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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

Page 20

by L. A. A. Law

  “I love you dad.” He hugs him tightly. “But you really have to show me how to turn into an eagle, flying in your mouth was really awesome and I would love to try and fly myself.”

  Andrew laughs. “I promise when we get home, I’ll teach you.” He kisses his cheek. “I have to go and check on some of the ones who were hurt.”

  Staring into my now focused eyes, he smiles. “Mom, that was awesome too. Can I learn how to use my healing power when we get home too?”

  “Absolutely, you healed my sight very well.”

  Jacob’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. “I healed you?”

  “Yes you did young man, but I’m sure if you want to learn more about what to do, dad will show you.”

  “Mom, I know this may make you mad, but if we promise not to use our powers except when you say that it is alright, I wish you would consider letting us learn how to use all of them. I know we can’t use them all the time, but knowing that there are bad people out there like this, if something were to ever happen, we are old enough now to understand the difference about protecting ourselves and seeking revenge. I know why you didn’t let us learn earlier, because we couldn’t understand that before, but maybe now you could consider it.”

  His voice and features hold such hope. “I was thinking the same thing. Jacob, it isn’t that I didn’t want you to learn, I just always knew you were safe at Sanctuary with us. I wanted you to grow up without all of the pressure that this type of strength and power comes with, but now, I do understand why you would want to know more about your abilities and from what I heard you definitely have developed a maturity level that I feel more comfortable having you experiment.”

  “Thanks mom and I promise we won’t use it around the others and never without your permission or in anger. I don’t ever want to become like the people who had us.”

  “I know you don’t. Are you hungry?

  A huge smile lights up his face. “That depends, have I earned a little ice cream?”

  “You have earned whatever you would like to eat and that we can rustle up from the cafeteria.”

  Entering, we are not the only ones with the idea. It is filled with Elizabeth’s men, Grant and his family and Reginald’s people. Jacob stands in line. Taking an apple, he smiles widely and I can’t stop laughing. Taking two more steps, he takes an ice cream sundae from the freezer. Taking a granola bar, I follow him and he sits with Grant’s family.

  “How is Amelia?”

  “She is stable now. The nurse told me that Andrew saved her life.”

  “I’m glad that she’s doing well.”

  “Tell Andrew thank you. I’m sure it must have been hard for him considering what she did.”

  “Grant, I told you, I understood perfectly that she was just trying to protect her family, the way I wanted to protect mine. How is the rest of your pack?”

  “Most escaped without serious injury, but...” He stops, his eyes shifting to his children.

  Rising, I whisper in Jacob’s ear. “I’m just going to talk to Grant for a moment, right over there, but I can still see you alright.”

  He nods and Grant and I move over to the corner of the room.

  “Did something happen to your pack?”

  “They are fine, but have asked us not to return.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Mia, I broke direct orders, by calling Elizabeth and her pack to initiate an attack while the elders were assessing the situation. They discovered that I took weapons and blame me for putting others at risk because once the attack started, they felt forced to go in to ensure that they protected the lands.”

  “Don’t they realize with David gone, their lands are safer now?”

  “They do know that, but they feel that because of what I did, I am not reliable, that I could be a danger to them because of my erratic decisions and refusal to follow direct orders.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry that you got in trouble because of me.”

  “Mia, you didn’t get me in trouble. This was a long time in coming. I had already broken the rules when we didn’t try to escape immediately when they began the hunt. Truthfully we let their reign of terror go on too long. They abandoned me when they refused to act immediately to help me save my children knowing what my family suffered already.” He shakes his head and closes his eyes. Opening them, they are raw and full of regret. “I can understand now why my son felt the way he did and had to leave. Maybe he was right. I need to think about a new start for my family. Maybe my next road will even lead me to seeing my son.” His tone is wistful. “From there, we’ll decide what to do.”

  Andrew is now beside me, brushing my hand softly, sending tingles throughout my entire being. “You are always welcome to come to Sanctuary and stay for as long as you would like.” My eyes shoot up to him and he is focused on Grant.

  Grant’s eyes shift to him, but he appears stunned. “I can’t impose upon you like that.”

  “It is no imposition at all. After what you did for Mia, you are always welcome there.”

  “But I’m not a physician. Isn’t it a hospital?”

  “We also have a school there for children with special gifts and have established a community for their families.”

  “I’m not a licensed teacher either. I have only helped our children.”

  “You do have knowledge of werewolves and we are uncertain what will happen to Nicholas and Kayla the first full moon. Besides, even if they do not turn, you would still be welcome.”

  As his words drive home this new issue, fear for what they could experience causes my pulse to race. “Do you think that will happen?”

  Placing his arms around me, his voice softens. “Mia, we tried to get out the wolf venom and I think we did, but I just can’t be sure. We’ll know better once we’re home.”

  “What will happen if they do turn? Do we have anyone there that knows about werewolves?”

  “We have come across werewolves before, but ...” Stopping, he takes both my hands in his. “Don’t worry. I’m sure that whatever happens, Nicholas and Kayla will be fine. Grant can give us some answers if he would like to come or if he decides to go a different path, I’m sure that someone in our group knows where we can find someone to help them. Mia, it will be alright, I promise you.” He hugs me tightly, probably hearing my increased heart rate.

  “He’s right. If your children are as strong as you, they will be fine. Trust me, I know it seems bad, but you should just look at it as another source of power. I’m sure that someone in the group here knows how to get in touch with Amanda. She told me powerful witches keep in contact and your group seems pretty powerful, she can come and ensure that your children are not governed by the full moon. Besides, like your husband said, it may not even happen.”

  I smile weakly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s not that I see your power as a bad thing, it’s just...”

  He interrupts me. “I understand, you have had a lot to deal with and are thinking about all the issues your children will face. I grew up always knowing this life, but my mother always spoke of how terrifying it was for her, not knowing what was happening and how to control it.” He turns to Andrew. “Thank you for the offer to come to Sanctuary for a while.”

  Paul joins our group. “Dad, I’m going to check on Amelia and see if she is up.” He turns to Andrew and me. “Thank you for everything you did to help rescue us. If I don’t see you before you return home, have a safe trip, Jacob was telling me about it, I can see why he is anxious to go back there. It seems you have quite a lot of interesting activity.” He laughs.

  He pats Grant on the shoulder. “Dad, you may want to talk to Julianne, Elaina, Josh, and Christian. The say they won’t go home and are thinking about joining Jeff.”

  “Paul before you go see your aunt, I think we should all talk.” He turns to us. “Excuse us.”

  We sit by Jacob. “Mom, do you know that they can transform too.”

nbsp; Andrew answers. “Their transformation is not like yours Jacob, they can only turn into wolves and their power to do this does not come from the same source as yours.”

  “I know it’s just cool.”

  “You’re right it is.”

  “Are we going to be going home soon?”

  “We’ll be leaving in a few hours. I have to help out just a little bit more and we are awaiting a plane from home to take us back.”

  “Is Reginald coming with us?” I inquire.

  “Yes, we are going to have Marlena moved as well and James is even going to come up for a while to see if they can get some answers.”

  While Andrew tends to the wounded, there is someone I have to thank and say good-bye to. “Jacob, come and take a walk with me to see Kenneth and say good-bye.”

  As we rise, so does Damian. His features appear concerned. “Jacob, can you throw away your trash and then we’ll leave.” When he reaches the receptacle, I turn to Damian. “What’s wrong?”

  “Would you mind if I came with you. Look, I know that I’m being over cautious and that the ones who escaped would probably not suspect that we would come back here, but as far as they are concerned, we did something to David...” Jacob is almost back with us. “I would feel better accompanying you.”

  Outside, nervous butterflies spread their wings and I hold Jacob’s hand tightly as my eyes dart in all directions straining to see if there is anyone in the shadows. Arriving at St. Ann’s, I knock on the rectory door, there is no answer, but I see a light on in the church. Entering, I hear Grant’s voice.

  “I think that we will go and see Jeff. I was always hoping that I could mend some of the damage I did before he left. I can understand now why he felt the need to go. I only hope that he can forgive me for staying.”

  “He already has forgiven you. This could be a new start for all of you, just be honest with him. Let him in. You were both suffering and blaming yourselves so much, that you could not reach out to each other.”

  “But how can I ever explain to him that I allowed him, my only surviving son to suffer through his pain alone because I couldn’t let go of the dead. How do I tell him that I couldn’t leave because Gwyneth and Joshua were still with me and I just couldn’t let them go? I let him try to forge ahead knowing that he was in pain. What type of person am I that I sent a grieving young man who needed his father off alone while I stayed to communicate with the spirits of the dead?”

  “Grant, he understands that you were hurting too and that each of you had to deal it in your own way. I’m not saying that he understood that right away or that he wasn’t angry for a long time, but that changed when he was in medical school. He learned that loss affects people in different ways and how circumstances impact people. He saw how people sometimes shut down, despite someone’s best efforts and withdraw from those closest to them. We have been in touch and I know that if you are honest with him about what happened, I’m sure you will have an opportunity to forge a new and stronger relationship. Maybe you should consider going to Sanctuary as Andrew and Mia offered, it will give you both an opportunity to meet on neutral ground where no words have been spoken and no hard feelings can be remembered. Give yourselves every opportunity to forge ahead on equal footing and allow him to get close to his siblings while you get to know your new grandchildren.”

  I hear him giggle and know as he looks at Grant, whose features are frozen at twenty-one, the thought of his being a grandfather is just too humorous.

  As our footsteps echo, Grant looks up and moves down the aisle. Reaching us, “I hope I didn’t disturb your talk.”

  “No, I was just leaving anyway. I have to get back to the hospital and see what my children would like to do. Will you be returning there?”

  “Yes, Andrew is still there with his siblings taking care of the others, I just wanted to talk to Ken and thank him.”

  “Well then, I will see you back there.” He exits quickly.

  Damian and Jacob go over to the statutes while I walk down to Ken.

  “Mia, how are you feeling? Grant told me that your sight returned.”

  “I am feeling much better now that my family is safe and home. We are getting ready to head back ourselves, but I wanted to come by and thank you for everything that you did to help us and for allowing Jacob to stay with you when they got him off of the estate.”

  “You are very welcome. I am glad that everything worked out for you. Mia, can I ask a favor of you?”

  “Anything, what is it?”

  “When you return to the hospital, would you speak with Grant about returning with you? I know that you probably overheard some of our conversation and are aware that Grant had a son who left after his first wife and elder son were brutally murdered. He and Jeff may not realize how much they need each other and how much time they lost blaming themselves for something which sounds like was well beyond their power to stop. I met Jeff once, when he was in the area for a conference and he spoke of losing Gwyneth and Joshua. Although I wasn’t aware of the true circumstances surrounding the loss, I could see how devastated Jeff still felt that Grant couldn’t leave with him. We kept in touch and even though Jeff has gotten past that now, I know how much he still needs his father and how much Grant needs to reconnect to his son.”

  “I will speak to him as soon as we return and do my best to convince him to come back with us. If you could contact his son and let me know if he would be willing to come to Sanctuary to spend some time with his dad that may help.”

  “Do you have enough room for that? I know that Jeff doesn’t like to leave his family alone because he said his children get sick easily, although now I suspect I know the true nature of what he meant.”

  “We have plenty of space and you could let him know that he has nothing to be concerned about regarding the children changing, we have many special families there.” His eyes widen.

  Hugging him, my voice fills with gratitude. “Thank you again for everything that you did. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please call me.” I hand him my card. “I will never forget how you helped me.”

  His eyes shift to Jacob. “I had an opportunity to speak with him. Although he was shy about sharing information concerning your family, he seems like a very good boy and loves your brother-in-law and family a lot. You are very lucky to have such a close knit family, don’t ever lose that.”

  “We won’t and as soon as we get back, I’ll speak with Grant about reuniting with his son and not shutting out the rest of his family in trying to deal with this new loss. I know how devastating loss can be and how certain events can forever change your life.”

  Jacob comes over and says good-bye before we return to the hospital.

  Walking back, I take the opportunity to speak with Jacob about his shutting down when they were trapped in the dungeon. “Jacob, can we talk about something?”

  “Sure mom.”

  “When you were in the dungeon, I could feel you closing yourself off, trying very hard not to feel afraid. I was wondering if you could tell me what you were doing in order to do that.”

  His eyes shift from mine. Stopping, I place my hand under his chin, lifting it, forcing him to look at me. “Mom, do I have to tell you?”

  “I wish that you would.”

  “You’ll get mad at me.”

  “I promise you that I won’t get mad, but I know how bad it can be when you don’t feel as if you can talk about bad things that have happened or the way you cope with them. The fear and impact stay with you much longer.”

  He smiles widely. “Mom, you sound like a doctor.”

  I ruffle his hair. “I may be a doctor, but more importantly I’m your mom and I want to do all that I can to help you. What happened to you was awful, you saw, heard and experienced things that I always hoped to shield you from, so I promise you that I won’t get mad and that whatever you say, I will try my best to understand your feelings about it.”

  “Well, at first, all I thought about was ho
w I wished that they would all go away and that we could be home, but then as they became angrier and we realized what they did and were, I wanted them destroyed. I hoped that because they were bad that what they were would destroy them and that we could just be left alone. I hoped they would keep fighting and turn on each other, maybe even killing each other.” His voice trails off. “But then, I thought about how you always said that wishing badly upon others is a slippery slope that brings us down to their level and could lead us down a very dark path. I knew you were right and how bad people eventually get theirs in the end, so I tried desperately to change my thoughts to make myself go to a place where I wouldn’t feel rage against them so that I could think rationally. I even remembered the story that you told me about the prisoner who drove his captures crazy because he would shut himself off by creating every aspect of a clock and how they were never able to touch him or reach him when he was doing that. Since I never removed the back of a watch, I decided to think about my favorite thing.”

  I laugh knowing he is talking about a roller coaster.

  “You know what I constructed, don’t you?”

  “You constructed a coaster like the one your dad and I took you to last year.”

  “Yep, but mine had better drops, twists and turns. I even constructed a surrounding. I bet you can’t guess what that is.”

  “If I can what do I get?”

  “How about I let you win for once at swimming when we go home?”

  “Alright” I laugh. “You constructed it around the lake didn’t you?”

  His shocked face tells me I’m right.

  Throwing his arms around me, he hugs me tightly. We are laughing as we enter the hospital.

  Andrew is still in with patients, but Eva, Jackson, Gabriel and Emma appear ready to go. Paul and Julianne are sitting in the corner, but Grant’s other children are nowhere in the lobby. Gabriel approaches us. “Jacob, come and sit with me, while your mom sees if she can get Grant to come with us for a visit.”

  Walking down the hall, Ken calls and lets me know that Jeff would come to Sanctuary to see Grant and is worried about him. Grant is pacing outside of Amelia’s room. Seeing me, he stops. “Are you looking for Andrew, he is just checking Amelia, she had a setback while you were with Ken.”


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