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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

Page 16

by L. A. A. Law

  “So you don’t know how they knew, but are you sure that they did not make her or that Jacob suspicious?”

  “I saw the smug looks passing between them when they thought no one was looking. They have no idea that we know.”

  I feel slightly better knowing that at least everyone is aware of the switch. “I called up to Sanctuary to warn them. Jason, Ryan and Rachel will be prepared for them.”

  “Mia, they are not returning to Sanctuary, we couldn’t have them there not knowing how much power they really have or if they have any help in the states, so Lucas, Martina, Catherine, Francis and Nicole are returning with Victor to the farm, this way we can isolate them there. Victor called ahead to his family and they are gone from the main building so they will be safe but can aid in the protection of Nicole. Andrew went with Nicholas and Kayla to the airport and Serena will travel home with them. Jason is waiting to take them back to Sanctuary, Ryan will be waiting at the farm to give added protection to Nicole. Andrew should be back in the area at any moment, if he is not already back, I know he was anxious to return.”

  “Why isn’t Nicole returning to Sanctuary so that she would be away from Marlena and the imposter?”

  “They believe that she is Lucas’ child and if we had her leave, they may become suspicious, since we don’t know what they set up in the way of communications, we did not want to risk tipping our hand while they still have Jacob. Don’t worry. Victor has some of the same protections as Sanctuary to incapacitate demons if they enter his main farmhouse so that if they are part demon, their stronger powers will be impaired and there will be others with Nicole all the time, she is protected. They won’t leave her and will kill the imposters if something even looks as if it is going wrong. They are hoping to buy us some time by pretending to all be gathering at Lucas and your farm for an upcoming anniversary celebration. They are even pretending to be waiting for your other children to come home to celebrate. Andrew came up with this story to give us a few days to rescue Jacob and the others before capturing Marlena and that Jacob.

  “Why didn’t Andrew fly back with them? What if Nicholas and Kayla need more help because of the wolf bites?”

  “Nicholas and Kayla were perfectly fine when they left here. I understand that you are worried about them, but their hearts and minds are strong. Andrew is confident that they are fine. Nicole will be safe at the farm. Remember, they have only two that are on the actual lands. The perimeter is being watched and she has plenty of protection inside. Andrew only went to the airport to make sure that our story was holding up and that the children were fully protected before getting on the plane and that the other two did not become suspicious, but he already heard from Martina and called me on the way back. The story is holding up perfectly. Your children are very intelligent. They kept talking about how excited they are to see their cousins and siblings. Marlena and the other one are eating it up. They are salivating at the thought of getting a chance to take out Lucas’ entire family.”

  I hear him sigh. “Mia, Andrew is very concerned that Jacob is out there exposed and doesn’t know we found you. You need to call him and let him know what is going on.”

  Unsure about calling Andrew, especially if he is in a position to stop me, I try to distract Damian. “Is he sure that they are healing alright and Nicole is alright? I know that she didn’t dispel the wolf venom in time and needed help?”

  “She’s fine. I promise you. Andrew would have never left her if there was even a hint that she was in danger, you know that.”

  “I know. How long has it been? I have lost all concept of time between channeling and not being able to see.”

  “It’s been about thirty hours. Have you slept at all or are you working purely off of adrenaline.”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. When I was channeling, I may have drifted off.” I jump as the telephone rings knowing who it is and that they will not lie to him about what is going on. I only hope he will listen to reason..

  “Andrew, how far out are you?...Yes we found her, she’s alive.” Damian places the telephone in my hand.

  “Andrew, are you sure the children are alright?”

  “Nicholas and Kayla are safely on their way to Sanctuary. They are perfectly fine and very strong. Nicole is at Emma’s farm. All the effects of trying to cure Nicholas and Kayla have worn off and she is feeling stronger than ever. She is trying to hide her fear for Jacob so as not to give anything away and Victor is helping her with that. She is also being carefully monitored and watched. She has even mastered a protectionist light similar to yours. She’s amazing, just like her mother.” His voice reflects his pride. “Where are you? Are you at the hospital? I’m almost there.”

  Steadying myself hoping to make him understand that I have to protect Jacob at any cost, I clear my throat. “Andrew, I am just outside of the estate territory, I am going to turn myself over to David in hopes that he will put me in the dungeon with Jacob.”

  “Mia, what are you talking about?” Panic resonates in his tone.

  “Just listen. You know their plan changed, and I’m sure Martina told you that they grabbed Jacob because they saw him transform, but what you don’t know is that a werewolf saved me and his children are also trapped with Jacob. David is threatening to kill the captures and the wolf’s entire pack if I’m not turned over to him so that I cannot interfere with his plans.”


  “No, Andrew listen Elizabeth, the girl that Lucas rescued is actually a powerful werewolf and her pack is here to help rescue our family and impair David’s, but everyone needs time to formulate a plan. David is extremely erratic. He’s placed Jacob in a cage and threatened him. I have to get to him, see if I can placate David and get Jacob to get out of there. I forced Jackson and Damian to take me to the estate. Jacob is afraid to transform and leave Gabriel and Eva. He is terrified of what David will do to them and to him if he gets caught. I’m hoping to convince him that Jackson and Damian are waiting for him and that we will be safe if he leaves. I’m afraid that David has been untouchable because he is also in league with the demons and if he realizes who he has, we could lose him!” I can’t stop the sobs ripping through my chest.

  “Mia, I know that I can’t convince you not to go and I understand you want to protect Jacob, but do you think that by going, it will buy us time with David?”

  “I do. I think it will placate him, especially if he has been in contact with Marlena and they believe the story Jackson told me you came up with, which is brilliant.”

  “Where exactly are you going on the property? I will meet up with you. Mia, if you wait, I can go in with you and get Jacob. I can transform into an insect that you can place in your pocket and I will lead Jacob out and then Jackson and I can return for you and the others?”

  Thinking about this, a question comes to mind. “When you transform, does your scent change or could they detect that someone is with me. I know that after David bit me, they had Marlena bite me so that she would have my scent.”

  “You were bitten!”

  Startled, I drop the phone. “Yes, but I’m fine. Andrew, do you know if you lose your scent?”

  “I don’t know, we can test it out when I arrive. Wait for me. Mia, have you fed since your transformation, otherwise you will get very weak?”

  “I haven’t transformed.”

  “That’s not possible. A bite either transforms you or kills you.”

  “I can’t explain it, but I can still hear my heart beating so I don’t believe that anything has happened to me.”

  “Mia, put Damian on the phone.” His tone is beyond concerned.

  Damian must have heard because his hand grasps the phone. “I can still hear her heart, it is strong and beating. Mia, can I remove your bandage a moment?”

  “Go ahead.”

  His cold hand lifts the side of the bandage and I hear his gasp. “She was definitely bitten.”

  He hands me back the telephone. “Mia, I don’t know how you haven�
�t transformed, especially since the bite is over twelve hours old, but wait for me.”

  “Andrew, we’re running out of time and I’m sure that David will scrutinize my scent very carefully. I think that it would be best if I went out alone and if you could transform into the eagle that I love so much and fly around the castle, I know that Jacob successfully transformed into a mouse before and I’m sure that I could get him to do it again, especially if he knows that his father is flying overhead.”

  “But if he doesn’t take you to the dungeon, you won’t be able to get him a message.”

  “If Jacob isn’t out within a half hour from your arrival then you will have to risk transforming and getting close to the dungeon, but otherwise, wait until you see him and he is clear enough that you can grab him and get him out of there. Damian and I have a plan that we think can fool David into believing that Jacob is still caged until the plan to get us all out can be solidified. I love you. We stopped, so we are here. I will see you soon.”

  “Mia, I love you too. Be careful, you know if your head or heart becomes damaged you could die. Also, there could be repercussions from that bite. I don’t know why you haven’t transformed, but if it was somehow delayed because you are a witch and it were to happen while you are captive, you’re not drinking right away is going to leave you extremely weak and vulnerable. Have you spoken to Reginald to see if his transformation was delayed because he was a witch first?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t even thought about the issue. I will be fine. I have to go. I’m afraid with each passing moment that David could become more erratic and hurt Jacob. I love you.” Hanging up, I turn my head toward Damian. “Call Lucas and get the number for David so that I can tell him I’m here. Drop me off and then get as far away from here as you can so that he won’t detect you. When I’m gone, come back and wait for Andrew and Jacob.”

  “Mia, are you sure about this and why didn’t you tell Andrew that you are blind?” Consternation resonates in his tone.

  “It wouldn’t change the situation, please just call Lucas and get the number.” I fumble and grab his arm as it occurs to me that if he is with Marlena, it would ruin everything. “Call Grant instead, maybe he knows how I should let David know I have been turned over.”

  “Grant, it’s Damian, did David tell you how to get in touch with him when you turned Mia over. I will tell her.”

  “Mia, go in about fifty paces and then call out to him. Supposedly there will be someone that is coming out to get you. They doubt it will be David, but use his name either way.”

  I feel for the handle and open the door. Damian’s cold hand is on my shoulder. “Mia, you should wait for Andrew. Even if he doesn’t go with you, maybe he could do something to help your sight and at least you could see what is coming at you and hopefully defray any type of attack.”

  “I thought about that, but if he cannot cure my blindness he will try to stop me from going. Damian, David is extremely irrational. When Jacob could not give him the answers he threw the entire cage against the wall. I don’t know how much more he can take. These monsters will kill everyone we love or turn my son over to hell’s gates if they ever realize who he is. I can’t risk that. I need to do whatever I can no matter what the cost to get him out of there. As soon as I get out, speed away so hopefully they don’t catch any type of scent. Tell Andrew I love him again and as soon as he has Jacob, apparate.” Knowing that once I leave the car, I probably will lose my life, I only hope that David will give me a moment with Jacob and I can convince him to go and that Gabriel and the others can get away while he is occupied with me. Because of the misapprehension of who I am, I’m sure David won’t let me live for long.

  As I begin walking, the car’s engine revs and it speeds away. Stumbling over the undergrowth, I fall a few times, before calling out David’s name. I count another three hundred feet, then hit an immovable stone and know that I am flush against one of them.

  Their hands clasp my shoulders. Lifting me from the ground, we are traveling quickly. A gruff, young’s man’s voice cuts through the blustery wind. “I told you I smelled her blood and thought I heard her breathing after Marlena left her for dead. You owe me an extra body in the next hunt.”

  “Who brought you to us?”

  “The wolves followed your orders so you have no reason to attack them anymore.”

  “Did you contact your family?” He inquires and I can hear the threat in his voice.

  “They wouldn’t let me even have a telephone. They followed your orders to the letter so let the children that belong to them go. They will have no more involvement in this if you return their young ones.”

  The next thing I know I’m flying through the air and hit the ground with the thud. “You don’t tell us what to do!”

  Unbearable pain radiates throughout my breaking body, spiking my already palpitating heart and pushing inflamed blood into every crevice of my being making me feel as if I will combust.

  A panicked voice pierces through my pain. “Stop! David said if she was alive to bring her back that way. He wants to see if she can tell him about the boy or if he can use her to get his answers.”

  “Couldn’t we just say they dropped her body off and that she was dead?”

  “You know how good he is with knowing how long a body has been cold.”

  “Yes, but she is already cold since they bit her so what is another dead vampire.”

  I feel their presence as they move right next to me, neither saying a word for what feels like forever. I can’t understand their hesitation, especially if they think I’m a vampire, I wonder why I haven’t felt the flame of a lit match. Finally, and angry voice pulls me from my frozen state. “How did you not know this is an imposter? If we brought her back to David, he would kill us. Kill her now! I’ll tell David the wolves didn’t comply and to kill their children. We need to prepare for an attack and if she is there we have to find her before she interferes with the plan to take out Lucas’ children. I heard Marlena call him and say they are just waiting for the arrival of the rest of his family.”

  “Stop, please I am the one the David is waiting for. The wolves did comply, the young one said he heard my breathing after Marlena bit me, I’m sure he smelled my scent. It hasn’t changed. Please, just take me to David. I’m sure that he will know it’s me.”

  The older one retorts angrily. “Do you really think that we have been around this long because we can be fooled so easily? I can hear your heart beating. If I take you back to David, he’ll kill me. I’m sure that was your plan, have more of us being taken out by our own. You must be with the pack. Do you really think that you will be able to attack us? We took out your scouting party and we will take you out as well.”

  “I am the one David is looking for. I can show you the bite!” Tearing at my neck, I remove the bandage. “Please, no one else has to die! The wolves complied and I haven’t been able to contact anyone. In fact, when David thrust me against a tree, he made me blind. I can’t even see you. Please just turn me over. He’ll probably reward you. Maybe it is another power you are unaware of that stopped my transformation.” I bate. “I do have some interesting powers; just try this one on for size.” I flick my wrist and from the crash know I send one flying.

  My head spins and I feel faint, hanging on the precipice, knowing that if I tip the wrong way, the ones I love can die. “It does smell like her and that is definitely where Marlena bit the woman. She also looks like her.” The uncertainty of the younger’s voice halts my teetering, but will their decision pull me from the edge?

  “You know what he will do to us if we are wrong.” He retorts angrily.

  “I do, but she does look like the woman and her son did transform. What if she is telling the truth and Lucas’ whole family is somehow special and she survived the bite. David will definitely want to know how she did that and what else she can do. Just think about how he would reward us for a find like this. Maybe he would let us hunt a whole family. Because of everyth
ing that went wrong, I didn’t get my fill and I am still hungry.” The longing in his voice makes me ill.

  “In truth, so am I. Are you sure it smells like her? What if they did a trick like Marlena, he is in no mood for any more mistakes.”

  “I don’t think they would because we do have her son. I think it is the woman and just think of the gift that we could give David, maybe it would calm him down. He’s pretty upset and you know if the boy doesn’t give him the answers, he is going to take out his frustration first on us in hopes of preserving and cracking those in the dungeon.”

  “Alright, but if it is a trick, I’m going to tell him you forced me to take her.”

  His gruff sigh tells me he is right on top of me. “Fine, but if I’m right, I get the first kill.”


  Jerking me from the hard ground we are traveling at lightning speed. He pushes a door and we are through before it slams shut. I fight to calm my hyperactive heart as I’m thrust blindly into the unknown. I must keep calm and think of a way to get them to take me to Jacob. A woman’s shrill pulls me from my thoughts. “I see the wolves complied.”

  “Where’s David?”

  “I’m not sure. He flew out of here when the scouting party was discovered and hasn’t returned. Throw her in the dungeon with the others and find him. Maybe knowing that the wolves complied will put him in a better mood. Be careful, he is very aggravated with the lack of answers and having to wait for Lucas’ other children to return. You know how much he hates being separated from Marlena.”

  “Well we found another distraction for him. This is the woman they bit, but she didn’t transform, she must be special and probably the reason her son is special. She may be more willing to talk than the boy, because although she is special, she appears to have human physiology that can be damaged easily.” The menace in his voice alerts me that he has plans and is looking forward to testing my limits, but as long as he throws me in the dungeon first and I can get Jacob out, I’ll endure it all. I only hope I last long enough to give the others time to escape.


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