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Piero's Light

Page 47

by Larry Witham


  Kant, Immanuel, 184–187, 211, 215–216, 218–219, 226, 228, 282

  Critique of Judgment, 184

  and subjective universal, 185

  Kepler, Johannes, 66, 74, 124, 153–157

  Kugler, Franz, 171–172, 189, 191

  Handbook of the History of Painting, 171


  L’Arte, 207

  La Nouvelle Revue Française, 209

  Lanzi, Luigi, 163–165, 172–173, 179, 187, 189, 191, 192

  History of Italian Art, 163

  Latin Church, 26, 34–36

  See also Roman Catholicism

  Laurana, Luciano, 114, 121, 122

  Lehman, Philip, 204

  Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci), 11, 63

  Liber Abaci, 11

  light, 30, 156–159, 235–236

  particle/wave debate, 159, 235, 281

  lux and lumen in, 73

  as photon, 235–236, 238–239

  See also physics

  light cosmology, 153

  Locke, John, 160–161, 183, 184

  Essay on Human Understanding, 161

  and tabula rasa, 161

  Lohte, André, 209–210

  Longhi, Roberto, 206–210, 212, 230, 247, 252, 260

  Piero della Francesca, 208

  Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 10, 15, 42, 75

  Good and Bad Government, 10, 75

  luminescence, 73, 74, 183, 234, 239–240, 245–246


  Machiavelli, Niccoló, 94, 256, 270

  Prince, The, 94

  madonna, 4, 10, 75, 112, 113, 117, 229

  and child, 86, 89, 181

  Malatesta, Isotta, 57

  Malatesta, Sigismondo, 55–58, 68, 109

  Malraux, André, 259

  Mancini, Giacomo, 168

  Mancini, Girolamo, 201, 203

  Manet, Édouard, 209

  Manetti, Antonio di Tuccio, 32

  Mantegna, Andrea, 132, 134, 177, 194

  Mantua, 14, 49, 52, 70, 99, 132

  Marches, the, 14, 67, 205

  Marchese, Vincenzo, 178

  Marshall Plan, 254

  Masolino da Panicale, 266

  master (maestro), 4, 28, 143

  materialism, 109, 161, 221, 238, 242, 284

  Epicurean, 225, 283

  scientific, 165, 279

  See also positivism; scientism

  mathematics, 11–13, 62–65, 98, 152, 154, 216

  commercial, 10, 136, 145

  See also Euclid; Nicholas of Cusa; Pacioli, Luca; Piero della Francesca works

  mean and extreme ratio. See golden ratio

  mechanistic science, 210, 234

  Medici, Alessandro de’, 146

  Medici, Cosimo de’, 25–26, 35, 40, 45, 108

  Medici, Ippolito de’, 146

  Medici, Lorenzo de’, 118

  medieval synthesis, xi, 257, 259

  Mediterranean, 4, 46, 52, 70, 71, 220

  Meister Eckhart, 96

  metaphysics, 19, 95–96, 211, 234, 236, 241, 279, 282–283

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, 197, 199, 230

  Michelangelo, 106, 146, 147–148, 165, 174, 194

  Last Judgment, The, 141

  Michelet, Jules, 188, 190

  History of France, 188

  Middle Ages, xi, 13, 20, 71, 80, 97, 129, 259

  Milan, 44, 118, 144, 164, 179, 261

  Ambrosiana Library in, 202

  Brera Gallery in, 145, 166, 204, 265

  French invasion of, 143, 145, 149

  military ambitions of, 23, 35

  See also Sforza dynasty

  Milanesi, Carlo, 178–179

  Milanesi, Gaetano, xvi–xviii, 178–179, 207, 260, 268, 270

  mind. See brain; neuroscience; psychology; soul

  Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della, 188

  modernism, 199–200, 225, 227, 229, 281

  Mona Lisa, 221, 245

  Monte Cassino, 262

  Montefeltro, Federico da, 67–68, 114–122, 166, 181

  Montefeltro, Guidobaldo da, 123, 143, 144, 174

  Montefeltro, Oddantonio, 68, 70

  Morris, Desmond, 225

  Naked Ape, The, 225

  Museum of Copies, 194–195


  Napoleonic Wars, 165, 166–167, 171, 212

  National Committee for the Fifth Centenary of the Death of Piero, 272

  National Gallery of Art (London), 171, 176–177, 181–183, 221, 250

  National Gallery (Washington, D.C.), 273

  National Socialism (Nazi), 217, 224, 256, 258

  Nazarene painters, 169–170, 174

  neo-orthodoxy, 225, 257

  Neoplatonism, 26, 72, 96–98, 213, 221

  See also Dionysius the Areopagite; Platonism; Plotinus; Proclus

  Neo-Thomism, 257

  Netherlands, 51, 87, 113, 114, 190

  See also Flemish painters

  neuroaesthetics, 224, 234, 240, 244, 245, 247, 250

  neuroscience, xiii, 224, 232, 237, 238–239, 241–244

  and beauty, 72, 28, 284

  and Platonism, 242, 279

  See also brain; essences; neuroaesthetics; psychology

  Newton, Isaac, 109, 126, 158–160, 216, 233, 239

  Opticks, 158

  Nicholas of Cusa (Cusanus), 35, 94–100, 107–108, 184, 188, 215–216, 226

  On Learned Ignorance, 97–98

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 257

  Non-Euclidian geometry, 126


  observant movements, 7, 121

  occultism, 214

  oedipal complex, 229

  oil painting, 51, 60, 86–87, 113–117, 131, 143, 192

  Olschki, Leonardo S., 203

  ophthalmoscope, 233

  optical illusion, 90, 127, 243


  history of, 29–30, 156–159, 233–234

  See also biology of vision; Kepler, Johannes; physics

  Origen, 96

  Ottoman Turks, 34, 57, 70, 78–79, 99, 215, 220


  Pacioli, Luca, 136–137, 143–145, 149, 155, 193, 253

  De divina proportione, 143–144, 202

  and plagiarism, 144, 147, 179, 202–203

  Summa de Arithmetica, 136, 143–144

  Padua, 27, 49, 96, 134, 170, 189

  Palazzo Schifanoia, 213–214

  Panofsky, Erwin, 216–219, 221, 224, 228, 254, 256

  Perspective as Symbolic Form, 217

  Studies in Iconology, 218

  papacy, 4, 6, 8, 17

  Eugenius IV, 22–27, 35–36, 68

  Julius II, 101, 141

  Leo X, 146

  Martin V, 17, 24, 68

  Nicholas V, 93, 164

  Sixtus IV, 117–118

  See also Pius II

  papal bureaucracy, 8, 93

  Papal States, 9, 56, 267

  Passavant, Johann David, 169–173

  Patriarch Joseph, 36

  Pazzi bankers, 119

  Pecham, John, 30, 52, 105, 156

  Perspectiva communis, 52, 105, 156


  artificial, 32, 106

  distance point in, 32

  history of, 29–34

  Leonardo da Vinci and, 144

  linear, 15, 51, 69, 90, 106, 152, 224, 281

  natural, 106

  painters’, 106

  as rationalization of space, 152

  as regola, 31

  science and, 155

  as symbolic form, 217–218

  Perugia, 6, 10, 14, 89–91
, 133, 145, 272

  Perugino, Pietro, 132, 164

  Petrarch, xvii, 8, 39, 78, 116–117, 188, 279

  Triumph of the Virtues, 116–117

  philosophical Idealism, 284

  philosophical Realism, 284

  physics, 152, 154, 159, 230, 235

  electromagnetism, 74, 232–235, 239

  photon, 235–236, 238–239

  quantum, 235

  relativity, 227, 236

  wave theory, 159, 232, 235

  See also color; light

  Picasso, Pablo, 197, 209, 210

  Pichi family, 47

  Piero Pilgrimage (Piero Trail), 272

  Piero della Francesca

  and architecture, 54–55, 58, 84, 90, 122, 135, 228

  death certificate, 136, 271

  education of, 10, 13–14

  family of, 5–6, 133–135

  influence of, 50–53, 134, 148, 164, 194–197, 199, 207–208, 280–283

  landscapes, 41–42, 53, 76, 82, 88, 116–117, 131, 206

  and madonnas, 112–114

  and mathematics, 66, 105, 127, 174, 253, 280–281

  modern interpretations of, 67, 219–222, 228–231, 247

  and naturalism, 34, 42, 68, 192

  Platonism of, 40, 61, 93, 96, 100, 102, 109

  portraiture, 57, 60, 84, 90, 113–116, 119, 194

  primitive style, 110, 195, 200, 253

  published manuscripts of, 203

  quincentenary, 271–274

  Piero della Francesca works

  Abacus Treatise, 61–67, 124, 144, 201, 203

  Adoration of the Child (Nativity), 52, 130–131, 133, 182, 191, 220, 263

  Archimedean manuscript of, 93, 107, 123, 269–271

  Baptism of Christ, xx, 28–29, 41–44, 180–83, 226, 264, 274

  Battle of Constantine, 52, 214

  Battle of Heraclius and Chosroes, 194

  Brera Altarpiece, 119, 265

  Discovery and Proving of the True Cross, 82, 194, 196

  Dream of Constantine, 83, 90, 266

  Exaltation of the Cross, 82

  Five Regular Solids (Libellus de quinque corporibus regularibus), 122–125, 142, 144, 174, 202, 203, 269

  Flagellation of Christ, 55, 67, 68, 71, 180, 183, 206

  Girolamo Amadi Kneeling before Saint Jerome, 50

  Jerome in Penitence, 46

  Legend of the True Cross, 79

  Madonna del Parto, 112–113, 127, 265, 273

  Michael the Archangel, 86–87

  Misericordia Altarpiece, 47–48, 77, 119, 200, 263, 271

  On Perspective for Painting (De prospectiva pingendi), 29, 102–107, 122–123, 127, 144, 202, 231

  Resurrection, 75–77, 165, 172, 220, 247, 262, 282

  Saint Augustine Altarpiece, 85–88, 204, 263, 273, 274

  Senigallia Madonna, 113, 116, 120, 264, 273

  Sigismondo Malatesta before Saint Sigismondo, 57–60, 200, 264

  Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels, 176

  Pierozzi, Antonino, 31

  pigments, 13, 16, 19, 51, 159, 236

  Pilate, Pontius, 68, 70

  Pini, Carlo, 178

  Pisanello, 52, 215

  Pittarelli, Giulio, 202–203

  Pius II, 9, 70, 92–94, 107, 109, 200

  as Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, 93

  and Piero, 101–102

  plague, 36, 38, 48, 62, 111–112, 114

  plague saints, 111

  Plato, xiii, 11–13, 26, 40, 95, 243

  and Aristotle, 40, 72, 126, 153–154, 216

  and Euclid, 65–66

  Republic, The, 95, 227, 258

  and science, 128, 155–156, 280

  and Sun, 73

  Timaeus, 11, 12, 65–66, 153, 155, 156, 227, 287

  Platonic Academy, 95, 142

  Platonism, xiii, 93–100, 107–109, 151–154, 184–186, 226–227, 278–281, 283–285

  Christian, xi, 7, 30, 40, 85, 94, 101, 107, 218

  as dualism, xi, 96, 100, 109, 226

  memory in, 128, 245

  and science subculture, 100, 130, 153, 154, 156, 283

  sensible and intelligible in, xi, 96–97, 109, 124–125, 130, 227, 277

  as theology, 97, 108, 226

  See also Ficino, Marsilio; Neoplatonism

  Plethon, Gemistos, 40, 57

  Pliny, 28, 270

  Plotinus, 96

  Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 132

  polyhedra, 11, 63, 93

  Archimedean, 65, 66, 94, 124, 144, 155

  Platonic (five regular), 66, 122–124

  polyptych. See altarpiece

  Pope-Hennessy, John, 230

  Popper, Karl, 223, 258

  Open Society and Its Enemies, The, 258

  Porphyry, 96

  positivism, 210–212, 219, 220–225, 227–228, 230, 244

  postmodernism, 219, 237, 229

  Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 174–175, 198

  Proclus, 96

  Protestant, 137, 141, 155, 166, 177, 225–257

  psychology, 128, 216, 219, 226, 233, 241–243, 279–281

  counterintuitive, 83, 243, 249, 281

  imagination, 98, 153, 185–186, 211, 249, 278

  innate ideas, 19, 73, 128, 151, 160–161, 216, 280

  intuition, 151, 153, 185–186, 211, 218–219, 227, 242, 279–280

  intuitive dualism, 280

  intuitive essentialism, 280

  Locke’s, 161

  memory, 128–129, 228, 238, 241, 245–246, 250, 282

  Platonist, 153, 160, 218, 243

  religious, 226

  social, 237

  of vision, 157, 211, 221, 223–224, 239, 248

  See also Idea; Kant, Immanuel; Locke, John; philosophical Realism

  Pythagoras, 11, 12, 65, 127

  Pythagorean theorem, 12, 65


  Queen of Sheba, 81, 84

  Queen Victoria, xxii, 170, 282


  Ramboux, Antoine, 169

  Ranke, Leopold von, 172

  Raphael, 114, 122, 142, 194

  Passavant biography of, 170–172

  Piero and, 101– 102, 141, 164, 173, 192

  See also pre–Raphaelite; Pre–Raphaelite Brotherhood

  Reformation, 99, 129, 133, 137, 257

  Rembrandt, 83, 192, 246


  art education, 4, 14, 16

  grammar education, 10–11

  High, 132, 141, 147, 167, 193, 199, 224

  religion, 6–7, 26, 44, 99, 129

  sermons, 30–31, 76, 142

  Renaissance News, 259

  Renaissance Society of America, 260

  Revolutions of 1848, xvi, 175, 190

  Reynolds, Joshua, 167

  risorgimento, xvi

  Robinson, John Charles, xviii–xxiii, 180–182, 261, 277

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 204

  Roman Catholicism, 4, 34, 39, 94, 154–155, 177, 256, 257

  Roman Empire, 6, 8, 81, 96, 167

  Rome, 56, 81, 92–102, 118, 200, 208, 213, 267–268

  and antiquity, 7–8, 162

  artists in, 15, 38, 92, 169, 171

  and Grand Tour, 166–167

  papal return to, 17, 23–26, 34

  sack of, 142, 145

  the Medici and, 146

  Rossetti, Christina, 175

  Rossetti, Dante, 175

  Rossetti, Gabriele, 175

  Royal Academy of Art, 167, 171, 174, 175

  Royal Society, 158

  Rucellai, Giobanni, 21


lcro, 3, 5, 45

  Santa Maria Maggiore, 101, 200

  Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, xvii–xviii, 37, 179, 268

  Santi, Giovanni, 114

  Cronica Rimata, 114

  Savonarola, Girolamo, 142

  scholasticism, 44, 95, 155

  scientism, 279, 283

  Second World War, 217, 219, 253, 256–257, 259, 261

  Seurat, Georges, 195–197, 199, 207, 209–210, 246

  Bathers at Asnières, 195–196

  La Grande Jatte, 196

  Sforza, Battista, 115–119, 181

  Sforza dynasty, 49, 115, 144Shelley, 167

  Siena, xvii, 21, 42, 75–76, 178

  Palazzo Pubblico of, 10, 75

  and Sienese art, 10, 15, 41, 163, 205

  skepticism, 72, 100, 160, 184, 223, 283

  Solomon, 81, 82

  soul, 26, 40, 85, 96–97, 108, 128, 161, 238

  transmigration of, 95

  South Kensington Museum, xix, 181

  Spain, 21, 51

  Squarcione, Francesco, 134

  St. Anthony of Padua, 21, 89–90

  St. Augustine, 30, 229

  St. Briget, 131

  St. Clare, 90

  St. Egidio Church, 37, 179, 268

  St. Elizabeth, 90

  St. Francis, 20, 79, 90

  St. Nicholas of Tolentino, 86

  St. Sigismondo, 57–58

  State Archives (Florence), xvii, 179, 254, 266–268

  Stoic, 94, 175

  symmetry, 58, 112, 128–129, 265


  taste, 163, 167, 188–184

  See also connoisseur; Beauty

  theology, 11–13, 19–21, 30–31, 39, 73–75, 99, 154–155, 184–186

  in art, 43, 44, 58, 79, 133, 226

  of double truth, 129

  and infinity, 126

  modern, 225–226, 237, 281

  Platonist, 97, 107–108, 226

  public, 256–257

  as queen of sciences, 63

  Tiber River, 28

  Tiber Valley, xx, 5, 9, 44, 168, 205, 262

  Tillich, Paul, 226

  Tintoretto, 208

  Titian, 141, 208

  transcendentalism, 83, 185, 219, 225–226, 242, 249, 277–280

  Traversari, Ambrogio, 13, 25–26, 35–37, 40, 49, 107

  Vitae philosophorum, 26

  Trevelyan, Walter, 176

  Turner, Joseph, 168

  Tuscany, xix, 12, 54, 62, 111, 180, 277

  vernacular of, 29, 38, 61, 103, 116, 123, 143


  Uccello, Paolo, 114, 148, 177, 179

  Battle of San Romano, 177

  Uffizi Gallery, xvii, 171, 181, 273

  Umbria, 14, 62, 67, 118, 205, 269, 277

  United States, 88, 203, 217, 253, 259, 274, 284

  University of Hamburg, 215–217

  University of London, 217, 255

  University of Michigan, 354, 260

  University of North Carolina, 260

  University of Rochester, 260


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