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Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows

Page 29

by L. A. A. Law

  “I need to see if Marlena can confirm whether or not David was ever bitten by a werewolf and survived. If he was then I’m hoping that maybe there is something in his blood that can save Lucas.” Without another word, he opens the door and we go up to her room.

  Forgetting that Marlena still looks like me, I gasp as I meet her eyes. A shrewd grin crosses her lips. Taking a moment to regain my composure, I don’t want to give her a chance to think or throw me off so I throw the question out right away. “Marlena I need to know if David was ever bitten by a werewolf.”

  Her face registers her shock at my question before her expression turns impassive. Staring at her, I only hope her mind is recalling the incident.

  Gabriel touches my back gently and we leave. He can’t contain his smile any longer. “You were absolutely correct. Despite her stoic appearance, her mind raced to a time when she was pleading with the others to help David. He was bitten.”

  Excited I turn to Reginald. “When you tested his blood, you said there were abnormalities, could they be the key to helping Lucas?”

  Before he can answer, Gabriel’s hand is on my arm. “Mia, Marlena was bit as well.”

  “She survived too! We have to find out what they did so we can help Lucas.”

  “Mia, they didn’t do anything. Her mind was still racing, that’s why I didn’t have you leave right away. She was remembering how surprised she was when they were still alive a few days after the bite had healed because normally vampires are dead within a day or two.”

  “If they didn’t do anything, how did they survive?”

  “It had to be something in their chemical makeup when they transformed. Hopefully, whatever it is remains in their blood.”

  As he says this, an awful thought strikes me and I sink to the floor. “Mia what’s wrong?”

  “There chemical makeup has changed. I tainted their blood and killed David. My blood could have destroyed whatever allowed them to survive.”

  Lifting me off the floor, he tries to sound reassuring. “That may not be true. We have found things in their blood that we cannot explain; things that are beyond what happens after a vampire conversion.”

  “Has their blood revealed anything?”

  “Not yet, but as Marlena was thinking about the incident, I had an idea. I need to get some of the blood that we have stored from David and get it into Lucas. You should go back to the residency in case the children wake up.”

  Reginald interrupts. “You should also take some of Marlena’s blood, it may be stronger since she survived and where she did not drink as much of Mia’s.”

  “That’s a good idea but I don’t have time to fight with her, can you get hers so I can start Lucas on this treatment quickly? He was not doing so well when I left.” Reginald nods and Gabriel is off.

  Entering the suite, Jacob is awake. “Were you visiting uncle Lucas, how is he?”

  “No I didn’t see Lucas. I went to see someone else to see if they could help.”

  “Did they?”

  “We don’t if it will work yet. Uncle Gabriel and dad are with him. I’m sure they will call us as soon as they know anything.”

  “Mom, can I tell you something?”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “I know you don’t believe Nicholas that they found uncle Lucas like that, but I do. When I was an animal, trying to track Nicholas and Kayla, I knew what was going on, I could tell their scents and feel the threat from the others. I would never have confused Nicholas and Kayla as a threat and I know that they would have never attacked uncle Lucas or mistaken him as a threat either. They would have known it was him.” He hesitates, debating whether to say something, and his voice drops. “I know that you got hurt when you were with them, but that was when they were converting back and you were in the way. Nicholas remembers his paw swiping near you, but he didn’t realize that you were hurt until dad tried to hide the lash.”

  “Jake, I’m not disagreeing with you. Things aren’t adding up. I’m hoping that Lucas will get better and be able to give us the answers. Your dad may have even asked him about it and may have some answers when he gets back, it’s just right now, they are focused on helping him in any way they can.”

  “I understand but how do we help Kayla and Nicholas to see that everyone knows they didn’t do it. I know how worried Kayla was about hurting someone. How upset even the thought made her. Even though she changed into an animal she would have held on to that fear and her aversion to hurting anyone, especially her family. That wouldn’t have disappeared. Mom, I don’t care what she turned into, who she is and what she believes is right and wrong would not change. She was so lifeless when I saw her, I know it’s because she fears that everyone believes she did it. We need to help her.”

  “She will be alright. We just need to give her some time.” Hugging, him I wonder if he is correct. Can animal instincts overtake their personality and overshadow the love that is ingrained in them for the people here? I need to talk to Jeff or Grant. I need to know whether when they turned, they kept any part of themselves or if that only came later.

  “Mom did you hear me?”

  “Honey, I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked you if the wolf versions of Kayla or Nicholas are big or small.”

  “Why would you ask me that?”

  “It’s just that Uncle Lucas is so tall and strong, if Nicholas and Kayla are small wolves, wouldn’t he be able to stop them?”

  “Jake, if they both jumped on him or if he realized it was them, he may have been too stunned to do anything or may have been afraid that he would hurt them.”

  “We didn’t jump him. We didn’t even see him until we stumbled over him.” Nicholas says coming out of the bedroom.

  “Nicholas, when you changed form, do you remember thinking like yourself?”

  Sitting next to Jacob, I can tell from his expression he is contemplating my question. “I remember being afraid and trying to concentrate on you and Grant telling me that it was alright and you were with me. I focused on fighting the fear and tried to gain more control over myself, but I was thinking like me. It feels like the way I’m thinking now. Mom, I knew exactly who you were, even when I was feeling lost and I knew who Grant and Jeff were.”

  “How did you know what Grant was saying? All I heard was grunts and growls.”

  “I heard him talking not grunting.”

  “What about Kayla, did you hear anything from her?

  “For a long time, all she kept saying is ‘I won’t hurt anyone.’ She kept repeating that until you made her wobble. After that, she kept saying to herself ‘Don’t move’ instead. I know that when she changed back to herself she says she doesn’t remember, but I’m telling you that when she was in that state, even when she was being a little more lively than me, she was always concerned about doing the right thing and not hurting anyone. Even if I hadn’t been with her to see that she didn’t do it, I would know that she couldn’t because she never stopped worrying about it and she never stopped telling herself stuff so as not to hurt anyone.”

  Something occurs to me. “Nicholas, I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on only what you saw around, nothing else.”

  Sitting silently for a long time, I can see from the way his eyelids move that he is envisioning the images, scanning them carefully. “I see Grant and Jeff. They are standing before Kayla and me. Kayla is lying beside me and you are sitting between us.” His head begins moving as if panning the room. “I can see the walls to the cabin and the board where the window broke. Jeff is moving toward the door. He’s pacing and his nose is toward the floor.”

  I remember this. “That’s very good. What do you see next? Remember concentrate only on what you see, nothing else.”

  His head whips sideways. “Kayla has gotten up, her head is moving around, she is staring at the back window and then her head whips around to the door. She bolts, knocking Jeff over and is outside.”

  He instinctively stands u
p but does not open his eyes. Gently, I guide him back down. “It’s alright. What else do you see?”

  “I push past Reginald. Kayla is out in front of me. She’s moving quickly through the trees and underbrush. I can see the forest. It doesn’t appear as dark as it usually does to me.” He’s up again, his eyes flying open. “I saw something ahead of Kayla, but it was only a shadow. She was chasing someone.” He says breathlessly.

  “Can you see who she’s chasing?”

  His tone reflects his frustration. “No, they are too far ahead. They’re only a shadow.”

  “It’s alright. You are doing very well. Please, I need you to relax and sit back down.”

  Jacob grabs his hand and he sits back down. “Think about what you see as a picture, the way Rachel told us to freeze things when we are afraid so we don’t react and we can think about what is around us. Remember, you remove yourself from it, it is only a picture in front of you and think about the shadow only.”

  Nicholas squeezes his eyes tightly shut. “The shadow is running and is far out in front of us.” He jumps up again. “It’s carrying something and traveling extremely fast through the woods, it crouches lower. I can’t see it.” He gasps. “Kayla tripped over uncle Lucas. He’s on the ground and he’s hurt. He was definitely on the ground. Kayla didn’t even see him because she tripped over him. Her head hit a rock.”

  “That’s very good. Which side of the head did she hit?”

  “The right”

  “I’ll be right back.” Gently moving Kayla’s head so as not to disturb her, I examine her head but there is no mark on either side.

  Returning, they are both staring at me expectantly. “Did you see the bump?”

  “No, there was nothing on her head.”

  “But I saw her hit the rock. There has to be a mark, she hit it hard.”

  “She may have, but no mark remains.” Remembering how Andrew told me that vampires heal quickly and how when Nicholas got staked by Jonathan his hole healed almost immediately, I wonder if the same holds for wolves. “Nicholas, don’t worry, it could be that it healed.”

  “Bumps don’t heal that quickly, even I know that.” He shakes his head and looks dejected.

  “You’re right when you’re in human form, but you know how dad heals if he gets hurt, maybe you heal the same way when you are a wolf. We have to ask, but Grant and Jeff are looking for Amelia right now.”

  “Can we call Charlie and ask him or maybe Paul?” Jacob inquires.

  As soon as Charlie hears Nicholas is alert, he asks about Kayla and then is at the door almost instantly, accompanied by Paul and Julianne.

  “Charlie told us what you asked. You wouldn’t see any type of cut or bump on Kayla now, it’s been hours, she would have healed. We don’t heal as fast as vampires, but we do heal quicker than humans.” Paul says as he walks in. “How’s Lucas?”

  “We are waiting to hear. They are trying everything they can. In the meantime, Nicholas is trying to remember exactly what he could see and smell. Paul, can you tell me when you changed, were you still thinking and feeling like yourself or are you ruled more by your instincts?”

  “You pretty much think like yourself, but your senses are heightened and you know that you are stronger and quicker than you could ever be otherwise. You react quicker to things.”

  “Do you still recognize the people who are familiar to you?”

  “I did, but at first it was more their smell. I had to get away from my mother when I first changed. Although she smelled familiar and I knew who she was, she was so nervous, it drove my instincts wild. It was very annoying and I was afraid that I would really growl at her and get in trouble when I changed back, so I ran from her.” An extremely sad look crosses his face and he becomes very quiet.

  Jacob jumps off the couch, hugging him. “Paul it’s alright, she is still with you, watching over you.”

  “Thanks Jake.”

  Charlie moves over to Nicholas. “How’s Kayla doing?”

  “She is still asleep. I think she’s afraid to wake up because everyone believes we hurt Lucas.”

  “I believe you. I know you wouldn’t hurt your uncle. You would know it is him. They don’t remember because there transformation was a long time ago, but I remember even when I was an infant. I changed immediately. I could feel my fur. My dad doesn’t believe me, but I remember my mom stroking my fur. That’s why I know that you remember. You have to, you’re older.”

  “Thanks Charlie. It’s good to know someone believes me.”

  Sitting next to Nicholas, my tone turns contrite. “Honey, I’m sorry that I sounded like I don’t believe you. I guess I let my fears overtake my common sense. If you say Kayla tripped over Lucas, I do believe you. I think that we need to concentrate on the shadow you saw.”

  “What shadow?” Julianne asks.

  “I saw a shadow. Kayla was chasing something and I think that your uncle also smelled it.”

  “Did you smell it too?”

  “I’m not sure. I was so surprised when Kayla jumped up that I was focused on her.”

  “Nicholas, let’s try our exercise again but this time with you concentrating on what you smell only. In the meantime, Charlie would you mind going with Jacob into Kayla’s room and telling her that we do believe her. I know your charm made her feel better, maybe hearing your voice will too.” Nicholas closes his eyes.

  “Think about right before you saw Jeff get up and concentrate only on what you smell or sense.”

  His body turns still as stone for several moments then he speaks very deliberate. “I could smell the wood on the floor, it is cedar.” He seems surprised at this. “I can smell our fur. They all smell different, but I can’t really describe it. I have smelled similar scents from the animals around here, but they are not quite the same and they are all mixing, it’s confusing.”

  “It’s alright Nicholas. Take your time and you know that it is your fur and the fur of those around you, that’s really good. If it’s confusing to separate them, that’s o.k. Tell me what else you smell.”

  “It’s not so much what I can smell, it’s what I feel. I can feel Kayla’s fear and my own, but it isn’t as bad as the night before. Even you seem calmer mom. Jeff is getting anxious. He’s up and moving.”

  “Nicholas, wait. Don’t think about what he’s doing. Think about the smells or the feelings.”

  “I don’t smell anything, but I sense Jeff getting nervous and so is Kayla. She’s becoming really afraid.”

  I hear a sharp intake of air and his breathing is becoming more rapid. “Someone is coming” His head whips around.

  “From what direction?” I inquire before he can even think about it.

  “It’s coming from behind us.” So why did Jeff and Kayla run to the door?

  They smelled it and were trying to get out the quickest way. “Nicholas, there are no windows in the corner where we had you. Do you recognize the smell?”


  “Do you smell or feel anything else?”

  “We’re outside now. I can smell the crispness of the air and the pine needles. No, not just that” His back arches and his eyes fly open.

  “What is it?”

  “I smell a vampire. Mom, I smell Reginald, I didn’t realize it was him for a second but before I can even become afraid, his scent registers, I know I’m not in danger from him and I start chasing Kayla.”

  “What else did you smell? Did you smell what Kayla was chasing?”

  Paul places his hand on Nicholas’ shoulder. “Relax, it comes easier if you stay calm.”

  “I can smell the dirt and moss that we are running across. Kayla’s fur is much more distinguishable and so is mine. I can sense danger, I can smell something, it’s not human, but I don’t know what it is. Ugh.” His frustration is palpable. “Why is everything getting so mixed up? I can’t do this, I’m mixing up our scent with Reginald’s and I can’t ...”

  Kayla surprises us all coming out of the room, sitting nex
t to Nicholas and grabbing his hand. “I’m sorry I left you for so long on your own to face this.”

  “You didn’t leave me and mom really does believe us. I’m just mad because everything is getting mixed up in my mind.”

  “No it’s not. I heard you, you are upset because you think the smells are getting mixed up, but they were mixed up.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “The smells were mixed that night.”

  “I thought that you said you didn’t remember what was going on.”

  “I didn’t, but after dad touched me and my mind began relaxing, things started coming back. I thought I was dreaming, but I was remembering. I could see us running, but more importantly, I remember that smell. It was overwhelming. It smelled like a mix of us and our family, but with it I was afraid. Whatever it was wanted to hurt us! I could feel it, but I can’t explain it.”

  “What do you mean that it was a mix of us and our family?

  “It wasn’t human. I know that for certain. It was a mix of vampire and wolf. Everything around me wreaked of that smell.” Her hands fly up, covering her face. “It wanted to hurt us. Why would I chase something that wanted to hurt us?” Her voice is absolutely panicked.

  “It’s alright, it didn’t hurt us.”

  “No, it hurt uncle Lucas.”

  “Kayla, do you know who it was? Who were you chasing?”

  Her head turns in my direction, tears spill over her rims. “I couldn’t see them, they were too far away. It was only the back of them. The one who hurt uncle Lucas and wants to hurt us is still out there. Mom it wasn’t us, there was someone else.”

  Paul rises and begins pacing and mumbling. “Maybe there is still some trace of them. Mrs. St. Cloud, could you show us where they found Lucas?”

  “It’s Mia, please and I can, but if someone is out there I don’t think that it would be a good idea for you to be out there. I’ll go with some of our family and see if they can detect anything. Paul, call your father and warn him that there may be someone else out there.” Knowing Andrew and Gabriel are helping Lucas, I call Jackson and Damian. Turning to tell the children, I’ll be right back, I see Paul whispering to Julianne, his expression grave. “Is everything alright?”


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