Calculated Risk

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Calculated Risk Page 11

by Rachael Duncan

“What do your parents do, dear?”

  “My mom is a dental hygienist, and my dad’s in sales.”

  “How nice. Do you get to see them often?”

  “Uh, not really.” I squirm in my seat, knowing this is touching on things I don’t want to discuss.

  “That’s a shame. Are they far?” I shake my head. “I would love to invite them over for brunch sometime. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other.”

  “That’s really kind of you to offer, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Her head tilts to the side and all of her questions are written clearly across her face, so I attempt to curb some of her curiosity. “My relationship with my parents is . . . strained, to put it mildly.”

  Her face gives way to sympathy, and I kind of hate it. “I’m so sorry, dear. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay.” I offer her a tight smile because it’s not okay. Over the years I had gotten used to my mother’s constant judgment and ridicule, but I figured with something so important, she would support me. It’s not like I was making a decision to drop a class or quit some stupid thing she had signed me up for. I was choosing not to marry someone I would have to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe her opinion would’ve changed had she known the truth, but I doubt it.

  Even though I did try.

  “Have you tried to reach out to them? I’m sure they miss you,” she says.

  That would be the normal thing to assume, but that’s not the case here. “Yes, I went to see them once, but they made it very clear where they stood, so I haven’t tried since. That was almost two years ago.”

  “Oh, honey. I hate to hear that, but know that you are welcome back here any time, okay?” Her kindness toward me has my nose stinging as I swallow back the tears that threaten to surface.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Riley,” I reply sincerely.

  “Now you stop it with all that Mrs. Riley nonsense too. Call me Marie.”

  With a grateful smile, I say, “Thank you, Marie.”

  “I don’t know how you did it,” Marcus says once we’re back at his place.

  “Did what?” I set my bag on the counter and take off my heels, letting out a sigh of relief.

  “Got my mother to like you so quickly.”

  “I told you parents love me,” I reply with a smug smile.

  With a predatory gleam in his eyes, he stalks toward me. “Is that right?” When I nod, he leans down and kisses me. No, he makes love to my soul, diving his tongue in and expressing exactly how he feels with nothing more than his lips.

  I’m the first to pull away. He knows all about my family issues, now it’s his turn. “Your dad seems to want you to work for him.”

  He sighs. “Yeah, and part of the time I feel like I let him down, but he’s supportive. I think he knows that the whole office job thing just wasn’t for me.”

  A small smile forms on my lips as I look at him in admiration. I love that he forged his own way and pursued his goals versus what his family may have expected from him. “Are you happy?”

  “Before? I was content, satisfied even. Now? I’m more than happy. I’m fucking elated.”

  My head tilts to the side and my eyes squint slightly in confusion. “Before what?”

  He grabs my hand while staring deep into my eyes. “You.” It’s such a simple statement and on its own it carries a simple meaning. But in this context, it carries the weight of my world.

  Standing up on my toes, I close the distance between us. His strong arms wrap tightly around my body, pressing every hard inch of him into me. I’ve never felt like a man was able to kiss my soul, but that’s what it feels like each time our lips touch. It goes way beyond a physical connection. It’s mental and emotional.

  It’s everything.

  As we shed our clothes and become one in the most intimate way, I know we both feel it. I’m drowning in him, and I never want to be saved.


  “HEY,” I SAY into the phone as I walk out of the office.

  “Hey, babe, are you tired?” Marcus asks.

  “Yeah, a little.” Today was an exhausting day with a more than demanding client.

  “I thought so because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”

  A bark of laughter leaves my mouth. “I have to say, your set up has improved. I didn’t even see that one coming.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “You on your way over?” I’ve been staying at Marcus’s house just about every night for the last three weeks. It’s like I’ve unofficially moved in.

  “No, I need to go to the store and pick up a few things.”

  “I’ll change real quick and go with you. I have some stuff I have to get too.”

  I love how he enjoys spending time with me, even doing something so mundane like grocery shopping. “Okay, I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “Shit, I forgot to grab some protein bars. I’ll run over and get them real quick and come find you.” He runs off and I admire his tight ass as he goes.

  Once he rounds the corner, I look back down at my list and continue on. A couple of aisles down, I’m starting to wonder if Marcus got lost on his quest for all things protein when he comes up behind me and covers my eyes with his hands. I jump, startled at first, but relax into his chest with a smile on my face.

  “You know, I prefer being blindfolded in bed rather than the grocery store,” I joke.

  He doesn’t say anything, so I grab his hands and slide them down my face. Confusion sets in as soon as I open my eyes and Marcus is staring at me and he’s furious. His jaw is tight, fists clenched, and he might as well have steam coming out of his ears.

  “Really?” He looks dead in my eyes with nothing but anger in his harsh tone, and I know it’s in reaction to what I just said.

  But if Marcus is in front of me, then who the hell has their hands . . .

  I spin around and am met with blue eyes I wish I wasn’t so familiar with.

  Seth. Fucking. Lee.

  I shove him away from me and stumble back a few steps. “What the hell?” I spit at him.

  “I’m in town for a few days. I saw you and thought I’d say hi,” he offers as explanation.

  Did he fall and crack his head? He thought he’d say hi? This guy is absolutely delusional. “What would make you think it’s okay for you to put your hands on me?” I’m so livid I’m trembling. He lost the right to touch me the moment he slid his dick into my best friend. Now, after two years, he thinks he can do whatever the hell he pleases? Fuck that!

  His eyebrow arches in his signature cocky, bad boy way, and I know whatever comes out of his mouth next will likely piss me off. “Oh, come on, Lyd. We both know my hands have been in more intimate places before.”

  My mouth drops to the floor and my eyes widen. A whoosh of air rushes past me, but it isn’t until Marcus has Seth pinned to the shelves do I realize it was him running past me. Several jars fall off the top shelves, causing some of them to break upon impact. Seth’s sly grin is wiped off his face and I’m guessing he knows he took it a step too far.

  “Let’s get something straight, asshole. You keep your filthy fucking hands off Lydia, and I won’t be forced to break them. Got it?” Marcus is seething as each word comes out through gritted teeth. If anger was ever personified, I’d be looking at it.

  Marcus releases his hold on Seth who rolls his shoulders to shrug it off. “Don’t worry, man. If you haven’t tapped that yet, I’m pretty sure I left her pussy in good shape.”

  I lunge for Marcus and grab his right arm as he draws it back. “Marcus, please. Let’s just get out of here.” A small crowd has gathered and I want to crawl in a hole and die.

  “Yeah, listen to your girl. You hit me, I’ll have my lawyers all over it.” And there’s that stupid-ass smirk again.

  Marcus lowers his raised fist, and I think he’s going to let it go, until I watch his face transform from contemplative to sadistic glee. “Bring on your lawyers.” He pulls his arm back and lands a solid punch to th
e face.

  A few people from our growing audience gasp, and my hand goes to my mouth.

  “Son of a bitch!” Seth yells as he covers his nose with both hands. Blood runs down his face and drips onto his shirt. “I think you fucking broke it! You’re going down for this, asshole.”

  “Worth it. Send my regards to your lawyers.” He grabs my hand and pulls me away from here as we rush to the car.

  My adrenaline is pumping through my body, and I wasn’t even the one in the fight. Between the awful, vulgar things Seth said, and Marcus thinking I was letting him hold me, my emotions are all over the place.

  Once we get to the car, Marcus releases my hand and starts pacing. I can hear the puffs of air he blows out with each exhale.

  “I know you’re mad at me, but it wasn’t—”

  Marcus holds up his hand, cutting off my words. “I just—I need a minute, okay?”

  Nodding slowly, I get in the car and wait. It’s not long before Marcus joins me and I notice some of his anger from before has dissipated.

  “I’m not mad at you. I mean, I was initially when I heard you make that comment about the blindfold, but I quickly realized what was going on. I just needed to cool off for a second, okay?”

  “Okay,” I say, feeling relieved. He picks up my hand, kisses the back of it, and starts the car.

  When Seth and I first broke up, I imagined running into him all the time. I dreaded it and wondered how I’d keep it together. Would I lash out and yell or would I crumble into an emotional mess? I was pissed, but not for the reasons I thought I’d be. The old resentments I once held were absent. The realization is somewhat startling.

  Right after something emotionally damaging occurs, you feel like you’ll never be the same. For me, I held my hate like a hostage, refusing to let it go. It hindered me from experiencing life like I should.

  Until I met Marcus.

  He was able to wrestle my negative emotions away from me and help me see the way things could be. While I’m not thrilled with our run-in with Seth, and I’m worried about Marcus getting in trouble, maybe this is the final closure I needed. I can finally close that chapter now that I know without a doubt my heart has healed from its old wounds.

  Looking over at Marcus, he seems to have calmed but still isn’t talking to me as he drives us home. “Maybe I should stay at my place tonight,” I offer.

  “Why would you do that?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I just thought you needed some space because you still seem upset and aren’t talking to me.”

  “It’s not fun doing what I have planned alone.” His tone drops seductively low and it not only has me clenching my core, but sagging with relief too.

  Biting my lip in anticipation, I ask, “What do you have planned?”

  “First, I’m going to kiss every inch of your body. Then, I’m going to taste that sweet pussy of yours. When you’re screaming for mercy, I’m going to bury myself so deep inside of you, you won’t know where you stop and I begin.”

  Holy. Shit.

  “You still with me, babe?” he asks when I don’t respond. His grin lets me know he’s aware of the affect he has on me.

  I swallow hard. “Uh, yeah, I’m here.”

  His hand moves over to my thigh. My skin tingles with the contact as he moves it closer and closer to the spot I’m so desperate for.

  “So think about my mouth here.” He pinches my nipple through my bra, causing me to gasp. “My tongue running down your body,” he says as he trails his hand down my body. “And how it’ll feel when I’m buried deep inside here.” He cups my center and I swear I’d detonate if he so much as blew on me right now.

  I’ve never despised stop lights so much in my life and I swear he’s going five miles under the speed limit. “Are you doing it on purpose?”

  “What?” he asks innocently. I know that’s a crock of shit.

  “Going super slow and taking the scenic route.” I try not to sound snippy, but know I fail.

  “Eager, are we?”

  I glare at his profile. Asshole. He is doing this on purpose. “Delayed gratification, Lydia. Think of all that pent up frustration and how good it’ll feel to let it out when the time comes. No pun intended.”

  Folding my arms over my chest, I look out the window and pout. I’ll show him delayed gratification.

  Once we get back to his place, he races upstairs and tells me to hang tight down here. My curiosity is piqued, but I could kill him right now for making me wait another second. A few minutes later, I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs.

  Thank God.

  “Good evening, ma’am. Do you mind if I come in and poke around a bit?” In his uniform, he has his hands resting on his belt as he strides in.

  “Please do, Officer.”

  He looks around as if searching for anything out of the ordinary. When he turns around, he holds up a pair of handcuffs that dangle from the tip of his index finger. With his other hand, he curls his finger in a come hither motion.

  I gladly oblige if his devilish smirk is any indication of what is yet to come. Before I have a chance to get to him, he takes a step toward me, grabs my wrist, and pulls me against him in one swift motion. My heart pounds against my chest.

  “No questions, you just do what I say. Got it?” he whispers in my ear. I nod my understanding. He leads me upstairs to his bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed. “Take your clothes off,” he demands. His tone is much different than any he’s used during sex before. Usually he’s tender and loving. Now he’s controlling and demanding, but it’s exciting and I’m already wet and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

  Removing my clothes, I maintain eye contact the entire time. There’s something so intimate, so vulnerable about this moment, but it quickly shifts when he directs me to lie on the bed on my back.

  “You said you like these right?” He comes toward me with a blindfold and I tense up. This isn’t about us connecting, this is about him staking his claim and letting me know I’m his.

  “No,” I state firmly.

  “No? I thought you were supposed to do as instructed.” He’s still firm, but also amused.

  “If this is to stake your claim and show me who I belong to, then this isn’t happening.” My arms cross over my chest, feeling exposed and wanting to cover up.

  He enters my space, and in a low tone explains, “This doesn’t have shit to do with staking my claim. I know you’re mine. I don’t need to prove it. I’ve wanted to tie you up and fuck you silly ever since I laid eyes on you. I want you to feel, not see what I’m going to do to you.”

  Oh, God.

  My breath hitches with his blunt declaration. If anyone else had spoken to me like this, I think I’d be mortified, but with Marcus, I feel wanted and desired. It’s an empowering feeling that I embrace as I stare into his hooded eyes. With one small nod, I give my consent and hand myself over to him freely.

  Moments later, everything is pitch black. The rest of my senses are heightened as I wait for what’s next. I hear some rattling followed by the whoosh of fabric, and I assume he’s taking off his pants.

  My breathing accelerates as I strain to hear any other movements. The anticipation heightens my arousal. I startle slightly when he touches my hand. Trailing a finger up and down my arm, goose bumps spread like fire. That’s when I feel the cold metal against my wrist. It only takes me seconds to realize he’s got his handcuff on my right arm.

  “Arms above your head, babe.”

  I comply and he cuffs my other hand. It’s not until I try to move that I realize that he’s cuffed them together to the headboard.

  Holy shit.

  This is getting intense and it sends my heartbeat galloping in my chest for fear of the unknown. I tense up. I’m no longer in control of my movements and that sets off a small panic within me. He must notice the shift because he pauses, cups my face and says, “Relax for me, babe.”

  The tender way he speaks to me calms my anxiety. Taki
ng in a steady breath through my nose, I release it slowly and nod my head.

  Marcus worships my body, leaving not an inch untouched. I swear every time his skin meets mine is more powerful than normal, and I know it’s because I can’t see. I can’t anticipate where he’ll touch me next, so my entire body is on alert as his mouth and hands move to random places all over me.

  It feels like forever before his mouth goes to the places I need it most. Starting at my breast, he sucks hard, paying attention to both before his warm lips trail down my stomach and to my needy center. I’m soaked and need relief so bad I’m willing to beg for it. In an attempt to refrain from doing so, I bite my lip and wait for the wonderful torture.

  One lick up my seam has me gasping. He starts slow but increases the pace and pressure of his touch. I pull on my restraints, wanting to grab a hold of his hair but can’t. My legs squeeze his head as he swirls his tongue around my clit and plunges his fingers into my core.

  I can’t hold it in and soon I’m crying out his name and thrashing from side to side in pure ecstasy.

  “Again,” he commands after I’ve come down from my high.

  “I don’t think I can,” I say breathlessly. That was the biggest orgasm to ever rip through my body, and I’m absolutely spent. Apparently, Marcus doesn’t agree as he works to build me up again.

  Two orgasms later, and I hear the familiar sound of a condom wrapper before the bed dips in from his body weight. I squeeze my thighs together, ready for him to unite us.

  “You ready for me, baby?” he asks.

  I nod.

  “You sure?” He pinches my left nipple and my back arches up off the bed.

  “Yes,” I say on a moan. “Please.”

  In one thrust, he’s fully seated inside of me. I clench around him, gripping his dick as he pulls out slowly. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”

  He thrusts back in slowly and repeats this until my hips are bucking off the bed, desperate for more. The sounds of skin slapping, deep moaning, and loud breaths fill the room. I feel Marcus sit up so he’s no longer hovering above me. He lifts up my hips and pulls me to him until my ass is resting on his thighs. He reenters me and I swear I see stars. At this angle, he’s so damn deep as he rubs against the one spot that’s going to push me over the edge again.


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