Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 26

by L. A. A. Law

  Kissing them and tucking them in, Andrew insists that I eat something before beginning the process of trying to connect to them. Quickly downing some granola cereal, I begin concentrating. I quickly connect to Nicholas and Kayla, but Gabriel informs me that he sees nothing to indicate that they are detecting my presence. After a few hours, they are sound asleep and I am extremely discouraged. Gabriel excuses himself and Andrew hugs me.

  “It will be alright. We still have time.”

  “I know. I was just hoping that I could make it easier for them.”

  “You may still be able to, even if you can’t connect to them. Besides I have an idea.”

  Taking in a deep breath, he doesn’t speak for what feels like an eternity. When I can’t take it any longer, I inquire “Are you going to tell me?”

  “I will, but first I want to check you out. I know how you love to downplay how you feel and I saw the look on Reginald’s face, so let me get Eva to stay here and you are coming with me.” His has his no nonsense tone and I know arguing with him is futile so I resign myself to my fate.

  After an hour of him running his tests and while we are waiting for the blood work to return, he finally clues me in. “You connected with Jacob when he was frightened and really needed you. I think you can do the same when we tell Nicholas and Kayla what we suspect is going to happen to them. I know that it is going to be frightening, but we need to prepare them. I know that Reginald said sometimes they don’t remember their initial conversions, but we can’t depend upon that and we can’t hide what they will be going through. They seem to have accepted Grant and his children which may make this easier, especially if we don’t show them that we are concerned. Maybe after that, your connecting with them will be easier because despite any downplay that we can manage, this is something new and will be somewhat frightening for them.”

  I hate putting them through something else, but he is right, we have to tell them. “When should we tell them?”

  “I would like to get them back in to their routine as soon as possible, so I think if they feel up to it, we should have them go to school tomorrow and then give it another day or two depending upon the read we get from them. I know you don’t want to wait, but I think that the stronger they go into this situation feeling like themselves, if that is possible, the better they will be through the conversion.” He takes my hands, caressing my knuckles with his thumbs. “During that time, Mia, you need to do all you can to get stronger and to rest. Although the other tests have come back within normal range, your heart rate and pulse rate have changed; they are slower than before this happened. Something may be going on with you that we are unaware of.”

  With so many more important issues to worry about, I don’t want him concerned with this and try to distract him. “I know one way to get my heart and pulse to race.” Allowing my hands to glide up his strong arms and across his shoulders, I brush my fingertips down to his fastened buttons.”

  His arms snake around my back, drawing me into an embrace while his lips tenderly nuzzle my neck until they are up to my ear. “I think you are trying to distract me.”

  “You said you want my heart racing, can you hear it now?” It’s pounding erratically.

  I feel a smile cross his beautiful lips as they leave gentle kisses across my cheek to the corner of my lips. “Yes I can.”

  “Maybe you should take me home and see if we can keep my heart at this sprint.” Claiming his lips heated blood courses through my veins. I’m vaguely aware that he is intertwining our hands and walking backwards.

  When we return, Eva lets us know the children are sleeping soundly before leaving. Leading Andrew into the bedroom, I slowly unbutton his shirt and allow my fingertips to run down his torso. I can’t believe how my heart still races wildly and how he still shivers at my touch. We stay locked in each other’s embrace until I wake at four-thirty.

  It is nice seeing Andrew’s eyes closed and I’m hoping he is relaxing, but as I move, his eyes spring open. “How are you feeling this morning?” He inquires quietly.

  “I believe you adjusted my heart rate to a sprint” I tease, “But if you would like to increase it again, I’m sure we have an hour or so before we have to wake the children.” Leaning up on my elbow, I run my fingers across his muscular chest.

  He embraces me tenderly and kisses me, but all too quickly, he is releasing me and leaning on his own elbow. “Mia, I love starting your heart, but we need to talk a moment, before the children wake up. I got the results of your blood test a few hours ago and it has changed.”


  “Some of the abnormalities we see in David and Marlena’s blood counts are now in yours. We don’t know exactly why and I can’t say for sure it is because he and Marlena bit you, nor can we tell whether the abnormalities are temporary or permanent, but it has changed and I’m concerned. I don’t like not having the answers where you are concerned and with what you are going to try to do in the next few days.”

  Putting my fingertip upon his lip, he sighs and I curl up into his side, raising my eyes to meet his. “Andrew, you just said this could be something temporary. I feel fine, really and we need to concentrate on what is happening to Nicholas and Kayla, prepare them and still deal with all of the fallout from the events which transpired over the last week. I’m sure in time, my tests will turn up normal so that you don’t have to worry so much and our family will be fine again.”

  Pulling him closer, I don’t want him obsessing about this issue. Drawing my lips across his muscular chest, I kiss every inch of his torso tenderly, but his body remains rigid and his mind focused on this new development. “Andrew, please I really do feel fine, but I will make you a deal, if you promise to push this issue aside for the moment, you can run all of the tests you desire later.”

  He draws in a resigned breath and I know he’ll concede to my wishes. “I promise I won’t push it right now, but if you start to feel any changes at all, you have to tell me.”

  “I will, I promise. Now let’s see about getting my heart racing again.” I pull him towards me.

  Breakfast is on the table as the children rise and hurry to get ready for school. I’m happy to hear them chit chat about some of the assignments that are coming up.

  Over the next two days, they seem to be getting back into the swing of school and their routine, despite the nightmares that creep into their dreams about the dungeon.

  Andrew and I are readying ourselves to talk to them in the morning when Kayla’s screams. “I didn’t kill anyone. They…” Reaching her, I hug her tightly, reassuring her that she is home and safe. When we question her about her dream, all she remembers is someone yelling that she killed her uncle. As she finally falls asleep, I begin questioning whether telling her in a few hours is the right thing to do. Maybe it would be better to see if they remember their initial conversion and speak to them later if they remember it at all considering they are still dealing with the other traumatic experience. Despite my qualms, Andrew holds steadfast that we have to prepare them and that although it might frighten them more at first, in the long run they would be better prepared to deal with the lapse in memory and possibly the conversion itself.

  When the children enter the kitchen, we tell them they won’t be going to school because we have to talk about something.

  Tears well in Kayla’s eyes and she grabs Nicholas’ hand; he rubs her arm. “We already know what they are going to say. We have been counting down too. You can’t worry about it. They won’t let us do anything bad. Last night was only a dream. They won’t let you kill anyone. Charlie said it really isn’t that bad. We just have to learn to control it and then look at it as another power.”

  Andrew and I can’t hide our shocked expressions. In my peripheral vision, I catch Jacob shaking his head. “Mom, did you really think we weren’t going to figure it out too.”

  Nicholas interjects. “We feel the change coming. What we couldn’t understand is why you were afraid to tell us. Didn’t
you think we would notice the whispers?”

  Andrew responds. “We wanted to get as much information as possible about the situation and put as much protection for you in place before we talked to you so that we could assure you that everything will be fine. I’m happy to hear your attitude because you’re absolutely right, it will be another power that you can exercise and you will learn to control it and to control your transformation. Do you remember Cecil?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “She is following a lead to get Amanda, the witch who helped Charlie control his transformation so that he doesn’t involuntarily change with the full moon. As soon as she reaches her, she will come and help us make it easier for you, but for the first time, mom is going to take you with Grant and Jeff to a cabin.”

  Nicole turns to Andrew. “Dad, I think that we should all go up with them so that we can help too. I know that Kayla is afraid that she could hurt someone because of her dreams and maybe if we all go together it will make her feel better.”

  His tone fills with understanding. “We can’t go with them this time honey because our presence may make it more difficult for them.”

  “I don’t understand, we’re family, we would make it easier not harder.”

  Moving closer to Nicole, I turn her face so that she will look at me. “Nicole, you know how much Kayla and Nicholas love you, but the first time they transform, they may be confused because it is a new form, they will have other senses that are more dominant than the ones that they are used to so it would be better if they didn’t have people distracting them. Jeff and Grant are coming with me because they have been through this before and they will be able to help me make them more comfortable and calm.” Although I want to downplay everything as much as possible, it is obvious that they have drawn certain conclusions and their dreams are clearly defining the dangers. “Mom, do you really think that they can help us and keep us from killing or biting anyone? It was really confusing when Grant’s pack was in the woods and I know they said that it was a mistake, but I’m afraid that we could make the same type of mistake if we’re around anyone. Maybe Nicholas and I should go somewhere alone until it’s all over.”

  “Kayla, you are not going to hurt anyone, Grant’s pack made a mistake because they were in attack mode, they had already lost some of their pack and knew David and his coven were dangerous, but you will be with me, you have grown up loving and trusting your family. When you transform, you will not be in attack mode, you will be in a warm, comfortable cabin and I will be with you to help reassure you that everyone you love only wants what is best for you.”

  Although her body slumps in relief, I catch the looks passing between the children and wonder what else they may have discerned.

  “Dad, since we already know what you wanted to discuss with us about, can we go to school today? We still have a few more days before the full moon and we would rather not focus on it. Charlie told us it wouldn’t be that bad and that his dad was really good at containing him and some of the others, so there really isn’t too much more you could tell us.” His eyes shoot to the floor and his tone turns somber. “We are just hoping to get through it and then be able to stop transforming until we get a handle on the powers that we want to learn about.”

  Andrew’s eyes shoot to mine and I nod. “If that’s what you want to do, get your books, but after school we need you to come back here so mom can try something with you.”


  Kayla appears calmer as she picks up her books and Nicole hands her an apple for snack.

  Returning late in the afternoon, I am finally able to connect with Kayla and Nicholas. After several hours, they not only feel my presence, but intermittently, they hear me with every fiber of their being.

  Trying the next day, my communicating with them is still intermittent.

  As the sun rises on day of the first full moon, butterflies overwhelm me. Cecil found Amanda and they are on their way, but we still have this phase to go through. Hopefully after the full moon cycle, Amanda will cast her spell and the children will be able to cast this power aside until they feel more secure to use it.

  Kissing Andrew, Nicole and Jake good-bye, Andrew pulls me aside. “Mia, you need to let Jeff and Grant take the lead. They are more equipped to handle this and your heart rate is still slower than before. Please be careful and know that I love you.” His worry and concern are seeping through his strong façade.

  Squeezing his hand, hoping to reassure him, I try to ensure my voice sounds confident. “I know you love me and I know you love our children, so you watch over and protect Nicole and Jacob and I will protect Nicholas and Kayla. I will see you in the morning.” Kissing him good-bye once more, we go to meet up with Grant and Jeff.

  At the house, Charlie is waiting outside and yells in for his dad before running over to Kayla. He whispers. “It won’t be that bad, don’t worry really. The more relaxed you are the easier and quicker it will happen. Then it will be all over. You’re not concerned anymore about hurting anyone are you because I spoke to my dad and he promised me that nothing would happen to you.”

  Even whispering, her nerves pierce through our quiet surroundings. “I’m not worried about something happening to me, I’m more worried about what I might do to someone else.”

  His hand moves toward hers and I see him drop something into her palm. “This is my good luck charm, place it around your neck, the chain is big enough that even when you transform it won’t break or hurt you, I always wear it and I have never hurt anyone. Wear it and I’m sure it will bring you luck too.”

  “Thank you” Placing it around her neck, she tucks it into her shirt.

  I catch a smile between Charlie and Nicholas before they notice I’m watching them and then they try to redirect my attention. “Mom, there’s Grant.” As I move closer to him, I hear Nicholas whisper. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I like Kayla, she’s cool.”

  “Jeff just needs a minute and then we can get started.”

  We drive as far as we can and then hike. By mid-afternoon, Kayla cannot tear her eyes from the sky and is becoming more anxious with each passing hour. Nicholas tries to make her feel better as she strokes the good luck charm underneath her shirt, but as the sky darkens so does her mood.

  Jeff and Grant try to reassure her, but even I cannot draw her out of her shell to even glance away from the window. As the last ray of sun sinks below the horizon, she turns rigid. I don’t need Andrew here to confirm that her palpitating heart is racing with anxiety.

  Even Grant and Jeff seem more anxious now. They continuously cross the room, checking the locks and circling the children. Leading them over to a blanket in the corner, away from all openings, I take their hands and try to connect with them before the phasing begins in hopes of maintaining my connection to keep them calm so that I will not need to utilize the spells Reginald taught me. Although I practiced with Andrew to avoid hesitation, using it against my children is another story. I offer a silent prayer that I will be strong enough if it becomes necessary to use it and keep them contained because the alternative is unthinkable.

  As we concentrate, I feel Jeff and Grant move closer. My eyes fly open as I feel Kayla’s muscles contracting. Her eyes fill with terror at what is to come. All of a sudden, Nicholas bursts into form and is growling viciously. As he rises on all fours, my authoritative voice ringing in his head, surprises even me. I didn’t even realize I also connected with him. As I yell “Nicholas sit now” I feel him fighting to do what he is told. He’s not strong enough to overcome his struggle and his head whips toward Kayla. His growl echoes through the cabin. She screams, but then her face turns hard, her body shakes and contorts violently before bursting into wolf form.

  My back is turned to Nicholas who is growling fiercely, as I turn to see him, his teeth are bared and I am suddenly buried under a ball of fur. Struggling to free my hands, I wrench my right wrist free and throw the repellant spell. A wolf flies across the
room, but it is not Nicholas who is still growling beside me. As the wolf rises lithely to his feet, it must be Jeff because Grant is just phasing as Nicholas and Kayla are now charging toward each other head on. I’ve lost my connection and have no choice but to throw the spell toward both of them. I gasp realizing if I fail, they will be fighting each other and Grant and Jeff will have to rip them apart.

  My spell does not work as well on them. They merely wobble and step back slightly. I am in the midst of four werewolves, each growling viciously.

  Nicholas and Kayla redirect their attention and jump toward the corner where I had thrown Jeff and are about to pounce on him. Knowing I could move him more effectively, I use the repellant spell in reverse to bring him closer to me. I fight to keep each wolf straight in my head. Jeff is a dark gray wolf; Grant is spotted gray; Nicholas is almost black; while Kayla is chocolate brown.

  Nicholas and Kayla are about to crash into each other when I see Kayla flying toward the bed in the opposite corner. She lands lithely on her feet as I hear a satisfied huff come from Nicholas. I wonder if he repelled her toward the bed with the spell they learned in England, but how? I cannot even dwell on the thought. She springs again, this time heading for Grant. I move him quickly, and she hits the wall. Although she doesn’t seem fazed, I wince.

  Nicholas lunges toward her. I scream thinking he will hurt her, and so must Jeff who tries to intercept by jumping between them, but before he lands, Nicholas is already by her side, his nose is stroking hers. On some level, piercing through the shock, I realize he is not trying to hurt her at all; he is trying to comfort her and I force myself to concentrate and try to connect with them once more, but can only connect to Nicholas. His body seems rigid as if he is trying to force his every movement and is fighting with himself. I feel the struggle within him and can hear him screaming at himself that he can’t lose control.

  Suddenly, rage engulfs him and a vicious growl rips through his chest. He crouches as if to lunge at Jeff and I throw the repellant spell, but this time, his stance does not even wobble. Readying myself to redirect the energy to move Jeff, I see Grant about to pounce, but Nicholas thrusts himself backwards from the crouch. I’m not sure how he is doing it, but he has moments of extreme control.


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