to control your son?”

  Unsure of what I should tell him and knowing the extreme stress because of the loss of his wife and other children, I hesitate. I need to treat him now as if I am dealing with a hostage type situation. In this type of situation, I know that people can be driven to extremes. I have to protect Jacob and the others. Although I don’t believe Grant is bad, I don’t know enough about this situation and those surrounding me to make good decisions.”

  “Grant, I don’t know why they grabbed the others or even who they grabbed. In fact, it makes no sense for him to grab them unless he replaced them too. My thoughts drift wondering if they are part of the St. Cloud family and if the others would return for them if David hasn’t replaced them. Even if Jacob was replaced, could he replace more? Forcing myself from my introspection, I return to the situation at hand. Despite Grant telling me it would be dangerous to call my family, is he keeping me from doing this because they have a plan, a plan which could endanger Jacob and the others, I need Grant to stop and think about what his next move may be. “I understand that this is very stressful for you, I’m glad that your children are alive, but please you cannot do anything rash or unthinking. I know that you do not know me or my son, but really we have been fighting against dark forces ever since entering this realm and I beg you not to do anything that would put anyone in danger. I know first-hand how when someone is being held, they can be used as a bargaining chip to get their loved ones to do the capture’s bidding, but it never works out. They never give you what they promise, please you need to believe me, that is how I lost my sister and her husband.” The stress of this situation and past events crash over me like a rolling surf and I can’t stop the tears streaming down my face as fear grips my heart at the thought of Grant being manipulated into a situation that could hurt our families, the way Nicholas had been manipulated all those years ago.

  His resigned response is a mere murmur. “I know how evil this family can be and how barbaric they are. I saw how they ripped one of my children apart in front of my wife before killing her. They have no conscious and their barbaric nature makes them the most dangerous enemies that we have ever come across. They have gotten away with their actions for far too long. I need to talk to the others, eat and I will return shortly.”

  Forgetting the tray is on my lap, I sit up straighter causing the tray to tip over. Grant sits beside me. “What happened?”

  “I forgot about the tray. I’m sorry.”

  “Didn’t you see it? Did the tea burn you?.”

  “No, I can’t see. I didn’t get burned.”

  “If you’re blind, why did they leave you alone in the woods?”

  “I wasn’t blind before I hit the tree.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “I’m sorry for the mess.” I feel around trying to clean up the spill.”

  “It’s nothing, I’ll have Amelia come and stay with you while I’m gone, but please do not try to contact anyone or leave. I won’t be gone long. I know that you’re anxious about the situation too and don’t know me or my family, but like you, we also have been fighting the darkness and I will not be manipulated by them. I am only going to talk to our elders, nothing more. If you promise that you won’t do anything foolish while I’m gone, I promise the same.”

  Amelia removes the items from my lap. “Who are you really and why did you come here? You may have fooled my brother, but you will not fool me. They have never kept prisoners before, nor have they ever transformed into someone else. My brother may be right and you may be a powerful witch, but you must be working for them, there is no way that David would have the ability to transform into other people and not use it. I won’t let you destroy what is left of our family or our pack. I bet that you are even feigning your blindness to get my brother’s sympathy. What happened, did the wolves get too close to you so you feigned being a victim. Did you change Marlena to look as if she was going with whomever my brother saw on the land so that he would think you were some helpless victim in need of his help before you try to take us out one by one, the way you took out Elizabeth’s family, brutally and slow. I’m sure that they have already killed my niece and nephew now that the message of their capture was delivered, but let me assure you that you will not take another life, not here, not now, not ever!”

  The unmistakable determination in her voice alerts me that she has a plan which will not be good for me. “Amelia, I’m sure that you can tell, I am not a vampire, nor am I part of that family. I swear I am not feigning anything. I came here because my father was being honored for saving the life of a dignitary’s son, maybe you saw it in the paper, his name is Dr. Angelis. After the ceremony, my family and I were going to assist in setting up the records for the new terminal unit that was established in town, it is being run by Dr. Jamison. A picture of Dr. Jamison, my husband, Andrew, and my brother-in-law, Lucas Masters, was in the paper the other day. If you don’t believe me, you can see for yourself, download a copy of the paper from a day or two ago.” Although we’re quite a few miles from the hospital, I’m sure that the local paper probably carried some word of it. Trying to keep my voice as sincere and quiet as possible despite my oncoming fear that her silence is evidence of her resolve to do something which may put me at a further disadvantage than I am now, I continue trying to reason with her. “Amelia, I don’t know why this David has never used his transformation powers before, but I assure you that I don’t know how to transform people and I would never help anyone who kidnapped my children, under a mistaken impression or not. My children are the most important people in my life. All I want to do is make sure they are alright and if my son, Jacob, is being held prisoner, all I want to do is get him home!”

  Grabbing my wrists, she jerks me off the bed. “Now I know you’re lying, my brother saw your son transform from a mouse to himself. You know exactly how to transform. Move now!” She shouts, pushing me forward. Stumbling, she jerks me to my feet and pushes me through the doo
rway. I can feel the fresh air.

  “Amelia, please I’m telling you the truth, I don’t know how to transform. In fact, my son only learned how to change himself today so that he could escape and it wasn’t even from me. I am not in league with this family and I do not want to harm yours.”

  Pushing me over some upraised metal, she hoists my legs up and crams me into a small, cold, steely space. A lid slams shut just above my head. My heart palpitates wildly. I have been shoved into the trunk of a car and she is starting the engine! Screaming, while kicking my feet against the top of the trunk, I need for someone to hear me in hopes they will stop her and get Grant. If I had only kept my telephone, I could call for help. The car’s engine roars, pushing past capacity, thrashing over bumps, swerving erratically, we must be traveling over grass and tree roots. As my head thrashes against the unyielding surface, I can feel the gash open again and am unaware of how long we travel or whether I have lost consciousness. The car jerks to a halt, slamming my body up against the metal side, and I can feel more skin ripping open at the wound. A cool rush of air pulls me from my haze as Amelia grabs my shoulders hoisting me out of the trunk without any effort at all.

  “You are back where you belong and I’m sure that your group is waiting for you. Deliver this message from me, I didn’t kill or harm you so they have no reason to come on our land, if they do, we’ll be ready for them!” Raising me higher, she slams my body toward the ground.

  Unbearable pain radiates through my body, I struggle to voice my plea. “Amelia, please, I am not with them and I can’t see anything, all I want to do is get back to ...”

  Slamming the car door, she reeves the engine and the car quickly retreats from me.

  Chapter Six - Incapacitated And Alone In Enemy Territory

  Alone, unable to see, and without a hope of communicating with my family, I am sure of only one thing, I am on enemy territory and if the animals do not devour me, they will. My heart sinks as I consider never being able to see my children again, never knowing if they are safe, and never being able to warn them that these barbarians are out to annihilate them.

  Moving forward, I stumble and fall. I’m lightheaded and feel ooze dripping from my wound. Placing my hand on my head, the bandage is saturated. Tears well in my eyes, but as my fingers glide down to feel if the other bandage is also saturated, they skim the strap of my pendant. Images of similar pendants which adorn the necks of each of my wonderful children flow through my thoughts as does Andrew’s angelic face.

  Ever since entering into this surreal world, everyone has told me that I am strong. I need that to be true now. I need to stay calm and think clearly if I am ever to have even the slightest chance of seeing my family again. Sitting up, I concentrate on the spells Emma taught me about how to draw upon the energy in nature to make myself feel better and give my wounds the ability to heal. Pulling just above the hem of my shirt, surprisingly I rip enough to tie a tourniquet around my head. As my fingers reach up, it feels as if the bleeding is slowing, so I repeat the spell a few more times.

  Something furry crosses my outstretched legs. I let out a gasp and clasp my hands over my mouth to stop the oncoming scream. I can’t afford to alert them that I am on their territory. Listening intently as I try to push the scream down, I hear the animal retreating through the dry brush. Telling myself that it isn’t anything that wants to hurt me, I stand and focus my thoughts on projecting a shield around myself to repel any oncoming future threats. Outstretching my hands, I move forward but hit the ground as my feet catch on underlying roots. Slapping the ground in absolute frustration, this is impossible! I can’t see, don’t know where I am going and the estate is vast. How will I ever find my way off and even if I do, who would help me?

  My little angel sits now on my shoulder screaming into my ear. You can’t give up, your family needs you. Think. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, I know we drove for a while, but Amelia wouldn’t risk going into the territory, she must have dropped me on the fringe. If I had only thought about that before I started moving, maybe I could have at least backtracked into the wolves’ territory, but then again, maybe she already convinced the others that I was evil too. I’m on my own.

  Getting on my hands and knees, I don’t know whose territory I’m heading towards, and can’t risk falling again, but I have to keep moving. For better or worse, I have to keep moving forward. Despite knowing death will probably claim me in this forest of the unknown as the protectionist spell fails allowing the animals or barbarians to get me, I refuse to invite it in warmly and hope to at least give death a small run for its effort.

  After what seems like hours, the underbrush beneath me is clear of upturned roots. The sun is warming the earth above me and ground beneath me. Lifting my face for a moment, I relish the sun’s rays and allow it to heat my stiff body. Moving my hand to the bandage, I’m relieved that it is no longer soaking wet. Forging forward once again on my knees, I freeze in my tracks as my hand sweeps over a set of shoes. Too stunned to scream, someone grabs me and I’m immediately on my feet. It must be them!

  “Mia, I’m so sorry.” I recognize the voice immediately. His words are fast and pleading. “I know it’s no excuse, but my sister wasn’t thinking, she was only trying to protect our family. She should not have done what she did, but please do not cast any spells on her, she really is a good person. We have been fooled before and she lost both of her children in an attack.”

  “Grant, I have no intention of doing anything to her. Please believe me when I say, that all I want to do is get to my family and bring them back together. I have no affiliation to David or anyone in his family. I couldn’t even figure out how they learned that Lucas returned until I begged your sister to look at the picture that was in the paper talking about our helping at the new hospital wing. I still can’t figure out how they knew he was at the hotel and why on earth they would think that my children are his, but either way, everyone I love is in danger, my son is captured again and now they may know his secrets and who knows what is happening to him!”

  “Mia, I know how fearful you are, I am too. I went and talked to the elders about this situation, but they refuse to go up against this family now. My sister tried to convince them that you were here to destroy us and in league with them. We have lost so many members of our pack in past altercations with vampires that are not nearly as strong or barbaric as David. The elders are afraid to move against them without help. They are sending some of our members to speak with a strong pack that we know.”

  “Did she convince you that I was in league with them too?”

  “No, she could not convince me of that. I could tell how frightened your children were when they were inside the dungeon and I know the panic I heard in the woods from your friends trying to get to them. I wasn’t delayed in finding you because I was debating whether or not my sister was correct, it took me so long to find you because I followed a wrong lead of your sent from when you were here the first time.”

  I throw my arms around him. “Thank you for coming back for me! I was sure that I was going to die.”

  He tries to joke. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that witches don’t die? You really must be a strong one. I have never seen anyone touch David before. If we work together maybe we can save the people we love. I know that you are probably really upset with our pack, especially after what my sister did to you, but I hope that doesn’t stop you from considering that our working together may solve both of our issues. Unfortunately, right now, I am on my own again with a witch.” He chuckles. “It seems to be my forte lately.” He chortles. “The elders will not move on this without assistance and my sister has convinced them to be at least suspicious of you, so we cannot return there because they would probably believe that I am bewitched. Although my children assure me that they will help, I do not want to separate them from the protection of our pack now. It is not because I am suspicious of you, but please understand that I cannot risk any more of my family and they a
re safest among our kind on our territory.”

  “Grant, I know that you may not believe this, but I am not upset with your sister or your pack. I know the extremes someone can be driven to because of suspicions and loss. My family has always fought to try and do the right thing and I don’t want to hurt anyone. I understand if you want to get back to your pack. I know I cannot return there, but I am begging you to please get me to civilization. I may not be able to contact my family, but there are people that I can trust and that can help me. I need to save my son before they realize ...” I stop myself. Although I know Grant returned because he believes me and that his pack is fighting against them, I remind myself that his children are hostages and if they are still alive, they could be used to manipulate him.

  “Before they realize what? There is something more with you and your family isn’t there? It has to do with that healing thing and transformation that I witnessed, doesn’t it?”

  I hate lying to him, but at this juncture, without the protection of Sanctuary and my family, the less I reveal might be the better and safer for everyone involved. “Grant, I’m afraid that they will come to the realization that my son is not Lucas’ and then they would have no reason to keep him alive.”

  From his hum, he seems to accept my explanation. “Even if they realize this, I think they will keep him alive because of what David thinks that he can get from your son.”

  “But that’s just it, my son probably can’t help him in that, I didn’t lie to your sister when I said that today is the first time that he transformed. He didn’t even know how to do it without instruction. You saw how young my son is. I haven’t been teaching him how to really utilize his powers because I wanted him to grow up as normal as possible and learn to be good person first.”


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