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Elysian Dreams

Page 6

by Marie Medina

  Persephone shook her head and almost laughed. “Do we have a real set of family trees around here at all? It’s very confusing when I’m introduced to new people sometimes.”

  “You could try online. Might disturb you a little though.”

  She smiled. “All right. Sorry for the interruption. Great mystery solved.”

  Hades looked over the flowers, off into the field. He tried to remember simpler times, but as memories pushed through, he remembered they’d all had problems then too. Lives as long as theirs could never be simple, unless they decided to hide from everything. “I’m not sure I’d want to ask Hypnos to try talking to Nyx. I think he has been invited to the wedding out of courtesy. Ares disapproves, I know. Who could say what Nyx may feel now? It’s why I didn’t ask before.” He touched his wife’s elbow. “I would have been willing to explain it to you later, but I don’t want Hypnos feeling insecure with you again.”

  “Why would he?” she asked.

  “You finding out he almost murdered his sister? It would bother him, darling.”

  She sighed as she locked her fingers with his and leaned closer. “I know. I worry about him so much.”

  “Perhaps another reason the Underworld needs you,” Zeus said.

  She smiled. “Will you help us? We can’t wait for Eris and Hermes’ wedding. It’s two weeks away.”

  Zeus stopped, and they both came to a halt as well. “I will talk to Demeter and see what she thinks. If no one has any ideas, I will try myself.” He began walking again. “I will keep you informed.”

  Hades turned to his wife. “Are you happy now, my love?”

  “Yes, but I could be happier.”

  He frowned. “What else can I do? Please tell me.”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was a bad girl today. I kissed another man.”

  He smiled, pretending not to know what she wanted. “Oh, that’s all right. It meant nothing.”

  “But I was a very bad girl.”

  “And you need to be punished?”

  She nodded slowly. She pulled him down to her and kissed him passionately. Her embrace lit a fire deep inside him, and his cock responded to her nearness. He pulled her close, loving the squeal of surprise she let out when he pressed his cock against her.

  She backed up slowly until she’d drawn him between a row of high bushes and a stone wall with her.

  “Here?” he asked. He hoped the answer would be yes.

  She nibbled on his lip. “Yes. We were in a garden the first time you made me come.”

  He kissed her as he began unbuttoning her dress. He wanted her naked against him. He remembered that day very well. He’d been struggling to keep his hands off her, trying so hard not to scare her off. At that time, he’d still been trying to prove his love and win hers. When she’d said his lack of enthusiasm had surprised her, that he wasn’t living up to his “bad boy” reputation, he’d given in and chased her through the garden. After he’d caught her, he’d teased her a little before going down on her. She’d been so beautiful when she came he’d found it hard to resist taking her. But in the end, she’d been more than worth the wait.

  She rubbed against him after she took his shirt off. “What are you thinking about?”

  He smiled as he dropped his pants and kicked them away before lowering both of them to the ground. “Same thing as you.” He ran his hand down to her clit and gently touched the swollen nub. “The first day I tasted your sweet pussy.” He captured her lips again as he slid his fingers down to find her hot and wet.

  She groaned and arched up to meet his touch. He slid two fingers into her. He loved the way she clung to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers played in his hair. When he felt her need and desire for him, his heart ached for her. No matter how good any coupling had ever been, no woman had ever touched him the way she did.

  He moved between her legs, pulling his fingers out slowly, toying with her clit until she groaned beneath him. She pulled his hair hard when he moved his cock into her. He caressed her face so she’d open her eyes. When she did he slid into her fully, and her eyes widened in delighted surprise. He smiled down at her as he quickened his thrusts.

  “You like doing that, don’t you?” she asked breathlessly.

  “I love seeing the pleasure on your face.”

  She locked her hands behind his head as she rose to match his rhythm with each thrust. “How do you get that great big cock into my tiny little pussy?”

  He slowed, ready to explode. He loved it when she said things like that. It made his blood run hot. “That’s not fair, my love.”

  She giggled. “But it’s fun.”

  “I want you to come first.”

  She lightly kissed him. “I want you to come with me.”

  As they regained their rhythm, he felt her pussy tightening, her thighs trembling. A fresh gush of moisture told him she was almost there. He pushed higher and deeper, savoring every sigh and gasp. He thrust harder when he felt her sweet body clench around his, and he let go. She always came with great enthusiasm, moaning loudly as her sweet core milked his cock. His release left him shaking in her arms. He kissed her long and deep as they both shook and sighed.

  She smiled widely as he moved to stretch out beside her. “Shall we go home to get cleaned up?”

  He had to tease her, especially after the “tiny little pussy” line that had nearly sent him unexpectedly over the edge in the middle of their lovemaking. “And what do we need to do that for?”

  “I think I need a bath very badly, but I’m simply too lazy to do it myself.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “You been reading the fantasy sections of men’s magazines again?”

  She shrugged innocently. “I feel every woman should stay informed.”

  He caressed her cheek and kissed her forehead. “You are my fantasy. You know that.”

  She smiled back. “Let’s go home then.”

  He pulled her into his arms and transported both of them to his private grotto. They’d need even more privacy for all the things he had in store for her.

  Chapter Four

  Apollo did not want to see Aphrodite, but she was walking toward him anyway. He considered disappearing. None of the mortals around them would notice if he didn’t want them to.

  He shifted on the couch. No one else in the coffee shop seemed to have noticed Aphrodite at all. He closed his book and set it down beside his coffee.

  “May I sit down?” Aphrodite asked.

  “I won’t stop you.”

  She sat down and smoothed her skirt. To her credit, she had dressed very normally. She wore a denim pencil skirt and gypsy blouse with brown sandals. Her look was a little outdated, but at least her outfit was not see-through or made of leather. She blended in nicely, though he could tell several men had been struck by her hypnotic eyes and cascade of golden curls.

  Apollo briefly remembered what it had felt like to fuck her. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. If things had been different, they could have had a long, passionate affair. He’d been glorying in finally conquering Aphrodite, focusing on her sweet pussy as she came loudly, but then he’d seen Alala running away with a crushed look on her face. The disgust had taken over then. He’d remembered that his long obsession with Aphrodite had been his way of dealing with losing Daphne.

  She looked at him seriously. “Blaming me for your woman troubles?”

  He decided not to mention that her daughter had been hitting on him. He smiled politely and said softly, “Remembering what you feel like.”

  She looked down. “That was very nice until I found out why you’d…wanted me.”

  “You could have figured it out earlier.”

  “Maybe I had problems of my own I wanted a break from.”

  Apollo wanted to say many things, but he wasn’t going to start a fight here. “Do you want something specific?”

  “I came to see if you’re all right. Physically.”

  He snorted derisive
ly. “I’m the healer, sweetie. I’d know if I needed more help.”

  She folded her hands over her knees and looked down at the low table in front of the couch. “I’m not here to ask for forgiveness. You will give it when you can, if ever.”

  “Then what else do you want?”

  “I only want to tell you to follow your heart. That sounds ridiculous, but it’s the best way to say it. Give Daphne and yourself time to know your own minds.”

  “She told me what happened.” He lowered his voice. “She made love to him. She gave him her virginity.”

  “She did? I didn’t know that.”

  “When I saw the way he protected her, I knew what he felt. It wasn’t that important until I found out she felt the same way. She was very nice when she told me, very kind. Even though I was a complete asshole and said some harsh things out of anger and jealousy. She still apologized to me and felt guilty. I really believe she wishes me happiness. She wants time to think for now.”

  “Then you should give her that time.”

  He glared at her. “I am doing that. I don’t want to hurt Daphne.”

  “You think I’d want her hurt?”

  “You sacrificed her to hurt me.”

  “Apollo, don’t say that. I never thought things would go the way they did.”

  He held up his hand to silence her. He tilted his head toward the girl about seven feet from them. She was staring at the coffee table and looking slightly stunned. In her lap she held a notepad and a partially closed textbook on Greek and Roman mythology.

  Apollo stood up. “Come on, Elizabeth. I need to get to my physics lecture.” He grabbed his book off the table, and then pulled Aphrodite up and steered her out of the coffee shop. They stepped out of the door and emerged in Olympus, in the valley below Zeus’ palace.

  “Apollo is not a normal human name. We were talking about a girl named Daphne, so didn’t you think someone would make the connection?”

  Aphrodite glared at him. “I wasn’t thinking of them or anything else. I was thinking of you.”

  He wanted to shake her. Or push her. Something. “Do you know how humiliating it is that everyone who has ever picked up a mythology book thinks I’m a jerk who chases girls down to rape them? Huh? You think that makes me feel like a badass or what?”

  Aphrodite shrank away from him. “I didn’t think of that. It was only chance someone wrote that story down and repeated it. So many true stories about all of us are lost just as many recorded ones are completely untrue. I don’t think about it that often. I’m sorry.”

  “You ever listened to your life story in a myth class? I have. I’ve been to lectures all over the world. Yes, with women I was sleeping with, but that’s beside the point. I met a classics professor once, a woman, and we actually became friends instead of lovers. I had to sit back and smile after hearing her tell a class it was such a shame I was a womanizing bastard since I was the most ‘fascinating and complex’ of all the Olympians. I was the god of light and truth and healing, but that was negated because I was an asshole. Those were her words. That’s what one of my few real friends thought of me.”

  Aphrodite had the consideration to look pained. “She had no idea it was you. If you were friends, she obviously liked you and cared for you. She didn’t really think those things about you. Do any of us look good? Has anyone even thought of us seriously since Rome became a great power? We weren’t truly their gods. Maybe god is even the wrong word for us. We live forever. So what? Lots of beings are older than us. So many things happened—”

  “This isn’t the point! I don’t give a damn about my place in the universe. I care about what you did to me. You ruined my entire life because I made fun of your son.”

  Aphrodite bit her lip. Her eyes were puffy and watery. He groaned because something about Aphrodite crying always invoked sympathy. It was obviously a power she didn’t fully understand. If she had, she would always have made more of an effort not to cry.

  “I only meant to ruin your day,” she said quietly.

  “And you ruined all my days.”

  “That’s why I wanted to make it right.”

  “Do you really think anyone is going to be happy at the end of all this?”

  She remained silent.

  “I don’t hate you, but I don’t like you at all. You came here to ask me to be careful and give Daphne time? I am. Please leave me alone for now. All right?”

  She nodded and began walking toward the path that would lead her up to Zeus’ palace on the side of Mount Olympus.

  Apollo bent his paperback just enough to get it into his pocket and walked in the opposite direction. He didn’t know where he would go before heading home, but he sincerely hoped he wouldn’t run into anyone else.

  * * * *

  Zeus had never had much interest in epic quests. They made nice stories, but he preferred to do things the easy way. Despite that, he found himself traipsing through the woods far from his palace on Mount Olympus. Unlike his cosmos-pondering brother Hades, he wasn’t interested in finding out if the forest stretched into infinity as the Titans had once told them it did. Anyone or anything with more wisdom, knowledge or power than him could keep it. He had better activities to engage in.

  He would have preferred spending most of the afternoon discovering new uses for Hera’s sex toys, but he hadn’t been able to find her in Olympus. He sighed. He knew he’d had three times as many affairs as she had, but the idea of her losing interest in him again bothered him this time. He’d started to realize it was because she had actual love affairs. Sometimes she slept with someone only a few times, but most of the time the affair would last for several years. He’d never really feared she would fall in love with someone else before, but the idea had started to eat away at him. If he were honest with himself, he had to admit she probably had. He looked at other women all the time and fucked them more often than not. He’d never loved them though.

  The sky above him darkened.

  “Hello, lover.”

  He turned, hoping to see Gaia but knowing he wouldn’t. Nyx stood before him. Her black hair reached to her ankles and flowed behind her in billowing waves. Her eyes were completely black with tiny star-like sparkles in them. Her daughter Eris had similar but more human eyes, black with stars shining only in her pupils and on the edge of the iris but not reaching into the white part. Nyx’s eyes could devour one’s soul, pulling one into the darkness forever. And she stood completely naked, every voluptuous curve proudly on display. Her large breasts looked as inviting as ever.

  “Hello. It’s been a long time.” He waited for her to make the first move. The primal deities often made him nervous. They were as old as time, or so the Titans had told them. Either way, they were more powerful than him so he didn’t want to make even the slightest misstep.

  She walked around him slowly. “It has. And since then you’ve had my daughter.”

  Zeus hadn’t thought she would care. He considered his options for a moment. “It was many years ago, before she got involved with Hermes. Since you are attending the wedding, I thought you must approve.”

  “Of Hermes? Oh yes. He’s an example to you all, everything a true Olympian should be. Honorable, loving, and steadfast. I highly approve of Eris’ love for him.”

  “I didn’t mean to disrespect you when I was with her.”

  She smiled. “I’m not jealous or angry. I was merely making an observation.” She came up behind him and ran her hands over his back. “You need a favor.”

  He stiffened, but he didn’t pull away. “A request has been made to me. I wanted to find Gaia. Demeter suggested I come here. You know what has happened with Daphne?”

  “I do.” She wasted no time. She reached around his waist, undid his pants and touched his cock. “What will you do for me?”

  “If you will help, anything you want.”

  She seemed to be considering this as she stroked him. “You’re not responding as you used to. You’re not afraid though.” She
withdrew her hand and refastened his pants. “You have many good traits yourself.” She came around to face him, her body now covered in a long black robe.

  “I don’t understand.”

  She smiled again, the stars in her eyes shining. “Like your devotion to your wife. You are very turned on, but you don’t want me. My touch did nothing for you.”

  “I hope you aren’t offended.”

  She shook her head. “You more than satisfied me before. This does not offend me.” She looked down and then back up at him. Her eyes grew darker as her star-like spots receded. “What bothers me is you coming here on behalf of my son.”

  “It’s not for him. I’m trying to help Daphne. It has nothing to do with Hypnos.”

  “It has everything to do with him. He’s in love with her.”

  Zeus hesitated. He wanted to proceed slowly. “You know this?”

  “I still watch him. I see all he has done.”

  “So you know Thanatos is no more?”

  “Yes. I am glad of that. He was dangerous. I thought the Fates stupid for such a scheme.”

  “It’s over, and he is very different. During the separation, Hypnos was the best of men. He was a perfect example of every virtue. He made mistakes, but he was quite changed.”

  “And how do you know he will retain his good traits?”

  “We are giving him the chance.”

  Nyx looked up at the sky and the stars. “Persephone is very good for him. She has proved her mettle well. I always thought her clever, though mostly just a pretty face. I didn’t expect her to prove to be so wise.”

  “I’m proud of her. I think of her as a daughter in many ways.”

  “I will help you, Zeus, even if I don’t see the point. I can’t say I see any ways for Gaia to help Daphne.”

  “I’m not sure I do either. Hypnos thought it could mean something, and Persephone agreed.”

  “I may be more successful in finding Helios, truth be told.”

  “You do pay attention.”

  She smiled slyly. “I’m not exactly omnipresent, but I’m damned close.”


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