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Destroyer (The Void Wraith Trilogy Book 1)

Page 18

by Chris Fox

  Mendez looked back at her, and gave a start. "You look terrified, Kate. Don't worry. I know that the bonding process is painful. I won't make you suffer through that."

  He pressed the hypo against her thigh, and there was a sharp pain as the needle bit. Sudden warmth spread through her leg, and up into her chest. When the admiral spoke again his words were far away. "You'll sleep through the entire process, and when you've awoken you'll be one of us."

  Chapter 60- Fried

  Hannan took several deep breaths. She glanced around at her people. Everyone was ready. "Okay, let's do this. Fizgig, Izzy, into the hole."

  The two Tigris darted down the stairwell, reaching the bottom in three superhuman bounds. The Alpha began to turn toward them, but they'd already reached the shelter of one of the pods.

  "Nolan, let's go," she said. Hannan sprinted to the first landing, pausing to fire a three-round burst at the twelve-foot-tall Judicator. The rounds pinged off its face, but they got its attention. It turned in her direction, raising a massive rifle. That rifle took a moment to warm up, blue energy crackling around the barrel.

  In that instant Hannan dove from the landing, rolling to safety behind a pod on the far side of the room from where Fizgig and Izzy had taken shelter. The Alpha's shot hit the stairs where she'd been standing, and the metal erupted into a spray of razored shrapnel that peppered the wall behind it. The pieces of shrapnel left a crater in their wake, both in the landing and in the wall where they'd hit. Jesus, that thing hit hard.

  Nolan darted down the stairs behind her, popping off rounds from his pistol as he did. The Alpha pivoted to face him, and Hannan knew he was in serious trouble. Then Fizgig was moving. She popped around her pod, firing a round from her Tigris war rifle. The shot took the Alpha in the face, and actually knocked the thing half a step back. It ruined the Alpha's aim, and the shot that had been intended for Nolan wound up hitting the ceiling instead.

  Nolan dropped from the stairs, rolling to his feet near Hannan. Their gazes met, but Nolan didn't slow. He ran low and fast behind the pods, crouching near the one closest to the Alpha.

  Then Hannan's attention was back on their opponent. It was stalking through the room, the barrels of its multiple weapons scanning both sides as it sought targets. Edwards leapt into the room, firing off single shots as he dropped into cover behind the stairwell. The Judicator swiveled to face him, and began advancing in Edwards's direction.

  "For Fizgig," Izzy yelled, charging the Alpha from the side. She made an impressive leap, grabbing the Alpha's shoulder with one paw. She used the momentum to swing herself onto its back, then buried her bayonet deep into the thing's neck. If the wound caused any damage, the Alpha certainly didn't show it.

  The Alpha paused, then reached back to remove Izzy. Hannan cursed under her breath, popping out of cover. She unloaded several more three-round bursts, each targeting the same knee. The first two bursts pinged off the tough metal, but one of the slugs from the third volley found something sensitive. The Alpha staggered, and the swipe it had aimed at Izzy missed by a good two feet.

  Fizgig charged forward, burying her bayonet in the same knee. She squeezed the trigger of her rifle, and a loud boom echoed through the room. The scent of ozone intensified, but the Alpha seemed otherwise unarmed. It didn't go down. If anything, the wound had only annoyed it.

  The Alpha swung its wounded leg forward, catching Fizgig in the chest. She was launched backwards, sailing toward the wall. Hannan winced, knowing Fizgig would have broken bones from the impact. Then Edwards darted from cover. He dove forward, catching Fizgig the instant before she slammed into the wall. The two went down in a tangle of limbs, but neither appeared to be harmed.

  Edwards rolled to his feet, darting into cover near the Commander.

  "Hurry it up, Nolan," Hannan ordered. Izzy was dancing away from the Alpha's probing hand, but sooner or later the thing would grab her.

  "Got the cable free," Nolan yelled back. "You're going to have to get it closer, though. This thing doesn't stretch very far."

  "Screw it," Hannan said. She ran toward the Alpha, popping off single rounds from her assault rifle every third step. Each shot tagged the thing in the face, and by the fourth shot its beady blue eyes had focused directly on her. The Alpha took a step closer, then another. Hannan skidded behind the pod next to Nolan, panting as she glanced up at him. "I hope this works."

  The Alpha stepped around the pod, leaning over it to aim its rifle at her. It seemed to have forgotten Izzy, who was holding onto her rifle with one hand while emptying her sidearm into the back of its neck with the other. Hannan watched as the Alpha's rifle got closer, until the barrel seemed to swallow her entire vision. Energy began to crackle around that barrel, and she knew she had only a few seconds to live.

  Then the thing staggered backward. Hannan rolled away, looking around the other side of the pod. Nolan stood right next to the Alpha, and was holding the conduit against its wounded knee. The Alpha's back arched, and electricity played up the length of its body in tight, blue arcs. Those arcs caught Izzy, who tumbled limply from the Alpha's back. Hannan dove, catching the Tigris just before she hit the deck.

  "Commander, move," Edwards roared.

  Hannan turned to see what was happening just in time to watch the Alpha topple limply towards Nolan. Edwards shoved Nolan out of the way, but was too slow to save himself. The judicator fell heavily atop the big Marine, crushing him under several tons of metal.

  Chapter 61- Tigris Bridge

  "You've brought a human traitor onto my bridge?" a black-furred cat roared at Khar. Dryker stood passively, knowing that anything he said would probably make the situation worse.

  "Mighty Fizgig allied with this human," Khar spat back. The fur on the back of his neck stood up, and his tail swished angrily. "Dryker may be our only chance of survival. Let him speak, or I will challenge you right here, Skaan."

  "Very well. Speak, human," Skaan said. His eyes narrowed distrustfully.

  "In about twenty seconds an internal explosion is going to tear the Johnston apart," Dryker said.

  Skaan's eyes widened, and he whirled to face his bridge crew. "Disengage the docking clamp. Now!"

  "At once, mighty Skaan," answered a golden-furred female.

  The ship rumbled, and Dryker could see a gap begin to form between the Johnston and the Claw. He winced inwardly as the Johnston's hull began to buckle. Fire shot out of different points along the hull, while other sections collapsed inward. The whole vessel distended, then broke apart roughly midway down the hull. Seeing it break apart broke something inside of Dryker. She was his ship, and she was dying.

  Then the Johnston exploded. The brunt of that explosion was directed inward, but enough force remained to wash over both the Void Wraith vessel and the Claw. They were knocked back, and the screen went white for a moment.

  When it cleared, the Void Wraith vessel was still there, seemingly unharmed.

  "Mighty Skaan," the white-furred female called. "The other Void Wraith vessels are beginning to respond. They're moving away from the station, and heading in our direction. Two have already cloaked."

  "Blast it," Skaan cursed, rounding on Dryker. "You've brought this on us, human. I'll see you dead."

  Khar glided silently forward, seizing Skaan's head between both massive paws. The muscles in his arms tensed, and he gave a single twist. There was a sharp crack, then Skaan's lifeless body toppled to the deck.

  Silence reigned across the bridge for several seconds, then the golden-furred comm officer called out. "Mighty Khar!"

  The cry was taken up all over the bridge, until Khar raised his arms to silence it. He turned to Dryker. "Now, what?"

  Chapter 62- Void Wraith Bridge

  "Hang in there, Edwards," Nolan said, kneeling next to the burly Marine, who was still pinned underneath the Alpha.

  "Sir, you have to get away. This thing could blow up now that we've killed it," Edwards said, in short pained gasps.

  "I doubt that
," Nolan said, looking at the Alpha. "The other Judicators detonated almost immediately. This one's been dead a good thirty seconds."

  "Nolan is right," Lena said, approaching cautiously. "I suspect the Judicators have a different directive here. Why set them to detonate aboard your own ship? That could cause catastrophic damage."

  "Excellent point," Fizgig growled. "That may serve us well. We should keep moving."

  "What about Edwards?" Hannan said. Her face was set into the mask of determination Nolan was beginning to recognize. "We don't leave our own behind."

  "There is no choice," Izzy said, placing a paw on Hannan's shoulder. "We lack the strength to move the Alpha."

  "My legs are crushed, anyway," Edwards said, panting. The pain must be excruciating, if his armor couldn't suppress it. "You need to leave me. Finish this, or everything we've done is for nothing."

  "He's right," Nolan said, standing with a sigh. "Hannan, Izzy, take point."

  "Sir," Hannan said, moving to stand in front of him. "We can spare two minutes to try to--"

  "You have your orders, Marine," Nolan said. "I need you, Hannan. Get moving. Now."

  "Yes, sir," Hannan said. She glanced at Edwards, and grew a shade paler. She kept moving, though. She and Izzy moved to the far side of the room, their weapons scanning the corridor that led in the direction they hoped the bridge was.

  "Nolan, you might want to see this before we go," Lena called. She was standing in front of one of the pods.

  Nolan approached cautiously, peering through the window. He could only stare. "My god, what are they doing?"

  Inside was a human, or what was left of one. All that remained was a spine and a brain, and they floated in a viscous green liquid. The pod began to hum, and the bottom opened. Nolan peered down, watching as a shape rose into the liquid. A familiar metallic frame, with too-thin limbs.

  "This is how they make Judicators," he said, horror turning his bowels to ice. "They're harvesting people to make more troops."

  "This is barbaric," Fizgig hissed, peering into the pod. She rounded on Nolan. "We must stop these things. At any cost."

  Nolan gave a tight nod, then started trotting up the corridor. Before, he'd been scared. He'd been tired. Now? He was angry. These bastards were going to pay. He would find a way to make them pay.

  They ran up several flights of stairs, then through a maze of corridors. Nolan let Lena guide them. She didn't have a true map, but the info contained in the VI was the closest thing. Minutes passed, and the anger continued to smolder. He could read it on all their faces.

  He expected to meet more resistance, but they saw no other Judicators as they made their way closer and closer to the bridge. Finally, they rounded a corner and found a room that could be nothing else. A large black platform sat in the center of the room. It looked almost identical to the one on Purito, where they'd found the VI. The link between Primo technology and the Void Wraith continued to trouble him.

  "Okay, fan out and lock down the exits to this room," Nolan commanded.

  Hannan, Izzy, and Fizgig fanned out. There were two doorways--the one they'd entered through and another at the far side of the room. As with every room they'd passed through, there were no doors, and thus no way to truly lock down the room. If other Judicators were on the ship, they could assault them at any time.

  "Lena, what can you do to get us control of this ship?" Nolan asked.

  "Nothing," a metallic voice said. Nolan spun to see a holographic figure appear over the black platform. It was Primo, just like the VI they'd brought with them. "Your deaths are assured, your efforts wasted."

  "What the hell are you?" Nolan asked, instinctively aiming his rifle at the hologram.

  "I am Sentinel," it said, watching him impassively, "though that information is useless to you. Wraith are already on their way. Your existence will be terminated in four minutes and thirteen seconds. Your genetic matter will be harvested, and converted into more soldiers."

  Nolan was silent for a moment. He glanced at Lena, but she only shrugged. "Why are you attacking us?" Nolan asked. "What do you get out of it?"

  "I fulfill my purpose," Sentinel answered, metallically. "Nothing you do here will matter. Your struggle is futile."

  "You know," Nolan said, narrowing his eyes, "every time I've heard anyone tell me something like that, it's because they fear me. If we're so powerless how did we reach your bridge? Lena, can you deactivate that thing?"

  "It will take me a little time, but I think so," Lena said, moving to crouch next to the black platform.

  "Your efforts will avail you not," Sentinel said, watching Lena.

  "Maybe," Nolan said. "I believe otherwise. You fear us. You fear something we'd learn, otherwise why did you go to the effort of wiping out all those Primo ruins? You knew there was something that we could recover, something we could learn that would be a threat."

  "Your arrogance is impressive," Sentinel said. It paused, studying Nolan. "I harvested the ruins to obtain more virtual intelligences. They are required to run vessels such as this. Their construction requires immense time and effort. Recovering them is a more expedient way of expanding my forces. This is why the worlds belonging to the race you know as the Primo Genitus were targeted first."

  The wheels began to turn in Nolan's head, and a grin spread across his face. This thing had inadvertently revealed something vital.

  "Your amusement will be short lived," Sentinel said, a hint of emotion finally infusing its tone. "The other vessels I have created have nearly arrived. Even if they had not, over two dozen line units will soon be assaulting you."

  Chapter 63- Allies

  "Mighty Khar," one of the Tigris called. "Twelve vessels are emerging from the Helios Gate."

  Dryker watched from his place in the corner, saying nothing as the view screen shifted to show a fleet emerging from the sun's corona. The vessels were tiny specs, too small to identify visually.

  "Are they broadcasting an ident?" Khar rumbled. He hadn't risen since sitting in the captain's chair, which didn't surprise Dryker. Khar's fur was still matted with blood, and none of his injuries had been tended to. One of his eyes was swollen shut, and he bled freely from wounds on his chest.

  "Yes, mighty Khar. It's the Fourth Claw of the Leonis pride," the comm officer said.

  "Rejoice," Khar roared, giving a booming Tigris laugh. "Get me the lead vessel on screen."

  A moment later, a black-furred Tigris face loomed on the screen. It stared hard at Khar before speaking. "Where is mighty Fizgig? We have come to aid her in battle."

  "Mighty Fizgig is aboard the Void Wraith vessel near us," Khar said. He leaned forward in his chair. "She is attempting to seize control, with the aid of the humans."

  "The humans?" the black-furred Tigris said, clearly surprised. Then its gaze fell on Dryker. "I see you have one of those humans aboard your ship, and not just any human either. You've captured Dryker, the worm who destroyed one of our science vessels. Why is he not restrained?"

  "Because I'm not a prisoner," Dryker said. Letting Khar speak for him would be a mistake, and he knew it. Tigris only respected strength. "My ship is gutted, but with its destruction Khar and I killed dozens of Void Wraith. Maybe hundreds. We gave my first officer and mighty Fizgig time to invade their vessel."

  "He speaks the truth, mighty Varr," Khar said, nodding respectfully. "We do not have time to discuss this, though. Six more Void Wraith vessels have left the station you've no doubt seen on your sensors. They will engage us shortly."

  "Interesting," Varr said, giving a feline smile. "We will see what these fairy tales can do in real combat. My fleet is moving to support you, mighty Khar. Fight with honor."

  Then the view screen went dark. Dryker removed his tablet from his pocket, reviewing the data he'd accumulated since arriving in-system. The first massive structure was clearly a factory, but what about the second--the one containing the vast amount of that mysterious heavy element? It must be important to the Void Wraith, and he
was afraid they'd soon find out why.

  Chapter 64- VI Removal

  "How's it going, Lena?" Nolan asked. He'd moved to stand just beside the doorway they'd entered through. He didn't see any sign of the enemy yet, but if Sentinel was telling the truth they'd be under assault by the ship's forces soon.

  "I've exposed the panel, and I can see the data cube containing Sentinel," Lena called. She was bent over the black platform with an electro spanner in one hand.

  The entire ship shook violently, and Nolan barely caught himself against the wall.

  "What the hell was that?" Hannan called from the doorway she was guarding.

  "That," Fizgig said, "was a massive explosion. Given the resulting kick, I'd guess we're no longer docked with the Johnston."

  "Shit," Hannan said. She gave Nolan a sober look. "Do you think the old man blew up the gauss cannon?"

  "It makes sense," Nolan replied. He glanced up the corridor. Still nothing. "If he detonated the gauss cannon, he'd take out all the Void Wraith forces--meaning they can't return to stop us here."

  "A noble sacrifice," Fizgig said. Her tail drooped. "Dryker was the most feared human commander during our brief war with humanity. He will be sung about in our legends."

  "Contact," Hannan yelled. She dropped to a knee, snapping her assault rifle to her shoulder. The sharp report of automatic weapons fire filled the bridge as she fired down her corridor.

  Nolan considered running to join her, but resisted the urge. His job was to guard this doorway, and if he left it the Void Wraith could flank him from behind. He faced the doorway, his stomach dropping when he saw movement. Several shimmering forms were approaching. "We're about to have a lot more company. What's the status of deactivating that VI, Lena?"

  "I need a minute," she yelled.

  "We don't have a minute," Hannan called back. "Izzy, I need you over here."


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