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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

Page 23

by L. A. A. Law

  Lifting my face to his, I stare sternly. “If we don’t come up with something in a few days, you have to let me take them and leave. I won’t risk our family and the children have already gone through too much. It’s not only dangerous for Nicole and Jacob, if Nicholas or Kayla killed someone, especially someone in their family, they would never recover from that.”

  “It won’t come to that. We will find an answer. Mia, I’m not trying to be unreasonable, but it would be more dangerous for you and them to go off and try to handle this on your own. You could lose track of them, they could transform back to their human form alone and without any knowledge of how they got there or where they are. If we have to, there is an old abandoned caretaker house deep in the woods at the base of the mountain range. We can take them there and see if you, Reginald and Emma’s family can put up a protective shield around the area. In fact, let me go and speak with Gabriel about checking the condition and seeing what we need to make it habitable. I’m sure that no matter what shape it is in, we can get it repaired in only a few days. I’ll be right back.”

  After a moment, I run upstairs and get the phone knowing that Ryan would have returned it by now. Scrolling through the files, I see one labeled werewolves and begin reading. I knew Reginald has a photographic memory, but never realized how meticulous his record keeping is. He not only documented the transformation and the differences between each full moon cycle, but included extensive photographs as well.

  I didn’t hear Andrew come in. Sitting beside me, I finally rip my eyes from the screen. He doesn’t even glance at the file. “Have you seen this before?”

  “I reviewed it with Gabriel when you fell asleep on the plane with Gabriel. I didn’t realize that after we saw this, he had already considered taking precautions if the children were going to phase. He and Eva have already been out to the workman’s cottage and work has already started. It should be ready by tomorrow evening. Emma has already laid the groundwork with her family to form a protective barrier around the area.”

  “Do they think it will hold?”

  He takes my hands. “They are hopeful, but they did not want to put anything in the barrier that could harm the children and where they are also witches, we just can’t be sure. They are trying to put up just an encampment barrier which has been successful in holding animals at bay, but it may not hold witches. They are hoping that because this is their initial transformation, their animal physiology will mask any of their other forms.”

  “Could they set up some stronger barrier around Sanctuary as a second avenue of protection? I’m not suggesting one that would hurt the children, but one that may have a stronger deterrent.”

  “We can discuss that possibility with them in a few hours. They returned only an hour ago to catch some sleep. You should sleep too your body is still trying to recover from the loss of blood and stress from the last several days.”

  I know he’s right, but the gravity of the situation is overloading my senses causing my mind to race. Jacob screams. “Get away from her, take me, take me!”

  Andrew is by Jacob’s side before I even reach the arch. “Jacob, it’s alright. You’re home, you’re safe. We’re right here.” He gently lifts him and lays him on the sofa. As Jacob’s eyes flutter open, he clutches Andrew as if he is a drowning man trying to avoid going under again. Andrew rubs his back and I take his hand.

  Jacob’s muffled voice resonates from Andrew’s chest. “It’s alright, I’m home.” Then his head whips away from Andrew and he turns to me. “Where’s Kayla? Is she safe?”

  “She’s in her room still asleep.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Jacob she’s fine really and so are you.”

  “I’m sorry. I just saw David, he killed her.”

  “Jake it’s o.k. She’s fine and David is gone. He can’t hurt anyone ever again.”

  Jacob slowly releases Andrew and his posture relaxes slightly. We hear rustling from the bedroom. Andrew rises. “Stay with Jacob and I’ll see who is up.”

  I sit next to him. “Jake, I know what it’s like to feel afraid and to continue dreaming after a traumatic event, but if you could talk to me about it, I know it would help you.

  “It was so strange. We were here and I saw a huge wolf lunge at Kayla. It came from out of nowhere, without even a sound. All of a sudden it was there, no warning, no sound with its teeth bared and as it headed toward Kayla it transformed into David, grabbing her and biting her neck drinking.” His stomach contracts violently and he cries. “I couldn’t get to her. I was so afraid and he was so quick, he killed her before I could even move.”

  I hug him tight. “You did save her and she is safe in her bed.”

  “I didn’t save her not really. She got bit because of me. What’s going to happen to her?”

  “She will be alright. You know how strong of a family you were born into and how many friends we have to help us. Everything will be alright.”

  As I hug him tighter, I see his eyes closing. Andrew returns taking him from my arms, he kisses his head, and returns him to bed.

  “Who got up?”

  “Kayla, she had a bad dream.”

  “Did she tell you about it?”

  “She did, she dreamt that a wolf, someone called Amelia was chasing her.”

  “Amelia, why would she think that she would try to hurt her?”

  “I don’t know, but she said that she saw a woman turn into a wolf and that someone screamed Amelia come back, but instead she chased her into the forest. She said Jacob’s scream began dragging her from her dream. She calmed down and fell back to sleep.” Rising, he holds his hand out to me. “I know you said you are not tired, but you need to try to get an hour or two. If not for yourself, do it for the children, they are going to need you as strong as possible in the upcoming days.”

  Following him into the bedroom, I curl into his side, but sleep refuses to find me. Visions of the children’s dreams flash though my head, along with the thoughts of Nicholas and Kayla transforming, getting past the barriers, and hurting those they love. By four o’clock, I can’t lie in bed a moment longer. The room is closing in on me. I check on the children who are still asleep. Despite Andrew’s disapproving look, I need some fresh air to try and clear my aching head. I want to think clearly today. “I’ll be back shortly, I just need to take a walk and think.”

  “Mia, you haven’t slept at all, you should at least try to eat something.”

  “I can’t right now. I won’t be long. I promise.” Unsure of where I’m going, I wander through the courtyard. I should have known where I was heading. Grant is heading up the stairs. “Grant I’m glad you’re up. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  Turning toward me, my eyes lock upon the familiar eyes of an old friend. Was I always so blind as to shut myself off from the paranormal world that surrounded me before I entered the gates of Sanctuary? I’m speechless as he moves closer. Maybe all mythological creatures gravitate toward each other whether their immersed in the world of the surreal or unaware of where they belong.

  The shock on his face mimics my own. “Mia, is it really you?”

  I can’t stop staring as I fight to close my gaping mouth and nod silently.

  I can hear him mutter softly. “Ken told me my dad was staying with a doctor named Mia, but I never put together that it was you. You’re family always seemed so normal, I never suspected.” He seems to be talking more to himself and then stops in front of me. “I’m sorry about your mother and sister.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Word gets around the medical community.”

  “So what type of doctor did you decide to become?”

  “A heart surgeon”

  “That’s wonderful.” Despite finding my voice, I know my eyes are still wide with shock. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to stare. I just can’t get over it. I’m sorry I didn’t know about your mom when we were in school. Grant told me what happened.”

  “Thank you. It wa
s a long time ago and your friendship really helped me through some dark times. In fact, it was your...” He stops suddenly, his eyes shifting toward the ground.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I guess I’m just surprised to see you.”

  “Have you seen your father yet?”

  “Yes, I arrived in the middle of the night. I just went for a walk to clear my head before my wife gets up. When I don’t sleep, I sometimes get headaches and I don’t want to be grouchy with anyone so I figured I would go for a run and get some fresh air. It always seems to help.”

  I glance down and am surprised he went running in dress shoes. Catching me, he must realize what I’m thinking. His casual response staggers me. “I didn’t run as a human, Mia. It is much more helpful when I exercise as a wolf.” As my face meets his, his voice sounds concerned. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew?”

  “No, I did. I just realize why I must have gravitated here, that’s all. Jeff could you see if your family is awake yet and if they aren’t could I ask you some questions?”

  “Sure, I’ll be right back, unless you want to come in.”

  “No, I’ll wait. If they’re sleeping, I don’t want to disturb anyone.”

  “I’ll just be a moment.” He returns a minute later. “They are still asleep.”

  Sitting on the step, he sits beside me. “How much do you know about what happened over the last few days?”

  “My father filled me in on everything that happened and how David is dead.”

  “Did he tell you that my children were bitten?”

  “Yes, he told me that two of your children were bitten by mistake but that your husband and other son helped them.”

  “They did help them, but I’m afraid not soon enough. Their blood is changing and I fear that they will undergo the transformation. I need to know how to help them and how to protect my family. Did you father tell you that my other children are part vampire and that my husband and his family are vampires.”

  “He did.” I can see understanding overtaking his features. You’re afraid that if the children transform while they are all together they can hurt their siblings or your family.”

  “Yes, I’m very afraid of that, especially since your father says that a werewolf bite is lethal to a vampire. Is there anything I can do to stop the transformation?” Desperation seeps through my words.

  “No, not the initial transformation, but if someone can reach Amanda, she can help them control future transformations so that they don’t involuntarily transform with each full moon. My father told me that you were some kind of witch. Do you know Amanda or does anyone in your coven know her?”

  “I don’t belong to any coven. In fact, I didn’t know anything about this type of world or myself until I came here several years back. However, a friend of ours is searching for Amanda now trying to track her down and bring her here.”

  “That’s good. She is extremely powerful. Even the young werewolves she helps learn to control their transformations quickly as long as they are not in a panic type situation. My son mastered his transformations when he was only three.”

  I can’t help but smile at the pride in his voice?

  “He’s twelve now, but to look at him you would swear he was twenty.”

  “I thought that natural born werewolves didn’t go through their first transformation until they were twenty-one.”

  “Normally, you would be correct, but my wife was bitten while she was pregnant with my son.”

  I gasped. “How did that happen?”

  “It was an unfortunate accident. I was assisting a friend of mine who was concerned for his son’s first transformation and my wife came out to their home to surprise me not realizing what I was there for. Before I could get to her, it was too late.”

  In less than twenty minutes, he leaves me gaping at him again.

  “It was a shock then, but we are alright now. Mia, I know that this seems awful to you considering what your other children are and your husband, but it will all work out. I can help you this time if you don’t shut down and let me.”

  Opening my mouth to inquire what he means, I close it seeing Andrew and the children coming toward me. Seeing me, Kayla runs. I catch her as she hits the top step. “Good morning sweetie. I didn’t realize you woke up. I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “That’s alright, dad said you went for a walk and you weren’t too far.”

  As I hug them all good morning, I catch Jeff and Andrew starting at each other, their expressions revealing that they met before. Unsure of whether their encounter was good or bad, I decide it might be best to just introduce the children. “Jeff, this is Nicholas, Nicole, Kayla and Jacob.

  Releasing me, they shake his hand. He stares at Nicholas. “You look just like your dad. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It’s nice meeting you too. Are you a friend of my mom’s?”

  “Yes, a very old one to your family. I went to medical school with your mom and used to hang out with your uncle and dad.”

  Nicholas looks to Andrew, but I realize he is speaking of David.

  “Will you be staying at Sanctuary?”

  “For a while, I came to see my father.”

  Jacob smiles at him. “Is Paul up yet?”

  Jeff’s eyes tear away from Nicholas. “I’m sure they must be up by now, why don’t we go see.” He moves toward the door, opens it and calls out. Paul is out in a flash. From the way Jake and Paul’s eyes light up, I know they formed a lasting friendship while trapped in the dungeon.

  Jacob turns to me. “Mom, can we show Paul and Julianne around or do we have to go to school this morning?” His inquiry is full of hope.

  “I guess you could miss one more day. Why don’t you see if everyone wants to look around, but don’t go too far and no powers Jake, everyone will be up and about soon.”

  “I know, I promise.”

  “Let me get the others and I’ll be right back.” Paul runs back inside. When he returns, the young man following him looks exactly like Jeff and runs over to him. “Dad, can I go too?”

  “Sure Charlie, but no phasing here.”

  “Don’t worry, I know.” With that, they are off.

  Another look passes between Andrew and Jeff. “How do you two know each other?”

  Andrew replies coyly. “We met one evening outside of your apartment window.”

  I hear Jeff laugh and knowing there is more to the story, I look at him aware Andrew isn’t going to say any more. “Andrew is being too nice. I attacked him outside your window. I knew what he was and thought he was hunting you. I didn’t realize he was watching over you.”

  Despite seeing they are fine, I gasp as a picture of them fighting flashes through my mind. Andrew intertwines or hands, bringing mine up to his lips and kissing it softly. “It was a misunderstanding, that’s all. I’m just glad you distracted him when you threw a cup up against the wall so that he lost his opportunity to sink his teeth into me.” He chuckles.

  “She did have quite a temper back then didn’t she?” He chuckles, but then a flash of sorrow passes between them. Andrew’s response immediately causes them to change their expression. “It’s a good thing for me and the woman walking her dog below us. Could you have imagined her face if a vampire and werewolf dropped out of the trees?” They both laugh.

  “Andrew, Mia tells me that you are worried about Nicholas and Kayla’s transformation. Because of the obvious, I tend to agree with her. Their first transformation shouldn’t be anywhere near yourself or your other children. Is there anywhere away from here that you would feel safe in sending them and that they would feel safe considering what they have already been through?”

  Andrew appears caught off guard and Jeff answers his unspoken question. “I arrived last night and my father filled me in on what happened, how you and your family went to save my siblings and then offered them a place to stay when the pack pulled their typical crap.” Aggravation pierces his tone as his body turns ri

  “I take it that you are not very fond of them.” Andrew states and I know he is trying to give Jeff an opportunity to vent regarding this subject before anyone else comes out.

  “No, I understand the need for rules, but when things happen, they need to learn to adjust. They need to learn to look beyond just their own beliefs and rules. They think what we are is a curse and believe that we need to live in obscurity, hiding all of the time, never helping, never changing. They can’t look beyond the bad to see all of the good that we could accomplish. They refused to even help me recover my mother’s body so that I could give her a proper burial, they just let her rot there and be food for those vicious vampires.” He stops suddenly. Worried eyes shoot towards Andrew as Jeff braces himself for an angry response which I know will not come.

  “Jeff, relax. I didn’t take any offense and I agree with you. Some of my kind are more vicious, more barbaric than I have seen from any creature, but I assure you that my family and the individuals that are here are nothing like that. We do not kill to feed. Our goal is to protect life. That is what this place is dedicated to. We help those who have been touched by darkness so that they can find strength in each other and the help that we can provide.”

  His posture relaxes. “My father did say that. He said that your group refused to openly go after David and his barbarians unless there was an immediate danger to anyone who was on the land. I just couldn’t believe it. Grant also told me that some of them escaped and that you left three of them in the estate when you left. You should know that those on the estate were not the only coven that David sired, it was his closest, but he never wanted his line destroyed so there are others. I believe that he sired six additional full covens and then some rogue solitary vampires who refused to settle in one area. Two covens are rumored to be in Europe, two in South America, one here in North America and one in Asia. They are all just as barbaric and just as vicious and each is headed by the oldest males that David sired.”

  I am speechless, but Andrew inquires. “How do you know so much about them?”


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