Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows Page 27

by L. A. A. Law

  Kayla, on the other hand is growling wildly and bearing her teeth. She crouches and lunges toward Nicholas. Throwing my energy her way, she goes flying across the room. I scream realizing she is about to hit a window, if she breaks it, she’ll be gone. Quickly, I redirect my energy to the window, hoping to hold it in place, but as I do, I feel something repelling my energy and it ricochets back toward me sending me flying instead.

  I hit the wall with such force, I sink to the ground. Kayla is also on the ground with Jeff and Grant ensuring she does not move from the corner.

  Shaking off my surprise, Nicholas’ head whips toward my direction and then quickly toward the window, he growls viciously and bolts through the window. Scrambling to my feet, I’m surrounded by glass, yelling for him to come back. A commanding voice orders him to stop and a spell is cast. I should have known that Reginald would not be far away. Approaching the window, I hear a thud, then a whimper coming from the other side as I yell again. “Nicholas, come back please.”

  Grant jumps past me and is outside growling at Nicholas, pinning him to the cabin wall. His eyes are focused on Reginald as he growls again in warning. He wants him to leave, and so do I. If the children bolt and he cannot deflect them, they may bite him. Kayla’s dream flashes through my memory. Climbing though the window, standing between Reginald and Nicholas and Grant, I yell. “Reginald, leave. Leave now, please.”

  Grant is forcing Nicholas toward the door as Reginald retreats about two hundred feet, with his hands still outstretched verbalizing spells. Although Grant is grunting and growling, the sounds are not angry. I wonder if they are somehow communicating. As Nicholas gets closer to the door, he crouches as if he is going to spring away, moving quickly I fling open the door as Grant lunges at Nicholas knocking him inside. Quickly closing the door and locking it, I run to stand before the window, hoping that I can compel Nicholas away from it and scanning the room for something more permanent to block it. As Grant inches Nicholas closer to where Jeff is containing Kayla who seems more unstable, continually contracting and springing forward, I realize that by each window and door there are planks on the floor, a hammer and some nails. Lifting the plank up, I am not strong enough to keep it up and pound the nails. Releasing it so I can cast the levitating spell, a pair of hands lifts it, holding for me.

  “Mia, nail it in place quickly, he won’t be able to hold both of them if Nicholas loses control again.” Jeff’s eyes never leave Grant, Nicholas and Kayla. Securing it, he phases back just in time to jump between Nicholas, Grant and Kayla as Nicholas lunges forward. I throw the repellant spell and he wobbles for a few seconds. He is much stronger, Kayla is much easier to manipulate.

  As the hours pass, their growls and lunges are more frequent, but have less force. My connections with them are intermittent and it appears Nicholas is losing control more easily, but his attacks are weaker. I wonder if with each hour inching closer to daylight, their strength diminishes, maybe that will allow me to connect with them again. Closing my eyes, I concentrate and this time I am much more successful, neither kicks me out. I feel the fear engulfing both of them and the rigidity of their muscles, allowing the calming spell to flow through me, I feel Kayla relax slightly, but Nicholas is still rigid. Inching closer to him, hoping he will not lunge at me, I tentatively place my hand behind his furry ear, stroking it lightly. I can feel the rigidity in his body slowly release.

  With deliberate, slow motions, I move my lips to his ear. “Nicholas, it’s mom, I know that you are trying to fight to keep control, it’s alright. It’s almost daybreak. You are doing it. I’m so proud of you. I love you, you’re going to be alright; everything will be alright. Relaxing more with each word spoken, he sinks to the floor, placing his head on my knee. Kayla follows suit, placing her head on my other knee. Stroking her head slowly, I croon softly. “Kayla, honey I’m here. Hold on for just a little while longer, it’s almost over. You made it, the morning is almost here. You did so well, you didn’t hurt anyone. You are doing fine.” I stroke their backs and for the first time, they are still as their eyes shift to the un-boarded window which is now showing the hints of a rising sun. As the sky becomes lighter, I continue whispering in their ears. As the first stray sunbeam hints that the sun will release the moon’s hold, their bodies begin contracting violently. Jeff jumps at me, pushing me away as Grant jumps between them separating them from each other.

  After several hair raising growls and vibrating wolves, my children are again before me curled up tight in balls. The door opens as Grant and Jeff phase back to their human forms. I race toward Nicholas and Kayla as Andrew rushes through the door to us all.

  As I reach Kayla, Andrew reaches Nicholas. Kayla’s eyes are wide, filled with uncertainty and fear. “Is it over? What happened? Did I hurt anyone?”

  “It’s all over and you did wonderfully. You didn’t even leave the cabin and no one is hurt. Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything. How do you feel?”

  Pausing as if assessing her body, her reply reflects her astonishment. “Strange, my body feels as if it has been in a fight and sore, but I can’t remember last night. I can’t remember it happening. Did I really change?”

  Nicholas chimes in. “You sure did and mom is right, you did really great.” He brushes Charlie’s charm. He was right, it brought you luck. I told you that you weren’t going to do anything bad and you were worrying for nothing, but I will tell you that you have one vicious roar.” He laughs, but her eyes grow wider.

  “Did I roar at you?” She inquires quietly.

  “You did and I roared back.”

  “It sounds like you remember a lot of what happened.” Andrew looks at him, his relief, pride, and amazement flit across his features.

  “I do, sometimes I felt lost, but when I came back, I could see mom trying to talk to us and Grant and Jeff trying to keep us inside.” He turns to me. “Did I make it outside once and go after Reginald?”

  “You did make it outside, but you didn’t go after anyone, Grant forced you inside and we boarded up the window. Do you remember why you tried to leave?”

  He sits contemplating. “I remember Kayla trying to get out and then you screamed something and she went flying, but when I looked at the window, I could see a reddish haze coming through, it hit you, knocking you into the wall.” His eyes close in concentration. “I smelled something and everything inside me was telling me that it was dangerous and after what it did to you, I wanted to destroy it.” His hands fly up to his face, he’s shaking and mumbling. “You said Reginald was outside. I was going to hurt Reginald. I wanted to kill him.”

  Andrew’s arms enfold him instantly. “It’s alright. You didn’t do anything to him. He’s fine. You must have realized that the spell he was casting to keep you inside touched mom and you thought there was a danger. You were trying to protect mom and you didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “But dad, I could have. My senses felt overloaded by something. If Grant didn’t stop me I would have gone after Reginald. I could feel myself fighting when I saw who it was, but it was too hard to fight to control myself, I was losing and he could have gotten hurt or killed!”

  Jeff moves closer to him. “Nicholas, you did amazing, especially for your first time. I have never seen someone who went through his first transformation be able to stop himself or fight against their instincts the way you did and I promise you it will get easier with each transformation and with Amanda’s help. I’m sure that you will master control over your transformations and instincts in a very short amount of time. You have amazing control, you should be very proud of yourself.”

  “But what if it was my dad or someone in my family… what if I went after them?” His hysteria and desperation seep through his words as he fights back the tears.

  “You didn’t go after Reginald. You recognized him, fought your wolf instincts and gained control ensuring you didn’t move against him. Your instincts to protect your family will be even stronger.

  I interrupt. “Nicholas, Jeff
is right. Just think about how you comforted Kayla when I repelled her.”

  Kayla inches over to him. “I’m sorry that I growled at you. I just wish I could remember what happened. I don’t like this.”

  Turning my attention to her to answer, Nicholas responds. “I know you don’t, but we are in this together. I’m sure that next time you will remember. I think you were just so frightened that you couldn’t close yourself off and calm down the way Jacob and Charlie were trying to teach us to do when we get frightened, that fear blocked out everything else. You need to come up with something really cool to build in your mind. I think you just haven’t found it yet, but as soon as you do, you will start remembering too. I promise, when we get home, we can try to concentrate together.” He turns to me. “Can we go home now or do we have to stay here until the passing of the full moon stage?”

  “I think we should go home for now. I’m sure you’re hungry. Uncle Gabriel is probably whipping up some waffles and your sister and brother are anxious to see you.” Andrew rises.

  Before leaving, Kayla goes over and hugs Grant and Jeff. “Thank you for keeping me in here and from hurting anyone.”

  Jeff gently reassures her. “You are very welcome and your brother is right, you will remember soon and it will get easier once you are not so afraid of it. I see Charlie gave you his good luck piece, why don’t we get you home so you can tell him it worked.”

  We travel quickly home. Entering the recreation room, we are met with the relived faces of our family. Nicole and Jacob practically throw themselves at Nicholas and Kayla hugging them as Jacob whispered another impassioned apology. Charlie waits off to the side and as Kayla is released, she turns and hugs him. “Thank you for this” She moves to remove the charm from her neck, but Charlie’s hands stop her.

  “Hold on to it until this is over. By then, I will be done crafting you your own good luck charm.”

  The children eat and talk animatedly about last night as Andrew and I speak with the others. Cecil will be arriving in a day or two, but we still have to wait for the passing of this phase of the moon. I can feel the butterflies returning to my stomach as I offer a silent prayer up that everything will go as well as the first.

  After breakfast, I know Nicholas and Kayla need to sleep, but Andrew tells me that Jacob and Nicole were up all night worrying too, so we tuck them all in. Leaving their rooms, I catch Andrew staring with concern as he has all morning. “What’s wrong?”

  “How bad was it really and how sore is your back?”

  “It was very hard seeing them change and I couldn’t really stay connected to them, but I was happier as the night progressed. They could hear me more and at least I could comfort them.” He is now staring at me skeptically. “Andrew my back is fine, lifting the board wasn’t that hard and I had help. It was very clever of you to place boards near every window.”

  “Mia, that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  I’m puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

  Removing the jacket he placed on me when we were walking back to the car, he takes my hand. Leading me into the bedroom and over to our mirror, he turns me part way around. For the first time, I see the back of my shirt is shredded and bloody. I gasp, not because I’m hurt, but because I didn’t realize anything had happened. I turn to Andrew. “I’m fine. I didn’t even know that I had gotten hurt. I remove my tattered shirt and head toward the bathroom to shower and clean up.

  Andrew grasps my hand. “Mia, how did you not know that happened? Those lashes are pretty deep, you must have felt that and from the looks of your shirt, you lost more blood.”

  “I was so focused on the children, honestly, I didn’t know it happened. It must have happened when the children were transforming back. Maybe that’s why Jeff pushed me out of the way and Grant jumped between the children putting space between them.”

  “When you get out of the shower, wrap yourself in a towel, I’ll be back with some supplies.” He kisses my forehead and is gone instantly.

  As the warm water washes over the lashes, they sting and I wonder how I hadn’t felt them before. Returning to the bedroom, Andrew is waiting with a portable EKG and IV. “That really isn’t necessary. I feel fine.”

  “Humor me, I want to bandage your back and then see if the loss of blood has put a further strain on your heart.”

  Before lying down, I wrap my hands around his waist and stretch to kiss him. “If you really want to get my heart started, I know of a way.”

  Although he kisses me back, I feel his distraction. He is focused more on me medically. Gazing up, his eyes are filled with concern so I lay down. After beginning the healing process on my back, he stretches out beside me stroking my arm as the IV is running and we talk about the night’s events.

  After removing the IV and packing up the supplies, he finally allows me to sit up. “Mia, I think that you should consider allowing Grant and Jeff to take them up alone tonight. I’m not sure how much good the solution is doing in bringing up your counts. You said you couldn’t really connect to them until it was almost daylight and you need to consider the effects if they swipe at you again or worse. I know that Nicholas did well last night, but even he is going to be weaker tonight. A little rest is not going to be able to compensate for how fatigued he is. Tonight may be worse. Reginald said he would stay outside again this evening to try to keep them contained in the cabin.”

  Grabbing his chin and forcing his face to meet my own, I clear my throat to ensure my tone reflects my resolve. “You know I can’t let them go through this alone. Andrew, Nicholas struggled so much last night and I could feel his unbridled fear that something was going to go wrong and you know how frightened Kayla is. I have to be there, even though my connecting with them does not always hold, I was some help last night. They need me there, the way Nicole and Jacob need you here. I will be fine. I promise. I feel fine now and it won’t be much longer.”

  Rising, we check on the children who are still fast asleep. “Why don’t you let me get you some juice and something to eat, you didn’t eat at breakfast.” Andrew heads toward the kitchen. Wanting to remove the worry reflected in his eyes and tone, I grab his hand. “I’m really not hungry just yet, but I know of a way to work up an appetite.” Moving my free hand to his top button, I brush my fingertips along the v in his shirt and begin unfastening his buttons.”

  Stopping my deft fingers, his tone turns serious. “Mia, I know you are trying to distract me and as much as I love you, I don’t want to make you more tired.”

  “You won’t be, I promise.” Moving my hand out from under his, I quickly unfasten the last button and glide my fingertips gingerly over his torso. Shuddering, he sweeps me into his arms and places me on the bed. His kisses go from tender to all consuming and I am lost in his embrace. As I lay with my head on his torso hearing his breathing slow as I struggle to slow my own, I hope this feeling of contentment stays with me tonight when we will once again be separated and facing the unknown.

  Chapter Ten - A Deadly Night

  Trudging to the cabin for the last night of the full moon, I see how tired not only Nicholas and Kayla are but also Jeff and Grant. If I am being honest with myself, I’m not feeling in the best form either. We finally arrive at the cabin as twilight sets in, graying the mountain range and forest.

  By tomorrow, Cecil will have arrived with Amanda who agreed to help us. Despite, Kayla’s fear, Charlie and Nicholas manage to get her to face tonight somewhat calmer and more relaxed.

  The moon rises, the children’s bodies contract and contort, but at least tonight their conversion to wolf is faster. Although Nicholas claims that there isn’t any pain while their bodies change, I’m wondering if he actually pushes it out of his mind considering how their bodies jerk about and their bones sound as if they are breaking. As the children transform, Grant and Jeff phased.

  Tonight, I connect with them during the transformation and by some luck, Nicholas does not kick me out and Kayla seems more responsive. Desp
ite the growls and occasional lunges at each other, it seems easier with Nicholas and Kayla, more containable.

  Four-thirty a.m. rolls around leaving only an hour of so more to go, Nicholas and Kayla seem to be drifting, at least they are lying down. Suddenly, Jeff bolts toward the door. Before he reaches it, Nicholas and Kayla spring up, pacing and growling wildly, they are almost a blur. Kayla lunges toward the door, crashing over Jeff who is thrust to the floor and breaks the door.

  She’s off before the scream is out of my mouth, Nicholas quickly follows with Grant and a rising Jeff behind neither is quick enough to catch them. Reaching the door, they are moving faster than lightning. Despite Reginald throwing spells at them, it does not slow them down enough for Grant or Jeff to contain them. Running out into the night, I am nowhere near fast enough. Vicious growls echo off the trees.

  Pulling out my phone, I alert Andrew and the others that the children are out of the cabin. Despite our being hours away on foot and by car, I know from their speed that if they are heading toward Sanctuary, it will not take them anywhere near what it did for us to travel back usually.

  Running, I call their names, trying to communicate with them on some level, knowing that if Reginald’s spells could not impair them, the protective barriers won’t even slow them down. Despite Andrew and the others locking down Sanctuary and warning the others, a crippling fear for all my children and my family grips my heart.

  Traveling deeper and deeper into the woods, the vicious growls are interrupted only by the sounds of spells being cast everywhere. My blood runs cold as I realize, not only are our witch friends out in the woods, but I hear the voices of the St. Cloud’s calling out to the children as well. Andrew comes from the trees, lifting me up and traveling quickly. I can barely hear him through the whistling wind. “Nicole and Jacob are with Eva and Catherine, they will be fine. Do you have any indication which direction Nicholas and Kayla are heading in or why they bolted from the cabin?”


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